Improve CCmdArgs (a generic command line parser in NeL Misc), fixes #257

branch : develop
kervala 9 years ago
parent c8c563807d
commit b7fe07d781

@ -31,36 +31,86 @@ namespace NLMISC
class CCmdArgs
/// Sets the command line and init _Args variable. You must call this before calling main()
void setArgs (int argc, const char **argv);
/// Sets the command line and init _Args variable. You must call this before calling main()
void setArgs (const char *args);
struct TArg
std::string shortName; // short argument. Eg: o for -o
std::string longName; // long argument. Eg: output for --output
std::string helpName; // name of argument in help. Eg: <output directory>
std::string helpDescription; // description of argument in help. Eg: Specifies the directory where to write generated files
bool found; // all values for this argument
std::vector<std::string> values; // all values for this argument
typedef std::vector<TArg> TArgs;
/// Add a TArg structure to arguments list.
void addArg(const TArg &arg);
/// Add an full argument to arguments list.
/// shortName is "p" of the argument is -p
/// longName is "print" of the argument is --print
/// helpName is the name that will be displayed in help if it's a required argument
/// helpDescription is the description of the argument that will be displayed in help
void addArg(const std::string &shortName, const std::string &longName, const std::string &helpName, const std::string &helpDescription);
/// Add a required argument to arguments list.
/// helpName is the name that will be displayed in help if it's a required argument
/// helpDescription is the description of the argument that will be displayed in help
void addArg(const std::string &helpName, const std::string &helpDescription);
/// Parse the command line from main() parameters argc and argv and process default arguments.
bool parse(int argc, char **argv);
/// Parse the command line from a std::string and process default arguments.
bool parse(const std::string &args);
/// Parse the command linefrom a std::vector<std::string> and process default arguments.
bool parse(const std::vector<std::string> &args);
/// Returns arguments of the program pass from the user to the program using parameters (ie: "myprog param1 param2")
const NLMISC::CVectorSString &getArgs () const { return _Args; }
const TArgs& getArgs() const { return _Args; }
/// Returns true if the argument if present in the command line (ie: haveArg('p') will return true if -p is in the command line)
bool haveArg (char argName) const;
/// Returns true if the argument if present in the command line (ie: haveArg("p") will return true if -p is in the command line)
bool haveArg(const std::string &argName) const;
/** Returns the parameter linked to an option
* getArg('p') will return toto if -ptoto is in the command line
* getArg('p') will return C:\Documents and Settings\toto.tmp if -p"C:\Documents and Settings\toto.tmp" is in the command line
* It'll thrown an Exception if the argName is not found
/** Returns the parameters linked to an option
* getArg("p") will return toto if -ptoto is in the command line
* getArg("p") will return C:\Documents and Settings\toto.tmp if -p"C:\Documents and Settings\toto.tmp" is in the command line
std::string getArg (char argName) const;
std::vector<std::string> getArg(const std::string &argName) const;
/// return true if named long arg is present on the commandline
/// eg haveLongArg("toto") returns true if "--toto" or "--toto=xxx" can be found on commandline
bool haveLongArg (const char* argName) const;
bool haveLongArg(const std::string &argName) const;
/// returns the value associated with the given named argument
/// returns values associated with the given named argument
/// both "--toto=xxx" and "--toto xxx" are acceptable
/// quotes round arguments are stripped
std::string getLongArg (const char* argName) const;
std::vector<std::string> getLongArg(const std::string &argName) const;
/// return true if there are arguments that are required
bool needRequiredArg() const;
/// return true if required or optional args are present on the commandline
bool haveRequiredArg() const;
/// Returns all additional required parameters
std::vector<std::string> getRequiredArg() const;
/// Display help of the program.
void displayHelp();
/// Display version of the program.
void displayVersion();
std::string _ProgramName;
/// Array of arguments pass from the command line
NLMISC::CVectorSString _Args;
TArgs _Args;
}; // class CCmdArgs

@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
// Includes
#include "stdmisc.h"
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/sstring.h"
#include "nel/misc/cmd_args.h"
#include "config.h"
#ifdef DEBUG_NEW
#define new DEBUG_NEW
@ -31,114 +31,170 @@
namespace NLMISC
bool CCmdArgs::haveArg(char argName) const
// add help
addArg("h", "help", "", "Display this help");
// add version
addArg("v", "version", "", "Display version of this program");
void CCmdArgs::addArg(const TArg &arg)
void CCmdArgs::addArg(const std::string &shortName, const std::string &longName, const std::string &helpName, const std::string &helpDescription)
for(uint32 i = 0; i < _Args.size(); i++)
TArg arg;
arg.shortName = shortName;
arg.longName = longName;
arg.helpName = helpName;
arg.helpDescription = helpDescription;
arg.found = false;
void CCmdArgs::addArg(const std::string &helpName, const std::string &helpDescription)
TArg arg;
arg.helpName = helpName;
arg.helpDescription = helpDescription;
arg.found = false;
bool CCmdArgs::haveArg(const std::string &argName) const
// process each argument
for(uint i = 0; i < _Args.size(); i)
if(_Args[i].size() >= 2 && _Args[i][0] == '-')
if(_Args[i][1] == argName)
return true;
const TArg &arg = _Args[i];
// return true if long arg found
if (arg.shortName == argName) return arg.found;
return false;
std::string CCmdArgs::getArg(char argName) const
std::vector<std::string> CCmdArgs::getArg(const std::string &argName) const
for(uint32 i = 0; i < _Args.size(); i++)
// process each argument
for(uint i = 0; i < _Args.size(); ++i)
if(_Args[i].size() >= 2 && _Args[i][0] == '-')
if(_Args[i][1] == argName)
/* Remove the first and last '"' :
-c"C:\Documents and Settings\toto.tmp"
will return :
C:\Documents and Settings\toto.tmp
uint begin = 2;
if(_Args[i].size() < 3)
return "";
//throw Exception ("Parameter '-%c' is malformed, missing content", argName);
if(_Args[i][begin] == '"')
// End
uint size = (uint)_Args[i].size();
if(size && _Args[i][size-1] == '"')
size = (uint)(std::max((int)0, (int)size-(int)begin));
return _Args[i].substr(begin, size);
const TArg &arg = _Args[i];
// return values if short arg found
if (arg.shortName == argName && arg.found) return arg.values;
throw Exception("Parameter '-%c' is not found in command line", argName);
// return an empty vector
return std::vector<std::string>();
bool CCmdArgs::haveLongArg(const char* argName) const
bool CCmdArgs::haveLongArg(const std::string &argName) const
for(uint32 i = 0; i < _Args.size(); i++)
// process each argument
for(uint i = 0; i < _Args.size(); ++i)
if(_Args[i].left(2)=="--" && _Args[i].leftCrop(2).splitTo('=')==argName)
const TArg &arg = _Args[i];
// return true if long arg found
if (arg.longName == argName) return arg.found;
return false;
std::vector<std::string> CCmdArgs::getLongArg(const std::string &argName) const
// process each argument
for(uint i = 0; i < _Args.size(); ++i)
const TArg &arg = _Args[i];
// return values if long arg found
if (arg.longName == argName && arg.found) return arg.values;
// return an empty vector
return std::vector<std::string>();
bool CCmdArgs::needRequiredArg() const
// process each argument
for(uint i = 0; i < _Args.size(); ++i)
const TArg &arg = _Args[i];
// they don't have any short or long name, but need a name in help
if (arg.shortName.empty() && arg.longName.empty() && !arg.helpName.empty())
return true;
return false;
std::string CCmdArgs::getLongArg (const char* argName) const
bool CCmdArgs::haveRequiredArg() const
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _Args.size(); i++)
if (_Args[i].left(2)=="--" && _Args[i].leftCrop(2).splitTo('=')==argName)
NLMISC::CSString val= _Args[i].splitFrom('=');
if (!val.empty())
return val.unquoteIfQuoted();
if (i+1<_Args.size() && _Args[i+1].c_str()[0]!='-')
return _Args[i+1].unquoteIfQuoted();
// process each argument
for(uint i = 0; i < _Args.size(); ++i)
const TArg &arg = _Args[i];
return std::string();
// they don't have any short or long name, but need a name in help
if (arg.shortName.empty() && arg.longName.empty() && !arg.helpName.empty())
return !arg.values.empty();
return std::string();
return false;
void CCmdArgs::setArgs(const char *args)
std::vector<std::string> CCmdArgs::getRequiredArg() const
_Args.push_back ("<ProgramName>");
// process each argument
for(uint i = 0; i < _Args.size(); ++i)
const TArg &arg = _Args[i];
// they don't have any short or long name, but need a name in help
if (arg.shortName.empty() && arg.longName.empty() && !arg.helpName.empty())
return arg.values;
// return an empty vector
return std::vector<std::string>();
std::string sargs (args);
bool CCmdArgs::parse(const std::string &args)
std::vector<std::string> argv;
std::string::size_type pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0;
// Look for the first non space character
pos1 = sargs.find_first_not_of (" ", pos2);
pos1 = args.find_first_not_of (" ", pos2);
if(pos1 == std::string::npos) break;
// Look for the first space or "
pos2 = sargs.find_first_of (" \"", pos1);
pos2 = args.find_first_of (" \"", pos1);
if(pos2 != std::string::npos)
// " ?
if(sargs[pos2] == '"')
if(args[pos2] == '"')
// Look for the final \"
pos2 = sargs.find_first_of ("\"", pos2+1);
pos2 = args.find_first_of ("\"", pos2+1);
if(pos2 != std::string::npos)
// Look for the first space
pos2 = sargs.find_first_of (" ", pos2+1);
pos2 = args.find_first_of (" ", pos2+1);
@ -146,18 +202,277 @@ void CCmdArgs::setArgs(const char *args)
// Compute the size of the string to extract
std::string::difference_type length = (pos2 != std::string::npos) ? pos2-pos1 : std::string::npos;
std::string tmp = sargs.substr (pos1, length);
_Args.push_back (tmp);
std::string tmp = args.substr (pos1, length);
argv.push_back (tmp);
while(pos2 != std::string::npos);
return parse(argv);
void CCmdArgs::setArgs(int argc, const char **argv)
bool CCmdArgs::parse(int argc, char **argv)
for (sint i = 0; i < argc; i++)
// convert C strings to STL strings
std::vector<std::string> args;
for(sint i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
_Args.push_back (argv[i]);
return parse(args);
bool CCmdArgs::parse(const std::vector<std::string> &argv)
// no parameters
if (argv.empty()) return false;
// first argument is always the program name
_ProgramName = CFile::getFilename(argv.front());
// arguments count
uint argc = argv.size();
// process each argument
for (sint i = 1; i < argc; i++)
std::string name = argv[i];
// support / and - under Windows, arguments should be at least 2 characters
if (name.size() > 1 && (name[0] == '-' || name[0] == '/'))
if (name.size() > 1 && name[0] == '-')
// it's a long name if using --
bool useLongName = name[0] == '-' && name[1] == '-';
// extract argument name
name = name.substr(useLongName ? 2:1);
std::string value;
if (useLongName)
// look if using = to define value
std::string::size_type pos = name.find('=');
if (pos != std::string::npos)
// value is second part, name the first one
value = name.substr(pos+1);
name = name.substr(0, pos);
else if (name.length() > 1)
value = name.substr(1);
name = name.substr(0, 1);
// process each argument definition
for(uint j = 0; j < _Args.size(); ++j)
TArg &arg = _Args[j];
// only process arguments of the right type
if ((useLongName && name != arg.longName) || (!useLongName && name != arg.shortName)) continue;
// argument is found
arg.found = true;
// another argument is required
if (!arg.helpName.empty())
// if the value hasn't be specified by =
if (value.empty() && i+1 < argc)
// take next argument
value = argv[++i];
// add argument value if not empty
if (!value.empty())
// process each argument definition
for(uint j = 0, len = _Args.size(); j < len; ++j)
TArg &arg = _Args[j];
// only process arguments that don't have a name
if (!arg.shortName.empty() || !arg.longName.empty()) continue;
// in fact, if there are more than one required arguments, all arguments are added in first one to simplify
// process help if requested or if required arguments are missing
if (haveLongArg("help") || (needRequiredArg() && !haveRequiredArg()))
return false;
// process version
if (haveLongArg("version"))
return false;
return true;
void CCmdArgs::displayHelp()
// display program name
printf("Usage: %s ", _ProgramName.c_str());
// display optional parameters
for(uint i = 0; i < _Args.size(); ++i)
const TArg &arg = _Args[i];
// only short argument is displayed
if (!arg.shortName.empty())
printf("[-%s", arg.shortName.c_str());
// a parameter is required
if (!arg.helpName.empty())
printf("<%s>", arg.helpName.c_str());
sint last = -1;
// look for last required argument
for(uint i = 0; i < _Args.size(); ++i)
if (_Args[i].shortName.empty()) last = (sint)i;
// display required arguments
for(uint i = 0; i < _Args.size(); ++i)
const TArg &arg = _Args[i];
// they don't have any short or long name, but need a name in help
if (arg.shortName.empty() && arg.longName.empty() && !arg.helpName.empty())
printf(" <%s>", arg.helpName.c_str());
// if last argument, it can support additional arguments
if ((sint)i == last)
printf(" [%s...]", arg.helpName.c_str());
// display details on each argument
for(uint i = 0; i < _Args.size(); ++i)
const TArg &arg = _Args[i];
// not an optional argument
if (arg.shortName.empty() && arg.longName.empty()) continue;
// a tab
// display short argument
if (!arg.shortName.empty())
printf("-%s", arg.shortName.c_str());
// and it's required argument
if (!arg.helpName.empty())
printf(" <%s>", arg.helpName.c_str());
printf(" or -%s<%s>", arg.shortName.c_str(), arg.helpName.c_str());
// display long argument
if (!arg.longName.empty())
if (!arg.helpName.empty())
// prepend a coma if a short argument was already displayed
if (!arg.shortName.empty())
printf(", ");
// display first syntax for long argument, --arg <value>
printf("--%s <%s>", arg.longName.c_str(), arg.helpName.c_str());
// prepend " or " if 3 formats for argument
if (!arg.shortName.empty() || !arg.helpName.empty())
printf(" or ");
// display second syntax for long argument, --arg=<value>
printf("--%s", arg.longName.c_str());
if (!arg.helpName.empty())
printf("=<%s>", arg.helpName.c_str());
// display argument description
if (!arg.helpDescription.empty())
printf(" : %s", arg.helpDescription.c_str());
// process each argument
for(uint i = 0; i < _Args.size(); ++i)
const TArg &arg = _Args[i];
// only display required arguments
if (arg.shortName.empty() && arg.longName.empty() && !arg.helpName.empty() && !arg.helpDescription.empty())
printf("\t%s : %s\n", arg.helpName.c_str(), arg.helpDescription.c_str());
void CCmdArgs::displayVersion()
// display a verbose version string
printf("%s %s (built on %s)\nCopyright (C) %s\n", _ProgramName.c_str(), NL_VERSION, BUILD_DATE, COPYRIGHT);

@ -24,54 +24,63 @@
#include <nel/3d/register_3d.h>
#include <nel/3d/scene.h>
int printHelp(const NLMISC::CCmdArgs &args)
printf("NeL Mesh Export\n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
NLMISC::CApplicationContext app;
NLMISC::CCmdArgs args;
args.setArgs(argc, (const char **)argv);
if (args.getArgs().size() == 1
|| args.haveArg('h')
|| args.haveLongArg("help"))
return printHelp(args);
args.addArg("d", "dst", "destination", "Destination directory path");
args.addArg("", "dependlog", "log", "Dependencies log path");
args.addArg("", "errorlog", "log", "Errors log path");
args.addArg("filename", "Filename of 3D model to convert");
const NLMISC::CSString &filePath = args.getArgs().back();
if (!NLMISC::CFile::fileExists(filePath))
nlerror("File '%s' does not exist", filePath.c_str());
if (!args.parse(argc, argv)) return EXIT_SUCCESS;
CMeshUtilsSettings settings;
settings.SourceFilePath = filePath;
if (args.haveArg('d'))
settings.DestinationDirectoryPath = args.getArg('d');
if (settings.DestinationDirectoryPath.empty())
settings.DestinationDirectoryPath = args.getLongArg("dst");
if (settings.DestinationDirectoryPath.empty())
settings.DestinationDirectoryPath = filePath + "_export";
settings.DestinationDirectoryPath += "/";
settings.ToolDependLog = args.getLongArg("dependlog");
if (settings.ToolDependLog.empty())
settings.ToolDependLog = settings.DestinationDirectoryPath + "depend.log";
settings.ToolErrorLog = args.getLongArg("errorlog");
if (settings.ToolErrorLog.empty())
settings.ToolErrorLog = settings.DestinationDirectoryPath + "error.log";
const std::vector<std::string> &filePathes = args.getRequiredArg();
return exportScene(settings);
sint res = 0;
for(uint i = 0; i < filePathes.size(); ++i)
std::string filePath = filePathes[i];
if (!NLMISC::CFile::fileExists(filePath))
nlerror("File '%s' does not exist", filePath.c_str());
CMeshUtilsSettings settings;
settings.SourceFilePath = filePath;
if (args.haveArg("d"))
settings.DestinationDirectoryPath = args.getArg("d").front();
if (settings.DestinationDirectoryPath.empty())
settings.DestinationDirectoryPath = filePath + "_export";
settings.DestinationDirectoryPath = NLMISC::standardizePath(settings.DestinationDirectoryPath);
if (args.haveLongArg("dependlog"))
settings.ToolDependLog = args.getLongArg("dependlog").front();
if (settings.ToolDependLog.empty())
settings.ToolDependLog = settings.DestinationDirectoryPath + "depend.log";
if (args.haveLongArg("errorlog"))
settings.ToolErrorLog = args.getLongArg("errorlog").front();
if (settings.ToolErrorLog.empty())
settings.ToolErrorLog = settings.DestinationDirectoryPath + "error.log";
res = exportScene(settings);
return res;
/* end of file */
