Added: #1469 Implementation of the static step

branch : gsoc2012-fabien
Fabien_HENON 13 years ago
parent d833a222c5
commit c29dc1bf43

@ -75,7 +75,35 @@ public:
/// Function that plays the step
virtual TCameraAnimationInfo updateStep(const TCameraAnimationInfo& currCamInfo)
return currCamInfo;
TCameraAnimationInfo camInfo;
// We don't change the position
camInfo.CamPos = currCamInfo.CamPos;
float ratio = currCamInfo.ElapsedTimeSinceStartStep / getDuration();
// We compute the starting look at direction
NLMISC::CVector startDir = currCamInfo.CamLookAtDir - currCamInfo.CamPos;
// We compute the final look at direction
NLMISC::CVector finalDir = resolvePositionOrEntityPosition(LookAtPos) - currCamInfo.CamPos;
// We compute a vector that goes from the starting look at dir to the final look at dir
NLMISC::CVector startToFinal = finalDir - startDir;
// We multiply this vector by the ratio so that we can have a vector that represent the current position we are looking at
startToFinal = startToFinal * ratio;
// We compute the position we are looking at
NLMISC::CVector currLookAtPos = startDir + startToFinal;
// We compute the direction
camInfo.CamLookAtDir = currLookAtPos - camInfo.CamPos;
return camInfo;
virtual void stopStep()
