<?php // Ryzom Core - MMORPG Framework <http://ryzom.dev/> // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. include_once('utils.php'); // ------------------------------------- // add a new thread into user forum index // ------------------------------------- function add_thread_to_forum_index(&$from, &$to, &$subject, &$index) { global $shard; $to_dir = get_user_dir($to, $shard); $to_index = $to_dir.'forum.index'; use_index($to_index); $f = fopen($to_index, 'r+'); read_next_index($f, $index); append_to_index($f, trim($from).'%%'.strtr(trim($subject), "\n", " ").' %%".displayable_date()."%%1%%'.$index); update_next_index($f, $index+1); fclose($f); } // ------------------------------------- // create new thread index // ------------------------------------- function create_thread(&$from, &$to, &$subject, &$index) { global $shard; $to_dir = get_user_dir($to, $shard); // build mail message $array = array(); write_index($to_dir."thread_$index.index", trim($from).'%%'.strtr(trim($subject), "\n", " ").' %%'.displayable_date(), $array); } // ------------------------------------- // remove thread // ------------------------------------- function remove_thread($forum, $thread) { global $shard; $forum_dir = get_user_dir($forum, $shard); read_index($forum_dir.'forum.index', $header, $array); for ($i=0; $i<count($array); ++$i) if (trim($array[$i][4]) != trim($thread)) $newarray[] = $array[$i]; write_index($forum_dir.'forum.index', $header, $newarray); $compare = 'thread_'.$thread; $len = strlen($compare); if ($dir = @opendir($forum_dir)) { while($file = readdir($dir)) if (!strncmp($file, $compare, $len)) rename($forum_dir.$file, $forum_dir.'_'.$file); closedir($dir); } build_forum_page($forum); } // ------------------------------------- // add post to thread // ------------------------------------- function add_post(&$from, &$to, &$content, &$index, &$last_date) { global $shard; $to_dir = get_user_dir($to, $shard); // build mail message $last_date = displayable_date(); $fname = $to_dir."thread_$index.index"; $f = fopen($fname, "a+"); append_to_index($f, trim($from).'%%'.trim($content).' %%'.$last_date); fclose($f); } // ------------------------------------- // remove post // ------------------------------------- function remove_post($forum, $thread, $posts) { global $shard; $forum_dir = get_user_dir($forum, $shard); read_index($forum_dir.'thread_'.$thread.'.index', $header, $array); sort($posts); $remove_post = 0; for ($i=0; $i<count($array); ++$i) if ($remove_post >= count($posts) || $i != $posts[$remove_post]) $newarray[] = $array[$i]; else ++$remove_post; write_index($forum_dir.'thread_'.$thread.'.index', $header, $newarray); build_thread_page($forum, $thread, $num_posts); update_forum_index($forum, $thread, $num_posts, ""); build_forum_page($forum); } // ------------------------------------- // update forum index after a thread is modified // ------------------------------------- function update_forum_index($user, $thread, $num_posts, $last_date) { global $shard; $user_dir = get_user_dir($user, $shard); $user_index = $user_dir.'forum.index'; // read forum index read_index($user_index, $header, $threads); // search for thread line for ($i=0; $i<count($threads); ++$i) { if (trim($threads[$i][4]) == trim($thread)) { $threads[$i][2] = $last_date; $threads[$i][3] = $num_posts; } } // write forum index write_index($user_index, $header, $threads); } // ------------------------------------- // rebuild whole forum index // ------------------------------------- function build_forum_index($forum) { global $shard; $forum_dir = get_user_dir($forum, $shard); $forum_index = $forum_dir.'forum.index'; read_index($forum_index, $header, $threads); $threads = array(); $browse_dir = opendir($forum_dir); while ($browse_dir && ($browse_file = readdir($browse_dir))) { if (ereg("^thread_([0-9]*)\.index", $browse_file, $regs)) { echo "added $browse_file to forum<br>\n"; $index = $regs[1]; read_index($forum_dir.$browse_file, $fheader, $posts); $fhdr = explode('%%', $fheader); $threads[$index] = trim($fhdr[0]).'%%'.trim($fhdr[1]).'%%'.trim($fhdr[2]).'%%'.count($posts).'%%'.$index; } } $icontent = array(); for ($i=0; $i<$header; ++$i) { if ($threads[$i] == '') continue; $icontent[] = array($threads[$i]); } write_index($forum_index, $header, $icontent); build_forum_page($forum); } // ------------------------------------- // recover all deleted threads // ------------------------------------- function recover_thread($forum) { global $shard; $forum_dir = get_user_dir($forum, $shard); $browse_dir = opendir($forum_dir); while ($browse_dir && ($browse_file = readdir($browse_dir))) { if (ereg("^_thread_([0-9]*)\.(index|html)", $browse_file)) { echo "recover file $browse_file<br>\n"; rename($forum_dir.'/'.$browse_file, $forum_dir.'/'.substr($browse_file, 1)); } } build_forum_index($forum); } // ------------------------------------- // recover all deleted threads // ------------------------------------- function recover_one_thread($forum, $thread) { global $shard; $forum_dir = get_user_dir($forum, $shard); if (file_exists($forum_dir.$thread)) { rename($forum_dir.$thread, $forum_dir.substr($thread, 1)); build_forum_index($forum); } else if (file_exists($forum_dir.'_thread_'.$thread.'.index')) { $file = 'thread_'.$thread.'.index'; rename($forum_dir.'_'.$file, $forum_dir.$file); if (file_exists($forum_dir.'_thread_'.$thread.'.html')) { $file = 'thread_'.$thread.'.html'; rename($forum_dir.'_'.$file, $forum_dir.$file); } build_forum_index(nameToFile($forum)); } } // ------------------------------------- // rename forum // ------------------------------------- function rename_forum($forum, $into) { global $shard; $olddir = build_user_dir($forum); $newdir = build_user_dir($into); $dir = opendir($olddir); while ($dir && ($file = readdir($dir))) $files[] = $file; foreach ($files as $file) { copy($olddir.'/'.$file, $newdir.'/'.$file); delete($olddir.'/'.$file); } build_forum_page($into); } // ------------------------------------- // rebuild user mail box pages // ------------------------------------- function build_forum_page($forum) { global $shard; $forum_dir = get_user_dir($forum, $shard); $forum_index = $forum_dir.'forum.index'; // open forum index read_index($forum_index, $header, $threads); $num_threads = count($threads); $num_per_page = 10; $num_pages = (int)(($num_threads+$num_per_page-1) / $num_per_page); $thread = $num_threads-1; $num_in_page = 0; $page = 0; $altern_color = array("#333333", "#666666"); $links_str = ''; read_template('forum_main.html', $forum_main); read_template('forum_topic.html', $forum_topic); read_template('browse_link.html', $browse_link); do { $inst_topic = ''; $num_in_page = 0; $altern_index = 0; while ($num_in_page < 10 && $thread >= 0) { $t = &$threads[$thread]; // replace in topic $subject = ucfirst(displayable_string($t[1])); $inst_topic .= str_replace(array('%%SUBJECT%%', '%%SENDER%%', '%%UCSENDER%%', '%%NUMPOSTS%%', '%%DATE%%', '%%FORUM%%', '%%UCFORUM%%', '%%THREAD%%', '%%COLOR%%'), array(ucfirst($subject), $t[0], ucfirst($t[0]), $t[3], $t[2], nameToURL($forum), convert_forum_name($forum), $t[4], $altern_color[$altern_index]), $forum_topic); // step to next thread ++$num_in_page; --$thread; $altern_index = 1-$altern_index; } $links_str = ''; $link_previous = ($page == 0 ? "forum.php?page=".$page : "forum.php?page=".($page-1)); for ($i=0; $i<$num_pages; ++$i) { $link = ($i == $page ? $i+1 : "<a href='forum.php?page=$i'>".($i+1)."</a>"); $links_str .= str_replace(array('%%LINK%%'), array($link), $browse_link); } $link_next = (($page == $num_pages-1 || $num_pages <= 1) ? "forum.php?page=".$page : "forum.php?page=".($page+1)); // replace in forum $inst_forum = str_replace(array('%%TOPICS%%', '%%FORUM_POST%%', '%%FORUM%%', '%%UCFORUM%%', '%%PREVIOUS%%', '%%LINKS%%', '%%NEXT%%'), array($inst_topic, $forum, nameToURL($forum), convert_forum_name($forum), $link_previous, $links_str, $link_next), $forum_main); $pagename = $forum_dir.'forum'.($page==0 ? '' : '_'.$page).'.html'; $f = fopen($pagename, 'w'); fwrite($f, $inst_forum); fclose($f); ++$page; } while ($thread >= 0); } // ------------------------------------- // rebuild user mail box pages // ------------------------------------- function build_thread_page($forum, $thread, &$num_posts) { global $shard; $thread_dir = get_user_dir($forum, $shard); $thread_index = $thread_dir."thread_$thread.index"; // open thread index read_index($thread_index, $header, $posts); $header = explode('%%', $header); $thread_subject = $header[1]; $num_posts = count($posts); $num_per_page = 10; $num_pages = (int)(($num_posts+$num_per_page-1) / $num_per_page); $post = 0; $page = 0; $altern_color = array("#333333", "#666666"); $altern_index = 0; $links_str = ''; read_template('topic_main.html', $topic_main); read_template('topic_post.html', $topic_post); read_template('browse_link.html', $browse_link); do { $num_in_page = 0; $inst_post = ''; while ($num_in_page < 10 && $post < $num_posts) { $p = &$posts[$post]; $content = nl2br(displayable_content($p[1])); $inst_post .= str_replace(array('%%FORUM%%', '%%UCFORUM%%', '%%SENDER%%', '%%UCSENDER%%', '%%DATE%%', '%%CONTENT%%', '%%POST%%', '%%COLOR%%'), array(nameToURL($forum), convert_forum_name($forum), $p[0], ucfirst($p[0]), $p[2], $content, $post, $altern_color[$altern_index]), $topic_post); // step to next post ++$num_in_page; ++$post; $altern_index = 1-$altern_index; } $links_str = ''; $link_previous = ($page == 0 ? "thread.php?thread=$thread&page=".$page : "thread.php?thread=$thread&page=".($page-1)); for ($i=0; $i<$num_pages; ++$i) { $link = ($i == $page ? $i+1 : "<a href='thread.php?thread=$thread&page=$i'>".($i+1)."</a>"); $links_str .= str_replace(array('%%LINK%%'), array($link), $browse_link); } $link_next = (($page == $num_pages-1 || $num_pages <= 1) ? "thread.php?thread=$thread&page=".$page : "thread.php?thread=$thread&page=".($page+1)); $inst_topic = str_replace(array('%%POSTS%%', '%%FORUM_POST%%', '%%FORUM%%', '%%UCFORUM%%', '%%THREAD%%', '%%PREVIOUS%%', '%%LINKS%%', '%%NEXT%%', '%%SUBJECT%%'), array($inst_post, $forum, nameToURL($forum), convert_forum_name($forum), $thread, $link_previous, $links_str, $link_next, ucfirst($thread_subject)), $topic_main); $pagename = $thread_dir."thread_$thread".($page==0 ? '' : '_'.$page).'.html'; $f = fopen($pagename, 'w'); fwrite($f, $inst_topic); fclose($f); ++$page; } while ($post < $num_posts); } ?>