merge gsoc2012-achievements, updates
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 369 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 62 B |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
window.addEventListener("load", tabulation, false);
window.attachEvent("onload", tabulation);
function tabulation(){
var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
for(var i = 0, t = textareas.length; i < t; i++){
textareas[i].onkeydown = function(e){
var tab = (e || window.event).keyCode == 9;
var tabString = String.fromCharCode(9);
var scroll = this.scrollTop;
var textR = document.selection.createRange();
var selection = textR.text;
textR.text = tabString + selection;
textR.moveEnd("character", 0);
else {
var beforeSelection = this.value.substring(0, this.selectionStart);
var selection = this.value.substring(this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd);
var afterSelection = this.value.substring(this.selectionEnd);
this.value = beforeSelection + tabString + selection + afterSelection;
this.setSelectionRange(beforeSelection.length + tabString.length, beforeSelection.length + tabString.length + selection.length);
this.scrollTop = scroll;
return false;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
A class containing a diff implementation
Created by Stephen Morley - - and released under the
terms of the CC0 1.0 Universal legal code:
// A class containing functions for computing diffs and formatting the output.
class Diff{
// define the constants
const UNMODIFIED = 0;
const DELETED = 1;
const INSERTED = 2;
/* Returns the diff for two strings. The return value is an array, each of
* whose values is an array containing two values: a line (or character, if
* $compareCharacters is true), and one of the constants DIFF::UNMODIFIED (the
* line or character is in both strings), DIFF::DELETED (the line or character
* is only in the first string), and DIFF::INSERTED (the line or character is
* only in the second string). The parameters are:
* $string1 - the first string
* $string2 - the second string
* $compareCharacters - true to compare characters, and false to compare
* lines; this optional parameter defaults to false
public static function compare(
$string1, $string2, $compareCharacters = false){
// initialise the sequences and comparison start and end positions
$start = 0;
if ($compareCharacters){
$sequence1 = $string1;
$sequence2 = $string2;
$end1 = strlen($string1) - 1;
$end2 = strlen($string2) - 1;
$sequence1 = preg_split('/\R/', $string1);
$sequence2 = preg_split('/\R/', $string2);
$end1 = count($sequence1) - 1;
$end2 = count($sequence2) - 1;
// skip any common prefix
while ($start <= $end1 && $start <= $end2
&& $sequence1[$start] == $sequence2[$start]){
$start ++;
// skip any common suffix
while ($end1 >= $start && $end2 >= $start
&& $sequence1[$end1] == $sequence2[$end2]){
$end1 --;
$end2 --;
// compute the table of longest common subsequence lengths
$table = self::computeTable($sequence1, $sequence2, $start, $end1, $end2);
// generate the partial diff
$partialDiff =
self::generatePartialDiff($table, $sequence1, $sequence2, $start);
// generate the full diff
$diff = array();
for ($index = 0; $index < $start; $index ++){
$diff[] = array($sequence1[$index], self::UNMODIFIED);
while (count($partialDiff) > 0) $diff[] = array_pop($partialDiff);
for ($index = $end1 + 1;
$index < ($compareCharacters ? strlen($sequence1) : count($sequence1));
$index ++){
$diff[] = array($sequence1[$index], self::UNMODIFIED);
// return the diff
return $diff;
/* Returns the diff for two files. The parameters are:
* $file1 - the path to the first file
* $file2 - the path to the second file
* $compareCharacters - true to compare characters, and false to compare
* lines; this optional parameter defaults to false
public static function compareFiles(
$file1, $file2, $compareCharacters = false){
// return the diff of the files
return self::compare(
/* Returns the table of longest common subsequence lengths for the specified
* sequences. The parameters are:
* $sequence1 - the first sequence
* $sequence2 - the second sequence
* $start - the starting index
* $end1 - the ending index for the first sequence
* $end2 - the ending index for the second sequence
private static function computeTable(
$sequence1, $sequence2, $start, $end1, $end2){
// determine the lengths to be compared
$length1 = $end1 - $start + 1;
$length2 = $end2 - $start + 1;
// initialise the table
$table = array(array_fill(0, $length2 + 1, 0));
// loop over the rows
for ($index1 = 1; $index1 <= $length1; $index1 ++){
// create the new row
$table[$index1] = array(0);
// loop over the columns
for ($index2 = 1; $index2 <= $length2; $index2 ++){
// store the longest common subsequence length
if ($sequence1[$index1 + $start - 1]
== $sequence2[$index2 + $start - 1]){
$table[$index1][$index2] = $table[$index1 - 1][$index2 - 1] + 1;
$table[$index1][$index2] =
max($table[$index1 - 1][$index2], $table[$index1][$index2 - 1]);
// return the table
return $table;
/* Returns the partial diff for the specificed sequences, in reverse order.
* The parameters are:
* $table - the table returned by the computeTable function
* $sequence1 - the first sequence
* $sequence2 - the second sequence
* $start - the starting index
private static function generatePartialDiff(
$table, $sequence1, $sequence2, $start){
// initialise the diff
$diff = array();
// initialise the indices
$index1 = count($table) - 1;
$index2 = count($table[0]) - 1;
// loop until there are no items remaining in either sequence
while ($index1 > 0 || $index2 > 0){
// check what has happened to the items at these indices
if ($index1 > 0 && $index2 > 0
&& $sequence1[$index1 + $start - 1]
== $sequence2[$index2 + $start - 1]){
// update the diff and the indices
$diff[] = array($sequence1[$index1 + $start - 1], self::UNMODIFIED);
$index1 --;
$index2 --;
}elseif ($index2 > 0
&& $table[$index1][$index2] == $table[$index1][$index2 - 1]){
// update the diff and the indices
$diff[] = array($sequence2[$index2 + $start - 1], self::INSERTED);
$index2 --;
// update the diff and the indices
$diff[] = array($sequence1[$index1 + $start - 1], self::DELETED);
$index1 --;
// return the diff
return $diff;
/* Returns a diff as a string, where unmodified lines are prefixed by ' ',
* deletions are prefixed by '- ', and insertions are prefixed by '+ '. The
* parameters are:
* $diff - the diff array
* $separator - the separator between lines; this optional parameter defaults
* to "\n"
public static function toString($diff, $separator = "\n"){
// initialise the string
$string = '';
// loop over the lines in the diff
foreach ($diff as $line){
// extend the string with the line
switch ($line[1]){
#case self::UNMODIFIED : $string .= ' ' . $line[0];break;
#case self::DELETED : $string .= '- ' . $line[0];break;
case self::INSERTED : $string .= '' . $line[0];break;
// extend the string with the separator
$string .= $separator;
// return the string
return $string;
/* Returns a diff as an HTML string, where unmodified lines are contained
* within 'span' elements, deletions are contained within 'del' elements, and
* insertions are contained within 'ins' elements. The parameters are:
* $diff - the diff array
* $separator - the separator between lines; this optional parameter defaults
* to '<br>'
public static function toHTML($diff, $separator = '<br>'){
// initialise the HTML
$html = '';
// loop over the lines in the diff
foreach ($diff as $line){
// extend the HTML with the line
switch ($line[1]){
case self::UNMODIFIED : $element = 'span'; break;
case self::DELETED : $element = 'del'; break;
case self::INSERTED : $element = 'ins'; break;
$html .=
'<' . $element . '>'
. htmlspecialchars($line[0])
. '</' . $element . '>';
// extend the HTML with the separator
$html .= $separator;
// return the HTML
return $html;
/* Returns a diff as an HTML table. The parameters are:
* $diff - the diff array
* $indentation - indentation to add to every line of the generated HTML; this
* optional parameter defaults to ''
* $separator - the separator between lines; this optional parameter
* defaults to '<br>'
public static function toTable($diff, $indentation = '', $separator = '<br>'){
// initialise the HTML
$html = $indentation . "<table class=\"diff\">\n";
// loop over the lines in the diff
$index = 0;
while ($index < count($diff)){
// determine the line type
switch ($diff[$index][1]){
// display the content on the left and right
case self::UNMODIFIED:
$leftCell =
$diff, $indentation, $separator, $index, self::UNMODIFIED);
$rightCell = $leftCell;
// display the deleted on the left and inserted content on the right
case self::DELETED:
$leftCell =
$diff, $indentation, $separator, $index, self::DELETED);
$rightCell =
$diff, $indentation, $separator, $index, self::INSERTED);
// display the inserted content on the right
case self::INSERTED:
$leftCell = '';
$rightCell =
$diff, $indentation, $separator, $index, self::INSERTED);
// extend the HTML with the new row
$html .=
. " <tr>\n"
. $indentation
. ' <td class="diff'
. ($leftCell == $rightCell
? 'Unmodified'
: ($leftCell == '' ? 'Blank' : 'Deleted'))
. '">'
. $leftCell
. "</td>\n"
. $indentation
. ' <td class="diff'
. ($leftCell == $rightCell
? 'Unmodified'
: ($rightCell == '' ? 'Blank' : 'Inserted'))
. '">'
. $rightCell
. "</td>\n"
. $indentation
. " </tr>\n";
// return the HTML
return $html . $indentation . "</table>\n";
/* Returns the content of the cell, for use in the toTable function. The
* parameters are:
* $diff - the diff array
* $indentation - indentation to add to every line of the generated HTML
* $separator - the separator between lines
* $index - the current index, passes by reference
* $type - the type of line
private static function getCellContent(
$diff, $indentation, $separator, &$index, $type){
// initialise the HTML
$html = '';
// loop over the matching lines, adding them to the HTML
while ($index < count($diff) && $diff[$index][1] == $type){
$html .=
. htmlspecialchars($diff[$index][0])
. '</span>'
. $separator;
$index ++;
// return the HTML
return $html;
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
$microstart = explode(' ',microtime());
$start_time = $microstart[0] + $microstart[1];
echo Diff::toString(Diff::compareFiles('old_char_346.xml', 'char_346.xml', false));
$microstop = explode(' ',microtime());
$stop_time = $microstop[0] + $microstop[1];
echo "Expired time: ".($stop_time - $start_time)."<br>";
echo "Memory load: ".memory_get_usage()." bytes";
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
* Logging, logging, logging....
class Logfile {
private $logfile;
function Logfile($f = false,$logto = "std") {
global $CONF,$MY_PATH;
$this->logfile = false;
if($f != false) {
$ldir = $MY_PATH.$CONF['logfile'].date("Y-m-d",time());
#$tmp = fopen($MY_PATH."/testlog.txt",'a+');
#fwrite($tmp, $ldir.'/'.date("H",time()).".txt\n");
if(!is_dir($ldir)) {
$this->logfile = fopen($ldir.'/'.date("H",time()).'_'.$logto.'.txt','a+');
#echo "kk";
function logf($t,$nl = true) {
$this->write("[".date("H:i:s")."] ".$t);
if($nl == true) {
function logi($t,$nl = true) {
#echo $t;
$this->write("[".date("H:i:s")."] > ".$t);
if($nl == true) {
function write($txt) {
#echo $txt;
if($this->logfile != false) {
function close() {
if($this->logfile != false) {
#echo "ii";
@ -1,9 +1,27 @@
class Stats {
#private $user;
private $data;
function Stats() {
global $cdata,$DBc;
#$this->user = $user;
$DBc->sendSQL("INSERT IGNORE INTO stat_players (sp_char) VALUES ('".$cdata['cid']."')","NONE");
$this->data = array();
function setValue($k,$v) {
global $DBc;
$this->data[] = $k."='".$DBc->mre($v)."'";
function writeData() {
global $DBc,$cdata;
$DBc->sendSQL("UPDATE stat_players SET ".implode(',',$this->data)." WHERE sp_char='".$cdata['cid']."'","NONE");
function register() { // register the stats code
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/bin/sh -
cd /home/api/public_html/server/scripts/achievement_script
sudo -u api nohup ./ &
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
cd /home/api/public_html/server/scripts/achievement_script
while true; do
FN=`inotifywait -r -e close_write --format '%w%f' $SRC`
for f in $SRC/*; do
NAME="$DST/"`basename $f`
mv -f $f $DST
echo "Processing $NAME"
php AchWebParser.php $NAME
rm -f $NAME
#cd -
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
$region = array();
$region['aeden'] = array("13780 -31556 ","13780 -33532 ","14364 -34876 ","19636 -34860 ","19996 -30660 ","19988 -29724 ","18676 -29452 ","14372 -29444 ","13780 -31556"); // Aeden Aqueous
$region['desert'] = array("15848 -23868 ","15944 -26572 ","17208 -27026 ","20280 -27020 ","20296 -26364 ","20312 -23868 ","18832 -23840 ","15848 -23868"); // Burning Desert
$region['verdant'] = array("3432 -4828 ","2920 -6076 ","2904 -7644 ","6048 -7836 ","6232 -6276 ","6176 -5436 ","5256 -3532 ","6240 -804 ","-249456 -348 ","3944 -340 ","376 -324 ","-254400 -1068 ","616 -2668 ","2744 -3100 ","3432 -4828"); // Verdant Heights
$region['witherings'] = array("6924 -968 ","6892 -2096 ","7028 -4632 ","8180 -4120 ","9628 -5176 ","12084 -5904 ","12420 -5552 ","12300 -2784 ","12460 -1464 ","11444 -984 ","9516 -1400 ","8220 -976 ","6924 -968"); // The Witherings
$region['nexus'] = array("7852 -6836 ","7860 -7156 ","8604 -8292 ","9140 -8300 ","2712 -6788 ","9724 -6564 ","9556 -6108 ","9012 -6116 ","7852 -6836"); // Nexus
$region['ichor'] = array("536 -10336 ","488 -11168 ","680 -11320 ","1592 -11320 ","2080 -3708 ","696 -9792 ","536 -10336"); // Abyss of Ichor
$region['spring'] = array("3484 -9776 ","2572 -10224 ","2620 -11008 ","3260 -11344 ","3804 -10912 ","3836 -10240 ","3484 -9776"); // Under Spring
$region['wastelands'] = array("204 -14072 ","748 -15336 ","2140 -15816 ","2988 -15704 ","2956 -13144 ","732 -13128 ","172 -13736 ","204 -14072"); // Wastelands
$region['umbra'] = array("5456 -9788 ","5440 -16936 ","7200 -16952 ","7344 -12472 ","6304 -9624 ","5456 -9788"); // Lands of Umbra
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
function _statsdb_money($money,$_P,$_CB) {
global $cdata,$DBc,$statsdb;
$_IDENT = "_money";
#$DBc->sendSQL("UPDATE stat_players SET sp_money='".$money."' WHERE sp_char='".$cdata['cid']."'","NONE");
function _statsdb_race($race,$_P,$_CB) {
global $cdata,$DBc,$statsdb;
$_IDENT = "_race";
$race = "r_".strtolower($race);
#$DBc->sendSQL("UPDATE stat_players SET sp_race='".$race."' WHERE sp_char='".$cdata['cid']."'","NONE");
function _statsdb_yubototal($yubo,$_P,$_CB) {
global $cdata,$DBc,$statsdb;
$_IDENT = "yubopoints";
#$DBc->sendSQL("UPDATE stat_players SET sp_yubototal='".$yubo."' WHERE sp_char='".$cdata['cid']."'","NONE");
function _statsdb_mekcount($count,$_P,$_CB) {
global $cdata,$DBc,$statsdb;
$_IDENT = "petcount";
#$DBc->sendSQL("UPDATE stat_players SET sp_mekcount='".$count."' WHERE sp_char='".$cdata['cid']."'","NONE");
function _statsdb_maxlevel($skills,$_P,$_CB) {
global $cdata,$DBc,$log,$statsdb;
$_IDENT = "skilllist";
#$log->logf("rcv skilllist: ".var_export($skills,true));
$lvl = 0;
foreach($skills->skills as $elem) {
if($elem->current > $lvl) {
$lvl = $elem->current;
#$DBc->sendSQL("UPDATE stat_players SET sp_maxlevel='".$lvl."' WHERE sp_char='".$cdata['cid']."'","NONE");
function _statsdb_guildid($id,$_P,$_CB) {
global $cdata,$DBc,$statsdb;
$_IDENT = "_guildid";
#$DBc->sendSQL("UPDATE stat_players SET sp_guildid='".$id."' WHERE sp_char='".$cdata['cid']."'","NONE");
function _statsdb_itemcount($count,$_P,$_CB) {
global $cdata,$DBc,$statsdb;
$_IDENT = "itemcount";
#$DBc->sendSQL("UPDATE stat_players SET sp_itemcount='".$count."' WHERE sp_char='".$cdata['cid']."'","NONE");
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
class BillingSummary extends SourceDriver {
function drive($cdata) {
global $DBc_char,$_DISPATCHER;
$res = $DBc_char->sendSQL("SELECT SUM(amount) as anz, currency FROM coupons_billing WHERE iduser='".$cdata['aid']."' AND status='captured' GROUP by 'currency'","ARRAY");
$billed = 0;
$sz = sizeof($res);
for($i=0;$i<$sz;$i++) {
if($res[$i]['currency'] == "USD") {
$res[$i]['anz'] = $res[$i]['anz']*0.7950;
if($res[$i]['currency'] == "GBP") {
$res[$i]['anz'] = $res[$i]['anz']*1.2623;
$billed += $res[$i]['anz'];
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
class DeathPenalty extends Entity {
public $NbDeath;
public $CurrentDeathXP;
public $DeathXPToGain;
public $BonusUpdateTime;
function DeathPenalty() {
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
class TPlist extends Entity {
public $tps;
function TPlist() {
$this->tps = array();
function hasTP($tp) {
return in_array($tp,$this->tps);
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
$guilds_cache_timeout = 60*60;
$time = time();
$db = new ServerDatabase('localhost', 'ryzom_api', 'sg4gfgh45bgguifsd', 'ring_live');
function save_xml($filename, $xml) {
$filename = "/home/api/public_html/data/cache/guilds/$filename.xml";
$txt_xml = $xml->asXML();
// save in clear xml
file_put_contents($filename, $txt_xml);
// save in clear compressed xml
$gz = gzopen($filename.'.gz','w9');
gzwrite($gz, $txt_xml);
function create_guild($out, $filename, $shard) {
global $db, $time, $guilds_cache_timeout;
$src = simplexml_load_file($filename);
echo "$filename\n";
$guild = $out->addChild('guild');
$guild->addChild('gid', $src->Id['value']);
$guild->addChild('name', $src->_Name['value']);
$guild->addChild('race', $src->Race['value']);
$guild->addChild('icon', $src->Icon['value']);
$guild->addChild('creation_date', $src->CreationDate['value']);
$desc = (string)$src->_Description['value'];
$desc = iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1", $desc);
$replace = array('&', '<', '>');
$into = array('&', '<', '>');
$desc = str_replace($replace, $into, $desc);
$guild->addChild('description', $desc);
// create the full guild xml
$xml = simplexml_load_string('<guild/>');
$cache = $xml->addChild('cache');
$cache->addAttribute('created', $time);
$cache->addAttribute('expire', $time+$guilds_cache_timeout);
$xml->addChild('name', $src->_Name['value']);
$xml->addChild('gid', $src->Id['value']);
$xml->addChild('race', $src->Race['value']);
$xml->addChild('icon', $src->Icon['value']);
$xml->addChild('creation_date', $src->CreationDate['value']);
$xml->addChild('shard', $shard);
$xml->addChild('description', $desc);
$xml->addChild('money', $src->Money['value']);
$xml->addChild('building', $src->Building['value']);
$xml->addChild('cult', strtolower($src->DeclaredCult['value']));
$xml->addChild('civ', strtolower($src->DeclaredCiv['value']));
$motd = (string)$src->_MessageOfTheDay['value'];
$motd = iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1", $motd);
$motd = str_replace($replace, $into, $motd);
$xml->addChild('motd', $motd);
// guild members
$members = $xml->addChild('members');
$i = 0;
do {
$m = $src->Members->__Key__[$i]['value'];
if(!isset($m)) break;
$m2 = $src->Members->__Val__[$i];
$mem = $members->addChild('member');
$cid = hexdec(substr($m2->Members->Id['value'], 3, 10));
$mem->addChild('cid', $cid);
$sql = "SELECT char_name FROM characters WHERE char_id=$cid";
$result = $db->query($sql);
$name = $db->fetch_row($result);
$mem->addChild('name', $name[0]);
$mem->addChild('grade', $m2->Members->Grade['value']);
$mem->addChild('joined_date', $m2->Members->EnterTime['value']);
} while(true);
// guild fame
$factions = array('fyros', 'matis', 'tryker', 'zorai', 'kami', 'karavan');
$fames = $xml->addChild('fames');
$i = 0;
do {
$f = $src->FameContainer->FameContainer->__Parent__->Entries->__Key__[$i]['value'];
if(!isset($f)) break;
$f2 = $src->FameContainer->FameContainer->__Parent__->Entries->__Val__[$i];
$fac = basename($f2->Sheet['value'], '.faction');
if(in_array($fac, $factions)) {
$fames->addChild($fac, $f2->Fame['value']);
} while(true);
// guild items
/* $inventory = $xml->addChild('room');
$result = $src->xpath('/xml/GuildInventory/_Items');
while(list( , $node) = each($result)) {
ryzom_item_insert($inventory, $node);
save_xml("guild_".$src->Id['value'], $xml);
function create_guilds_xml($shard) {
global $time, $guilds_cache_timeout;
$xml = simplexml_load_string('<guilds/>');
$cache = $xml->addChild('cache');
$cache->addAttribute('created', $time);
$cache->addAttribute('expire', $time+$guilds_cache_timeout);
$xml->addChild('shard', $shard);
foreach(glob("/home/api/public_html/data/cache/guilds/guild_?????.xml") as $fn) {
create_guild($xml, $fn, $shard);
// $dirname = "tmp/$shard";
// if ($handle = opendir($dirname)) {
// while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
// if (end(explode(".", $file)) == 'xml') {
// create_guild($xml, "$dirname/$file");
// }
// }
// closedir($handle);
// }
save_xml("guilds_$shard", $xml);
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
echo $1;
let "back=($1 & 15) - 1"
let "symbol=($1 >> 4 & 63) - 1"
let "invert=$1 >> 10 & 1"
let "col1R=$1 >> 11 & 255"
let "col1G=$1 >> 19 & 255"
let "col1B=$1 >> 27 & 255"
let "col2R=$1 >> 35 & 255"
let "col2G=$1 >> 43 & 255"
let "col2B=$1 >> 51 & 255"
img_back=`printf $png_path/guild_back_%s_%02d_1.png $size $back`
img_back2=`printf $png_path/guild_back_%s_%02d_2.png $size $back`
img_symbol=`printf $png_path/guild_symbol_%s_%02d.png $size $symbol`
img_final=`printf $final_path/%d_%s.png $1 $size`
convert $img_back -fill "rgb($col1R,$col1G,$col1B)" -colorize 100,100,100 $tmp_path/$1_$2_part_1.png
convert $img_back2 -fill "rgb($col2R,$col2G,$col2B)" -colorize 100,100,100 $tmp_path/$1_$2_part_2.png
convert -composite $tmp_path/$1_$2_part_1.png $tmp_path/$1_$2_part_2.png $tmp_path/$1_$2_back.png
if [[ $invert == 1 ]]
convert -negate $img_symbol $tmp_path/$1_$2_symb.png
composite -compose plus $tmp_path/$1_$2_back.png $tmp_path/$1_$2_symb.png $img_final
composite -compose multiply $tmp_path/$1_$2_back.png $img_symbol $img_final
composite -compose copy-opacity $tmp_path/$1_$2_back.png $img_final $img_final
rm $tmp_path/$1_$2_*
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
cd /home/api/public_html/server/scripts
# get guilds
rm /home/api/public_html/data/cache/guilds/*
rsync -az --rsh=ssh*.bin /home/api/public_html/data/cache/guilds/
./pdr_util -x -s/home/app/web_hg/api/server/scripts/sheet_id.bin /home/api/public_html/data/cache/guilds/guild_*.bin
rm /home/api/public_html/data/cache/guilds/guild_*.bin
/usr/bin/php ./create_guilds_xml.php
rm /home/api/public_html/data/cache/guilds/guild_?????.xml
rm log.log
/root/bin/ api /home/api/public_html/data/cache/guilds/
# get tick
rsync -az --rsh=ssh /home/api/public_html/data/cache/
chown api:api /home/api/public_html/data/cache/game_cycle.ticks
cd -
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
* Logging, logging, logging....
class Logfile {
private $logfile;
function Logfile($f = false) {
global $CONF,$MY_PATH;
$this->logfile = false;
if($f != false) {
$this->logfile = fopen($MY_PATH.$CONF['logfile'].'.'.date("Ymd",time()).'.txt','a+');
#echo "kk";
function logf($t,$nl = true) {
$this->write("[".date("H:i:s")."] ".$t);
if($nl == true) {
function logi($t,$nl = true) {
#echo $t;
$this->write("[".date("H:i:s")."] > ".$t);
if($nl == true) {
function write($txt) {
#echo $txt;
function close() {
#echo "ii";
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
* Code from:
* Probably not free to use!!!
class pointLocation {
var $pointOnVertex = true; // Check if the point sits exactly on one of the vertices
function pointLocation() {
function pointInPolygon($point, $polygon, $pointOnVertex = true) {
$this->pointOnVertex = $pointOnVertex;
// Transform string coordinates into arrays with x and y values
$point = $this->pointStringToCoordinates($point);
$vertices = array();
foreach($polygon as $vertex) {
$vertices[] = $this->pointStringToCoordinates($vertex);
// Check if the point sits exactly on a vertex
if($this->pointOnVertex == true and $this->pointOnVertex($point, $vertices) == true) {
return "vertex";
// Check if the point is inside the polygon or on the boundary
$intersections = 0;
$vertices_count = count($vertices);
for($i=1; $i < $vertices_count; $i++) {
$vertex1 = $vertices[$i-1];
$vertex2 = $vertices[$i];
if($vertex1['y'] == $vertex2['y'] and $vertex1['y'] == $point['y'] and $point['x'] > min($vertex1['x'], $vertex2['x']) and $point['x'] < max($vertex1['x'], $vertex2['x'])) { // Check if point is on an horizontal polygon boundary
return "boundary";
if($point['y'] > min($vertex1['y'], $vertex2['y']) and $point['y'] <= max($vertex1['y'], $vertex2['y']) and $point['x'] <= max($vertex1['x'], $vertex2['x']) and $vertex1['y'] != $vertex2['y']) {
$xinters = ($point['y'] - $vertex1['y']) * ($vertex2['x'] - $vertex1['x']) / ($vertex2['y'] - $vertex1['y']) + $vertex1['x'];
if($xinters == $point['x']) { // Check if point is on the polygon boundary (other than horizontal)
return "boundary";
if($vertex1['x'] == $vertex2['x'] || $point['x'] <= $xinters) {
// If the number of edges we passed through is even, then it's in the polygon.
if ($intersections % 2 != 0) {
return "inside";
else {
return "outside";
function pointOnVertex($point, $vertices) {
foreach($vertices as $vertex) {
if ($point == $vertex) {
return true;
return false;
function pointStringToCoordinates($pointString) {
$coordinates = explode(" ", $pointString);
return array("x" => $coordinates[0], "y" => $coordinates[1]);
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
$region = array();
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
$region = array();
$region['place_starting_zone_arena'] = array("10056 -11594 ","10144 -11726 ","10280 -11670 ","10308 -11558 ","10132 -11498 ","10056 -11594");
$region['region_newbieland_blight_zone'] = array("9376 -10940","9120 -11148","9048 -11780","9624 -11988","9792 -11732","9960 -11388","9376 -10940");
$region['region_newbieland_hunting_grounds'] = array("10296 -10812","10232 -11164","10080 -11484","10320 -11540","10824 -11540","11112 -11268","11080 -10804","10640 -10644","10296 -10812");
$region['kami_enclave'] = array("10416 -11654","10352 -11718","10416 -11770","10488 -11710","10416 -11654");
$region['karavan embassy'] = array("10388 -11818","10320 -11874","10404 -11922","10456 -11858","10388 -11818");
$region['region_newbieland_kitins_jungle'] = array("8184 -11076","8680 -11036","8704 -10244","8160 -10252","8184 -11076");
$region['region_newbieland_starting_zone'] = array("9968 -11346","10384 -11582","10788 -11574","10760 -11962","9892 -12014","9812 -11682","9968 -11346");
$region['place_shattered_ruins_trone'] = array("9678 -10692","9574 -10778","9668 -10846","9784 -10748","9678 -10692");
$region['place_shattered_ruins_silan'] = array("9558 -10764 ","9700 -10910 ","9616 -11008 ","9864 -11238 ","10158 -11224 ","10280 -11070 ","10166 -10982 ","9986 -10880 ","9878 -10808 ","9684 -10660 ","9558 -10764");
$region['region_newbieland_the_shattered_ruins'] = array("9472 -10562 ","9336 -10974 ","9824 -11266 ","10252 -11354 ","10328 -11182 ","10272 -11126 ","10288 -11074 ","10356 -11070 ","10308 -10746 ","9804 -10458 ","9472 -10562");
$region['region_newbieland_shining_lake'] = array("8608 -11244","8840 -11356","9288 -11044","9488 -10644","9360 -10340","8776 -10380","8624 -10676","8608 -11244");
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
function _statsdb_money($money,$_P,$_CB) {
global $cdata,$DBc;
$_IDENT = "_money";
$DBc->sendSQL("INSERT INTO stat_players (sp_char,sp_money) VALUES ('".$cdata['cid']."','".$money."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sp_money='".$money."'","NONE");
function _statsdb_race($race,$_P,$_CB) {
global $cdata,$DBc;
$_IDENT = "_race";
$race = "r_".strtolower($race);
$DBc->sendSQL("INSERT INTO stat_players (sp_char,sp_race) VALUES ('".$cdata['cid']."','".$race."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sp_race='".$race."'","NONE");
function _statsdb_yubototal($yubo,$_P,$_CB) {
global $cdata,$DBc;
$_IDENT = "yubopoints";
$DBc->sendSQL("INSERT INTO stat_players (sp_char,sp_yubototal) VALUES ('".$cdata['cid']."','".$yubo."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sp_yubototal='".$yubo."'","NONE");
function _statsdb_mekcount($count,$_P,$_CB) {
global $cdata,$DBc;
$_IDENT = "petcount";
$DBc->sendSQL("INSERT INTO stat_players (sp_char,sp_mekcount) VALUES ('".$cdata['cid']."','".$count."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sp_mekcount='".$count."'","NONE");
function _statsdb_maxlevel($skills,$_P,$_CB) {
global $cdata,$DBc,$log;
$_IDENT = "skilllist";
$log->logf("rcv skilllist: ".var_export($skills,true));
$lvl = 0;
foreach($skills->skills as $elem) {
if($elem->current > $lvl) {
$lvl = $elem->current;
$DBc->sendSQL("INSERT INTO stat_players (sp_char,sp_maxlevel) VALUES ('".$cdata['cid']."','".$lvl."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sp_maxlevel='".$lvl."'","NONE");
function _statsdb_guildid($id,$_P,$_CB) {
global $cdata,$DBc;
$_IDENT = "_guildid";
$DBc->sendSQL("INSERT INTO stat_players (sp_char,sp_guildid) VALUES ('".$cdata['cid']."','".$id."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sp_guildid='".$id."'","NONE");
function _statsdb_itemcount($count,$_P,$_CB) {
global $cdata,$DBc;
$_IDENT = "itemcount";
$DBc->sendSQL("INSERT INTO stat_players (sp_char,sp_itemcount) VALUES ('".$cdata['cid']."','".$count."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sp_itemcount='".$count."'","NONE");
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