<leafname="USE_ITEM"sendto="EGS"format="u16"description="client wants to use teleport in the specified bag slot or consume an item to trigger its effect"/>
<leafname="STOP_USE_XP_CAT"sendto="EGS"format="b"description="client wants to stop using xp catalyser"/>
<leafname="LOCK"sendto="EGS"format="u8 u16 b"description="lock or unlock an item. inventory, slot, lock"/>
<leafname="RENAME"sendto="EGS"format="u8 u16 b s"description="change an item name to a phrase or literal. inventory, slot, literal, name"/>
<leafname="WRITE"sendto="EGS"format="u8 u16 s"description="wrrite a crafter's message. inventory, slot, text"/>
<leafname="WRITE"sendto="EGS"format="u8 u16 s"description="write a crafter's message. inventory, slot, text"/>
<leafname="RESPAWN"sendto="EGS"format=""description="teleport the player to his respawn point"/>
NLMISC_COMMAND(eventSetItemName,"change an item name to a phrase or literal (e.g.: /a eventSetItemName bag 5 1 \"Shield of Destruction\", /a eventSetItemName bag 5 0 shield_ep2_kami250_1)","<eId> <inventory> <slot in inventory> <literal> <name>")
log.displayNL("Invalid character '%s'",args[0].c_str());