Commit Graph

50 Commits (0b110c6a88f32960c197cff90256cec8141430ee)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Nimetu c228349098 Added: Personal projects directory
branch : develop
Tobias Peters 5ddf333954 Merged github:zerotacg/ryzomcore/feature/travis-ci
branch : feature-travis-ci
Tobias Peters 7f955239b0 removed duplicated ignores
branch : issue-remove-duplicated-ignores
kaetemi adb717052a Add cartographer
branch : develop
kaetemi b5a95d725b Add pz process
branch : develop
botanic 52885f20e0 Fix for stupid loop
botanic f20415a3b6 update hgignore
botanic 2311731fae Upload button setup
TODO: add files to database
TODO: hash folder to stick files in
botanic dee11a74c9 updated hgignore as well as fixed php errors
dfighter1985 a810b29ec7 Merged default.
branch : gsoc2014-dfighter
botanic 64fafda9bc updated hgignore
dfighter1985 8373118c7e Merged default.
branch : gsoc2014-dfighter
kervala ba3d0dd1b9 Changed: Add build_vc* in .hgignore
dfighter1985 e6569049e9 Same as before...
branch : gsoc2014-dfighter
dfighter1985 3c72598645 Readding core plugin that was missing because of a hgignore entry.
branch : gsoc2014-dfighter
kaetemi 5f49910902 Some more files to ignore
kaetemi c07a108ed5 Ignore pipeline files
branch : build_pipeline_py
kaetemi 7f76cb7cec Hg ignore buildsite configuration
kaetemi 207d7323ce Fix Qt build on Windows
botanic 42ad8ad91c added is_installed to ignore list
Botanic 55fd851648 added some hgignore settings
Botanic 39199221a2 added config.php to hgignore
branch : rc-botanic-webdev
Quitta 1b9f09bc52 Added more documentations, this time also the inc/func files are documented and changed the doxygen config file with the help of Botanic
branch : quitta-gsoc-2013
Quitta d055a15f29 added documentation for assigned, dblayer and forwarded class
branch : quitta-gsoc-2013
Quitta 4f2219eb7a started working on the module + small addition
branch : quitta-gsoc-2013
Botanic af6dac032b added .tpl.php and removed extra files
branch : rc-botanic-webdev
Botanic e66c77470f updated files that were not merged
branch : rc-botanic-webdev
Botanic 43e373fdcd added old to hgignore
branch : rc-botanic-webdev
sfb 1d35fd5b7b Additional build path ignore.
sfb 1279aa5d3a merge from default
branch : gsoc2011-kerozcak
Krolock cf84911a8a Changed: added thumbs.db to hgignore
kerozcak 4d7293d0f5 Changed: Adding work i have done so far.
branch : gsoc2011-kerozcak
kervala c9ca9c6a9b Changed: User can now have 2 externals: external and external_stlport, it will use the correct one
"Matt Raykowski" e2b15852e4 Changed: Added 'install' to the list of ignored folders.
kervala 75ff39943f Added: build/* to .hgignore
mattraykowski 91131af290 Changed: Altered the .hgignore to ignore the build and 3rdParty folders for the new code/CMakeLists.txt build
kervala b53426dd17 Changed: Added more filters to .hgignore
rti 6d8e0c2586 Added *.pc to .hgignore
rti a075387229 Changed: replaced *.cmake wildcard to not ignore Find*.cmake scripts
rti fd3e616d88 Added: some mac related stuff to .hgignore
vl 53579fdd52 Added: some ignore filter
Removed: hgignore in the code directory
vl 059637247a Added: *.so
vl e9bad1586d Added: even more ignore files
vl 90fb608414 Added: ignore the external directory
vl dfc1b95c34 Fixed: changed the .so* into .so.* ec2b298506 Added: Ryzom server cache and save to ignore. 5cce8490ad Fixed: added more ignore files a526d76105 Changed: Some more .hgignore entries. 0ef7935d57 Changed: More entries for .hgignore file. b7585a6dfd Added: The .hgignore file.