@ -718,6 +718,14 @@ namespace NLGUI
std::string finalUrl;
// ...==
if (startsWith(url, "data:image/"))
setImage(img, decodeURIComponent(url), type);
setImageSize(img, style);
// load the image from local files/bnp
std::string image = CFile::getPath(url) + CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(url) + ".tga";
if (lookupLocalFile(finalUrl, image.c_str(), false))
@ -3137,45 +3145,67 @@ namespace NLGUI
// Load only tga files.. (conversion in dds filename is done in the lookup procedure)
string normal = normalBitmap.empty()?"":CFile::getPath(normalBitmap) + CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(normalBitmap) + ".tga";
// if the image doesn't exist on local, we check in the cache
// if(!CFile::fileExists(normal))
std::string normal;
if (startsWith(normalBitmap, "data:image/"))
// search in the compressed texture
CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
sint32 id = rVR.getTextureIdFromName(normal);
if(id == -1)
normal = decodeURIComponent(normalBitmap);
// Load only tga files.. (conversion in dds filename is done in the lookup procedure)
normal = normalBitmap.empty()?"":CFile::getPath(normalBitmap) + CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(normalBitmap) + ".tga";
// if the image doesn't exist on local, we check in the cache
normal = localImageName(normalBitmap);
addImageDownload(normalBitmap, ctrlButton, style);
// search in the compressed texture
CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
sint32 id = rVR.getTextureIdFromName(normal);
if(id == -1)
normal = localImageName(normalBitmap);
addImageDownload(normalBitmap, ctrlButton, style);
string pushed = pushedBitmap.empty()?"":CFile::getPath(pushedBitmap) + CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(pushedBitmap) + ".tga";
// if the image doesn't exist on local, we check in the cache, don't download it because the "normal" will already setuped it
// if(!CFile::fileExists(pushed))
std::string pushed;
if (startsWith(pushedBitmap, "data:image/"))
pushed = decodeURIComponent(pushedBitmap);
// search in the compressed texture
CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
sint32 id = rVR.getTextureIdFromName(pushed);
if(id == -1)
pushed = pushedBitmap.empty()?"":CFile::getPath(pushedBitmap) + CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(pushedBitmap) + ".tga";
// if the image doesn't exist on local, we check in the cache, don't download it because the "normal" will already setuped it
pushed = localImageName(pushedBitmap);
// search in the compressed texture
CViewRenderer &rVR = *CViewRenderer::getInstance();
sint32 id = rVR.getTextureIdFromName(pushed);
if(id == -1)
pushed = localImageName(pushedBitmap);
string over = overBitmap.empty()?"":CFile::getPath(overBitmap) + CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(overBitmap) + ".tga";
// schedule mouseover bitmap for download if its different from normal
if (!over.empty() && !CPath::exists(over))
std::string over;
if (startsWith(overBitmap, "data:image/"))
if (overBitmap != normalBitmap)
over = decodeURIComponent(overBitmap);
over = overBitmap.empty()?"":CFile::getPath(overBitmap) + CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(overBitmap) + ".tga";
// schedule mouseover bitmap for download if its different from normal
if (!over.empty() && !CPath::exists(over))
over = localImageName(overBitmap);
addImageDownload(overBitmap, ctrlButton, style, OverImage);
if (overBitmap != normalBitmap)
over = localImageName(overBitmap);
addImageDownload(overBitmap, ctrlButton, style, OverImage);