Added: New tool textures_tool to produce diffuse, normal, specular, etc... textures from an UV template and seamless textures or colorize a texture with a color
--HG-- branch : developfeature/pipeline-tools
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
FILE(GLOB SRC *.cpp *.h)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(textures_tool ${SRC})
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(textures_tool nelmisc)
NL_DEFAULT_PROPS(textures_tool "NeL, Tools, 3D: Textures Tool")
@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/file.h"
#include "nel/misc/common.h"
#include "nel/misc/bitmap.h"
#include "nel/misc/path.h"
#include "nel/misc/cmd_args.h"
#include "nel/misc/vector_2d.h"
struct CPoint
CPoint(sint _x, sint _y) :x(_x), y(_y)
CPoint operator + (const CPoint &p) const
return CPoint(x + p.x, y + p.y);
sint x;
sint y;
const CPoint Up(0, -1);
const CPoint Down(0, 1);
const CPoint Left(-1, 0);
const CPoint Right(1, 0);
const NLMISC::CRGBA DiscardColor = NLMISC::CRGBA::Red;
const NLMISC::CRGBA KeepColor = NLMISC::CRGBA::Blue;
typedef std::vector<CPoint> CPoints;
bool fillPoint(NLMISC::CBitmap &bitmap, sint width, CPoints &points)
if (points.empty()) return false;
// take last point in queue
CPoint p(points.back());
NLMISC::CRGBA c = bitmap.getPixelColor(p.x, p.y);
if (c == NLMISC::CRGBA::White)
// white is used for background
// replace with color we want to discard
bitmap.setPixelColor(p.x, p.y, DiscardColor);
uint w = bitmap.getWidth();
uint h = bitmap.getHeight();
// put adjacent pixels in queue to process later
if (p.y > 0) points.push_back(p + Up);
if (p.y < h-1) points.push_back(p + Down);
if (p.x > 0) points.push_back(p + Left);
if (p.x < w-1) points.push_back(p + Right);
else if (c == NLMISC::CRGBA::Black)
// black is used for vertices
// increase them by border width
for (sint y = -width; y <= width; ++y)
for (sint x = -width; x <= width; ++x)
bitmap.setPixelColor(p.x + x, p.y + y, KeepColor);
return true;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
NLMISC::CApplicationContext applicationContext;
// Parse Command Line.
NLMISC::CCmdArgs args;
args.setDescription("Textures tool");
args.addArg("c", "colorize", "color", "Colorize textures using a color (in HTML hexdecimal format like #rrggbb)");
args.addArg("f", "fill", "color or image", "Fill background part with color or image");
args.addArg("w", "width", "width of border", "Width of the border to fill (default 0)");
args.addArg("b", "background", "background color", "Color to use to fill background");
args.addArg("o", "output", "filename", "Output filename");
args.addAdditionalArg("filename", "File to process", true, true);
if (!args.parse(argc, argv)) return 1;
std::string filename = args.getAdditionalArg("filename").front();
std::string output = args.haveArg("o") ? args.getArg("o").front() : "";
if (args.haveArg("c"))
// colorize
NLMISC::CIFile file;
if (
NLMISC::CBitmap bitmap;
if (bitmap.load(file))
NLMISC::CObjectVector<uint8> &pixels = bitmap.getPixels();
uint32 size = bitmap.getSize();
for (uint j = 0; j < size; ++j)
// TODO: find what computation do
// *(pRGBA++)-> = color;
NLMISC::COFile out;
if (
bitmap.writePNG(out, 24);
if (args.haveArg("f"))
// fill areas in a bitmap with another texture or color
// for example :
// textures_tool -f normal.png -w 2 -b #000000 uvmap.png -o test_normal.png
// will use a copy 1024x1024 texture map on a 4096x4096 UV Map preserving the different areas
std::string foregroundColorOrFilename = args.getArg("f").front();
NLMISC::CRGBA foregroundColor = NLMISC::CRGBA::Black, backgroundColor = NLMISC::CRGBA::Black;
NLMISC::CBitmap textureBitmap;
bool useTexture = false;
// f parameter is required
if (NLMISC::CFile::fileExists(foregroundColorOrFilename))
// load texture
NLMISC::CIFile textureFile;
if (!
nlwarning("Unable to open %s", foregroundColorOrFilename.c_str());
return 1;
// decode texture
if (!textureBitmap.load(textureFile))
nlwarning("Unable to decode %s", foregroundColorOrFilename.c_str());
return 1;
useTexture = true;
// parse color from argument
if (args.haveArg("b"))
// parse HTML color from argument
sint width = 0;
if (args.haveArg("w"))
// parse width of borders
NLMISC::fromString(args.getArg("w").front(), width);
// load bitmap
NLMISC::CIFile file;
if (!
nlwarning("Unable to open %s", filename.c_str());
return 1;
// decode bitmap
NLMISC::CBitmap inBitmap;
if (!inBitmap.load(file))
nlwarning("Unable to decode %s", filename.c_str());
return 1;
CPoints Points;
// we can't have more than width * height points, so allocate memory for all of them
Points.reserve(inBitmap.getWidth() * inBitmap.getHeight());
// first point to process
Points.push_back(CPoint(0, 0));
// process all points from 0, 0
while(fillPoint(inBitmap, width, Points)) { }
// create a new bitmap for output
NLMISC::CBitmap outBitmap;
outBitmap.resize(inBitmap.getWidth(), inBitmap.getHeight());
// copy points colors to new bitmap
for (sint y = 0, h = inBitmap.getHeight(); y < h; ++y)
for (sint x = 0, w = inBitmap.getWidth(); x < w; ++x)
if (inBitmap.getPixelColor(x, y) != DiscardColor)
// we copy this point, repeat texture image if using it
outBitmap.setPixelColor(x, y, useTexture ? textureBitmap.getPixelColor(x % textureBitmap.getWidth(), y % textureBitmap.getHeight()) : foregroundColor);
// put a background color
outBitmap.setPixelColor(x, y, backgroundColor);
// save output bitmap
NLMISC::COFile outFile;
if (
outBitmap.writePNG(outFile, 24);
return 0;
Reference in New Issue