@ -753,9 +753,9 @@ uiErrPatchApply [Error : Patch process ended but the patch has not been successf
uiErrChecking [Error : Checking for patch files failed]
uiKb [KB]
uiKb [KiB]
uiMb [MB]
uiMb [MiB]
uiLoginGetFile [Getting File :]
uiDLFailed [Download from emergency server failed, patching is aborted]
@ -13454,3 +13454,5 @@ uiShowClock12h [Use 12-hour clock]
uittShowClock12h [If checked, use 12-hour clock in compass and in chat messages.]
uiRadarUseCamera [Radar follows camera rotation]
uittRadarUseCamera [If checked, use camera rotation for radar view.]
uiTotalPatch [TOTAL PATCH]
uiRequiredFiles [REQUIRED FILES]