diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/configuration/scripts.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/configuration/scripts.py
index a919b89a6..128238494 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/configuration/scripts.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/configuration/scripts.py
@@ -215,6 +215,31 @@ def findFile(log, dir_where, file_name):
printLog(log, "findFile: file not dir or file?! " + filePath)
return ""
+def needUpdateDirByTagLog(log, dir_source, ext_source, dir_dest, ext_dest):
+ updateCount = 0
+ skipCount = 0
+ lenSrcExt = len(ext_source)
+ sourceFiles = findFilesNoSubdir(log, dir_source, ext_source)
+ destFiles = findFilesNoSubdir(log, dir_dest, ext_dest)
+ for file in sourceFiles:
+ sourceFile = dir_source + "/" + file
+ tagFile = dir_dest + "/" + file[0:-lenSrcExt] + ext_dest
+ if os.path.isfile(tagFile):
+ sourceTime = os.stat(sourceFile).st_mtime
+ tagTime = os.stat(tagFile).st_mtime
+ if (sourceTime > tagTime):
+ updateCount = updateCount + 1
+ else:
+ skipCount = skipCount + 1
+ else:
+ updateCount = updateCount + 1
+ if updateCount > 0:
+ printLog(log, "UPDATE " + str(updateCount) + " / " + str(len(sourceFiles)) + "; SKIP " + str(skipCount) + " / " + str(len(sourceFiles)) + "; DEST " + str(len(destFiles)))
+ return 1
+ else:
+ printLog(log, "SKIP " + str(skipCount) + " / " + str(len(sourceFiles)) + "; DEST " + str(len(destFiles)))
+ return 0
def needUpdateDirNoSubdirLogExt(log, dir_source, ext_source, dir_dest, ext_dest):
latestSourceFile = 0
latestDestFile = 0
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/ecosystem_project_template/directories.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/ecosystem_project_template/directories.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50157963e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/ecosystem_project_template/directories.py
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## %PreGenWarning%
+# #################################################################
+# \file directories.py
+# \brief Directories configuration
+# \date %PreGenDateTimeStamp%
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# \date 2001-2005
+# \author Nevrax
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Directories configuration for '%PreGenEcosystemName%' ecosystem.
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+EcosystemName = "%PreGenEcosystemName%"
+EcosystemPath = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName
+CommonName = EcosystemName
+CommonPath = EcosystemPath
+DatabaseRootName = "%PreGenDatabaseRootName%"
+DatabaseRootPath = "stuff/" + DatabaseRootName
+# Shape directories
+ShapeSourceDirectories = [ ]
+ShapeSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/vegetations" ]
+ShapeSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/ligo/" + EcosystemName + "/max" ]
+# Maps directories
+MapSourceDirectories = [ ]
+MapSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/_textures" ]
+%PreGenMapSubdirectories%MapSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/microveget/" + EcosystemName + "" ]
+MapSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/water/meshes/" + EcosystemName + "" ]
+MapUncompressedSourceDirectories = [ ]
+# Tiles directories
+TilesSourceDirectories = [ ]
+# Tiles root directory
+TileRootSourceDirectory = "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName
+# Displace directory
+DisplaceSourceDirectory = "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "/displace"
+# Do not use, needs to be removed and fixed in processes
+DisplaceSourceDirectories = [ ]
+DisplaceSourceDirectories += [ DisplaceSourceDirectory ]
+# Bank directory
+BankSourceDirectory = "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName
+# Vegetable set directories
+VegetSetSourceDirectories = [ ]
+VegetSetSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/microveget/" + EcosystemName ]
+# Veget directories
+VegetSourceDirectories = [ ]
+VegetSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/microveget/" + EcosystemName ]
+# Ligo directories
+LigoBaseSourceDirectory = "landscape/ligo/" + EcosystemName
+LigoMaxSourceDirectory = LigoBaseSourceDirectory + "/max"
+# Zone directories
+ZoneSourceDirectory = [ "landscape/zones/" + EcosystemName ] # For old snowballs style landscape when not using ligo
+# Ig landscape directories
+IgLandSourceDirectory = "_invalid"
+# Ig other directories
+IgOtherSourceDirectory = "_invalid"
+# PACS primitives directories
+PacsPrimSourceDirectories = [ ]
+PacsPrimSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/vegetations" ]
+# Shape directories
+ShapeTagExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_tag"
+ShapeNotOptimizedExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_not_optimized"
+ShapeWithCoarseMeshExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_with_coarse_mesh"
+ShapeLightmapNotOptimizedExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_lightmap_not_optimized"
+ShapeAnimExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_anim"
+# Smallbank directories
+SmallbankExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/smallbank"
+# Tiles directories
+TilesExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/tiles"
+# Tiles directories
+DisplaceExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/diplace"
+# Veget directories
+VegetExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/veget"
+VegetTagExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/veget_tag"
+# Veget Set directories
+VegetSetExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/veget_set"
+# Ligo directories
+LigoDatabaseExportDirectory = "landscape/ligo/" + EcosystemName
+LigoDatabaseIgExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/igs"
+LigoDatabaseZoneExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/zones"
+LigoDatabaseZoneLigoExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/zoneligos"
+LigoDatabaseCmbExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/cmb"
+LigoTagExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/ligo_tag"
+# Zone directories
+ZoneExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/zone"
+# PACS primitives directories
+PacsPrimExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/pacs_prim"
+# Map directories
+MapBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/map"
+MapPanoplyBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/map_panoply"
+# Shape directories
+ShapeClodtexBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_clodtex_build"
+ShapeWithCoarseMeshBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_with_coarse_mesh_builded"
+ShapeLightmapBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_lightmap"
+ShapeLightmap16BitsBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_lightmap_16_bits"
+# Farbank directories
+FarbankBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/farbank"
+# Ig directories ************** TODO CONFIRM IN IG BUILD PROCESS ************ FIX RBANK IF NEEDED ***********
+IgLandBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
+IgOtherBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
+# Rbank directories
+RbankOutputBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
+RbankMeshBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
+# Ligo directories
+# Map directory
+MapClientDirectory = CommonName + "_maps"
+BitmapClientDirectory = MapClientDirectory
+# Shape directory
+ShapeClientDirectory = CommonName + "_shapes"
+# Lightmap directory
+LightmapClientDirectory = CommonName + "_lightmaps"
+# Tile directory
+TilesClientDirectory = CommonName + "_tiles"
+# Displace directory
+DisplaceClientDirectory = CommonName + "_displaces"
+# Bank directory
+BankClientDirectory = CommonName + "_bank"
+# Vegetable set directory
+VegetSetClientDirectory = CommonName + "_vegetable_sets"
+# Vegetable shape directory
+VegetClientDirectory = CommonName + "_vegetables"
+# PACS primitives directories
+PacsPrimClientDirectory = CommonName + "_pacs_prim"
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/ecosystem_project_template/process.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/ecosystem_project_template/process.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a7478b99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/ecosystem_project_template/process.py
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## %PreGenWarning%
+# #################################################################
+# \file config.py
+# \brief Process configuration
+# \date %PreGenDateTimeStamp%
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Process configuration for '%PreGenEcosystemName%' ecosystem.
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+ProcessToComplete = [ ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "shape" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "map" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "smallbank" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "farbank" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "tiles" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "displace" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "veget" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "vegetset" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "ligo" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "pacs_prim" ]
+EcosystemName = "%PreGenEcosystemName%"
+EcosystemPath = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName
+CommonName = EcosystemName
+CommonPath = EcosystemPath
+PanoplyFileList = [ ]
+HlsBankFileName = ""
+# Compute lightmaps ?
+ShapeExportOptExportLighting = "%PreGenShapeExportOptExportLighting%"
+# Cast shadow in lightmap ?
+ShapeExportOptShadow = "%PreGenShapeExportOptShadow%"
+# Lighting limits. 0 : normal, 1 : soft shadows
+ShapeExportOptLightingLimit = %PreGenShapeExportOptLightingLimit%
+# Lightmap lumel size
+ShapeExportOptLumelSize = "%PreGenShapeExportOptLumelSize%"
+# Oversampling value. Can be 1, 2, 4 or 8
+ShapeExportOptOversampling = %PreGenShapeExportOptOversampling%
+# Does the lightmap must be generated in 8 bits format ?
+ShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap = "%PreGenShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap%"
+# Does the lightmaps export must generate logs ?
+ShapeExportOptLightmapLog = "%PreGenShapeExportOptLightmapLog%"
+# Coarse mesh texture mul size
+TextureMulSizeValue = "%PreGenTextureMulSizeValue%"
+DoBuildShadowSkin = 0
+ClodConfigFile = ""
+CoarseMeshTextureNames = [ ]
+MultipleTilesPostfix = [ ]
+# Name of the tilebank to use
+BankTileBankName = EcosystemName
+# Output names
+RbankRbankName = "_invalid"
+# *** LIGO OPTIONS ***
+LigoExportLand = ""
+LigoExportOnePass = 0
+# *** MAPS OPTIONS ***
+ReduceBitmapFactor = 0
+DoBuildShadowSkin = False
+ClodConfigFile = ""
+WantLandscapeColPrimPacsList = True
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/generate_all.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/generate_all.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f6af77bc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/generate_all.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# \file 0_setup.py
+# \brief Run all setup processes
+# \date 2009-02-18 15:28GMT
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Run all setup processes
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import time, sys, os, shutil, subprocess, distutils.dir_util
+if os.path.isfile("generate_all.log"):
+ os.remove("generate_all.log")
+log = open("generate_all.log", "w")
+from scripts import *
+from buildsite import *
+from tools import *
+printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, "--- Generate all")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
+printLog(log, "")
+ subprocess.call([ "python", "generate_simple_max_exporters.py" ])
+except Exception, e:
+ printLog(log, "<" + processName + "> " + str(e))
+printLog(log, "")
+ subprocess.call([ "python", "generate_tagged_max_exporters.py" ])
+except Exception, e:
+ printLog(log, "<" + processName + "> " + str(e))
+printLog(log, "")
+ subprocess.call([ "python", "generate_ecosystem_projects.py" ])
+except Exception, e:
+ printLog(log, "<" + processName + "> " + str(e))
+printLog(log, "")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/generate_ecosystem_projects.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/generate_ecosystem_projects.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7802b16f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/generate_ecosystem_projects.py
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+# \file generate_ecosystem_projects.py
+# \brief Run all setup processes
+# \date 2010-09-02 10:36GMT
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Generate ecosystem projects
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import time, sys, os, shutil, subprocess, distutils.dir_util
+if os.path.isfile("generate_ecosystem_projects.log"):
+ os.remove("generate_ecosystem_projects.log")
+log = open("generate_ecosystem_projects.log", "w")
+from scripts import *
+from buildsite import *
+from tools import *
+printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, "--- Generate ecosystem projects")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
+printLog(log, "")
+templateDir = os.getcwd().replace("\\", "/") + "/ecosystem_project_template"
+mkPath(log, templateDir)
+# Scroll down to add an ecosystem.
+DefaultShapeExportOptExportLighting = "true"
+DefaultShapeExportOptShadow = "true"
+DefaultShapeExportOptLightingLimit = "1"
+DefaultShapeExportOptLumelSize = "0.25"
+DefaultShapeExportOptOversampling = "1"
+DefaultShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap = "true"
+DefaultShapeExportOptLightmapLog = "true"
+DefaultTextureMulSizeValue = "1.5"
+DefaultSeasonSuffixes = [ "sp" ] + [ "su" ] + [ "au" ] + [ "wi" ]
+DefaultMapSubdirectories = [ ]
+DefaultTileDirectories = [ ]
+ShapeExportOptExportLighting = DefaultShapeExportOptExportLighting
+ShapeExportOptShadow = DefaultShapeExportOptShadow
+ShapeExportOptLightingLimit = DefaultShapeExportOptLightingLimit
+ShapeExportOptLumelSize = DefaultShapeExportOptLumelSize
+ShapeExportOptOversampling = DefaultShapeExportOptOversampling
+ShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap = DefaultShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap
+ShapeExportOptLightmapLog = DefaultShapeExportOptLightmapLog
+TextureMulSizeValue = DefaultTextureMulSizeValue
+SeasonSuffixes = DefaultSeasonSuffixes
+MapSubdirectories = DefaultMapSubdirectories
+TileDirectories = DefaultTileDirectories
+PreGenDateTimeStamp = None
+PreGenEcosystemName = None
+PreGenDatabaseRootName = None
+PreGenCoarseMeshTextureNames = None
+PreGenMultipleTilesPostfix = None
+PreGenMapSubdirectories = None
+PreGenTileSourceDirectories = None
+def transformLine(line):
+ newline = line.replace("%PreGenWarning%", "WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !")
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenDateTimeStamp%", PreGenDateTimeStamp)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenEcosystemName%", PreGenEcosystemName)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenDatabaseRootName%", PreGenDatabaseRootName)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenCoarseMeshTextureNames%", PreGenCoarseMeshTextureNames)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenMultipleTilesPostfix%", PreGenMultipleTilesPostfix)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenMapSubdirectories%", PreGenMapSubdirectories)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenTileSourceDirectories%", PreGenTileSourceDirectories)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenShapeExportOptExportLighting%", ShapeExportOptExportLighting)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenShapeExportOptShadow%", ShapeExportOptShadow)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenShapeExportOptLightingLimit%", ShapeExportOptLightingLimit)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenShapeExportOptLumelSize%", ShapeExportOptLumelSize)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenShapeExportOptOversampling%", ShapeExportOptOversampling)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap%", ShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenShapeExportOptLightmapLog%", ShapeExportOptLightmapLog)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenTextureMulSizeValue%", TextureMulSizeValue)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenTileSourceDirectories%", PreGenTileSourceDirectories)
+ return newline
+def generateFile(sourceFile, destFile):
+ srcf = open(sourceFile, "r")
+ dstf = open(destFile, "w")
+ printLog(log, "WRITE " + destFile)
+ for line in srcf:
+ dstf.write(transformLine(line))
+ dstf.close()
+ srcf.close()
+def generateEcosystem(ecosystemName, databaseRootName):
+ global PreGenEcosystemName
+ PreGenEcosystemName = ecosystemName
+ global PreGenDatabaseRootName
+ PreGenDatabaseRootName = databaseRootName
+ global PreGenDateTimeStamp
+ PreGenDateTimeStamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-GMT", time.gmtime(time.time()))
+ global PreGenMultipleTilesPostfix
+ PreGenMultipleTilesPostfix = ""
+ global PreGenCoarseMeshTextureNames
+ PreGenCoarseMeshTextureNames = ""
+ global PreGenTileSourceDirectories
+ PreGenTileSourceDirectories = ""
+ for suffix in SeasonSuffixes:
+ PreGenMultipleTilesPostfix += "MultipleTilesPostfix += [ \"_" + suffix + "\" ]\n"
+ PreGenCoarseMeshTextureNames += "CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ \"nel_coarse_mesh_\" + EcosystemName + \"_" + suffix + "\" ]\n"
+ for tiledir in TileDirectories:
+ PreGenTileSourceDirectories += "TilesSourceDirectories += [ \"landscape/_texture_tiles/\" + EcosystemName + \"_" + suffix + "/" + tiledir + "\" ]\n"
+ global PreGenMapSubdirectories
+ PreGenMapSubdirectories = ""
+ for subdir in MapSubdirectories:
+ PreGenMapSubdirectories += "MapSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + \"/decors/_textures/" + subdir + "\" ]\n"
+ destDir = WorkspaceDirectory + "/ecosystems/" + ecosystemName
+ mkPath(log, destDir)
+ generateFile(templateDir + "/process.py", destDir + "/process.py")
+ generateFile(templateDir + "/directories.py", destDir + "/directories.py")
+ return
+# Add new ecosystems below this line.
+ShapeExportOptExportLighting = DefaultShapeExportOptExportLighting
+ShapeExportOptShadow = DefaultShapeExportOptShadow
+ShapeExportOptLightingLimit = DefaultShapeExportOptLightingLimit
+ShapeExportOptLumelSize = DefaultShapeExportOptLumelSize
+ShapeExportOptOversampling = DefaultShapeExportOptOversampling
+ShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap = DefaultShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap
+ShapeExportOptLightmapLog = DefaultShapeExportOptLightmapLog
+TextureMulSizeValue = DefaultTextureMulSizeValue
+SeasonSuffixes = DefaultSeasonSuffixes
+MapSubdirectories = [ ]
+MapSubdirectories += [ "vegetations" ]
+TileDirectories = [ ]
+TileDirectories += [ "1.5-marecage_profond" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "1-marecages" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "2-citees" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "3-fond_canyon" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "4.2-boisbandeclair" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "4.5-desert2boisbande" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "4-falaise_bois_bande" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "5-falaise_normales" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "6.5-desertalternatif" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "6-desert" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "7-routes" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "8-foretbrule" ]
+generateEcosystem("desert", "fyros")
+ShapeExportOptExportLighting = DefaultShapeExportOptExportLighting
+ShapeExportOptShadow = DefaultShapeExportOptShadow
+ShapeExportOptLightingLimit = DefaultShapeExportOptLightingLimit
+ShapeExportOptLumelSize = DefaultShapeExportOptLumelSize
+ShapeExportOptOversampling = DefaultShapeExportOptOversampling
+ShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap = "false"
+ShapeExportOptLightmapLog = DefaultShapeExportOptLightmapLog
+TextureMulSizeValue = DefaultTextureMulSizeValue
+SeasonSuffixes = DefaultSeasonSuffixes
+MapSubdirectories = [ ]
+MapSubdirectories += [ "vegetations" ]
+TileDirectories = [ ]
+TileDirectories += [ "10-crevassejungle" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "11-paroisjungle" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "12-vasejungle" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "1-junglemousse" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "2-junglefeuilles" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "3-jungleherbesseche" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "4-jungleherbevieille" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "5-jungleterreaux" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "6-junglegoo" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "7-sciurejungle" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "8-terrejungle" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "9-falaisejungle" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "Transitions" ]
+generateEcosystem("jungle", "jungle")
+ShapeExportOptExportLighting = DefaultShapeExportOptExportLighting
+ShapeExportOptShadow = DefaultShapeExportOptShadow
+ShapeExportOptLightingLimit = DefaultShapeExportOptLightingLimit
+ShapeExportOptLumelSize = DefaultShapeExportOptLumelSize
+ShapeExportOptOversampling = DefaultShapeExportOptOversampling
+ShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap = "false"
+ShapeExportOptLightmapLog = DefaultShapeExportOptLightmapLog
+TextureMulSizeValue = DefaultTextureMulSizeValue
+SeasonSuffixes = DefaultSeasonSuffixes
+MapSubdirectories = [ ]
+MapSubdirectories += [ "vegetations" ]
+MapSubdirectories += [ "batiments" ]
+TileDirectories = [ ]
+TileDirectories += [ "PR-creux" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "PR-dome-moussu" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "PR-kitiniere" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "PR-mousse-licken" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "PR-mousse-spongieus" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "PR-parois" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "PR-sol-mousse" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "PR-souche" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "PR-stalagmite" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "PR-terre" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "aditif" ]
+generateEcosystem("primes_racines", "primes_racines")
+ShapeExportOptExportLighting = DefaultShapeExportOptExportLighting
+ShapeExportOptShadow = DefaultShapeExportOptShadow
+ShapeExportOptLightingLimit = "0"
+ShapeExportOptLumelSize = DefaultShapeExportOptLumelSize
+ShapeExportOptOversampling = "8"
+ShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap = "false"
+ShapeExportOptLightmapLog = DefaultShapeExportOptLightmapLog
+TextureMulSizeValue = DefaultTextureMulSizeValue
+SeasonSuffixes = DefaultSeasonSuffixes
+MapSubdirectories = [ ]
+MapSubdirectories += [ "vegetations" ]
+TileDirectories = [ ]
+TileDirectories += [ "1a-sable-marin" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "1-plages" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "2-iles" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "2-ilesa" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "2-iles-marines" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "3-fondmarin2plage" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "4-marecages" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "5-marecages" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "5-parois-marine" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "6-fond_marin" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "7-bassesiles" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "7-mousseter" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "7-racines" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "8-mousse_marine" ]
+TileDirectories += [ "constructible" ]
+generateEcosystem("lacustre", "tryker")
+printLog(log, "")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/generate_simple_max_exporters.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/generate_simple_max_exporters.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6d65d689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/generate_simple_max_exporters.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# \file 0_setup.py
+# \brief Run all setup processes
+# \date 2009-02-18 15:28GMT
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Run all setup processes
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import time, sys, os, shutil, subprocess, distutils.dir_util
+if os.path.isfile("generate_simple_max_exporters.log"):
+ os.remove("generate_simple_max_exporters.log")
+log = open("generate_simple_max_exporters.log", "w")
+from scripts import *
+from buildsite import *
+from tools import *
+printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, "--- Generate simple max exporters")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
+printLog(log, "")
+def processLine(line, processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp):
+ newline = line.replace("%PreGenWarning%", "WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !")
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenDateTimeStamp%", dateTimeStamp)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenProcessName%", processName)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenFileExtension%", fileExtension)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenSourceDirectoriesVariable%", sourceDirectoriesVariable)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenExportDirectoryVariable%", exportDirectoryVariable)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenClientDirectoryVariable%", clientDirectoryVariable)
+ return newline
+def generateSimpleMaxExporterFile(sourceFile, destFile, writeMode, processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp):
+ srcf = open(sourceFile, "r")
+ dstf = open(destFile, writeMode)
+ printLog(log, "WRITE " + destFile + " " + writeMode)
+ for line in srcf:
+ dstf.write(processLine(line, processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp))
+ dstf.close()
+ srcf.close()
+def generateSimpleMaxExporter(processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable):
+ dateTimeStamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-GMT", time.gmtime(time.time()))
+ processDir = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/" + processName
+ mkPath(log, processDir)
+ maxscriptDir = processDir + "/maxscript"
+ mkPath(log, maxscriptDir)
+ templateDir = os.getcwd().replace("\\", "/") + "/simple_max_exporter_template"
+ mkPath(log, templateDir)
+ scriptDir = os.getcwd().replace("\\", "/") + "/max_exporter_scripts"
+ mkPath(log, scriptDir)
+ if not os.path.isfile(processDir + "/0_setup.py"):
+ generateSimpleMaxExporterFile(templateDir + "/0_setup.py", processDir + "/0_setup.py", "w", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+ generateSimpleMaxExporterFile(templateDir + "/1_export_header.py", processDir + "/1_export.py", "w", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+ generateSimpleMaxExporterFile(scriptDir + "/" + fileExtension + ".py", processDir + "/1_export.py", "a", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+ generateSimpleMaxExporterFile(templateDir + "/1_export_footer.py", processDir + "/1_export.py", "a", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+ if not os.path.isfile(processDir + "/2_build.py"):
+ generateSimpleMaxExporterFile(templateDir + "/2_build.py", processDir + "/2_build.py", "w", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+ if not os.path.isfile(processDir + "/3_install.py"):
+ generateSimpleMaxExporterFile(templateDir + "/3_install.py", processDir + "/3_install.py", "w", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+ generateSimpleMaxExporterFile(templateDir + "/export_header.ms", maxscriptDir + "/" + fileExtension + "_export.ms", "w", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+ generateSimpleMaxExporterFile(scriptDir + "/" + fileExtension + ".ms", maxscriptDir + "/" + fileExtension + "_export.ms", "a", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+ generateSimpleMaxExporterFile(templateDir + "/export_footer.ms", maxscriptDir + "/" + fileExtension + "_export.ms", "a", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+generateSimpleMaxExporter("pacs_prim", "pacs_prim", "PacsPrimSourceDirectories", "PacsPrimExportDirectory", "PacsPrimClientDirectory")
+generateSimpleMaxExporter("anim", "anim", "AnimSourceDirectories", "AnimExportDirectory", "AnimClientDirectory")
+generateSimpleMaxExporter("skel", "skel", "SkelSourceDirectories", "SkelExportDirectory", "SkelClientDirectory")
+generateSimpleMaxExporter("swt", "swt", "SwtSourceDirectories", "SwtExportDirectory", "SwtClientDirectory")
+generateSimpleMaxExporter("zone", "zone", "ZoneSourceDirectory", "ZoneExportDirectory", "ZoneClientDirectory")
+printLog(log, "")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/generate_tagged_max_exporters.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/generate_tagged_max_exporters.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a62a478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/generate_tagged_max_exporters.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# \file 0_setup.py
+# \brief Run all setup processes
+# \date 2009-02-18 15:28GMT
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Run all setup processes
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import time, sys, os, shutil, subprocess, distutils.dir_util
+if os.path.isfile("generate_tagged_max_exporters.log"):
+ os.remove("generate_tagged_max_exporters.log")
+log = open("generate_tagged_max_exporters.log", "w")
+from scripts import *
+from buildsite import *
+from tools import *
+printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, "--- Generate tagged max exporters")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
+printLog(log, "")
+templateDir = os.getcwd().replace("\\", "/") + "/tagged_max_exporter_template"
+mkPath(log, templateDir)
+scriptDir = os.getcwd().replace("\\", "/") + "/max_exporter_scripts"
+mkPath(log, scriptDir)
+def processLine(line, processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, tagExportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp):
+ newline = line.replace("%PreGenWarning%", "WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !")
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenDateTimeStamp%", dateTimeStamp)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenProcessName%", processName)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenFileExtension%", fileExtension)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenSourceDirectoriesVariable%", sourceDirectoriesVariable)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenExportDirectoryVariable%", exportDirectoryVariable)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenTagExportDirectoryVariable%", tagExportDirectoryVariable)
+ newline = newline.replace("%PreGenClientDirectoryVariable%", clientDirectoryVariable)
+ return newline
+def generateTaggedMaxExporterFile(sourceFile, destFile, writeMode, processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, tagExportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp):
+ srcf = open(sourceFile, "r")
+ dstf = open(destFile, writeMode)
+ printLog(log, "WRITE " + destFile + " " + writeMode)
+ for line in srcf:
+ dstf.write(processLine(line, processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, tagExportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp))
+ dstf.close()
+ srcf.close()
+def generateTaggedMaxScriptFile(processDir, processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, tagExportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp):
+ maxscriptDir = processDir + "/maxscript"
+ mkPath(log, maxscriptDir)
+ generateTaggedMaxExporterFile(templateDir + "/export_header.ms", maxscriptDir + "/" + fileExtension + "_export.ms", "w", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, tagExportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+ generateTaggedMaxExporterFile(scriptDir + "/" + fileExtension + ".ms", maxscriptDir + "/" + fileExtension + "_export.ms", "a", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, tagExportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+ generateTaggedMaxExporterFile(templateDir + "/export_footer.ms", maxscriptDir + "/" + fileExtension + "_export.ms", "a", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, tagExportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+def generateTaggedMaxScript(processName, fileExtension):
+ dateTimeStamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-GMT", time.gmtime(time.time()))
+ processDir = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/" + processName
+ mkPath(log, processDir)
+ generateTaggedMaxScriptFile(processDir, processName, fileExtension, "_invalid", "_invalid", "_invalid", "_invalid", dateTimeStamp)
+def generateTaggedMaxExporter(processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, tagExportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable):
+ dateTimeStamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-GMT", time.gmtime(time.time()))
+ processDir = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/" + processName
+ mkPath(log, processDir)
+ if not os.path.isfile(processDir + "/0_setup.py"):
+ generateTaggedMaxExporterFile(templateDir + "/0_setup.py", processDir + "/0_setup.py", "w", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, tagExportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+ generateTaggedMaxExporterFile(templateDir + "/1_export_header.py", processDir + "/1_export.py", "w", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, tagExportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+ generateTaggedMaxExporterFile(scriptDir + "/" + fileExtension + ".py", processDir + "/1_export.py", "a", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, tagExportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+ generateTaggedMaxExporterFile(templateDir + "/1_export_footer.py", processDir + "/1_export.py", "a", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, tagExportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+ if not os.path.isfile(processDir + "/2_build.py"):
+ generateTaggedMaxExporterFile(templateDir + "/2_build.py", processDir + "/2_build.py", "w", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, tagExportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+ if not os.path.isfile(processDir + "/3_install.py"):
+ generateTaggedMaxExporterFile(templateDir + "/3_install.py", processDir + "/3_install.py", "w", processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, tagExportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+ generateTaggedMaxScriptFile(processDir, processName, fileExtension, sourceDirectoriesVariable, exportDirectoryVariable, tagExportDirectoryVariable, clientDirectoryVariable, dateTimeStamp)
+generateTaggedMaxExporter("clodbank", "clod", "ClodSourceDirectories", "ClodExportDirectory", "ClodTagExportDirectory", "ClodClientDirectory")
+generateTaggedMaxScript("ig", "ig")
+generateTaggedMaxExporter("rbank", "cmb", "RBankCmbSourceDirectories", "RBankCmbExportDirectory", "RBankCmbTagExportDirectory", "PacsClientDirectory")
+generateTaggedMaxExporter("veget", "veget", "VegetSourceDirectories", "VegetExportDirectory", "VegetTagExportDirectory", "VegetClientDirectory")
+printLog(log, "")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/anim.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/anim.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c189e71f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/anim.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + ".%PreGenFileExtension%")
+ tagThisFile = false
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Select Bip01, not very smart
+ if $Bip01 != undefined then
+ (
+ select $Bip01
+ -- Always uncheck triangle pelvis
+ if (classof $Bip01) == Biped_Object then
+ (
+ $Bip01.controller.figureMode = true
+ $Bip01.controller.trianglepelvis = false
+ $Bip01.controller.figureMode = false
+ )
+ )
+ -- For each node
+ for node in objects do
+ (
+ exportNodeAnmation = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_EXPORT_NODE_ANIMATION
+ if (exportNodeAnmation != undefined) then
+ (
+ if (exportNodeAnmation == "1") then
+ (
+ selectmore node
+ -- Is it a biped ?
+ if (classof node.controller) == Vertical_Horizontal_Turn then
+ (
+ -- Always uncheck triangle pelvis
+ node.controller.trianglepelvis = false
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ if ((selection as array).count != 0) then
+ (
+ -- Export the animation
+ if (NelExportAnimation (selection as array) outputNelFile false) == false then
+ (
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting animation " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("OK " + outputNelFile)
+ tagThisFile = true
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting animation: no node animated to export in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/anim.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/anim.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/clod.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/clod.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..29744c7d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/clod.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+-- Some globals
+NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT = 1423062565 -- do not export me : "undefined" = export me
+ -- "0" = export me
+ -- "1" = DONT export me
+NEL3D_APPDATA_CHARACTER_LOD = 1423062618 -- "1": I am a character lod if "1". "0" or undefined: I am not.
+-- Must export this node ?
+fn isToBeExported node =
+ if ((classof node) == RklPatch) then
+ return false
+ if ((classof node) == nel_ps) then
+ return false
+ if ((classof node) == nel_pacs_cylinder) then
+ return false
+ if ((classof node) == nel_pacs_box) then
+ return false
+ doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT
+ if (doNotExport != undefined) then
+ (
+ if (doNotExport == "1") then
+ return false
+ )
+ return true
+-- is this node flagged as a LodCharacter ??
+fn isLodCharacter node =
+ isCLod = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_CHARACTER_LOD
+ if (isCLod == undefined) then
+ return false
+ if (isCLod == "1") then
+ return true
+ return false
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
+ tagThisFile = true
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Unhide
+ max unhide all
+ -- unselect
+ max select none
+ -- Exported object count
+ exported = 0
+ -- For each node
+ for node in geometry do
+ (
+ -- It is root ?
+ if (node.parent == undefined) then
+ (
+ -- Can be exported ?
+ if (isToBeExported node == true) then
+ (
+ -- Is a Lod character?
+ if ((isLodCharacter node) == true) then
+ (
+ -- Output directory
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (node.name) + ".clod")
+ -- Compare file date
+ if (NeLTestFileDate outputNelFile inputMaxFile) == true then
+ (
+ try
+ (
+ -- Export the shape
+ if (NelExportLodCharacter node outputNelFile false) == true then
+ (
+ nlerror("OK " + outputNelFile)
+ exported = exported+1
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting .clod " + node.name + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ )
+ catch
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting .clod " + node.name + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("SKIPPED " + outputNelFile)
+ exported = exported + 1
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ -- Something exported
+ if (exported == 0) then
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror ("WARNING no .clod exported from the file " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/clod.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/clod.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/cmb.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/cmb.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a7492c29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/cmb.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+-- Must export this node ?
+fn isToBeExported node =
+ doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION
+ if (doNotExport != undefined) then
+ (
+ if (doNotExport == "1") then
+ return true
+ )
+ doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION_EXTERIOR
+ if (doNotExport != undefined) then
+ (
+ if (doNotExport == "1") then
+ return true
+ )
+ return false
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
+ outputNelDir = "%OutputDirectory%"
+ -- Tag this file ?
+ tagThisFile = true
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Select all collision mesh
+ max select none
+ for m in geometry do
+ (
+ if (isToBeExported m) == true then
+ selectmore m
+ )
+ -- Export the collision
+ if (NelExportCollision ($selection as array) outputNelDir) == false then
+ (
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting collision " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("OK collision in folder " + outputNelDir)
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/cmb.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/cmb.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/ig.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/ig.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c9563088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/ig.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+-- Some globals
+NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL = 1423062561 -- type of accelerator : "32" = is not an accelerator and IS clusterized
+ -- "0" = is not an accelerator and IS NOT clusterized (always visible)
+ -- "1" = is an accelerator type PORTAL
+ -- "2" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER
+ -- "6" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER FATHER-VISIBLE
+ -- "10" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER VISIBLE-FROM-FATHER
+ -- "14" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER FATHER-VISIBLE and VISIBLE-FROM-FATHER
+ -- "17" = is an accelerator type PORTAL DYNAMIC
+NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT = 1423062565 -- do not export me : "undefined" = export me
+ -- "0" = export me
+ -- "1" = DONT export me
+NEL3D_APPDATA_IGNAME = 1423062564 -- string : name of the Instance Group
+NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD = 1423062537
+-- This node is n accelerator ?
+fn isAccelerator node =
+ accel = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL
+ if (accel != undefined) then
+ (
+ if (accel == "0") or (accel == "32") then
+ return false
+ else
+ return true
+ )
+ return false
+-- Get the ig name of this object
+fn getIg node =
+ return (getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_IGNAME)
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
+ tagThisFile = true
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Unhide
+ max unhide all
+ -- unselect
+ max select none
+ -- Exported object count
+ exported = 0
+ -- Ig array
+ ig_array = #()
+ -- Scan all the ig in this project
+ for node in objects do
+ (
+ ig = getIg node
+ if ( (ig != undefined) and (ig != "") ) then
+ (
+ -- Found ?
+ found = false
+ -- Already found ?
+ for j = 1 to ig_array.count do
+ (
+ if (ig_array[j]==ig) then
+ (
+ found = true
+ exit
+ )
+ )
+ -- Found ?
+ if (found == false) then
+ (
+ append ig_array ig
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ -- Have some ig ?
+ if (ig_array.count != 0) then
+ (
+ -- For each ig
+ for ig = 1 to ig_array.count do
+ (
+ -- Output filename
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + ig_array[ig] + ".ig")
+ -- Check date
+ if (NeLTestFileDate outputNelFile inputMaxFile) == true then
+ (
+ -- Select none
+ max select none
+ -- Select all node in this ig
+ for node in geometry do
+ (
+ -- Select it if in the ig
+ if ((getIg node) == ig_array[ig]) then
+ selectmore node
+ )
+ -- Select all lights in this ig
+ for node in lights do
+ (
+ -- Select it if in the ig
+ if ((getIg node) == ig_array[ig]) then
+ selectmore node
+ )
+ -- Select all lights in this ig
+ for node in helpers do
+ (
+ -- Select it if in the ig
+ if ((getIg node) == ig_array[ig]) then
+ selectmore node
+ )
+ -- Check export
+ try
+ (
+ -- Export the ig
+ instancegroup2export = $selection as array
+ if (NelExportInstanceGroup instancegroup2export outputNelFile) == true then
+ (
+ nlerror("OK " + outputNelFile)
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting ig " + ig_array[ig] + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ )
+ catch
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting ig " + ig_array[ig] + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("SKIPPED " + outputNelFile)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("WARNING nothing exported from ig max file " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/pacs_prim.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/pacs_prim.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93e94de19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/pacs_prim.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + ".%PreGenFileExtension%")
+ tagThisFile = false
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Select none
+ max select none
+ -- Select all PACS primitives
+ for i in geometry do
+ (
+ if ((classof i) == nel_pacs_cylinder) or ((classof i) == nel_pacs_box) then
+ selectmore i
+ )
+ -- Array of node
+ arrayNode = selection as array
+ -- Something to export ?
+ if (arrayNode.count != 0) then
+ (
+ -- Export the collision
+ if (NelExportPACSPrimitives arrayNode outputNelFile) == false then
+ (
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting PACS primitives in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("OK PACS primitives in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = true
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("WARNING no PACS primitives in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = true
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/pacs_prim.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/pacs_prim.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1c3e5966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/pacs_prim.py
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+printLog(log, ">>> List %PreGenFileExtension% <<<")
+outDirPacsPrim = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + %PreGenExportDirectoryVariable%
+mkPath(log, outDirPacsPrim)
+listPath = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + %PreGenExportDirectoryVariable% + "/landscape_col_prim_pacs_list.txt"
+if os.path.isfile(listPath):
+ os.remove(listPath)
+if WantLandscapeColPrimPacsList:
+ exportedPacsPrims = findFiles(log, outDirPacsPrim, "", ".%PreGenFileExtension%")
+ printLog(log, "WRITE " + listPath)
+ listFile = open(listPath, "w")
+ for exported in exportedPacsPrims:
+ listFile.write(exported + "\n")
+ listFile.close()
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/skel.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/skel.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b86e10c75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/skel.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + ".%PreGenFileExtension%")
+ tagThisFile = false
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Select Bip01, not very smart
+ if $Bip01 != undefined then
+ (
+ -- Select Bip01
+ select $Bip01
+ if ($ != undefined) then
+ (
+ -- Set figure mode on
+ if ((classof $) == Biped_Object) then
+ (
+ $.controller.figureMode = true
+ )
+ -- Export the skeleton template
+ if (NelExportSkeleton $ outputNelFile) == false then
+ (
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting skeleton " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("OK " + outputNelFile)
+ tagThisFile = true
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting skeleton: no Bip01 node in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting skeleton: no Bip01 node in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/skel.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/skel.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..884e11db3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/skel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+printLog(log, ">>> Export skel directly <<<")
+mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SkelExportDirectory)
+for dir in SkelSourceDirectories:
+ mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
+ copyFilesExtNoSubdirIfNeeded(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SkelExportDirectory, ".skel")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/swt.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/swt.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6330b611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/swt.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + ".%PreGenFileExtension%")
+ tagThisFile = false
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Select all the nodes
+ max select all
+ -- Export the skeleton template
+ if NelExportSkeletonWeight ($selection as array) outputNelFile == false then
+ (
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting skeleton weight " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("OK " + outputNelFile)
+ tagThisFile = true
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/swt.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/swt.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/veget.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/veget.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0d5cd584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/veget.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+-- Some globals
+NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT = 1423062565 -- do not export me : "undefined" = export me
+ -- "0" = export me
+ -- "1" = DONT export me
+NEL3D_APPDATA_VEGETABLE = 1423062580 -- "undefined" = not vegetable
+ -- "0" = not vegetable
+ -- "1" = vegetable
+-- Must export this node ?
+fn isToBeExported node =
+ if (classof node == nel_ps) then
+ return false
+ doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT
+ if (doNotExport != undefined) then
+ (
+ if (doNotExport == "1") then
+ return false
+ )
+ vegetable = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_VEGETABLE
+ if (vegetable != undefined) then
+ if (vegetable == "1") then
+ return true
+ -- Do not export
+ return false
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
+ tagThisFile = true
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Unhide
+ max unhide all
+ -- unselect
+ max select none
+ -- Exported object count
+ exported = 0
+ -- For each node
+ for node in geometry do
+ (
+ -- It is root ?
+ if (node.parent == undefined) then
+ (
+ -- Is not a skeleton ?
+ if (node.name != "Bip01") then
+ (
+ -- Can be exported ?
+ if (isToBeExported node == true) then
+ (
+ -- Output directory
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (node.name) + ".veget")
+ -- Compare file date
+ if (NeLTestFileDate outputNelFile inputMaxFile) == true then
+ (
+ try
+ (
+ -- Export the veget
+ if (NelExportVegetable node outputNelFile false) == true then
+ (
+ nlerror("OK "+outputNelFile)
+ exported = exported+1
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting veget " + node.name + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ )
+ catch
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR fata error exporting veget " + node.name + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("SKIPPED " + outputNelFile)
+ exported = exported + 1
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ -- Something exported
+ if exported == 0 then
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("WARNING no veget exported from the file " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/veget.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/veget.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/zone.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/zone.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4ecbe275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/zone.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+-- Find id
+Fn findID node =
+ local
+ -- Const
+ NameTab = filterString node.name "_"
+ Z_ID = -1
+ alpha_letter1 = NameTab[2][1]
+ alpha_letter2 = NameTab[2][2]
+ alpha_letter1_value = findstring alphabet alpha_letter1
+ alpha_letter2_value = findstring alphabet alpha_letter2
+ -- Decompose theh name in an array array[1]=numeric string value array[2]=alpha string value
+ -- The index of the engine start at 0 but the script one at 1 so we sub 1 each time
+ alpha_sub_id = (((alpha_letter1_value as integer - 1) * 26 + (alpha_letter2_value as integer)))-1
+ num_sub_id = (NameTab[1] as integer)-1
+ -- Array of 256 per 256
+ ---------------------------
+ -- 0 1 2 3 ... 255
+ -- 256 257 258 259 ... 511
+ -- 512 513 514 515 ... 767
+ -- ...
+ Z_ID = num_sub_id*256 + alpha_sub_id
+ return Z_ID
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + ".%PreGenFileExtension%")
+ tagThisFile = false
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Select none
+ max select none
+ -- Found it ?
+ find = false
+ -- For each object in the priject
+ for i in geometry do
+ (
+ -- Look for a NeL patch mesh
+ if (classof i) == RklPatch then
+ (
+ -- Error catching
+ try
+ (
+ if (ExportRykolZone i outputNelFile (findID i)) == false then
+ (
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting zone " + i.name + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("OK " + outputNelFile)
+ tagThisFile = true
+ find = true
+ exit
+ )
+ )
+ catch
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting zone " + i.name + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ -- Not found ?
+ if (find == false) then
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("WARNING no zone found in project " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = true
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/zone.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/zone.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6e821879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/max_exporter_scripts/zone.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+printLog(log, ">>> Try to copy ligo zone if any <<<")
+printLog(log, "********************************")
+printLog(log, "******** TODO ********")
+printLog(log, "********************************")
+printLog(log, "")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/0_setup.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/0_setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2c6ef2b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/0_setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# \file 0_setup.py
+# \brief setup %PreGenProcessName%
+# \date %PreGenDateTimeStamp%
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Setup %PreGenProcessName%
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import time, sys, os, shutil, subprocess, distutils.dir_util
+if os.path.isfile("log.log"):
+ os.remove("log.log")
+log = open("log.log", "w")
+from scripts import *
+from buildsite import *
+from process import *
+from tools import *
+from directories import *
+printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, "--- Setup %PreGenProcessName%")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
+printLog(log, "")
+# Setup source directories
+printLog(log, ">>> Setup source directories <<<")
+for dir in %PreGenSourceDirectoriesVariable%:
+ mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
+# Setup export directories
+printLog(log, ">>> Setup export directories <<<")
+mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + %PreGenExportDirectoryVariable%)
+# Setup build directories
+printLog(log, ">>> Setup build directories <<<")
+# Setup client directories
+printLog(log, ">>> Setup client directories <<<")
+mkPath(log, ClientDataDirectory + "/" + %PreGenClientDirectoryVariable%)
+# end of file
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/1_export_footer.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/1_export_footer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4d6f4950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/1_export_footer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+printLog(log, "")
+# end of file
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/1_export_header.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/1_export_header.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b79ed18e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/1_export_header.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## %PreGenWarning%
+# #################################################################
+# \file 1_export.py
+# \brief Export %PreGenProcessName%
+# \date %PreGenDateTimeStamp%
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Export %PreGenProcessName%
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import time, sys, os, shutil, subprocess, distutils.dir_util
+if os.path.isfile("log.log"):
+ os.remove("log.log")
+log = open("log.log", "w")
+from scripts import *
+from buildsite import *
+from process import *
+from tools import *
+from directories import *
+printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, "--- Export %PreGenProcessName%")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
+printLog(log, "")
+# Find tools
+# ...
+# Export %PreGenProcessName% 3dsmax
+if MaxAvailable:
+ # Find tools
+ Max = findMax(log, MaxDirectory, MaxExecutable)
+ printLog(log, "")
+ printLog(log, ">>> Export %PreGenProcessName% 3dsmax <<<")
+ mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + %PreGenExportDirectoryVariable%)
+ for dir in %PreGenSourceDirectoriesVariable%:
+ mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
+ if (needUpdateDirByTagLog(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir, ".max", ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + %PreGenExportDirectoryVariable%, ".%PreGenFileExtension%")):
+ scriptSrc = "maxscript/%PreGenFileExtension%_export.ms"
+ scriptDst = MaxUserDirectory + "/scripts/%PreGenFileExtension%_export.ms"
+ outputLogfile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/%PreGenProcessName%/log.log"
+ outputDirectory = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + %PreGenExportDirectoryVariable%
+ maxSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir
+ tagList = findFiles(log, outputDirectory, "", ".%PreGenFileExtension%")
+ tagLen = len(tagList)
+ if os.path.isfile(scriptDst):
+ os.remove(scriptDst)
+ tagDiff = 1
+ sSrc = open(scriptSrc, "r")
+ sDst = open(scriptDst, "w")
+ for line in sSrc:
+ newline = line.replace("%OutputLogfile%", outputLogfile)
+ newline = newline.replace("%MaxSourceDirectory%", maxSourceDir)
+ newline = newline.replace("%OutputDirectory%", outputDirectory)
+ sDst.write(newline)
+ sSrc.close()
+ sDst.close()
+ while tagDiff > 0:
+ printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst)
+ subprocess.call([ Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "%PreGenFileExtension%_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
+ tagList = findFiles(log, outputDirectory, "", ".%PreGenFileExtension%")
+ newTagLen = len(tagList)
+ tagDiff = newTagLen - tagLen
+ tagLen = newTagLen
+ printLog(log, "Exported " + str(tagDiff) + " .%PreGenFileExtension% files!")
+ os.remove(scriptDst)
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/2_build.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/2_build.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6278c85cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/2_build.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# \file 2_build.py
+# \brief Build %PreGenProcessName%
+# \date %PreGenDateTimeStamp%
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Build %PreGenProcessName%
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import time, sys, os, shutil, subprocess, distutils.dir_util
+if os.path.isfile("log.log"):
+ os.remove("log.log")
+log = open("log.log", "w")
+from scripts import *
+from buildsite import *
+from process import *
+from tools import *
+from directories import *
+printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, "--- Build %PreGenProcessName%")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
+printLog(log, "")
+# end of file
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/3_install.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/3_install.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9486b77f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/3_install.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# \file 3_install.py
+# \brief Install %PreGenProcessName%
+# \date %PreGenDateTimeStamp%
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Install %PreGenProcessName%
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import time, sys, os, shutil, subprocess, distutils.dir_util
+if os.path.isfile("log.log"):
+ os.remove("log.log")
+log = open("log.log", "w")
+from scripts import *
+from buildsite import *
+from process import *
+from tools import *
+from directories import *
+printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, "--- Install %PreGenProcessName%")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
+printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, ">>> Install %PreGenProcessName% <<<")
+exportPath = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + %PreGenExportDirectoryVariable%
+mkPath(log, exportPath)
+clientPath = ClientDataDirectory + "/" + %PreGenClientDirectoryVariable%
+mkPath(log, clientPath)
+copyFilesExtNoSubdirIfNeeded(log, exportPath, clientPath, ".%PreGenFileExtension%")
+printLog(log, "")
+# end of file
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/export_footer.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/export_footer.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c6e99bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/export_footer.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ -- Get files in the %MaxSourceDirectory% directory
+ files = getFiles "%MaxSourceDirectory%/*.max"
+ gc()
+ -- Sort files
+ sort files
+ gc()
+ -- No file ?
+ if files.count != 0 then
+ (
+ -- For each files
+ for i = 1 to files.count do
+ (
+ inputMaxFile = files[i]
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + ".%PreGenFileExtension%")
+ try
+ (
+ -- Compare file date
+ if (NeLTestFileDate outputNelFile inputMaxFile) == true then
+ (
+ -- Free memory and file handles
+ gc()
+ heapfree
+ -- Reset 3dsmax
+ resetMAXFile #noprompt
+ -- Open the max project
+ nlerror("Scanning file " + inputMaxFile + " ...")
+ if (loadMaxFile inputMaxFile quiet:true) == true then
+ (
+ runNelMaxExport(inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting '%PreGenFileExtension%': can't open the file " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("SKIPPED " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ )
+ catch
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR error exporting '%PreGenFileExtension%' in files " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("WARNING no *.max file in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
+ )
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting '%PreGenFileExtension%' in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
+-- Bye
+resetMAXFile #noprompt
+quitMAX #noPrompt
+quitMAX() #noPrompt
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/export_header.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/export_header.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d5e5434f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/simple_max_exporter_template/export_header.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+-- #################################################################
+-- ## %PreGenWarning%
+-- #################################################################
+-- Allocate 20 Me for the script
+heapSize += 15000000
+nlErrorFilename = "%OutputLogfile%"
+nlErrorStream = openFile nlErrorFilename mode:"a"
+if nlErrorStream == undefined then
+ nlErrorStream = createFile nlErrorFilename
+-- Unhide category
+fn unhidecategory =
+ if (geometry.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide geometry[1]
+ if (geometry[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide object toggle
+ )
+ if (shapes.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide shapes[1]
+ if (shapes[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide shape toggle
+ )
+ if (lights.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide lights[1]
+ if (lights[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide light toggle
+ )
+ if (cameras.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide cameras[1]
+ if (cameras[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide camera toggle
+ )
+ if (helpers.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide helpers[1]
+ if (helpers[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide helper toggle
+ )
+-- Log a message
+fn nlerror message =
+ if nlErrorStream != undefined then
+ (
+ format "%\n" message to:nlErrorStream
+ flush nlErrorStream
+ )
+ -- To the console
+ print message
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/0_setup.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/0_setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d572c1f43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/0_setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# \file 0_setup.py
+# \brief setup %PreGenProcessName%
+# \date %PreGenDateTimeStamp%
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Setup %PreGenProcessName%
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import time, sys, os, shutil, subprocess, distutils.dir_util
+if os.path.isfile("log.log"):
+ os.remove("log.log")
+log = open("log.log", "w")
+from scripts import *
+from buildsite import *
+from process import *
+from tools import *
+from directories import *
+printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, "--- Setup %PreGenProcessName%")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
+printLog(log, "")
+# Setup source directories
+printLog(log, ">>> Setup source directories <<<")
+for dir in %PreGenSourceDirectoriesVariable%:
+ mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
+# Setup export directories
+printLog(log, ">>> Setup export directories <<<")
+mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + %PreGenExportDirectoryVariable%)
+mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + %PreGenTagExportDirectoryVariable%)
+# Setup build directories
+printLog(log, ">>> Setup build directories <<<")
+# Setup client directories
+printLog(log, ">>> Setup client directories <<<")
+mkPath(log, ClientDataDirectory + "/" + %PreGenClientDirectoryVariable%)
+# end of file
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/1_export_footer.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/1_export_footer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4d6f4950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/1_export_footer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+printLog(log, "")
+# end of file
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/1_export_header.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/1_export_header.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e48b44648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/1_export_header.py
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## %PreGenWarning%
+# #################################################################
+# \file 1_export.py
+# \brief Export %PreGenProcessName%
+# \date %PreGenDateTimeStamp%
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Export %PreGenProcessName%
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import time, sys, os, shutil, subprocess, distutils.dir_util
+if os.path.isfile("log.log"):
+ os.remove("log.log")
+log = open("log.log", "w")
+from scripts import *
+from buildsite import *
+from process import *
+from tools import *
+from directories import *
+printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, "--- Export %PreGenProcessName%")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
+printLog(log, "")
+# Find tools
+# ...
+# Export %PreGenProcessName% 3dsmax
+if MaxAvailable:
+ # Find tools
+ Max = findMax(log, MaxDirectory, MaxExecutable)
+ printLog(log, "")
+ printLog(log, ">>> Export %PreGenProcessName% 3dsmax <<<")
+ mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + %PreGenExportDirectoryVariable%)
+ mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + %PreGenTagExportDirectoryVariable%)
+ for dir in %PreGenSourceDirectoriesVariable%:
+ mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
+ if (needUpdateDirByTagLog(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir, ".max", ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + %PreGenTagExportDirectoryVariable%, ".max.tag")):
+ scriptSrc = "maxscript/%PreGenFileExtension%_export.ms"
+ scriptDst = MaxUserDirectory + "/scripts/%PreGenFileExtension%_export.ms"
+ outputLogfile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/%PreGenProcessName%/log.log"
+ outputDirectory = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + %PreGenExportDirectoryVariable%
+ tagDirectory = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + %PreGenTagExportDirectoryVariable%
+ maxSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir
+ tagList = findFiles(log, tagDirectory, "", ".max.tag")
+ tagLen = len(tagList)
+ if os.path.isfile(scriptDst):
+ os.remove(scriptDst)
+ tagDiff = 1
+ sSrc = open(scriptSrc, "r")
+ sDst = open(scriptDst, "w")
+ for line in sSrc:
+ newline = line.replace("%OutputLogfile%", outputLogfile)
+ newline = newline.replace("%MaxSourceDirectory%", maxSourceDir)
+ newline = newline.replace("%OutputDirectory%", outputDirectory)
+ newline = newline.replace("%TagDirectory%", tagDirectory)
+ sDst.write(newline)
+ sSrc.close()
+ sDst.close()
+ while tagDiff > 0:
+ printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst)
+ subprocess.call([ Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "%PreGenFileExtension%_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
+ tagList = findFiles(log, tagDirectory, "", ".max.tag")
+ newTagLen = len(tagList)
+ tagDiff = newTagLen - tagLen
+ tagLen = newTagLen
+ printLog(log, "Exported " + str(tagDiff) + " .max files!")
+ os.remove(scriptDst)
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/2_build.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/2_build.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6278c85cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/2_build.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# \file 2_build.py
+# \brief Build %PreGenProcessName%
+# \date %PreGenDateTimeStamp%
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Build %PreGenProcessName%
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import time, sys, os, shutil, subprocess, distutils.dir_util
+if os.path.isfile("log.log"):
+ os.remove("log.log")
+log = open("log.log", "w")
+from scripts import *
+from buildsite import *
+from process import *
+from tools import *
+from directories import *
+printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, "--- Build %PreGenProcessName%")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
+printLog(log, "")
+# end of file
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/3_install.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/3_install.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3dde5aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/3_install.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# \file 3_install.py
+# \brief Install %PreGenProcessName%
+# \date %PreGenDateTimeStamp%
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Install %PreGenProcessName%
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import time, sys, os, shutil, subprocess, distutils.dir_util
+if os.path.isfile("log.log"):
+ os.remove("log.log")
+log = open("log.log", "w")
+from scripts import *
+from buildsite import *
+from process import *
+from tools import *
+from directories import *
+printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, "--- Install %PreGenProcessName%")
+printLog(log, "-------")
+printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
+printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, ">>> Install %PreGenProcessName% <<<")
+exportPath = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + %PreGenExportDirectoryVariable%
+mkPath(log, exportPath)
+clientPath = ClientDataDirectory + "/" + %PreGenClientDirectoryVariable%
+mkPath(log, clientPath)
+copyFilesNoTreeIfNeeded(log, exportPath, clientPath)
+printLog(log, "")
+# end of file
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/export_footer.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/export_footer.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42f9a51fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/export_footer.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ -- Get files in the %MaxSourceDirectory% directory
+ files = getFiles "%MaxSourceDirectory%/*.max"
+ gc()
+ -- Sort files
+ sort files
+ gc()
+ -- No file ?
+ if files.count != 0 then
+ (
+ -- For each files
+ for i = 1 to files.count do
+ (
+ inputMaxFile = files[i]
+ outputTagFile = ("%TagDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + (getFilenameType inputMaxFile) + ".tag")
+ try
+ (
+ -- Compare file date
+ if (NeLTestFileDate outputTagFile inputMaxFile) == true then
+ (
+ -- Free memory and file handles
+ gc()
+ heapfree
+ -- Reset 3dsmax
+ resetMAXFile #noprompt
+ -- Open the max project
+ nlerror("Scanning file " + inputMaxFile + " ...")
+ if (loadMaxFile inputMaxFile quiet:true) == true then
+ (
+ tagThisFile = runNelMaxExport(inputMaxFile)
+ -- Write a tag file
+ if tagThisFile == true then
+ (
+ tagFile = createFile outputTagFile
+ if tagFile == undefined then
+ (
+ nlerror("WARNING can't create tag file " + outputTagFile)
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ print "mukyu" to: tagFile
+ close tagFile
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting '%PreGenFileExtension%': can't open the file " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("SKIPPED BY TAG " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ )
+ catch
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR error exporting '%PreGenFileExtension%' in files " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("WARNING no *.max file in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
+ )
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting '%PreGenFileExtension%' in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
+-- Bye
+resetMAXFile #noprompt
+quitMAX #noPrompt
+quitMAX() #noPrompt
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/export_header.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/export_header.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d5e5434f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/generators/tagged_max_exporter_template/export_header.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+-- #################################################################
+-- ## %PreGenWarning%
+-- #################################################################
+-- Allocate 20 Me for the script
+heapSize += 15000000
+nlErrorFilename = "%OutputLogfile%"
+nlErrorStream = openFile nlErrorFilename mode:"a"
+if nlErrorStream == undefined then
+ nlErrorStream = createFile nlErrorFilename
+-- Unhide category
+fn unhidecategory =
+ if (geometry.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide geometry[1]
+ if (geometry[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide object toggle
+ )
+ if (shapes.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide shapes[1]
+ if (shapes[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide shape toggle
+ )
+ if (lights.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide lights[1]
+ if (lights[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide light toggle
+ )
+ if (cameras.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide cameras[1]
+ if (cameras[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide camera toggle
+ )
+ if (helpers.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide helpers[1]
+ if (helpers[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide helper toggle
+ )
+-- Log a message
+fn nlerror message =
+ if nlErrorStream != undefined then
+ (
+ format "%\n" message to:nlErrorStream
+ flush nlErrorStream
+ )
+ -- To the console
+ print message
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/anim/1_export.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/anim/1_export.py
index 5ab68c730..0958d9643 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/anim/1_export.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/anim/1_export.py
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+# #################################################################
# \file 1_export.py
# \brief Export anim
-# \date 2009-03-10 13:13GMT
+# \date 2010-09-03-10-06-GMT
# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
# Python port of game data build pipeline.
# Export anim
@@ -44,46 +48,51 @@ printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
printLog(log, "")
# Find tools
-Max = findMax(log, MaxDirectory, MaxExecutable)
-printLog(log, "")
+# ...
-# For each anim directory
-printLog(log, ">>> Export anim 3dsmax <<<")
-mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + AnimExportDirectory)
-for dir in AnimSourceDirectories:
- mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
- if (needUpdateDirNoSubdirLogExtMultidir(log, DatabaseDirectory, AnimSourceDirectories, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir, ".max", ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + AnimExportDirectory, ".anim")):
- scriptSrc = "maxscript/anim_export.ms"
- scriptDst = MaxUserDirectory + "/scripts/anim_export.ms"
- logFile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/anim/log.log"
- outDirAnim = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + AnimExportDirectory
- animSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir
- tagList = findFiles(log, outDirAnim, "", ".anim")
- tagLen = len(tagList)
- if os.path.isfile(scriptDst):
+# Export anim 3dsmax
+if MaxAvailable:
+ # Find tools
+ Max = findMax(log, MaxDirectory, MaxExecutable)
+ printLog(log, "")
+ printLog(log, ">>> Export anim 3dsmax <<<")
+ mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + AnimExportDirectory)
+ for dir in AnimSourceDirectories:
+ mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
+ if (needUpdateDirByTagLog(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir, ".max", ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + AnimExportDirectory, ".anim")):
+ scriptSrc = "maxscript/anim_export.ms"
+ scriptDst = MaxUserDirectory + "/scripts/anim_export.ms"
+ outputLogfile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/anim/log.log"
+ outputDirectory = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + AnimExportDirectory
+ maxSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir
+ tagList = findFiles(log, outputDirectory, "", ".anim")
+ tagLen = len(tagList)
+ if os.path.isfile(scriptDst):
+ os.remove(scriptDst)
+ tagDiff = 1
+ sSrc = open(scriptSrc, "r")
+ sDst = open(scriptDst, "w")
+ for line in sSrc:
+ newline = line.replace("%OutputLogfile%", outputLogfile)
+ newline = newline.replace("%MaxSourceDirectory%", maxSourceDir)
+ newline = newline.replace("%OutputDirectory%", outputDirectory)
+ sDst.write(newline)
+ sSrc.close()
+ sDst.close()
+ while tagDiff > 0:
+ printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst)
+ subprocess.call([ Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "anim_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
+ tagList = findFiles(log, outputDirectory, "", ".anim")
+ newTagLen = len(tagList)
+ tagDiff = newTagLen - tagLen
+ tagLen = newTagLen
+ printLog(log, "Exported " + str(tagDiff) + " .anim files!")
- tagDiff = 1
- sSrc = open(scriptSrc, "r")
- sDst = open(scriptDst, "w")
- for line in sSrc:
- newline = line.replace("output_logfile", logFile)
- newline = newline.replace("anim_source_directory", animSourceDir)
- newline = newline.replace("output_directory", outDirAnim)
- sDst.write(newline)
- sSrc.close()
- sDst.close()
- while tagDiff > 0:
- printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst)
- subprocess.call([ Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "anim_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
- tagList = findFiles(log, outDirAnim, "", ".anim")
- newTagLen = len(tagList)
- tagDiff = newTagLen - tagLen
- tagLen = newTagLen
- printLog(log, "Exported " + str(tagDiff) + " .anim files!")
- os.remove(scriptDst)
-printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/anim/maxscript/anim_export.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/anim/maxscript/anim_export.ms
index ce7c83405..05878c1cd 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/anim/maxscript/anim_export.ms
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/anim/maxscript/anim_export.ms
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
+-- #################################################################
+-- ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+-- #################################################################
-- Allocate 20 Me for the script
heapSize += 15000000
-nlErrorFilename = "output_logfile"
+nlErrorFilename = "%OutputLogfile%"
nlErrorStream = openFile nlErrorFilename mode:"a"
if nlErrorStream == undefined then
nlErrorStream = createFile nlErrorFilename
@@ -57,129 +61,146 @@ fn nlerror message =
print message
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
- -- Get files in the anim_source_directory
- files = getFiles "anim_source_directory/*.max"
- gc ()
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + ".anim")
+ tagThisFile = false
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Select Bip01, not very smart
+ if $Bip01 != undefined then
+ (
+ select $Bip01
+ -- Always uncheck triangle pelvis
+ if (classof $Bip01) == Biped_Object then
+ (
+ $Bip01.controller.figureMode = true
+ $Bip01.controller.trianglepelvis = false
+ $Bip01.controller.figureMode = false
+ )
+ )
+ -- For each node
+ for node in objects do
+ (
+ exportNodeAnmation = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_EXPORT_NODE_ANIMATION
+ if (exportNodeAnmation != undefined) then
+ (
+ if (exportNodeAnmation == "1") then
+ (
+ selectmore node
+ -- Is it a biped ?
+ if (classof node.controller) == Vertical_Horizontal_Turn then
+ (
+ -- Always uncheck triangle pelvis
+ node.controller.trianglepelvis = false
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ if ((selection as array).count != 0) then
+ (
+ -- Export the animation
+ if (NelExportAnimation (selection as array) outputNelFile false) == false then
+ (
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting animation " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("OK " + outputNelFile)
+ tagThisFile = true
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting animation: no node animated to export in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
+ -- Get files in the %MaxSourceDirectory% directory
+ files = getFiles "%MaxSourceDirectory%/*.max"
+ gc()
-- Sort files
sort files
- gc ()
+ gc()
-- No file ?
if files.count != 0 then
-- For each files
for i = 1 to files.count do
- nlerror ("Scanning file "+files[i]+" ...")
+ inputMaxFile = files[i]
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + ".anim")
- -- Output file
- output = ("output_directory/"+(getFilenameFile files[i])+".anim")
-- Compare file date
- if (NeLTestFileDate output files[i]) == true then
+ if (NeLTestFileDate outputNelFile inputMaxFile) == true then
-- Free memory and file handles
- gc ()
+ gc()
-- Reset 3dsmax
resetMAXFile #noprompt
-- Open the max project
- if (loadMaxFile files[i] quiet:true) == true then
+ nlerror("Scanning file " + inputMaxFile + " ...")
+ if (loadMaxFile inputMaxFile quiet:true) == true then
- -- Unhide category
- unhidecategory()
- -- Select Bip01, not very smart
- if $Bip01 != undefined then
- (
- select $Bip01
- -- Always uncheck triangle pelvis
- if (classof $Bip01) == Biped_Object then
- (
- $Bip01.controller.figureMode = true
- $Bip01.controller.trianglepelvis = false
- $Bip01.controller.figureMode = false
- )
- )
- -- For each node
- for node in objects do
- (
- exportNodeAnmation = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_EXPORT_NODE_ANIMATION
- if (exportNodeAnmation != undefined) then
- (
- if (exportNodeAnmation == "1") then
- (
- selectmore node
- -- Is it a biped ?
- if (classof node.controller) == Vertical_Horizontal_Turn then
- (
- -- Always uncheck triangle pelvis
- node.controller.trianglepelvis = false
- )
- )
- )
- )
- if ((selection as array).count != 0) then
- (
- -- Export the animation
- if (NelExportAnimation (selection as array) output false) == false then
- (
- nlerror ("ERROR exporting animation "+files[i])
- )
- else
- (
- nlerror ("OK "+output)
- )
- )
- else
- (
- -- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR exporting animation: no node animated to export in file "+files[i])
- )
+ runNelMaxExport(inputMaxFile)
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR exporting animation: can't open the file "+files[i])
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting 'anim': can't open the file " + inputMaxFile)
- nlerror ("SKIPPED "+files[i])
+ nlerror("SKIPPED " + inputMaxFile)
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR error exporting animation in files " + files[i])
+ nlerror("ERROR error exporting 'anim' in files " + inputMaxFile)
- nlerror ("WARNING no animation file in folder anim_source_directory")
+ nlerror("WARNING no *.max file in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting animation in folder anim_source_directory")
+ nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting 'anim' in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
-- Bye
resetMAXFile #noprompt
quitMAX #noPrompt
-quitMAX () #noPrompt
+quitMAX() #noPrompt
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/1_export.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/1_export.py
index d4da536fb..92ba0a1b9 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/1_export.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/1_export.py
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+# #################################################################
# \file 1_export.py
# \brief Export clodbank
-# \date 2009-03-10 13:13GMT
+# \date 2010-09-03-10-06-GMT
# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
# Python port of game data build pipeline.
# Export clodbank
@@ -43,50 +47,56 @@ printLog(log, "-------")
printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
printLog(log, "")
# Find tools
-Max = findMax(log, MaxDirectory, MaxExecutable)
-printLog(log, "")
+# ...
-# For each clodbank directory
-printLog(log, ">>> Export clodbank 3dsmax <<<")
-mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ClodExportDirectory)
-mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ClodTagExportDirectory)
-for dir in ClodSourceDirectories:
- mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
- if (needUpdateDirNoSubdirLogExtMultidir(log, DatabaseDirectory, ClodSourceDirectories, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir, ".max", ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ClodTagExportDirectory, ".tag")):
- scriptSrc = "maxscript/clod_export.ms"
- scriptDst = MaxUserDirectory + "/scripts/clod_export.ms"
- logFile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/clodbank/log.log"
- outDirClod = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ClodExportDirectory
- outDirTag = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ClodTagExportDirectory
- maxSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir
- tagList = findFiles(log, outDirTag, "", ".tag")
- tagLen = len(tagList)
- if os.path.isfile(scriptDst):
+# Export clodbank 3dsmax
+if MaxAvailable:
+ # Find tools
+ Max = findMax(log, MaxDirectory, MaxExecutable)
+ printLog(log, "")
+ printLog(log, ">>> Export clodbank 3dsmax <<<")
+ mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ClodExportDirectory)
+ mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ClodTagExportDirectory)
+ for dir in ClodSourceDirectories:
+ mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
+ if (needUpdateDirByTagLog(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir, ".max", ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ClodTagExportDirectory, ".max.tag")):
+ scriptSrc = "maxscript/clod_export.ms"
+ scriptDst = MaxUserDirectory + "/scripts/clod_export.ms"
+ outputLogfile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/clodbank/log.log"
+ outputDirectory = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ClodExportDirectory
+ tagDirectory = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ClodTagExportDirectory
+ maxSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir
+ tagList = findFiles(log, tagDirectory, "", ".max.tag")
+ tagLen = len(tagList)
+ if os.path.isfile(scriptDst):
+ os.remove(scriptDst)
+ tagDiff = 1
+ sSrc = open(scriptSrc, "r")
+ sDst = open(scriptDst, "w")
+ for line in sSrc:
+ newline = line.replace("%OutputLogfile%", outputLogfile)
+ newline = newline.replace("%MaxSourceDirectory%", maxSourceDir)
+ newline = newline.replace("%OutputDirectory%", outputDirectory)
+ newline = newline.replace("%TagDirectory%", tagDirectory)
+ sDst.write(newline)
+ sSrc.close()
+ sDst.close()
+ while tagDiff > 0:
+ printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst)
+ subprocess.call([ Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "clod_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
+ tagList = findFiles(log, tagDirectory, "", ".max.tag")
+ newTagLen = len(tagList)
+ tagDiff = newTagLen - tagLen
+ tagLen = newTagLen
+ printLog(log, "Exported " + str(tagDiff) + " .max files!")
- tagDiff = 1
- sSrc = open(scriptSrc, "r")
- sDst = open(scriptDst, "w")
- for line in sSrc:
- newline = line.replace("output_logfile", logFile)
- newline = newline.replace("shape_source_directory", maxSourceDir)
- newline = newline.replace("output_directory_clod", outDirClod)
- newline = newline.replace("output_directory_tag", outDirTag)
- sDst.write(newline)
- sSrc.close()
- sDst.close()
- while tagDiff > 0:
- printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst)
- subprocess.call([ Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "clod_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
- tagList = findFiles(log, outDirTag, "", ".tag")
- newTagLen = len(tagList)
- tagDiff = newTagLen - tagLen
- tagLen = newTagLen
- printLog(log, "Exported " + str(tagDiff) + " .max files!")
- os.remove(scriptDst)
-printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/maxscript/clod_export.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/maxscript/clod_export.ms
index 17c7aeb9c..0c0d78fe0 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/maxscript/clod_export.ms
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/maxscript/clod_export.ms
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
--- Some globals
-NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT = 1423062565 -- do not export me : "undefined" = export me
- -- "0" = export me
- -- "1" = DONT export me
-NEL3D_APPDATA_CHARACTER_LOD = 1423062618 -- "1": I am a character lod if "1". "0" or undefined: I am not.
+-- #################################################################
+-- ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+-- #################################################################
-- Allocate 20 Me for the script
heapSize += 15000000
-nlErrorFilename = "output_logfile"
+nlErrorFilename = "%OutputLogfile%"
nlErrorStream = openFile nlErrorFilename mode:"a"
if nlErrorStream == undefined then
nlErrorStream = createFile nlErrorFilename
@@ -62,21 +61,31 @@ fn nlerror message =
print message
+-- Some globals
+NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT = 1423062565 -- do not export me : "undefined" = export me
+ -- "0" = export me
+ -- "1" = DONT export me
+NEL3D_APPDATA_CHARACTER_LOD = 1423062618 -- "1": I am a character lod if "1". "0" or undefined: I am not.
-- Must export this node ?
-fn isToBeExported node =
+fn isToBeExported node =
if ((classof node) == RklPatch) then
return false
if ((classof node) == nel_ps) then
return false
if ((classof node) == nel_pacs_cylinder) then
return false
if ((classof node) == nel_pacs_box) then
return false
doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT
if (doNotExport != undefined) then
@@ -86,8 +95,9 @@ fn isToBeExported node =
return true
-- is this node flagged as a LodCharacter ??
-fn isLodCharacter node =
+fn isLodCharacter node =
isCLod = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_CHARACTER_LOD
if (isCLod == undefined) then
@@ -97,173 +107,169 @@ fn isLodCharacter node =
return false
-fn goClodExport =
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
- try
+ tagThisFile = true
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Unhide
+ max unhide all
+ -- unselect
+ max select none
+ -- Exported object count
+ exported = 0
+ -- For each node
+ for node in geometry do
- -- Get files in the shape_source_directory
- files = getFiles "shape_source_directory/*.max"
- -- Sort files
- sort files
- -- No file ?
- if files.count != 0 then
+ -- It is root ?
+ if (node.parent == undefined) then
- -- For each files
- for i = 1 to files.count do
+ -- Can be exported ?
+ if (isToBeExported node == true) then
- try
+ -- Is a Lod character?
+ if ((isLodCharacter node) == true) then
- -- Ok ?
- ok = false
- -- Free memory and file handles
- gc ()
- -- Reset 3dsmax
- resetMAXFile #noprompt
- -- Get the tag file name
- tag = ("output_directory_tag/"+(getFilenameFile files[i])+(getFilenameType files[i])+".tag")
- -- Compare date with the tag file
- if (NeLTestFileDate tag files[i]) == true then
+ -- Output directory
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (node.name) + ".clod")
+ -- Compare file date
+ if (NeLTestFileDate outputNelFile inputMaxFile) == true then
- -- Open the max project
- nlerror ("Scanning file "+files[i]+" ...")
- if (loadMaxFile files[i] quiet:true) == true then
+ try
- -- Unhide category
- unhidecategory()
- tagThisFile = true
- -- Unhide
- max unhide all
- -- unselect
- max select none
- -- Exported object count
- exported = 0
- -- For each node
- for node in geometry do
+ -- Export the shape
+ if (NelExportLodCharacter node outputNelFile false) == true then
- -- It is root ?
- if (node.parent == undefined) then
- (
- -- Can be exported ?
- if (isToBeExported node == true) then
- (
- -- Is a Lod character?
- if ((isLodCharacter node) == true) then
- (
- -- Output directory
- output = ("output_directory_clod/"+(node.name)+".clod")
- -- Compare file date
- if (NeLTestFileDate output files[i]) == true then
- (
- try
- (
- -- Export the shape
- if (NelExportLodCharacter node output false) == true then
- (
- nlerror ("OK "+output)
- exported = exported+1
- )
- else
- (
- -- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR exporting .clod "+node.name+" in file "+files[i])
- tagThisFile = false
- )
- )
- catch
- (
- -- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting .clod "+node.name+" in file "+files[i])
- tagThisFile = false
- return 0
- )
- )
- else
- (
- -- Error
- nlerror ("SKIPPED "+output)
- exported = exported+1
- )
- )
- )
- )
+ nlerror("OK " + outputNelFile)
+ exported = exported+1
- -- Something exported
- if (exported == 0) then
+ else
-- Error
- nlerror ("WARNING no .clod exported from the file "+files[i])
- )
- -- Write a tag file
- if tagThisFile == true then
- (
- tagFile = createFile tag
- if tagFile == undefined then
- (
- nlerror ("WARNING can't create tag file "+tag)
- )
- else
- (
- print "toto" to: tagFile
- close tagFile
- )
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting .clod " + node.name + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
- else
+ catch
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR exporting .clod: can't open the file "+files[i])
+ nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting .clod " + node.name + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
-- Error
- nlerror ("SKIPPED BY TAG "+files[i])
+ nlerror("SKIPPED " + outputNelFile)
+ exported = exported + 1
- gc ()
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ -- Something exported
+ if (exported == 0) then
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror ("WARNING no .clod exported from the file " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
+ -- Get files in the %MaxSourceDirectory% directory
+ files = getFiles "%MaxSourceDirectory%/*.max"
+ gc()
+ -- Sort files
+ sort files
+ gc()
+ -- No file ?
+ if files.count != 0 then
+ (
+ -- For each files
+ for i = 1 to files.count do
+ (
+ inputMaxFile = files[i]
+ outputTagFile = ("%TagDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + (getFilenameType inputMaxFile) + ".tag")
+ try
+ (
+ -- Compare file date
+ if (NeLTestFileDate outputTagFile inputMaxFile) == true then
+ (
+ -- Free memory and file handles
+ gc()
+ heapfree
-- Reset 3dsmax
resetMAXFile #noprompt
+ -- Open the max project
+ nlerror("Scanning file " + inputMaxFile + " ...")
+ if (loadMaxFile inputMaxFile quiet:true) == true then
+ (
+ tagThisFile = runNelMaxExport(inputMaxFile)
+ -- Write a tag file
+ if tagThisFile == true then
+ (
+ tagFile = createFile outputTagFile
+ if tagFile == undefined then
+ (
+ nlerror("WARNING can't create tag file " + outputTagFile)
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ print "mukyu" to: tagFile
+ close tagFile
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting 'clod': can't open the file " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
- catch
+ else
- -- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting .clod in file " + files[i])
- -- break
+ nlerror("SKIPPED BY TAG " + inputMaxFile)
- )
- else
- (
- nlerror ("WARNING no max file in folder shape_source_directory")
+ catch
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR error exporting 'clod' in files " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
- catch
+ else
- -- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting .clod in folder shape_source_directory")
- return 0
+ nlerror("WARNING no *.max file in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting 'clod' in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
-nlerror ("BYE")
+-- Bye
+resetMAXFile #noprompt
quitMAX #noPrompt
-quitMAX () #noPrompt
+quitMAX() #noPrompt
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/ig/1_export.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/ig/1_export.py
index c8eb2d363..06fe7050d 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/ig/1_export.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/ig/1_export.py
@@ -46,15 +46,15 @@ printLog(log, "")
Max = "" #find later
-def igExport(all_source_base, all_source_dir, sourceDir, targetDir):
+def igExport(sourceDir, targetDir):
scriptSrc = "maxscript/ig_export.ms"
scriptDst = MaxUserDirectory + "/scripts/ig_export.ms"
- logFile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/ig/log.log"
- outDirTag = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgStaticTagExportDirectory
- outDirIg = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + targetDir
- igSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + sourceDir
- if (needUpdateDirNoSubdirLogExtMultidir(log, all_source_base, all_source_dir, igSourceDir, ".max", outDirTag, ".max.tag")):
- tagList = findFiles(log, outDirTag, "", ".tag")
+ outputLogfile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/ig/log.log"
+ tagDirectory = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgStaticTagExportDirectory
+ outputDirectory = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + targetDir
+ maxSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + sourceDir
+ if (needUpdateDirByTagLog(log, maxSourceDir, ".max", tagDirectory, ".max.tag")):
+ tagList = findFiles(log, tagDirectory, "", ".tag")
tagLen = len(tagList)
if os.path.isfile(scriptDst):
@@ -62,17 +62,17 @@ def igExport(all_source_base, all_source_dir, sourceDir, targetDir):
sSrc = open(scriptSrc, "r")
sDst = open(scriptDst, "w")
for line in sSrc:
- newline = line.replace("output_logfile", logFile)
- newline = newline.replace("ig_source_directory", igSourceDir)
- newline = newline.replace("output_directory_tag", outDirTag)
- newline = newline.replace("output_directory_ig", outDirIg)
+ newline = line.replace("%OutputLogfile%", outputLogfile)
+ newline = newline.replace("%MaxSourceDirectory%", maxSourceDir)
+ newline = newline.replace("%OutputDirectory%", outputDirectory)
+ newline = newline.replace("%TagDirectory%", tagDirectory)
while tagDiff > 0:
printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst)
subprocess.call([ Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "ig_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
- tagList = findFiles(log, outDirTag, "", ".tag")
+ tagList = findFiles(log, tagDirectory, "", ".tag")
newTagLen = len(tagList)
tagDiff = newTagLen - tagLen
tagLen = newTagLen
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@ if MaxAvailable:
mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgStaticLandExportDirectory)
for dir in IgLandSourceDirectories:
mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
- igExport(DatabaseDirectory, IgLandSourceDirectories, dir, IgStaticLandExportDirectory)
+ igExport(dir, IgStaticLandExportDirectory)
# Export ig other 3dsmax
printLog(log, ">>> Export ig other 3dsmax <<<")
mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + IgStaticOtherExportDirectory)
for dir in IgOtherSourceDirectories:
mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
- igExport(DatabaseDirectory, IgOtherSourceDirectories, dir, IgStaticOtherExportDirectory)
+ igExport(dir, IgStaticOtherExportDirectory)
printLog(log, "")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/ig/maxscript/ig_export.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/ig/maxscript/ig_export.ms
index de1853994..d7be706a8 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/ig/maxscript/ig_export.ms
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/ig/maxscript/ig_export.ms
@@ -1,34 +1,14 @@
--- Some globals
-NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL = 1423062561 -- type of accelerator : "32" = is not an accelerator and IS clusterized
- -- "0" = is not an accelerator and IS NOT clusterized (always visible)
- -- "1" = is an accelerator type PORTAL
- -- "2" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER
- -- "6" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER FATHER-VISIBLE
- -- "10" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER VISIBLE-FROM-FATHER
- -- "14" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER FATHER-VISIBLE and VISIBLE-FROM-FATHER
- -- "17" = is an accelerator type PORTAL DYNAMIC
-NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT = 1423062565 -- do not export me : "undefined" = export me
- -- "0" = export me
- -- "1" = DONT export me
-NEL3D_APPDATA_IGNAME = 1423062564 -- string : name of the Instance Group
+-- #################################################################
+-- ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+-- #################################################################
-NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD = 1423062537
-- Allocate 20 Me for the script
heapSize += 15000000
-nlErrorFilename = "output_logfile"
+nlErrorFilename = "%OutputLogfile%"
nlErrorStream = openFile nlErrorFilename mode:"a"
if nlErrorStream == undefined then
nlErrorStream = createFile nlErrorFilename
@@ -81,6 +61,36 @@ fn nlerror message =
print message
+-- Some globals
+NEL3D_APPDATA_ACCEL = 1423062561 -- type of accelerator : "32" = is not an accelerator and IS clusterized
+ -- "0" = is not an accelerator and IS NOT clusterized (always visible)
+ -- "1" = is an accelerator type PORTAL
+ -- "2" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER
+ -- "6" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER FATHER-VISIBLE
+ -- "10" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER VISIBLE-FROM-FATHER
+ -- "14" = is an accelerator type CLUSTER FATHER-VISIBLE and VISIBLE-FROM-FATHER
+ -- "17" = is an accelerator type PORTAL DYNAMIC
+NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT = 1423062565 -- do not export me : "undefined" = export me
+ -- "0" = export me
+ -- "1" = DONT export me
+NEL3D_APPDATA_IGNAME = 1423062564 -- string : name of the Instance Group
+NEL3D_APPDATA_LOD = 1423062537
-- This node is n accelerator ?
fn isAccelerator node =
@@ -101,204 +111,214 @@ fn getIg node =
return (getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_IGNAME)
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
- -- Get files in the ig_source_directory
- files = getFiles "ig_source_directory/*.max"
+ tagThisFile = true
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Unhide
+ max unhide all
+ -- unselect
+ max select none
+ -- Exported object count
+ exported = 0
+ -- Ig array
+ ig_array = #()
+ -- Scan all the ig in this project
+ for node in objects do
+ (
+ ig = getIg node
+ if ( (ig != undefined) and (ig != "") ) then
+ (
+ -- Found ?
+ found = false
+ -- Already found ?
+ for j = 1 to ig_array.count do
+ (
+ if (ig_array[j]==ig) then
+ (
+ found = true
+ exit
+ )
+ )
+ -- Found ?
+ if (found == false) then
+ (
+ append ig_array ig
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ -- Have some ig ?
+ if (ig_array.count != 0) then
+ (
+ -- For each ig
+ for ig = 1 to ig_array.count do
+ (
+ -- Output filename
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + ig_array[ig] + ".ig")
+ -- Check date
+ if (NeLTestFileDate outputNelFile inputMaxFile) == true then
+ (
+ -- Select none
+ max select none
+ -- Select all node in this ig
+ for node in geometry do
+ (
+ -- Select it if in the ig
+ if ((getIg node) == ig_array[ig]) then
+ selectmore node
+ )
+ -- Select all lights in this ig
+ for node in lights do
+ (
+ -- Select it if in the ig
+ if ((getIg node) == ig_array[ig]) then
+ selectmore node
+ )
+ -- Select all lights in this ig
+ for node in helpers do
+ (
+ -- Select it if in the ig
+ if ((getIg node) == ig_array[ig]) then
+ selectmore node
+ )
+ -- Check export
+ try
+ (
+ -- Export the ig
+ instancegroup2export = $selection as array
+ if (NelExportInstanceGroup instancegroup2export outputNelFile) == true then
+ (
+ nlerror("OK " + outputNelFile)
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting ig " + ig_array[ig] + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ )
+ catch
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting ig " + ig_array[ig] + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("SKIPPED " + outputNelFile)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("WARNING nothing exported from ig max file " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
+ -- Get files in the %MaxSourceDirectory% directory
+ files = getFiles "%MaxSourceDirectory%/*.max"
+ gc()
-- Sort files
sort files
+ gc()
-- No file ?
if files.count != 0 then
-- For each files
for i = 1 to files.count do
+ inputMaxFile = files[i]
+ outputTagFile = ("%TagDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + (getFilenameType inputMaxFile) + ".tag")
- -- Free memory and file handles
- gc ()
- -- Reset 3dsmax
- resetMAXFile #noprompt
- -- Get the tag file name
- tag = ("output_directory_tag/"+(getFilenameFile files[i])+(getFilenameType files[i])+".tag")
- -- Compare date with the tag file
- if (NeLTestFileDate tag files[i]) == true then
+ -- Compare file date
+ if (NeLTestFileDate outputTagFile inputMaxFile) == true then
+ -- Free memory and file handles
+ gc()
+ heapfree
+ -- Reset 3dsmax
+ resetMAXFile #noprompt
-- Open the max project
- nlerror ("Scanning file "+files[i]+" ...")
- if (mergeMaxFile files[i] quiet:true) == true then
+ nlerror("Scanning file " + inputMaxFile + " ...")
+ if (loadMaxFile inputMaxFile quiet:true) == true then
- -- Unhide category
- unhidecategory()
- tagThisFile = true
- -- Unhide
- max unhide all
- -- unselect
- max select none
- -- Exported object count
- exported = 0
- -- Ig array
- ig_array = #()
- -- Scan all the ig in this project
- for node in objects do
- (
- ig = getIg node
- if ( (ig != undefined) and (ig != "") ) then
- (
- -- Found ?
- found = false
- -- Already found ?
- for j = 1 to ig_array.count do
- (
- if (ig_array[j]==ig) then
- (
- found = true
- exit
- )
- )
- -- Found ?
- if (found == false) then
- (
- append ig_array ig
- )
- )
- )
- -- Have some ig ?
- if (ig_array.count != 0) then
- (
- -- For each ig
- for ig = 1 to ig_array.count do
- (
- -- Output filename
- output = ("output_directory_ig/"+ig_array[ig]+".ig")
- -- Check date
- if (NeLTestFileDate output files[i]) == true then
- (
- -- Select none
- max select none
- -- Select all node in this ig
- for node in geometry do
- (
- -- Select it if in the ig
- if ( (getIg node) == ig_array[ig]) then
- selectmore node
- )
- -- Select all lights in this ig
- for node in lights do
- (
- -- Select it if in the ig
- if ( (getIg node) == ig_array[ig]) then
- selectmore node
- )
- -- Select all lights in this ig
- for node in helpers do
- (
- -- Select it if in the ig
- if ( (getIg node) == ig_array[ig]) then
- selectmore node
- )
- -- Check export
- try
- (
- -- Export the ig
- instancegroup2export = $selection as array
- if (NelExportInstanceGroup instancegroup2export output) == true then
- (
- nlerror ("OK "+output)
- )
- else
- (
- -- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR exporting ig "+ig_array[ig]+" in file "+files[i])
- tagThisFile = false
- )
- )
- catch
- (
- -- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting ig "+ig_array[ig]+" in file "+files[i])
- tagThisFile = false
- )
- )
- else
- (
- nlerror ("SKIPPED "+output)
- )
- )
- )
- else
- (
- -- Error
- nlerror ("WARNING nothing exported from ig max file "+files[i])
- )
+ tagThisFile = runNelMaxExport(inputMaxFile)
-- Write a tag file
if tagThisFile == true then
- tagFile = createFile tag
+ tagFile = createFile outputTagFile
if tagFile == undefined then
- nlerror ("WARNING can't create tag file "+tag)
+ nlerror("WARNING can't create tag file " + outputTagFile)
- print "toto" to: tagFile
+ print "mukyu" to: tagFile
close tagFile
- resetMAXFile #noprompt
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR exporting ig: can't open the file "+files[i])
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting 'ig': can't open the file " + inputMaxFile)
- -- Error
- nlerror ("SKIPPED BY TAG "+files[i])
- )
+ nlerror("SKIPPED BY TAG " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR error exporting ig in files " + files[i])
+ nlerror("ERROR error exporting 'ig' in files " + inputMaxFile)
- nlerror ("WARNING no max file in folder ig_source_directory")
+ nlerror("WARNING no *.max file in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting ig in folder ig_source_directory")
+ nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting 'ig' in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
-- Bye
resetMAXFile #noprompt
quitMAX #noPrompt
-quitMAX () #noPrompt
+quitMAX() #noPrompt
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/ligo/0_setup.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/ligo/0_setup.py
index 344f88422..269effd25 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/ligo/0_setup.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/ligo/0_setup.py
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ printLog(log, "")
printLog(log, ">>> Setup source directories <<<")
mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + LigoBaseSourceDirectory)
mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + LigoMaxSourceDirectory)
-mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + ZoneSourceDirectory)
+mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + ZoneSourceDirectory[0])
# Setup export directories
printLog(log, ">>> Setup export directories <<<")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/ligo/1_export.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/ligo/1_export.py
index ea111fa2a..dbf28109d 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/ligo/1_export.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/ligo/1_export.py
@@ -60,15 +60,15 @@ if LigoExportLand == "" or LigoExportOnePass == 1:
mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + LigoDatabaseZoneExportDirectory)
mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + LigoDatabaseZoneLigoExportDirectory)
mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + LigoDatabaseCmbExportDirectory)
- mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + ZoneSourceDirectory)
+ mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + ZoneSourceDirectory[0])
mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + LigoTagExportDirectory)
- if (needUpdateDirNoSubdirLogExt(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + LigoMaxSourceDirectory, ".max", ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + LigoTagExportDirectory, ".max.tag")):
+ if (needUpdateDirByTagLog(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + LigoMaxSourceDirectory, ".max", ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + LigoTagExportDirectory, ".max.tag")):
printLog(log, "WRITE " + ligoIniPath)
ligoIni = open(ligoIniPath, "w")
ligoIni.write("LigoPath=" + DatabaseDirectory + "/" + LigoMaxSourceDirectory + "/\n")
ligoIni.write("LigoExportPath=" + DatabaseDirectory + "/" + LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/\n")
- ligoIni.write("LigoOldZonePath=" + DatabaseDirectory + "/" + ZoneSourceDirectory + "/\n")
+ ligoIni.write("LigoOldZonePath=" + DatabaseDirectory + "/" + ZoneSourceDirectory[0] + "/\n")
outDirTag = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + LigoTagExportDirectory
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/pacs_prim/1_export.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/pacs_prim/1_export.py
index 819f6700d..d28e30670 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/pacs_prim/1_export.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/pacs_prim/1_export.py
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+# #################################################################
# \file 1_export.py
# \brief Export pacs_prim
-# \date 2010-08-31 16:50GMT
+# \date 2010-09-03-10-06-GMT
# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
# Python port of game data build pipeline.
# Export pacs_prim
@@ -44,43 +48,49 @@ printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
printLog(log, "")
# Find tools
-Max = findMax(log, MaxDirectory, MaxExecutable)
-printLog(log, "")
+# ...
-# For each pacs_prim directory
-printLog(log, ">>> Export pacs_prim 3dsmax <<<")
-mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + PacsPrimExportDirectory)
-for dir in PacsPrimSourceDirectories:
- mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
- if (needUpdateDirNoSubdirLogExtMultidir(log, DatabaseDirectory, PacsPrimSourceDirectories, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir, ".max", ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + PacsPrimExportDirectory, ".pacs_prim")):
- scriptSrc = "maxscript/pacs_prim_export.ms"
- scriptDst = MaxUserDirectory + "/scripts/pacs_prim_export.ms"
- logFile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/pacs_prim/log.log"
- outDirPacsPrim = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + PacsPrimExportDirectory
- pacs_primSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir
- tagList = findFiles(log, outDirPacsPrim, "", ".pacs_prim")
- tagLen = len(tagList)
- if os.path.isfile(scriptDst):
+# Export pacs_prim 3dsmax
+if MaxAvailable:
+ # Find tools
+ Max = findMax(log, MaxDirectory, MaxExecutable)
+ printLog(log, "")
+ printLog(log, ">>> Export pacs_prim 3dsmax <<<")
+ mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + PacsPrimExportDirectory)
+ for dir in PacsPrimSourceDirectories:
+ mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
+ if (needUpdateDirByTagLog(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir, ".max", ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + PacsPrimExportDirectory, ".pacs_prim")):
+ scriptSrc = "maxscript/pacs_prim_export.ms"
+ scriptDst = MaxUserDirectory + "/scripts/pacs_prim_export.ms"
+ outputLogfile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/pacs_prim/log.log"
+ outputDirectory = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + PacsPrimExportDirectory
+ maxSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir
+ tagList = findFiles(log, outputDirectory, "", ".pacs_prim")
+ tagLen = len(tagList)
+ if os.path.isfile(scriptDst):
+ os.remove(scriptDst)
+ tagDiff = 1
+ sSrc = open(scriptSrc, "r")
+ sDst = open(scriptDst, "w")
+ for line in sSrc:
+ newline = line.replace("%OutputLogfile%", outputLogfile)
+ newline = newline.replace("%MaxSourceDirectory%", maxSourceDir)
+ newline = newline.replace("%OutputDirectory%", outputDirectory)
+ sDst.write(newline)
+ sSrc.close()
+ sDst.close()
+ while tagDiff > 0:
+ printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst)
+ subprocess.call([ Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "pacs_prim_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
+ tagList = findFiles(log, outputDirectory, "", ".pacs_prim")
+ newTagLen = len(tagList)
+ tagDiff = newTagLen - tagLen
+ tagLen = newTagLen
+ printLog(log, "Exported " + str(tagDiff) + " .pacs_prim files!")
- tagDiff = 1
- sSrc = open(scriptSrc, "r")
- sDst = open(scriptDst, "w")
- for line in sSrc:
- newline = line.replace("output_logfile", logFile)
- newline = newline.replace("pacs_prim_source_directory", pacs_primSourceDir)
- newline = newline.replace("output_directory", outDirPacsPrim)
- sDst.write(newline)
- sSrc.close()
- sDst.close()
- while tagDiff > 0:
- printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst)
- subprocess.call([ Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "pacs_prim_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
- tagList = findFiles(log, outDirPacsPrim, "", ".pacs_prim")
- newTagLen = len(tagList)
- tagDiff = newTagLen - tagLen
- tagLen = newTagLen
- printLog(log, "Exported " + str(tagDiff) + " .pacs_prim files!")
- os.remove(scriptDst)
printLog(log, ">>> List pacs_prim <<<")
outDirPacsPrim = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + PacsPrimExportDirectory
@@ -96,8 +106,9 @@ if WantLandscapeColPrimPacsList:
listFile.write(exported + "\n")
-printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/pacs_prim/maxscript/pacs_prim_export.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/pacs_prim/maxscript/pacs_prim_export.ms
index 0c8e5b8e0..21bdcdd4c 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/pacs_prim/maxscript/pacs_prim_export.ms
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/pacs_prim/maxscript/pacs_prim_export.ms
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
+-- #################################################################
+-- ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+-- #################################################################
-- Allocate 20 Me for the script
heapSize += 15000000
-nlErrorFilename = "output_logfile"
+nlErrorFilename = "%OutputLogfile%"
nlErrorStream = openFile nlErrorFilename mode:"a"
if nlErrorStream == undefined then
nlErrorStream = createFile nlErrorFilename
@@ -55,107 +61,124 @@ fn nlerror message =
print message
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
- -- Get files in the "pacs_prim_source_directory" directory
- files = getFiles "pacs_prim_source_directory/*.max"
- gc ()
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + ".pacs_prim")
+ tagThisFile = false
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Select none
+ max select none
+ -- Select all PACS primitives
+ for i in geometry do
+ (
+ if ((classof i) == nel_pacs_cylinder) or ((classof i) == nel_pacs_box) then
+ selectmore i
+ )
+ -- Array of node
+ arrayNode = selection as array
+ -- Something to export ?
+ if (arrayNode.count != 0) then
+ (
+ -- Export the collision
+ if (NelExportPACSPrimitives arrayNode outputNelFile) == false then
+ (
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting PACS primitives in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("OK PACS primitives in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = true
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("WARNING no PACS primitives in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = true
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
+ -- Get files in the %MaxSourceDirectory% directory
+ files = getFiles "%MaxSourceDirectory%/*.max"
+ gc()
-- Sort files
sort files
- gc ()
+ gc()
-- No file ?
if files.count != 0 then
-- For each files
for i = 1 to files.count do
+ inputMaxFile = files[i]
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + ".pacs_prim")
- -- Output file
- output = "output_directory/" + (getFilenameFile files[i]) + ".pacs_prim"
-- Compare file date
- if (NeLTestFileDate output files[i]) == true then
+ if (NeLTestFileDate outputNelFile inputMaxFile) == true then
-- Free memory and file handles
- gc ()
+ gc()
-- Reset 3dsmax
resetMAXFile #noprompt
-- Open the max project
- nlerror ("Scanning file "+files[i]+" ...")
- if (loadMaxFile files[i] quiet:true) == true then
+ nlerror("Scanning file " + inputMaxFile + " ...")
+ if (loadMaxFile inputMaxFile quiet:true) == true then
- -- Unhide category
- unhidecategory()
- -- Select none
- max select none
- -- Select all PACS primitives
- for i in geometry do
- (
- if ((classof i) == nel_pacs_cylinder) or ((classof i) == nel_pacs_box) then
- selectmore i
- )
- -- Array of node
- arrayNode = selection as array
- -- Something to export ?
- if (arrayNode.count != 0) then
- (
- -- Export the collision
- if (NelExportPACSPrimitives arrayNode output) == false then
- (
- nlerror ("ERROR exporting PACS primitives in file "+files[i])
- )
- else
- (
- nlerror ("OK PACS primitives in file "+files[i])
- )
- )
- else
- (
- nlerror ("WARNING no PACS primitives in file "+files[i])
- )
+ runNelMaxExport(inputMaxFile)
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR exporting collision: can't open the file "+files[i])
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting 'pacs_prim': can't open the file " + inputMaxFile)
- nlerror ("SKIPPED "+files[i])
+ nlerror("SKIPPED " + inputMaxFile)
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR error exporting collision in files " + files[i])
+ nlerror("ERROR error exporting 'pacs_prim' in files " + inputMaxFile)
- nlerror ("WARNING no collision file in folder pacs_prim_source_directory")
+ nlerror("WARNING no *.max file in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting collision in folder pacs_prim_source_directory")
+ nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting 'pacs_prim' in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
-- Bye
resetMAXFile #noprompt
quitMAX #noPrompt
-quitMAX () #noPrompt
+quitMAX() #noPrompt
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/0_setup.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/0_setup.py
index e2accccf3..555f921f3 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/0_setup.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/0_setup.py
@@ -45,10 +45,14 @@ printLog(log, "")
# Setup source directories
printLog(log, ">>> Setup source directories <<<")
+for dir in RBankCmbSourceDirectories:
+ mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
mkPath(log, LeveldesignWorldDirectory)
# Setup export directories
printLog(log, ">>> Setup export directories <<<")
+mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RBankCmbExportDirectory)
+mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RBankCmbTagExportDirectory)
mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SmallbankExportDirectory)
# Setup build directories
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/1_export.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/1_export.py
index 89b38beac..90922c0c3 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/1_export.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/1_export.py
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+# #################################################################
# \file 1_export.py
# \brief Export rbank
-# \date 2009-03-10-22-43-GMT
+# \date 2010-09-03-10-06-GMT
# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
# Python port of game data build pipeline.
# Export rbank
@@ -43,17 +47,56 @@ printLog(log, "-------")
printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
printLog(log, "")
# Find tools
-printLog(log, "")
+# ...
+# Export rbank 3dsmax
+if MaxAvailable:
+ # Find tools
+ Max = findMax(log, MaxDirectory, MaxExecutable)
+ printLog(log, "")
+ printLog(log, ">>> Export rbank 3dsmax <<<")
+ mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RBankCmbExportDirectory)
+ mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RBankCmbTagExportDirectory)
+ for dir in RBankCmbSourceDirectories:
+ mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
+ if (needUpdateDirByTagLog(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir, ".max", ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RBankCmbTagExportDirectory, ".max.tag")):
+ scriptSrc = "maxscript/cmb_export.ms"
+ scriptDst = MaxUserDirectory + "/scripts/cmb_export.ms"
+ outputLogfile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/rbank/log.log"
+ outputDirectory = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RBankCmbExportDirectory
+ tagDirectory = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + RBankCmbTagExportDirectory
+ maxSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir
+ tagList = findFiles(log, tagDirectory, "", ".max.tag")
+ tagLen = len(tagList)
+ if os.path.isfile(scriptDst):
+ os.remove(scriptDst)
+ tagDiff = 1
+ sSrc = open(scriptSrc, "r")
+ sDst = open(scriptDst, "w")
+ for line in sSrc:
+ newline = line.replace("%OutputLogfile%", outputLogfile)
+ newline = newline.replace("%MaxSourceDirectory%", maxSourceDir)
+ newline = newline.replace("%OutputDirectory%", outputDirectory)
+ newline = newline.replace("%TagDirectory%", tagDirectory)
+ sDst.write(newline)
+ sSrc.close()
+ sDst.close()
+ while tagDiff > 0:
+ printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst)
+ subprocess.call([ Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "cmb_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
+ tagList = findFiles(log, tagDirectory, "", ".max.tag")
+ newTagLen = len(tagList)
+ tagDiff = newTagLen - tagLen
+ tagLen = newTagLen
+ printLog(log, "Exported " + str(tagDiff) + " .max files!")
+ os.remove(scriptDst)
-# For each rbank directory
-printLog(log, ">>> Export rbank 3dsmax <<<")
-printLog(log, "********************************")
-printLog(log, "******** TODO ********")
-printLog(log, "********************************")
-printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/maxscript/cmb_export.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/maxscript/cmb_export.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73f1605f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/maxscript/cmb_export.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+-- #################################################################
+-- ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+-- #################################################################
+-- Allocate 20 Me for the script
+heapSize += 15000000
+nlErrorFilename = "%OutputLogfile%"
+nlErrorStream = openFile nlErrorFilename mode:"a"
+if nlErrorStream == undefined then
+ nlErrorStream = createFile nlErrorFilename
+-- Unhide category
+fn unhidecategory =
+ if (geometry.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide geometry[1]
+ if (geometry[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide object toggle
+ )
+ if (shapes.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide shapes[1]
+ if (shapes[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide shape toggle
+ )
+ if (lights.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide lights[1]
+ if (lights[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide light toggle
+ )
+ if (cameras.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide cameras[1]
+ if (cameras[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide camera toggle
+ )
+ if (helpers.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide helpers[1]
+ if (helpers[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide helper toggle
+ )
+-- Log a message
+fn nlerror message =
+ if nlErrorStream != undefined then
+ (
+ format "%\n" message to:nlErrorStream
+ flush nlErrorStream
+ )
+ -- To the console
+ print message
+-- Must export this node ?
+fn isToBeExported node =
+ doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION
+ if (doNotExport != undefined) then
+ (
+ if (doNotExport == "1") then
+ return true
+ )
+ doNotExport = getappdata node NEL3D_APPDATA_COLLISION_EXTERIOR
+ if (doNotExport != undefined) then
+ (
+ if (doNotExport == "1") then
+ return true
+ )
+ return false
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
+ outputNelDir = "%OutputDirectory%"
+ -- Tag this file ?
+ tagThisFile = true
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Select all collision mesh
+ max select none
+ for m in geometry do
+ (
+ if (isToBeExported m) == true then
+ selectmore m
+ )
+ -- Export the collision
+ if (NelExportCollision ($selection as array) outputNelDir) == false then
+ (
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting collision " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("OK collision in folder " + outputNelDir)
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
+ -- Get files in the %MaxSourceDirectory% directory
+ files = getFiles "%MaxSourceDirectory%/*.max"
+ gc()
+ -- Sort files
+ sort files
+ gc()
+ -- No file ?
+ if files.count != 0 then
+ (
+ -- For each files
+ for i = 1 to files.count do
+ (
+ inputMaxFile = files[i]
+ outputTagFile = ("%TagDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + (getFilenameType inputMaxFile) + ".tag")
+ try
+ (
+ -- Compare file date
+ if (NeLTestFileDate outputTagFile inputMaxFile) == true then
+ (
+ -- Free memory and file handles
+ gc()
+ heapfree
+ -- Reset 3dsmax
+ resetMAXFile #noprompt
+ -- Open the max project
+ nlerror("Scanning file " + inputMaxFile + " ...")
+ if (loadMaxFile inputMaxFile quiet:true) == true then
+ (
+ tagThisFile = runNelMaxExport(inputMaxFile)
+ -- Write a tag file
+ if tagThisFile == true then
+ (
+ tagFile = createFile outputTagFile
+ if tagFile == undefined then
+ (
+ nlerror("WARNING can't create tag file " + outputTagFile)
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ print "mukyu" to: tagFile
+ close tagFile
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting 'cmb': can't open the file " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("SKIPPED BY TAG " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ )
+ catch
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR error exporting 'cmb' in files " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("WARNING no *.max file in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
+ )
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting 'cmb' in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
+-- Bye
+resetMAXFile #noprompt
+quitMAX #noPrompt
+quitMAX() #noPrompt
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/shape/1_export.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/shape/1_export.py
index be3fb93e7..9d3cb67e5 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/shape/1_export.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/shape/1_export.py
@@ -121,13 +121,19 @@ if MaxAvailable:
while retriesLeft > 0:
printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst + "; " + maxFilePath)
subprocess.call([ ExecTimeout, str(MaxShapeExportTimeout), Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "shape_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
- lSrc = open(logFile, "r")
- for line in lSrc:
- lineStrip = line.strip()
- if (len(lineStrip) > 0):
- printLog(log, lineStrip)
- lSrc.close()
- os.remove(logFile)
+ if os.path.exists(logFile):
+ try:
+ lSrc = open(logFile, "r")
+ for line in lSrc:
+ lineStrip = line.strip()
+ if (len(lineStrip) > 0):
+ printLog(log, lineStrip)
+ lSrc.close()
+ os.remove(logFile)
+ except Exception:
+ printLog(log, "ERROR Failed to read 3dsmax log")
+ else:
+ printLog(log, "WARNING No 3dsmax log")
if (os.path.exists(tagFilePath)):
printLog(log, "OK " + maxFilePath)
retriesLeft = 0
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/skel/1_export.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/skel/1_export.py
index aad402658..340a0957e 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/skel/1_export.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/skel/1_export.py
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+# #################################################################
# \file 1_export.py
# \brief Export skel
-# \date 2009-03-10-20-23-GMT
+# \date 2010-09-03-10-06-GMT
# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
# Python port of game data build pipeline.
# Export skel
@@ -44,43 +48,49 @@ printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
printLog(log, "")
# Find tools
-Max = findMax(log, MaxDirectory, MaxExecutable)
-printLog(log, "")
+# ...
-# For each skel directory
-printLog(log, ">>> Export skel 3dsmax <<<")
-mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SkelExportDirectory)
-for dir in SkelSourceDirectories:
- mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
- if (needUpdateDirNoSubdirLogExtMultidir(log, DatabaseDirectory, SkelSourceDirectories, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir, ".max", ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SkelExportDirectory, ".skel")):
- scriptSrc = "maxscript/skel_export.ms"
- scriptDst = MaxUserDirectory + "/scripts/skel_export.ms"
- logFile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/skel/log.log"
- outDirSkel = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SkelExportDirectory
- skelSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir
- tagList = findFiles(log, outDirSkel, "", ".skel")
- tagLen = len(tagList)
- if os.path.isfile(scriptDst):
+# Export skel 3dsmax
+if MaxAvailable:
+ # Find tools
+ Max = findMax(log, MaxDirectory, MaxExecutable)
+ printLog(log, "")
+ printLog(log, ">>> Export skel 3dsmax <<<")
+ mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SkelExportDirectory)
+ for dir in SkelSourceDirectories:
+ mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
+ if (needUpdateDirByTagLog(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir, ".max", ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SkelExportDirectory, ".skel")):
+ scriptSrc = "maxscript/skel_export.ms"
+ scriptDst = MaxUserDirectory + "/scripts/skel_export.ms"
+ outputLogfile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/skel/log.log"
+ outputDirectory = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SkelExportDirectory
+ maxSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir
+ tagList = findFiles(log, outputDirectory, "", ".skel")
+ tagLen = len(tagList)
+ if os.path.isfile(scriptDst):
+ os.remove(scriptDst)
+ tagDiff = 1
+ sSrc = open(scriptSrc, "r")
+ sDst = open(scriptDst, "w")
+ for line in sSrc:
+ newline = line.replace("%OutputLogfile%", outputLogfile)
+ newline = newline.replace("%MaxSourceDirectory%", maxSourceDir)
+ newline = newline.replace("%OutputDirectory%", outputDirectory)
+ sDst.write(newline)
+ sSrc.close()
+ sDst.close()
+ while tagDiff > 0:
+ printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst)
+ subprocess.call([ Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "skel_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
+ tagList = findFiles(log, outputDirectory, "", ".skel")
+ newTagLen = len(tagList)
+ tagDiff = newTagLen - tagLen
+ tagLen = newTagLen
+ printLog(log, "Exported " + str(tagDiff) + " .skel files!")
- tagDiff = 1
- sSrc = open(scriptSrc, "r")
- sDst = open(scriptDst, "w")
- for line in sSrc:
- newline = line.replace("output_logfile", logFile)
- newline = newline.replace("skel_source_directory", skelSourceDir)
- newline = newline.replace("output_directory", outDirSkel)
- sDst.write(newline)
- sSrc.close()
- sDst.close()
- while tagDiff > 0:
- printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst)
- subprocess.call([ Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "skel_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
- tagList = findFiles(log, outDirSkel, "", ".skel")
- newTagLen = len(tagList)
- tagDiff = newTagLen - tagLen
- tagLen = newTagLen
- printLog(log, "Exported " + str(tagDiff) + " .skel files!")
- os.remove(scriptDst)
printLog(log, ">>> Export skel directly <<<")
mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SkelExportDirectory)
@@ -88,6 +98,8 @@ for dir in SkelSourceDirectories:
mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
copyFilesExtNoSubdirIfNeeded(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SkelExportDirectory, ".skel")
printLog(log, "")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/skel/maxscript/skel_export.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/skel/maxscript/skel_export.ms
index 02cdcac38..7fd2af0fb 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/skel/maxscript/skel_export.ms
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/skel/maxscript/skel_export.ms
@@ -1,24 +1,18 @@
+-- #################################################################
+-- ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+-- #################################################################
-- Allocate 20 Me for the script
heapSize += 15000000
-nlErrorFilename = "output_logfile"
+nlErrorFilename = "%OutputLogfile%"
nlErrorStream = openFile nlErrorFilename mode:"a"
if nlErrorStream == undefined then
nlErrorStream = createFile nlErrorFilename
--- Log a message
-fn nlerror message =
- if nlErrorStream != undefined then
- (
- format "%\n" message to:nlErrorStream
- flush nlErrorStream
- )
- -- To the console
- print message
-- Unhide category
fn unhidecategory =
@@ -54,109 +48,143 @@ fn unhidecategory =
+-- Log a message
+fn nlerror message =
- -- Get files in the skel_source_directory
- files = getFiles "skel_source_directory/*.max"
+ if nlErrorStream != undefined then
+ (
+ format "%\n" message to:nlErrorStream
+ flush nlErrorStream
+ )
+ -- To the console
+ print message
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + ".skel")
+ tagThisFile = false
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Select Bip01, not very smart
+ if $Bip01 != undefined then
+ (
+ -- Select Bip01
+ select $Bip01
+ if ($ != undefined) then
+ (
+ -- Set figure mode on
+ if ((classof $) == Biped_Object) then
+ (
+ $.controller.figureMode = true
+ )
+ -- Export the skeleton template
+ if (NelExportSkeleton $ outputNelFile) == false then
+ (
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting skeleton " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("OK " + outputNelFile)
+ tagThisFile = true
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting skeleton: no Bip01 node in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting skeleton: no Bip01 node in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
+ -- Get files in the %MaxSourceDirectory% directory
+ files = getFiles "%MaxSourceDirectory%/*.max"
+ gc()
-- Sort files
sort files
+ gc()
-- No file ?
if files.count != 0 then
-- For each files
for i = 1 to files.count do
+ inputMaxFile = files[i]
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + ".skel")
- -- Output file
- output = ("output_directory/"+(getFilenameFile files[i])+".skel")
-- Compare file date
- if (NeLTestFileDate output files[i]) == true then
+ if (NeLTestFileDate outputNelFile inputMaxFile) == true then
-- Free memory and file handles
- gc ()
+ gc()
+ heapfree
-- Reset 3dsmax
resetMAXFile #noprompt
-- Open the max project
- nlerror ("Scanning file "+files[i]+" ...")
- if (loadMaxFile files[i] quiet:true) == true then
+ nlerror("Scanning file " + inputMaxFile + " ...")
+ if (loadMaxFile inputMaxFile quiet:true) == true then
- -- Unhide category
- unhidecategory()
- -- Select Bip01, not very smart
- if $Bip01 != undefined then
- (
- -- Select Bip01
- select $Bip01
- if ($ != undefined) then
- (
- -- Set figure mode on
- if ((classof $) == Biped_Object) then
- (
- $.controller.figureMode = true
- )
- -- Export the skeleton template
- if (NelExportSkeleton $ output) == false then
- (
- nlerror ("ERROR exporting skeleton "+files[i])
- )
- else
- (
- nlerror ("OK "+output)
- )
- )
- else
- (
- -- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR exporting skeleton: no Bip01 node in file "+files[i])
- )
- )
- else
- (
- -- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR exporting skeleton: no Bip01 node in file "+files[i])
- )
+ runNelMaxExport(inputMaxFile)
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR exporting skeleton: can't open the file "+files[i])
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting 'skel': can't open the file " + inputMaxFile)
- nlerror ("SKIPPED "+files[i])
+ nlerror("SKIPPED " + inputMaxFile)
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR error exporting skeleton in files " + files[i])
+ nlerror("ERROR error exporting 'skel' in files " + inputMaxFile)
- nlerror ("WARNING no skeleton file in folder skel_source_directory")
+ nlerror("WARNING no *.max file in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting skeleton in folder skel_source_directory")
+ nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting 'skel' in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
-- Bye
resetMAXFile #noprompt
quitMAX #noPrompt
-quitMAX () #noPrompt
+quitMAX() #noPrompt
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/swt/1_export.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/swt/1_export.py
index c65e6f793..a50f6e5a7 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/swt/1_export.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/swt/1_export.py
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+# #################################################################
# \file 1_export.py
# \brief Export swt
-# \date 2009-03-10-20-23-GMT
+# \date 2010-09-03-10-06-GMT
# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
# Python port of game data build pipeline.
# Export swt
@@ -38,49 +42,55 @@ from directories import *
printLog(log, "")
printLog(log, "-------")
-printLog(log, "--- Export skeleton weigths")
+printLog(log, "--- Export swt")
printLog(log, "-------")
printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
printLog(log, "")
# Find tools
-Max = findMax(log, MaxDirectory, MaxExecutable)
-printLog(log, "")
+# ...
-# For each swt directory
-printLog(log, ">>> Export skeleton weigths 3dsmax <<<")
-mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SwtExportDirectory)
-for dir in SwtSourceDirectories:
- mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
- if (needUpdateDirNoSubdirLogExtMultidir(log, DatabaseDirectory, SwtSourceDirectories, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir, ".max", ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SwtExportDirectory, ".swt")):
- scriptSrc = "maxscript/swt_export.ms"
- scriptDst = MaxUserDirectory + "/scripts/swt_export.ms"
- logFile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/swt/log.log"
- outDirSwt = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SwtExportDirectory
- swtSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir
- tagList = findFiles(log, outDirSwt, "", ".swt")
- tagLen = len(tagList)
- if os.path.isfile(scriptDst):
+# Export swt 3dsmax
+if MaxAvailable:
+ # Find tools
+ Max = findMax(log, MaxDirectory, MaxExecutable)
+ printLog(log, "")
+ printLog(log, ">>> Export swt 3dsmax <<<")
+ mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SwtExportDirectory)
+ for dir in SwtSourceDirectories:
+ mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
+ if (needUpdateDirByTagLog(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir, ".max", ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SwtExportDirectory, ".swt")):
+ scriptSrc = "maxscript/swt_export.ms"
+ scriptDst = MaxUserDirectory + "/scripts/swt_export.ms"
+ outputLogfile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/swt/log.log"
+ outputDirectory = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + SwtExportDirectory
+ maxSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir
+ tagList = findFiles(log, outputDirectory, "", ".swt")
+ tagLen = len(tagList)
+ if os.path.isfile(scriptDst):
+ os.remove(scriptDst)
+ tagDiff = 1
+ sSrc = open(scriptSrc, "r")
+ sDst = open(scriptDst, "w")
+ for line in sSrc:
+ newline = line.replace("%OutputLogfile%", outputLogfile)
+ newline = newline.replace("%MaxSourceDirectory%", maxSourceDir)
+ newline = newline.replace("%OutputDirectory%", outputDirectory)
+ sDst.write(newline)
+ sSrc.close()
+ sDst.close()
+ while tagDiff > 0:
+ printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst)
+ subprocess.call([ Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "swt_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
+ tagList = findFiles(log, outputDirectory, "", ".swt")
+ newTagLen = len(tagList)
+ tagDiff = newTagLen - tagLen
+ tagLen = newTagLen
+ printLog(log, "Exported " + str(tagDiff) + " .swt files!")
- tagDiff = 1
- sSrc = open(scriptSrc, "r")
- sDst = open(scriptDst, "w")
- for line in sSrc:
- newline = line.replace("output_logfile", logFile)
- newline = newline.replace("swt_source_directory", swtSourceDir)
- newline = newline.replace("output_directory", outDirSwt)
- sDst.write(newline)
- sSrc.close()
- sDst.close()
- while tagDiff > 0:
- printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst)
- subprocess.call([ Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "swt_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
- tagList = findFiles(log, outDirSwt, "", ".swt")
- newTagLen = len(tagList)
- tagDiff = newTagLen - tagLen
- tagLen = newTagLen
- printLog(log, "Exported " + str(tagDiff) + " .swt files!")
- os.remove(scriptDst)
printLog(log, "")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/swt/maxscript/swt_export.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/swt/maxscript/swt_export.ms
index 87517c831..ea6ff95c3 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/swt/maxscript/swt_export.ms
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/swt/maxscript/swt_export.ms
@@ -1,24 +1,18 @@
+-- #################################################################
+-- ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+-- #################################################################
-- Allocate 20 Me for the script
heapSize += 15000000
-nlErrorFilename = "output_logfile"
+nlErrorFilename = "%OutputLogfile%"
nlErrorStream = openFile nlErrorFilename mode:"a"
if nlErrorStream == undefined then
nlErrorStream = createFile nlErrorFilename
--- Log a message
-fn nlerror message =
- if nlErrorStream != undefined then
- (
- format "%\n" message to:nlErrorStream
- flush nlErrorStream
- )
- -- To the console
- print message
-- Unhide category
fn unhidecategory =
@@ -54,86 +48,118 @@ fn unhidecategory =
+-- Log a message
+fn nlerror message =
- -- Get files in the swt_source_directory
- files = getFiles "swt_source_directory/*.max"
+ if nlErrorStream != undefined then
+ (
+ format "%\n" message to:nlErrorStream
+ flush nlErrorStream
+ )
+ -- To the console
+ print message
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + ".swt")
+ tagThisFile = false
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Select all the nodes
+ max select all
+ -- Export the skeleton template
+ if NelExportSkeletonWeight ($selection as array) outputNelFile == false then
+ (
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting skeleton weight " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("OK " + outputNelFile)
+ tagThisFile = true
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
+ -- Get files in the %MaxSourceDirectory% directory
+ files = getFiles "%MaxSourceDirectory%/*.max"
+ gc()
-- Sort files
sort files
+ gc()
-- No file ?
if files.count != 0 then
-- For each files
for i = 1 to files.count do
+ inputMaxFile = files[i]
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + ".swt")
- -- Output file
- output = ("output_directory/"+(getFilenameFile files[i])+".swt")
-- Compare file date
- if (NeLTestFileDate output files[i]) == true then
+ if (NeLTestFileDate outputNelFile inputMaxFile) == true then
-- Free memory and file handles
- gc ()
+ gc()
+ heapfree
-- Reset 3dsmax
resetMAXFile #noprompt
-- Open the max project
- nlerror ("Scanning file "+files[i]+" ...")
- if (loadMaxFile files[i] quiet:true) == true then
+ nlerror("Scanning file " + inputMaxFile + " ...")
+ if (loadMaxFile inputMaxFile quiet:true) == true then
- -- Unhide category
- unhidecategory()
- -- Select all the nodes
- max select all
- -- Export the skeleton template
- if NelExportSkeletonWeight ($selection as array) output == false then
- (
- nlerror ("ERROR exporting skeleton weight "+files[i])
- )
- else
- (
- nlerror ("OK "+output)
- )
+ runNelMaxExport(inputMaxFile)
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR exporting skeleton weight: can't open the file "+files[i])
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting 'swt': can't open the file " + inputMaxFile)
- nlerror ("SKIPPED "+files[i])
+ nlerror("SKIPPED " + inputMaxFile)
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR error exporting skeleton weight in files " + files[i])
+ nlerror("ERROR error exporting 'swt' in files " + inputMaxFile)
- nlerror ("WARNING no skeleton weight file in folder swt_source_directory")
+ nlerror("WARNING no *.max file in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR error exporting skeleton weight in folder swt_source_directory")
+ nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting 'swt' in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
-- Bye
resetMAXFile #noprompt
quitMAX #noPrompt
-quitMAX () #noPrompt
+quitMAX() #noPrompt
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/0_setup.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/0_setup.py
index 84ae97c7d..5c41088e8 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/0_setup.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/0_setup.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# \file 0_setup.py
# \brief setup veget
-# \date 2010-05-24 08:13GMT
+# \date 2010-09-02-08-40-GMT
# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
# Python port of game data build pipeline.
# Setup veget
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/1_export.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/1_export.py
index ce9179dd5..d73362d45 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/1_export.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/1_export.py
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+# #################################################################
# \file 1_export.py
# \brief Export veget
-# \date 2010-05-24 08:13GMT
+# \date 2010-09-03-10-06-GMT
# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
# Python port of game data build pipeline.
# Export veget
@@ -43,49 +47,56 @@ printLog(log, "-------")
printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
printLog(log, "")
+# Find tools
+# ...
+# Export veget 3dsmax
if MaxAvailable:
# Find tools
Max = findMax(log, MaxDirectory, MaxExecutable)
- ExecTimeout = findTool(log, ToolDirectories, ExecTimeoutTool, ToolSuffix)
printLog(log, "")
- # Export veget 3dsmax
printLog(log, ">>> Export veget 3dsmax <<<")
- # Build paths
- scriptSrc = "maxscript/veget_export.ms"
- # scriptDst = MaxDirectory + "/scripts/veget_export.ms"
- scriptDst = MaxUserDirectory + "/scripts/veget_export.ms"
- logFile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/veget/log.log"
- outputDirVeget = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + VegetExportDirectory
- mkPath(log, outputDirVeget)
- outputDirTag = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + VegetTagExportDirectory
- mkPath(log, outputDirTag)
- # For each directoy
mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + VegetExportDirectory)
- if os.path.isfile(scriptDst):
- os.remove(scriptDst)
+ mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + VegetTagExportDirectory)
for dir in VegetSourceDirectories:
- vegetSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir
- mkPath(log, vegetSourceDir)
- if (needUpdateDirNoSubdirLogExtMultidir(log, DatabaseDirectory, VegetSourceDirectories, vegetSourceDir, ".max", outputDirTag, ".max.tag")):
+ mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
+ if (needUpdateDirByTagLog(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir, ".max", ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + VegetTagExportDirectory, ".max.tag")):
+ scriptSrc = "maxscript/veget_export.ms"
+ scriptDst = MaxUserDirectory + "/scripts/veget_export.ms"
+ outputLogfile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/veget/log.log"
+ outputDirectory = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + VegetExportDirectory
+ tagDirectory = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + VegetTagExportDirectory
+ maxSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir
+ tagList = findFiles(log, tagDirectory, "", ".max.tag")
+ tagLen = len(tagList)
+ if os.path.isfile(scriptDst):
+ os.remove(scriptDst)
+ tagDiff = 1
sSrc = open(scriptSrc, "r")
sDst = open(scriptDst, "w")
for line in sSrc:
- newline = line.replace("output_logfile", logFile)
- newline = newline.replace("veget_source_directory", vegetSourceDir)
- newline = newline.replace("output_directory_veget", outputDirVeget)
- newline = newline.replace("output_directory_tag", outputDirTag)
+ newline = line.replace("%OutputLogfile%", outputLogfile)
+ newline = newline.replace("%MaxSourceDirectory%", maxSourceDir)
+ newline = newline.replace("%OutputDirectory%", outputDirectory)
+ newline = newline.replace("%TagDirectory%", tagDirectory)
- printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst)
- subprocess.call([ Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "veget_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
+ while tagDiff > 0:
+ printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst)
+ subprocess.call([ Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "veget_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
+ tagList = findFiles(log, tagDirectory, "", ".max.tag")
+ newTagLen = len(tagList)
+ tagDiff = newTagLen - tagLen
+ tagLen = newTagLen
+ printLog(log, "Exported " + str(tagDiff) + " .max files!")
-printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/2_build.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/2_build.py
index c08502eaa..856e87082 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/2_build.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/2_build.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# \file 2_build.py
# \brief Build veget
-# \date 2010-05-24 08:13GMT
+# \date 2010-09-02-08-40-GMT
# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
# Python port of game data build pipeline.
# Build veget
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/3_install.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/3_install.py
index 4be5ffc18..69a2ec539 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/3_install.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/3_install.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# \file 3_install.py
# \brief Install veget
-# \date 2010-05-24 08:13GMT
+# \date 2010-09-02-08-40-GMT
# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
# Python port of game data build pipeline.
# Install veget
@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ printLog(log, "-------")
printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, ">>> Install veget <<<")
+exportPath = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + VegetExportDirectory
+mkPath(log, exportPath)
clientPath = ClientDataDirectory + "/" + VegetClientDirectory
mkPath(log, clientPath)
-printLog(log, ">>> Install veget <<<")
-mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + VegetExportDirectory)
-copyFilesExtNoTreeIfNeeded(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + VegetExportDirectory, clientPath, ".veget")
+copyFilesNoTreeIfNeeded(log, exportPath, clientPath)
printLog(log, "")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/maxscript/veget_export.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/maxscript/veget_export.ms
index 404f6e2ed..097a37609 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/maxscript/veget_export.ms
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/veget/maxscript/veget_export.ms
@@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
--- Some globals
-NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT = 1423062565 -- do not export me : "undefined" = export me
- -- "0" = export me
- -- "1" = DONT export me
-NEL3D_APPDATA_VEGETABLE = 1423062580 -- "undefined" = not vegetable
- -- "0" = not vegetable
- -- "1" = vegetable
+-- #################################################################
+-- ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+-- #################################################################
-- Allocate 20 Me for the script
heapSize += 15000000
-nlErrorFilename = "output_logfile"
+nlErrorFilename = "%OutputLogfile%"
nlErrorStream = openFile nlErrorFilename mode:"a"
if nlErrorStream == undefined then
nlErrorStream = createFile nlErrorFilename
@@ -64,6 +61,19 @@ fn nlerror message =
print message
+-- Some globals
+NEL3D_APPDATA_DONOTEXPORT = 1423062565 -- do not export me : "undefined" = export me
+ -- "0" = export me
+ -- "1" = DONT export me
+NEL3D_APPDATA_VEGETABLE = 1423062580 -- "undefined" = not vegetable
+ -- "0" = not vegetable
+ -- "1" = vegetable
-- Must export this node ?
fn isToBeExported node =
@@ -86,127 +96,134 @@ fn isToBeExported node =
return false
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
- -- Get files in the veget_source_directory
- files = getFiles "veget_source_directory/*.max"
+ tagThisFile = true
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Unhide
+ max unhide all
+ -- unselect
+ max select none
+ -- Exported object count
+ exported = 0
+ -- For each node
+ for node in geometry do
+ (
+ -- It is root ?
+ if (node.parent == undefined) then
+ (
+ -- Is not a skeleton ?
+ if (node.name != "Bip01") then
+ (
+ -- Can be exported ?
+ if (isToBeExported node == true) then
+ (
+ -- Output directory
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (node.name) + ".veget")
+ -- Compare file date
+ if (NeLTestFileDate outputNelFile inputMaxFile) == true then
+ (
+ try
+ (
+ -- Export the veget
+ if (NelExportVegetable node outputNelFile false) == true then
+ (
+ nlerror("OK "+outputNelFile)
+ exported = exported+1
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting veget " + node.name + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ )
+ catch
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR fata error exporting veget " + node.name + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("SKIPPED " + outputNelFile)
+ exported = exported + 1
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ -- Something exported
+ if exported == 0 then
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("WARNING no veget exported from the file " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
+ -- Get files in the %MaxSourceDirectory% directory
+ files = getFiles "%MaxSourceDirectory%/*.max"
+ gc()
-- Sort files
sort files
+ gc()
-- No file ?
if files.count != 0 then
-- For each files
for i = 1 to files.count do
+ inputMaxFile = files[i]
+ outputTagFile = ("%TagDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + (getFilenameType inputMaxFile) + ".tag")
- -- Delete lod files
- lod_array = #()
- -- Ok ?
- ok = false
- -- Free memory and file handles
- gc ()
- -- Reset 3dsmax
- resetMAXFile #noprompt
- -- Get the tag file name
- tag = ("output_directory_tag/"+(getFilenameFile files[i])+(getFilenameType files[i])+".tag")
- -- Compare date with the tag file
- if (NeLTestFileDate tag files[i]) == true then
+ -- Compare file date
+ if (NeLTestFileDate outputTagFile inputMaxFile) == true then
+ -- Free memory and file handles
+ gc()
+ heapfree
+ -- Reset 3dsmax
+ resetMAXFile #noprompt
-- Open the max project
- nlerror ("Scanning file "+files[i]+" ...")
- if loadMaxFile files[i] quiet:true == true then
+ nlerror("Scanning file " + inputMaxFile + " ...")
+ if (loadMaxFile inputMaxFile quiet:true) == true then
- -- Unhide category
- unhidecategory()
- tagThisFile = true
- -- Unhide
- max unhide all
- -- unselect
- max select none
- -- Exported object count
- exported = 0
- -- For each node
- for node in geometry do
- (
- -- It is root ?
- if (node.parent == undefined) then
- (
- -- Is not a skeleton ?
- if (node.name != "Bip01") then
- (
- -- Can be exported ?
- if (isToBeExported node == true) then
- (
- -- Output directory
- output = ("output_directory_veget/"+(node.name)+".veget")
- -- Compare file date
- if (NeLTestFileDate output files[i]) == true then
- (
- try
- (
- -- Export the veget
- if (NelExportVegetable node output false) == true then
- (
- nlerror ("OK "+output)
- exported = exported+1
- )
- else
- (
- -- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR exporting veget "+node.name+" in file "+files[i])
- tagThisFile = false
- )
- )
- catch
- (
- -- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR fata error exporting veget "+node.name+" in file "+files[i])
- tagThisFile = false
- )
- )
- else
- (
- -- Error
- nlerror ("SKIPPED "+output)
- exported = exported+1
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- -- Something exported
- if exported == 0 then
- (
- -- Error
- nlerror ("WARNING no veget exported from the file "+files[i])
- )
+ tagThisFile = runNelMaxExport(inputMaxFile)
-- Write a tag file
if tagThisFile == true then
- tagFile = createFile tag
+ tagFile = createFile outputTagFile
if tagFile == undefined then
- nlerror ("WARNING can't create tag file "+tag)
+ nlerror("WARNING can't create tag file " + outputTagFile)
- print "toto" to: tagFile
+ print "mukyu" to: tagFile
close tagFile
@@ -214,36 +231,35 @@ try
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR exporting veget: can't open the file "+files[i])
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting 'veget': can't open the file " + inputMaxFile)
- -- Error
- nlerror ("SKIPPED BY TAG "+files[i])
+ nlerror("SKIPPED BY TAG " + inputMaxFile)
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR error exporting veget in files " + files[i])
+ nlerror("ERROR error exporting 'veget' in files " + inputMaxFile)
- nlerror ("WARNING no max file in folder veget_source_directory")
+ nlerror("WARNING no *.max file in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
-- Error
- nlerror ("ERROR fatal error exporting veget in folder veget_source_directory")
+ nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting 'veget' in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
-- Bye
resetMAXFile #noprompt
quitMAX #noPrompt
-quitMAX () #noPrompt
+quitMAX() #noPrompt
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone/0_setup.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone/0_setup.py
index 8f1acdab9..e6dc014d9 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone/0_setup.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone/0_setup.py
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ printLog(log, "")
# Setup source directories
printLog(log, ">>> Setup source directories <<<")
-mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + ZoneSourceDirectory)
+mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + ZoneSourceDirectory[0])
# Setup export directories
printLog(log, ">>> Setup export directories <<<")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone/1_export.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone/1_export.py
index 19308e1d1..10e085024 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone/1_export.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone/1_export.py
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+# #################################################################
# \file 1_export.py
# \brief Export zone
-# \date 2009-03-10-22-23-GMT
+# \date 2010-09-03-10-06-GMT
# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
# Python port of game data build pipeline.
# Export zone
@@ -44,25 +48,59 @@ printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time())))
printLog(log, "")
# Find tools
-Max = findMax(log, MaxDirectory, MaxExecutable)
-ExecTimeout = findTool(log, ToolDirectories, ExecTimeoutTool, ToolSuffix)
-printLog(log, "")
+# ...
-# For each zone directory
-printLog(log, ">>> Export zone 3dsmax <<<")
-printLog(log, "********************************")
-printLog(log, "******** TODO ********")
-printLog(log, "********************************")
-mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneExportDirectory)
-mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + ZoneSourceDirectory)
-printLog(log, "")
+# Export zone 3dsmax
+if MaxAvailable:
+ # Find tools
+ Max = findMax(log, MaxDirectory, MaxExecutable)
+ printLog(log, "")
+ printLog(log, ">>> Export zone 3dsmax <<<")
+ mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneExportDirectory)
+ for dir in ZoneSourceDirectory:
+ mkPath(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir)
+ if (needUpdateDirByTagLog(log, DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir, ".max", ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneExportDirectory, ".zone")):
+ scriptSrc = "maxscript/zone_export.ms"
+ scriptDst = MaxUserDirectory + "/scripts/zone_export.ms"
+ outputLogfile = ScriptDirectory + "/processes/zone/log.log"
+ outputDirectory = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneExportDirectory
+ maxSourceDir = DatabaseDirectory + "/" + dir
+ tagList = findFiles(log, outputDirectory, "", ".zone")
+ tagLen = len(tagList)
+ if os.path.isfile(scriptDst):
+ os.remove(scriptDst)
+ tagDiff = 1
+ sSrc = open(scriptSrc, "r")
+ sDst = open(scriptDst, "w")
+ for line in sSrc:
+ newline = line.replace("%OutputLogfile%", outputLogfile)
+ newline = newline.replace("%MaxSourceDirectory%", maxSourceDir)
+ newline = newline.replace("%OutputDirectory%", outputDirectory)
+ sDst.write(newline)
+ sSrc.close()
+ sDst.close()
+ while tagDiff > 0:
+ printLog(log, "MAXSCRIPT " + scriptDst)
+ subprocess.call([ Max, "-U", "MAXScript", "zone_export.ms", "-q", "-mi", "-vn" ])
+ tagList = findFiles(log, outputDirectory, "", ".zone")
+ newTagLen = len(tagList)
+ tagDiff = newTagLen - tagLen
+ tagLen = newTagLen
+ printLog(log, "Exported " + str(tagDiff) + " .zone files!")
+ os.remove(scriptDst)
-printLog(log, ">>> Export zone ligo <<<")
+printLog(log, ">>> Try to copy ligo zone if any <<<")
printLog(log, "********************************")
printLog(log, "******** TODO ********")
printLog(log, "********************************")
printLog(log, "")
+printLog(log, "")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone/maxscript/zone_export.ms b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone/maxscript/zone_export.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71f63e45b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone/maxscript/zone_export.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+-- #################################################################
+-- ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+-- #################################################################
+-- Allocate 20 Me for the script
+heapSize += 15000000
+nlErrorFilename = "%OutputLogfile%"
+nlErrorStream = openFile nlErrorFilename mode:"a"
+if nlErrorStream == undefined then
+ nlErrorStream = createFile nlErrorFilename
+-- Unhide category
+fn unhidecategory =
+ if (geometry.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide geometry[1]
+ if (geometry[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide object toggle
+ )
+ if (shapes.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide shapes[1]
+ if (shapes[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide shape toggle
+ )
+ if (lights.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide lights[1]
+ if (lights[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide light toggle
+ )
+ if (cameras.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide cameras[1]
+ if (cameras[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide camera toggle
+ )
+ if (helpers.count > 0) then
+ (
+ unhide helpers[1]
+ if (helpers[1].ishidden == true) then
+ max hide helper toggle
+ )
+-- Log a message
+fn nlerror message =
+ if nlErrorStream != undefined then
+ (
+ format "%\n" message to:nlErrorStream
+ flush nlErrorStream
+ )
+ -- To the console
+ print message
+-- Find id
+Fn findID node =
+ local
+ -- Const
+ NameTab = filterString node.name "_"
+ Z_ID = -1
+ alpha_letter1 = NameTab[2][1]
+ alpha_letter2 = NameTab[2][2]
+ alpha_letter1_value = findstring alphabet alpha_letter1
+ alpha_letter2_value = findstring alphabet alpha_letter2
+ -- Decompose theh name in an array array[1]=numeric string value array[2]=alpha string value
+ -- The index of the engine start at 0 but the script one at 1 so we sub 1 each time
+ alpha_sub_id = (((alpha_letter1_value as integer - 1) * 26 + (alpha_letter2_value as integer)))-1
+ num_sub_id = (NameTab[1] as integer)-1
+ -- Array of 256 per 256
+ ---------------------------
+ -- 0 1 2 3 ... 255
+ -- 256 257 258 259 ... 511
+ -- 512 513 514 515 ... 767
+ -- ...
+ Z_ID = num_sub_id*256 + alpha_sub_id
+ return Z_ID
+fn runNelMaxExport inputMaxFile =
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + ".zone")
+ tagThisFile = false
+ -- Unhide category
+ unhidecategory()
+ -- Select none
+ max select none
+ -- Found it ?
+ find = false
+ -- For each object in the priject
+ for i in geometry do
+ (
+ -- Look for a NeL patch mesh
+ if (classof i) == RklPatch then
+ (
+ -- Error catching
+ try
+ (
+ if (ExportRykolZone i outputNelFile (findID i)) == false then
+ (
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting zone " + i.name + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("OK " + outputNelFile)
+ tagThisFile = true
+ find = true
+ exit
+ )
+ )
+ catch
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting zone " + i.name + " in file " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = false
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ -- Not found ?
+ if (find == false) then
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("WARNING no zone found in project " + inputMaxFile)
+ tagThisFile = true
+ )
+ return tagThisFile
+ -- Get files in the %MaxSourceDirectory% directory
+ files = getFiles "%MaxSourceDirectory%/*.max"
+ gc()
+ -- Sort files
+ sort files
+ gc()
+ -- No file ?
+ if files.count != 0 then
+ (
+ -- For each files
+ for i = 1 to files.count do
+ (
+ inputMaxFile = files[i]
+ outputNelFile = ("%OutputDirectory%/" + (getFilenameFile inputMaxFile) + ".zone")
+ try
+ (
+ -- Compare file date
+ if (NeLTestFileDate outputNelFile inputMaxFile) == true then
+ (
+ -- Free memory and file handles
+ gc()
+ heapfree
+ -- Reset 3dsmax
+ resetMAXFile #noprompt
+ -- Open the max project
+ nlerror("Scanning file " + inputMaxFile + " ...")
+ if (loadMaxFile inputMaxFile quiet:true) == true then
+ (
+ runNelMaxExport(inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR exporting 'zone': can't open the file " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("SKIPPED " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ )
+ catch
+ (
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR error exporting 'zone' in files " + inputMaxFile)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ nlerror("WARNING no *.max file in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
+ )
+ -- Error
+ nlerror("ERROR fatal error exporting 'zone' in folder %MaxSourceDirectory%")
+-- Bye
+resetMAXFile #noprompt
+quitMAX #noPrompt
+quitMAX() #noPrompt
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/0_setup.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/0_setup.py
index 112a3c9c7..7ce53d05c 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/0_setup.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/0_setup.py
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneLightWaterShapesLightedExportDirect
# Setup build directories
printLog(log, ">>> Setup build directories <<<")
mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneWeldBuildDirectory)
+mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneDependBuildDirectory)
mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneLightBuildDirectory)
mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneLightDependBuildDirectory)
mkPath(log, ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneLightIgLandBuildDirectory)
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/2_build.py b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/2_build.py
index a96f4e94e..f06e7f72c 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/2_build.py
+++ b/code/nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/2_build.py
@@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ else:
mkPath(log, srcDir)
destDir = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneLightBuildDirectory
mkPath(log, destDir)
- dependDir = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneLightDependBuildDirectory
+ dependDir = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneDependBuildDirectory
mkPath(log, dependDir)
files = findFiles(log, srcDir, "", ".zonew")
for file in files:
srcFile = srcDir + "/" + file
destFile = destDir + "/" + file[0:-len(".zonew")] + ".zonel"
if (needUpdateLogRemoveDest(log, srcFile, destFile)):
- dependFile = destDir + "/" + file[0:-len(".zonew")] + ".depend"
+ dependFile = dependDir + "/" + file[0:-len(".zonew")] + ".depend"
subprocess.call([ ExecTimeout, str(ZoneLightBuildTimeout), ZoneLighter, srcFile, destFile, ActiveProjectDirectory + "/generated/properties.cfg", dependFile ])
printLog(log, "")
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ else:
mkPath(log, igsrcDir)
destDir = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneLightIgLandBuildDirectory
mkPath(log, destDir)
- dependDir = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneLightDependBuildDirectory
+ dependDir = ExportBuildDirectory + "/" + ZoneDependBuildDirectory
mkPath(log, dependDir)
files = findFiles(log, srcDir, "", ".zonel")
for file in files:
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ else:
if (os.path.isfile(igsrcFile)):
if (needUpdateLogRemoveDest(log, igsrcFile, destFile)):
srcFile = srcDir + "/" + file
- dependFile = destDir + "/" + file[0:-len(".zonel")] + ".depend"
+ dependFile = dependDir + "/" + file[0:-len(".zonel")] + ".depend"
subprocess.call([ ExecTimeout, str(ZoneIgLightBuildTimeout), ZoneIgLighter, srcFile, destFile, ActiveProjectDirectory + "/generated/properties.cfg", dependFile ])
printLog(log, "")
diff --git a/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/continents/newbieland/directories.py b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/continents/newbieland/directories.py
index 381f6be4b..3c0e4663a 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/continents/newbieland/directories.py
+++ b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/continents/newbieland/directories.py
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ ContinentPath = "continents/" + ContinentName
CommonName = ContinentName
CommonPath = ContinentPath
ContinentLeveldesignWorldDirectory = ContinentName
@@ -57,7 +58,10 @@ LigoBaseSourceDirectory = "landscape/ligo/" + EcosystemName
LigoMaxSourceDirectory = LigoBaseSourceDirectory + "/max"
# Zone directories
-ZoneSourceDirectory = "landscape/zones/" + EcosystemName
+ZoneSourceDirectory = [ "landscape/zones/" + ContinentName ] # For old snowballs style landscape when not using ligo
+# RBank directories
+RBankCmbSourceDirectories = [ ]
# Ig directories
IgLandSourceDirectories = [ ]
@@ -99,6 +103,10 @@ LigoTagExportDirectory = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName + "/ligo_tag"
ZoneExportDirectory = ContinentPath + "/zone"
WaterMapSourceDirectories = [ ]
+# RBank directories
+RBankCmbExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/rbank_cmb_export"
+RBankCmbTagExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/rbank_cmb_tag_export"
# Smallbank directories
SmallbankExportDirectory = EcosystemPath + "/smallbank"
diff --git a/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/continents/newbieland/process.py b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/continents/newbieland/process.py
index b13dcfc78..356670e32 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/continents/newbieland/process.py
+++ b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/continents/newbieland/process.py
@@ -32,18 +32,23 @@ ProcessToComplete = [ ]
ProcessToComplete += [ "properties" ]
ProcessToComplete += [ "map" ]
ProcessToComplete += [ "shape" ]
-ProcessToComplete += [ "ligo" ] # not fully implemented, works for this process (not yet), but does not export max files
-ProcessToComplete += [ "zone" ] # works, need to check completeness
+ProcessToComplete += [ "ligo" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "zone" ]
ProcessToComplete += [ "ig" ] # fully implemented
ProcessToComplete += [ "zone_light" ] # works, need to check completeness
-ProcessToComplete += [ "rbank" ] # works, need to check completeness
+ProcessToComplete += [ "rbank" ]
ProcessToComplete += [ "ig_light" ] # fully implemented
ProcessToComplete += [ "ps" ]
EcosystemName = "jungle"
+EcosystemPath = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName
ContinentName = "newbieland"
+ContinentPath = "continents/" + ContinentName
+CommonName = ContinentName
+CommonPath = ContinentPath
diff --git a/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/desert/directories.py b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/desert/directories.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9cc03f2b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/desert/directories.py
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+# #################################################################
+# \file directories.py
+# \brief Directories configuration
+# \date 2010-09-03-10-06-GMT
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# \date 2001-2005
+# \author Nevrax
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Directories configuration for 'desert' ecosystem.
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+EcosystemName = "desert"
+EcosystemPath = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName
+CommonName = EcosystemName
+CommonPath = EcosystemPath
+DatabaseRootName = "fyros"
+DatabaseRootPath = "stuff/" + DatabaseRootName
+# Shape directories
+ShapeSourceDirectories = [ ]
+ShapeSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/vegetations" ]
+ShapeSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/ligo/" + EcosystemName + "/max" ]
+# Maps directories
+MapSourceDirectories = [ ]
+MapSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/_textures" ]
+MapSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/_textures/vegetations" ]
+MapSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/microveget/" + EcosystemName + "" ]
+MapSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/water/meshes/" + EcosystemName + "" ]
+MapUncompressedSourceDirectories = [ ]
+# Tiles directories
+TilesSourceDirectories = [ ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/1.5-marecage_profond" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/1-marecages" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/2-citees" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/3-fond_canyon" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/4.2-boisbandeclair" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/4.5-desert2boisbande" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/4-falaise_bois_bande" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/5-falaise_normales" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/6.5-desertalternatif" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/6-desert" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/7-routes" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/8-foretbrule" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/1.5-marecage_profond" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/1-marecages" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/2-citees" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/3-fond_canyon" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/4.2-boisbandeclair" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/4.5-desert2boisbande" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/4-falaise_bois_bande" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/5-falaise_normales" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/6.5-desertalternatif" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/6-desert" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/7-routes" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/8-foretbrule" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/1.5-marecage_profond" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/1-marecages" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/2-citees" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/3-fond_canyon" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/4.2-boisbandeclair" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/4.5-desert2boisbande" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/4-falaise_bois_bande" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/5-falaise_normales" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/6.5-desertalternatif" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/6-desert" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/7-routes" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/8-foretbrule" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/1.5-marecage_profond" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/1-marecages" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/2-citees" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/3-fond_canyon" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/4.2-boisbandeclair" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/4.5-desert2boisbande" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/4-falaise_bois_bande" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/5-falaise_normales" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/6.5-desertalternatif" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/6-desert" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/7-routes" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/8-foretbrule" ]
+# Tiles root directory
+TileRootSourceDirectory = "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName
+# Displace directory
+DisplaceSourceDirectory = "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "/displace"
+# Do not use, needs to be removed and fixed in processes
+DisplaceSourceDirectories = [ ]
+DisplaceSourceDirectories += [ DisplaceSourceDirectory ]
+# Bank directory
+BankSourceDirectory = "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName
+# Vegetable set directories
+VegetSetSourceDirectories = [ ]
+VegetSetSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/microveget/" + EcosystemName ]
+# Veget directories
+VegetSourceDirectories = [ ]
+VegetSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/microveget/" + EcosystemName ]
+# Ligo directories
+LigoBaseSourceDirectory = "landscape/ligo/" + EcosystemName
+LigoMaxSourceDirectory = LigoBaseSourceDirectory + "/max"
+# Zone directories
+ZoneSourceDirectory = [ "landscape/zones/" + EcosystemName ] # For old snowballs style landscape when not using ligo
+# Ig landscape directories
+IgLandSourceDirectory = "_invalid"
+# Ig other directories
+IgOtherSourceDirectory = "_invalid"
+# PACS primitives directories
+PacsPrimSourceDirectories = [ ]
+PacsPrimSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/vegetations" ]
+# Shape directories
+ShapeTagExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_tag"
+ShapeNotOptimizedExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_not_optimized"
+ShapeWithCoarseMeshExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_with_coarse_mesh"
+ShapeLightmapNotOptimizedExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_lightmap_not_optimized"
+ShapeAnimExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_anim"
+# Smallbank directories
+SmallbankExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/smallbank"
+# Tiles directories
+TilesExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/tiles"
+# Tiles directories
+DisplaceExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/diplace"
+# Veget directories
+VegetExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/veget"
+VegetTagExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/veget_tag"
+# Veget Set directories
+VegetSetExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/veget_set"
+# Ligo directories
+LigoDatabaseExportDirectory = "landscape/ligo/" + EcosystemName
+LigoDatabaseIgExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/igs"
+LigoDatabaseZoneExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/zones"
+LigoDatabaseZoneLigoExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/zoneligos"
+LigoDatabaseCmbExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/cmb"
+LigoTagExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/ligo_tag"
+# Zone directories
+ZoneExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/zone"
+# PACS primitives directories
+PacsPrimExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/pacs_prim"
+# Map directories
+MapBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/map"
+MapPanoplyBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/map_panoply"
+# Shape directories
+ShapeClodtexBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_clodtex_build"
+ShapeWithCoarseMeshBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_with_coarse_mesh_builded"
+ShapeLightmapBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_lightmap"
+ShapeLightmap16BitsBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_lightmap_16_bits"
+# Farbank directories
+FarbankBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/farbank"
+# Ig directories ************** TODO CONFIRM IN IG BUILD PROCESS ************ FIX RBANK IF NEEDED ***********
+IgLandBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
+IgOtherBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
+# Rbank directories
+RbankOutputBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
+RbankMeshBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
+# Ligo directories
+# Map directory
+MapClientDirectory = CommonName + "_maps"
+BitmapClientDirectory = MapClientDirectory
+# Shape directory
+ShapeClientDirectory = CommonName + "_shapes"
+# Lightmap directory
+LightmapClientDirectory = CommonName + "_lightmaps"
+# Tile directory
+TilesClientDirectory = CommonName + "_tiles"
+# Displace directory
+DisplaceClientDirectory = CommonName + "_displaces"
+# Bank directory
+BankClientDirectory = CommonName + "_bank"
+# Vegetable set directory
+VegetSetClientDirectory = CommonName + "_vegetable_sets"
+# Vegetable shape directory
+VegetClientDirectory = CommonName + "_vegetables"
+# PACS primitives directories
+PacsPrimClientDirectory = CommonName + "_pacs_prim"
diff --git a/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/desert/process.py b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/desert/process.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12104fead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/desert/process.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+# #################################################################
+# \file config.py
+# \brief Process configuration
+# \date 2010-09-03-10-06-GMT
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Process configuration for 'desert' ecosystem.
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+ProcessToComplete = [ ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "shape" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "map" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "smallbank" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "farbank" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "tiles" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "displace" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "veget" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "vegetset" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "ligo" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "pacs_prim" ]
+EcosystemName = "desert"
+EcosystemPath = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName
+CommonName = EcosystemName
+CommonPath = EcosystemPath
+PanoplyFileList = [ ]
+HlsBankFileName = ""
+# Compute lightmaps ?
+ShapeExportOptExportLighting = "true"
+# Cast shadow in lightmap ?
+ShapeExportOptShadow = "true"
+# Lighting limits. 0 : normal, 1 : soft shadows
+ShapeExportOptLightingLimit = 1
+# Lightmap lumel size
+ShapeExportOptLumelSize = "0.25"
+# Oversampling value. Can be 1, 2, 4 or 8
+ShapeExportOptOversampling = 1
+# Does the lightmap must be generated in 8 bits format ?
+ShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap = "true"
+# Does the lightmaps export must generate logs ?
+ShapeExportOptLightmapLog = "true"
+# Coarse mesh texture mul size
+TextureMulSizeValue = "1.5"
+DoBuildShadowSkin = 0
+ClodConfigFile = ""
+CoarseMeshTextureNames = [ ]
+CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_" + EcosystemName + "_sp" ]
+CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_" + EcosystemName + "_su" ]
+CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_" + EcosystemName + "_au" ]
+CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_" + EcosystemName + "_wi" ]
+MultipleTilesPostfix = [ ]
+MultipleTilesPostfix += [ "_sp" ]
+MultipleTilesPostfix += [ "_su" ]
+MultipleTilesPostfix += [ "_au" ]
+MultipleTilesPostfix += [ "_wi" ]
+# Name of the tilebank to use
+BankTileBankName = EcosystemName
+# Output names
+RbankRbankName = "_invalid"
+# *** LIGO OPTIONS ***
+LigoExportLand = ""
+LigoExportOnePass = 0
+# *** MAPS OPTIONS ***
+ReduceBitmapFactor = 0
+DoBuildShadowSkin = False
+ClodConfigFile = ""
+WantLandscapeColPrimPacsList = True
diff --git a/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/jungle/directories.py b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/jungle/directories.py
index c6fbe35cf..1916e5013 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/jungle/directories.py
+++ b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/jungle/directories.py
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+# #################################################################
# \file directories.py
# \brief Directories configuration
-# \date 2010-05-24 06:34GMT
+# \date 2010-09-03-10-06-GMT
# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
# \date 2001-2005
# \author Nevrax
# Python port of game data build pipeline.
-# Directories configuration.
+# Directories configuration for 'jungle' ecosystem.
# NeL - MMORPG Framework
# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
@@ -27,22 +31,28 @@
EcosystemName = "jungle"
EcosystemPath = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName
+CommonName = EcosystemName
CommonPath = EcosystemPath
+DatabaseRootName = "jungle"
+DatabaseRootPath = "stuff/" + DatabaseRootName
# Shape directories
ShapeSourceDirectories = [ ]
-ShapeSourceDirectories += [ "stuff/" + EcosystemName + "/decors/vegetations" ]
+ShapeSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/vegetations" ]
ShapeSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/ligo/" + EcosystemName + "/max" ]
# Maps directories
MapSourceDirectories = [ ]
-MapSourceDirectories += [ "stuff/" + EcosystemName + "/decors/_textures/Vegetations" ]
+MapSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/_textures" ]
+MapSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/_textures/vegetations" ]
MapSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/microveget/" + EcosystemName + "" ]
MapSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/water/meshes/" + EcosystemName + "" ]
@@ -50,7 +60,9 @@ MapUncompressedSourceDirectories = [ ]
# Tiles directories
TilesSourceDirectories = [ ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/10-crevassejungle" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/11-paroisjungle" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/12-vasejungle" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/1-junglemousse" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/2-junglefeuilles" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/3-jungleherbesseche" ]
@@ -60,11 +72,10 @@ TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/6
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/7-sciurejungle" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/8-terrejungle" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/9-falaisejungle" ]
-TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/10-crevassejungle" ]
-TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/11-paroisjungle" ]
-TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/12-vasejungle" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/Transitions" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/10-crevassejungle" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/11-paroisjungle" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/12-vasejungle" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/1-junglemousse" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/2-junglefeuilles" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/3-jungleherbesseche" ]
@@ -74,11 +85,10 @@ TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/6
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/7-sciurejungle" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/8-terrejungle" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/9-falaisejungle" ]
-TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/10-crevassejungle" ]
-TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/11-paroisjungle" ]
-TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/12-vasejungle" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/Transitions" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/10-crevassejungle" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/11-paroisjungle" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/12-vasejungle" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/1-junglemousse" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/2-junglefeuilles" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/3-jungleherbesseche" ]
@@ -88,11 +98,10 @@ TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/6
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/7-sciurejungle" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/8-terrejungle" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/9-falaisejungle" ]
-TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/10-crevassejungle" ]
-TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/11-paroisjungle" ]
-TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/12-vasejungle" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/Transitions" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/10-crevassejungle" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/11-paroisjungle" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/12-vasejungle" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/1-junglemousse" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/2-junglefeuilles" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/3-jungleherbesseche" ]
@@ -102,9 +111,6 @@ TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/6
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/7-sciurejungle" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/8-terrejungle" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/9-falaisejungle" ]
-TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/10-crevassejungle" ]
-TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/11-paroisjungle" ]
-TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/12-vasejungle" ]
TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/Transitions" ]
# Tiles root directory
@@ -133,7 +139,7 @@ LigoBaseSourceDirectory = "landscape/ligo/" + EcosystemName
LigoMaxSourceDirectory = LigoBaseSourceDirectory + "/max"
# Zone directories
-ZoneSourceDirectory = "landscape/zones/" + EcosystemName
+ZoneSourceDirectory = [ "landscape/zones/" + EcosystemName ] # For old snowballs style landscape when not using ligo
# Ig landscape directories
IgLandSourceDirectory = "_invalid"
@@ -143,7 +149,7 @@ IgOtherSourceDirectory = "_invalid"
# PACS primitives directories
PacsPrimSourceDirectories = [ ]
-PacsPrimSourceDirectories += [ "stuff/" + EcosystemName + "/decors/vegetations" ]
+PacsPrimSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/vegetations" ]
@@ -156,20 +162,20 @@ ShapeLightmapNotOptimizedExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_lightmap_not_opt
ShapeAnimExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_anim"
# Smallbank directories
-SmallbankExportDirectory = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName + "/smallbank"
+SmallbankExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/smallbank"
# Tiles directories
-TilesExportDirectory = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName + "/tiles"
+TilesExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/tiles"
# Tiles directories
-DisplaceExportDirectory = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName + "/diplace"
+DisplaceExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/diplace"
# Veget directories
-VegetExportDirectory = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName + "/veget"
-VegetTagExportDirectory = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName + "/veget_tag"
+VegetExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/veget"
+VegetTagExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/veget_tag"
# Veget Set directories
-VegetSetExportDirectory = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName + "/veget_set"
+VegetSetExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/veget_set"
# Ligo directories
LigoDatabaseExportDirectory = "landscape/ligo/" + EcosystemName
@@ -177,13 +183,13 @@ LigoDatabaseIgExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/igs"
LigoDatabaseZoneExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/zones"
LigoDatabaseZoneLigoExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/zoneligos"
LigoDatabaseCmbExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/cmb"
-LigoTagExportDirectory = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName + "/ligo_tag"
+LigoTagExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/ligo_tag"
# Zone directories
-ZoneExportDirectory = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName + "/zone"
+ZoneExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/zone"
# PACS primitives directories
-PacsPrimExportDirectory = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName + "/pacs_prim"
+PacsPrimExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/pacs_prim"
@@ -199,7 +205,7 @@ ShapeLightmapBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_lightmap"
ShapeLightmap16BitsBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_lightmap_16_bits"
# Farbank directories
-FarbankBuildDirectory = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName + "/farbank"
+FarbankBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/farbank"
# Ig directories ************** TODO CONFIRM IN IG BUILD PROCESS ************ FIX RBANK IF NEEDED ***********
IgLandBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
@@ -214,44 +220,30 @@ RbankMeshBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
-# Client directories
-ClientSetupDirectories = [ ]
-ClientSetupDirectories += [ "jungle_shapes" ]
-ClientSetupDirectories += [ "jungle_maps" ]
-ClientSetupDirectories += [ "jungle_tiles" ]
-ClientSetupDirectories += [ "jungle_displaces" ]
-ClientSetupDirectories += [ "jungle_bank" ]
-ClientSetupDirectories += [ "jungle_vegetables" ]
-ClientSetupDirectories += [ "jungle_vegetable_sets" ]
-ClientSetupDirectories += [ "jungle_pacs_prim" ]
-ClientSetupDirectories += [ "jungle_lightmaps" ]
-# Map directory
-MapClientDirectory = "jungle_maps"
# Map directory
+MapClientDirectory = CommonName + "_maps"
BitmapClientDirectory = MapClientDirectory
# Shape directory
-ShapeClientDirectory = "jungle_shapes"
+ShapeClientDirectory = CommonName + "_shapes"
# Lightmap directory
-LightmapClientDirectory = "jungle_lightmaps"
+LightmapClientDirectory = CommonName + "_lightmaps"
# Tile directory
-TilesClientDirectory = "jungle_tiles"
+TilesClientDirectory = CommonName + "_tiles"
# Displace directory
-DisplaceClientDirectory = "jungle_displaces"
+DisplaceClientDirectory = CommonName + "_displaces"
# Bank directory
-BankClientDirectory = "jungle_bank"
+BankClientDirectory = CommonName + "_bank"
# Vegetable set directory
-VegetSetClientDirectory = "jungle_vegetable_sets"
+VegetSetClientDirectory = CommonName + "_vegetable_sets"
# Vegetable shape directory
-VegetClientDirectory = "jungle_vegetables"
+VegetClientDirectory = CommonName + "_vegetables"
# PACS primitives directories
-PacsPrimClientDirectory = "jungle_pacs_prim"
+PacsPrimClientDirectory = CommonName + "_pacs_prim"
diff --git a/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/jungle/process.py b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/jungle/process.py
index babdec16f..ca70a8a59 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/jungle/process.py
+++ b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/jungle/process.py
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+# #################################################################
# \file config.py
# \brief Process configuration
-# \date 2010-05-24 06:30GMT
+# \date 2010-09-03-10-06-GMT
# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
# Python port of game data build pipeline.
-# Process configuration.
+# Process configuration for 'jungle' ecosystem.
# NeL - MMORPG Framework
# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
@@ -28,17 +32,26 @@
ProcessToComplete = [ ]
-ProcessToComplete += [ "shape" ] # not fully implemented, but works for this process
-ProcessToComplete += [ "map" ] # not fully implemented, but works for this process
-ProcessToComplete += [ "smallbank" ] # OK
-ProcessToComplete += [ "farbank" ] # OK
-ProcessToComplete += [ "tiles" ] # OK
-ProcessToComplete += [ "displace" ] # OK
-ProcessToComplete += [ "veget" ] # OK
-ProcessToComplete += [ "vegetset" ] # OK
-ProcessToComplete += [ "ligo" ] # not fully implemented, works for this process, but does not export max files
+ProcessToComplete += [ "shape" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "map" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "smallbank" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "farbank" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "tiles" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "displace" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "veget" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "vegetset" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "ligo" ]
ProcessToComplete += [ "pacs_prim" ]
+EcosystemName = "jungle"
+EcosystemPath = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName
+CommonName = EcosystemName
+CommonPath = EcosystemPath
PanoplyFileList = [ ]
HlsBankFileName = ""
@@ -52,7 +65,7 @@ ShapeExportOptExportLighting = "true"
ShapeExportOptShadow = "true"
# Lighting limits. 0 : normal, 1 : soft shadows
-ShapeExportOptLightingLimit = 0
+ShapeExportOptLightingLimit = 1
# Lightmap lumel size
ShapeExportOptLumelSize = "0.25"
@@ -64,7 +77,7 @@ ShapeExportOptOversampling = 1
ShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap = "false"
# Does the lightmaps export must generate logs ?
-ShapeExportOptLightmapLog = "false"
+ShapeExportOptLightmapLog = "true"
# Coarse mesh texture mul size
TextureMulSizeValue = "1.5"
@@ -75,10 +88,10 @@ ClodConfigFile = ""
CoarseMeshTextureNames = [ ]
-CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_jungle_sp" ]
-CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_jungle_su" ]
-CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_jungle_au" ]
-CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_jungle_wi" ]
+CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_" + EcosystemName + "_sp" ]
+CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_" + EcosystemName + "_su" ]
+CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_" + EcosystemName + "_au" ]
+CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_" + EcosystemName + "_wi" ]
MultipleTilesPostfix = [ ]
@@ -90,7 +103,7 @@ MultipleTilesPostfix += [ "_wi" ]
# Name of the tilebank to use
-BankTileBankName = "jungle"
+BankTileBankName = EcosystemName
diff --git a/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/lacustre/directories.py b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/lacustre/directories.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e48979a8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/lacustre/directories.py
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+# #################################################################
+# \file directories.py
+# \brief Directories configuration
+# \date 2010-09-03-10-06-GMT
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# \date 2001-2005
+# \author Nevrax
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Directories configuration for 'lacustre' ecosystem.
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+EcosystemName = "lacustre"
+EcosystemPath = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName
+CommonName = EcosystemName
+CommonPath = EcosystemPath
+DatabaseRootName = "tryker"
+DatabaseRootPath = "stuff/" + DatabaseRootName
+# Shape directories
+ShapeSourceDirectories = [ ]
+ShapeSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/vegetations" ]
+ShapeSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/ligo/" + EcosystemName + "/max" ]
+# Maps directories
+MapSourceDirectories = [ ]
+MapSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/_textures" ]
+MapSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/_textures/vegetations" ]
+MapSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/microveget/" + EcosystemName + "" ]
+MapSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/water/meshes/" + EcosystemName + "" ]
+MapUncompressedSourceDirectories = [ ]
+# Tiles directories
+TilesSourceDirectories = [ ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/1a-sable-marin" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/1-plages" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/2-iles" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/2-ilesa" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/2-iles-marines" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/3-fondmarin2plage" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/4-marecages" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/5-marecages" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/5-parois-marine" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/6-fond_marin" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/7-bassesiles" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/7-mousseter" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/7-racines" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/8-mousse_marine" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/constructible" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/1a-sable-marin" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/1-plages" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/2-iles" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/2-ilesa" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/2-iles-marines" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/3-fondmarin2plage" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/4-marecages" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/5-marecages" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/5-parois-marine" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/6-fond_marin" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/7-bassesiles" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/7-mousseter" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/7-racines" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/8-mousse_marine" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/constructible" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/1a-sable-marin" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/1-plages" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/2-iles" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/2-ilesa" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/2-iles-marines" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/3-fondmarin2plage" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/4-marecages" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/5-marecages" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/5-parois-marine" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/6-fond_marin" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/7-bassesiles" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/7-mousseter" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/7-racines" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/8-mousse_marine" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/constructible" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/1a-sable-marin" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/1-plages" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/2-iles" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/2-ilesa" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/2-iles-marines" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/3-fondmarin2plage" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/4-marecages" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/5-marecages" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/5-parois-marine" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/6-fond_marin" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/7-bassesiles" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/7-mousseter" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/7-racines" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/8-mousse_marine" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/constructible" ]
+# Tiles root directory
+TileRootSourceDirectory = "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName
+# Displace directory
+DisplaceSourceDirectory = "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "/displace"
+# Do not use, needs to be removed and fixed in processes
+DisplaceSourceDirectories = [ ]
+DisplaceSourceDirectories += [ DisplaceSourceDirectory ]
+# Bank directory
+BankSourceDirectory = "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName
+# Vegetable set directories
+VegetSetSourceDirectories = [ ]
+VegetSetSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/microveget/" + EcosystemName ]
+# Veget directories
+VegetSourceDirectories = [ ]
+VegetSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/microveget/" + EcosystemName ]
+# Ligo directories
+LigoBaseSourceDirectory = "landscape/ligo/" + EcosystemName
+LigoMaxSourceDirectory = LigoBaseSourceDirectory + "/max"
+# Zone directories
+ZoneSourceDirectory = [ "landscape/zones/" + EcosystemName ] # For old snowballs style landscape when not using ligo
+# Ig landscape directories
+IgLandSourceDirectory = "_invalid"
+# Ig other directories
+IgOtherSourceDirectory = "_invalid"
+# PACS primitives directories
+PacsPrimSourceDirectories = [ ]
+PacsPrimSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/vegetations" ]
+# Shape directories
+ShapeTagExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_tag"
+ShapeNotOptimizedExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_not_optimized"
+ShapeWithCoarseMeshExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_with_coarse_mesh"
+ShapeLightmapNotOptimizedExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_lightmap_not_optimized"
+ShapeAnimExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_anim"
+# Smallbank directories
+SmallbankExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/smallbank"
+# Tiles directories
+TilesExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/tiles"
+# Tiles directories
+DisplaceExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/diplace"
+# Veget directories
+VegetExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/veget"
+VegetTagExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/veget_tag"
+# Veget Set directories
+VegetSetExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/veget_set"
+# Ligo directories
+LigoDatabaseExportDirectory = "landscape/ligo/" + EcosystemName
+LigoDatabaseIgExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/igs"
+LigoDatabaseZoneExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/zones"
+LigoDatabaseZoneLigoExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/zoneligos"
+LigoDatabaseCmbExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/cmb"
+LigoTagExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/ligo_tag"
+# Zone directories
+ZoneExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/zone"
+# PACS primitives directories
+PacsPrimExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/pacs_prim"
+# Map directories
+MapBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/map"
+MapPanoplyBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/map_panoply"
+# Shape directories
+ShapeClodtexBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_clodtex_build"
+ShapeWithCoarseMeshBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_with_coarse_mesh_builded"
+ShapeLightmapBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_lightmap"
+ShapeLightmap16BitsBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_lightmap_16_bits"
+# Farbank directories
+FarbankBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/farbank"
+# Ig directories ************** TODO CONFIRM IN IG BUILD PROCESS ************ FIX RBANK IF NEEDED ***********
+IgLandBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
+IgOtherBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
+# Rbank directories
+RbankOutputBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
+RbankMeshBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
+# Ligo directories
+# Map directory
+MapClientDirectory = CommonName + "_maps"
+BitmapClientDirectory = MapClientDirectory
+# Shape directory
+ShapeClientDirectory = CommonName + "_shapes"
+# Lightmap directory
+LightmapClientDirectory = CommonName + "_lightmaps"
+# Tile directory
+TilesClientDirectory = CommonName + "_tiles"
+# Displace directory
+DisplaceClientDirectory = CommonName + "_displaces"
+# Bank directory
+BankClientDirectory = CommonName + "_bank"
+# Vegetable set directory
+VegetSetClientDirectory = CommonName + "_vegetable_sets"
+# Vegetable shape directory
+VegetClientDirectory = CommonName + "_vegetables"
+# PACS primitives directories
+PacsPrimClientDirectory = CommonName + "_pacs_prim"
diff --git a/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/lacustre/process.py b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/lacustre/process.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93817c333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/lacustre/process.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+# #################################################################
+# \file config.py
+# \brief Process configuration
+# \date 2010-09-03-10-06-GMT
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Process configuration for 'lacustre' ecosystem.
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+ProcessToComplete = [ ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "shape" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "map" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "smallbank" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "farbank" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "tiles" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "displace" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "veget" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "vegetset" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "ligo" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "pacs_prim" ]
+EcosystemName = "lacustre"
+EcosystemPath = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName
+CommonName = EcosystemName
+CommonPath = EcosystemPath
+PanoplyFileList = [ ]
+HlsBankFileName = ""
+# Compute lightmaps ?
+ShapeExportOptExportLighting = "true"
+# Cast shadow in lightmap ?
+ShapeExportOptShadow = "true"
+# Lighting limits. 0 : normal, 1 : soft shadows
+ShapeExportOptLightingLimit = 0
+# Lightmap lumel size
+ShapeExportOptLumelSize = "0.25"
+# Oversampling value. Can be 1, 2, 4 or 8
+ShapeExportOptOversampling = 8
+# Does the lightmap must be generated in 8 bits format ?
+ShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap = "false"
+# Does the lightmaps export must generate logs ?
+ShapeExportOptLightmapLog = "true"
+# Coarse mesh texture mul size
+TextureMulSizeValue = "1.5"
+DoBuildShadowSkin = 0
+ClodConfigFile = ""
+CoarseMeshTextureNames = [ ]
+CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_" + EcosystemName + "_sp" ]
+CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_" + EcosystemName + "_su" ]
+CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_" + EcosystemName + "_au" ]
+CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_" + EcosystemName + "_wi" ]
+MultipleTilesPostfix = [ ]
+MultipleTilesPostfix += [ "_sp" ]
+MultipleTilesPostfix += [ "_su" ]
+MultipleTilesPostfix += [ "_au" ]
+MultipleTilesPostfix += [ "_wi" ]
+# Name of the tilebank to use
+BankTileBankName = EcosystemName
+# Output names
+RbankRbankName = "_invalid"
+# *** LIGO OPTIONS ***
+LigoExportLand = ""
+LigoExportOnePass = 0
+# *** MAPS OPTIONS ***
+ReduceBitmapFactor = 0
+DoBuildShadowSkin = False
+ClodConfigFile = ""
+WantLandscapeColPrimPacsList = True
diff --git a/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/primes_racines/directories.py b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/primes_racines/directories.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cebc4857a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/primes_racines/directories.py
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+# #################################################################
+# \file directories.py
+# \brief Directories configuration
+# \date 2010-09-03-10-06-GMT
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# \date 2001-2005
+# \author Nevrax
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Directories configuration for 'primes_racines' ecosystem.
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+EcosystemName = "primes_racines"
+EcosystemPath = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName
+CommonName = EcosystemName
+CommonPath = EcosystemPath
+DatabaseRootName = "primes_racines"
+DatabaseRootPath = "stuff/" + DatabaseRootName
+# Shape directories
+ShapeSourceDirectories = [ ]
+ShapeSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/vegetations" ]
+ShapeSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/ligo/" + EcosystemName + "/max" ]
+# Maps directories
+MapSourceDirectories = [ ]
+MapSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/_textures" ]
+MapSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/_textures/vegetations" ]
+MapSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/_textures/batiments" ]
+MapSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/microveget/" + EcosystemName + "" ]
+MapSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/water/meshes/" + EcosystemName + "" ]
+MapUncompressedSourceDirectories = [ ]
+# Tiles directories
+TilesSourceDirectories = [ ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/PR-creux" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/PR-dome-moussu" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/PR-kitiniere" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/PR-mousse-licken" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/PR-mousse-spongieus" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/PR-parois" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/PR-sol-mousse" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/PR-souche" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/PR-stalagmite" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/PR-terre" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_sp/aditif" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/PR-creux" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/PR-dome-moussu" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/PR-kitiniere" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/PR-mousse-licken" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/PR-mousse-spongieus" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/PR-parois" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/PR-sol-mousse" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/PR-souche" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/PR-stalagmite" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/PR-terre" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_su/aditif" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/PR-creux" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/PR-dome-moussu" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/PR-kitiniere" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/PR-mousse-licken" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/PR-mousse-spongieus" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/PR-parois" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/PR-sol-mousse" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/PR-souche" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/PR-stalagmite" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/PR-terre" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_au/aditif" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/PR-creux" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/PR-dome-moussu" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/PR-kitiniere" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/PR-mousse-licken" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/PR-mousse-spongieus" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/PR-parois" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/PR-sol-mousse" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/PR-souche" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/PR-stalagmite" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/PR-terre" ]
+TilesSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "_wi/aditif" ]
+# Tiles root directory
+TileRootSourceDirectory = "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName
+# Displace directory
+DisplaceSourceDirectory = "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName + "/displace"
+# Do not use, needs to be removed and fixed in processes
+DisplaceSourceDirectories = [ ]
+DisplaceSourceDirectories += [ DisplaceSourceDirectory ]
+# Bank directory
+BankSourceDirectory = "landscape/_texture_tiles/" + EcosystemName
+# Vegetable set directories
+VegetSetSourceDirectories = [ ]
+VegetSetSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/microveget/" + EcosystemName ]
+# Veget directories
+VegetSourceDirectories = [ ]
+VegetSourceDirectories += [ "landscape/microveget/" + EcosystemName ]
+# Ligo directories
+LigoBaseSourceDirectory = "landscape/ligo/" + EcosystemName
+LigoMaxSourceDirectory = LigoBaseSourceDirectory + "/max"
+# Zone directories
+ZoneSourceDirectory = [ "landscape/zones/" + EcosystemName ] # For old snowballs style landscape when not using ligo
+# Ig landscape directories
+IgLandSourceDirectory = "_invalid"
+# Ig other directories
+IgOtherSourceDirectory = "_invalid"
+# PACS primitives directories
+PacsPrimSourceDirectories = [ ]
+PacsPrimSourceDirectories += [ DatabaseRootPath + "/decors/vegetations" ]
+# Shape directories
+ShapeTagExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_tag"
+ShapeNotOptimizedExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_not_optimized"
+ShapeWithCoarseMeshExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_with_coarse_mesh"
+ShapeLightmapNotOptimizedExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_lightmap_not_optimized"
+ShapeAnimExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_anim"
+# Smallbank directories
+SmallbankExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/smallbank"
+# Tiles directories
+TilesExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/tiles"
+# Tiles directories
+DisplaceExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/diplace"
+# Veget directories
+VegetExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/veget"
+VegetTagExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/veget_tag"
+# Veget Set directories
+VegetSetExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/veget_set"
+# Ligo directories
+LigoDatabaseExportDirectory = "landscape/ligo/" + EcosystemName
+LigoDatabaseIgExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/igs"
+LigoDatabaseZoneExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/zones"
+LigoDatabaseZoneLigoExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/zoneligos"
+LigoDatabaseCmbExportDirectory = LigoDatabaseExportDirectory + "/cmb"
+LigoTagExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/ligo_tag"
+# Zone directories
+ZoneExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/zone"
+# PACS primitives directories
+PacsPrimExportDirectory = CommonPath + "/pacs_prim"
+# Map directories
+MapBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/map"
+MapPanoplyBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/map_panoply"
+# Shape directories
+ShapeClodtexBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_clodtex_build"
+ShapeWithCoarseMeshBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_with_coarse_mesh_builded"
+ShapeLightmapBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_lightmap"
+ShapeLightmap16BitsBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/shape_lightmap_16_bits"
+# Farbank directories
+FarbankBuildDirectory = CommonPath + "/farbank"
+# Ig directories ************** TODO CONFIRM IN IG BUILD PROCESS ************ FIX RBANK IF NEEDED ***********
+IgLandBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
+IgOtherBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
+# Rbank directories
+RbankOutputBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
+RbankMeshBuildDirectory = "_invalid"
+# Ligo directories
+# Map directory
+MapClientDirectory = CommonName + "_maps"
+BitmapClientDirectory = MapClientDirectory
+# Shape directory
+ShapeClientDirectory = CommonName + "_shapes"
+# Lightmap directory
+LightmapClientDirectory = CommonName + "_lightmaps"
+# Tile directory
+TilesClientDirectory = CommonName + "_tiles"
+# Displace directory
+DisplaceClientDirectory = CommonName + "_displaces"
+# Bank directory
+BankClientDirectory = CommonName + "_bank"
+# Vegetable set directory
+VegetSetClientDirectory = CommonName + "_vegetable_sets"
+# Vegetable shape directory
+VegetClientDirectory = CommonName + "_vegetables"
+# PACS primitives directories
+PacsPrimClientDirectory = CommonName + "_pacs_prim"
diff --git a/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/primes_racines/process.py b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/primes_racines/process.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b49eec027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/ecosystems/primes_racines/process.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# #################################################################
+# ## WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it !
+# #################################################################
+# \file config.py
+# \brief Process configuration
+# \date 2010-09-03-10-06-GMT
+# \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi)
+# Python port of game data build pipeline.
+# Process configuration for 'primes_racines' ecosystem.
+# NeL - MMORPG Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+ProcessToComplete = [ ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "shape" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "map" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "smallbank" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "farbank" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "tiles" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "displace" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "veget" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "vegetset" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "ligo" ]
+ProcessToComplete += [ "pacs_prim" ]
+EcosystemName = "primes_racines"
+EcosystemPath = "ecosystems/" + EcosystemName
+CommonName = EcosystemName
+CommonPath = EcosystemPath
+PanoplyFileList = [ ]
+HlsBankFileName = ""
+# Compute lightmaps ?
+ShapeExportOptExportLighting = "true"
+# Cast shadow in lightmap ?
+ShapeExportOptShadow = "true"
+# Lighting limits. 0 : normal, 1 : soft shadows
+ShapeExportOptLightingLimit = 1
+# Lightmap lumel size
+ShapeExportOptLumelSize = "0.25"
+# Oversampling value. Can be 1, 2, 4 or 8
+ShapeExportOptOversampling = 1
+# Does the lightmap must be generated in 8 bits format ?
+ShapeExportOpt8BitsLightmap = "false"
+# Does the lightmaps export must generate logs ?
+ShapeExportOptLightmapLog = "true"
+# Coarse mesh texture mul size
+TextureMulSizeValue = "1.5"
+DoBuildShadowSkin = 0
+ClodConfigFile = ""
+CoarseMeshTextureNames = [ ]
+CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_" + EcosystemName + "_sp" ]
+CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_" + EcosystemName + "_su" ]
+CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_" + EcosystemName + "_au" ]
+CoarseMeshTextureNames += [ "nel_coarse_mesh_" + EcosystemName + "_wi" ]
+MultipleTilesPostfix = [ ]
+MultipleTilesPostfix += [ "_sp" ]
+MultipleTilesPostfix += [ "_su" ]
+MultipleTilesPostfix += [ "_au" ]
+MultipleTilesPostfix += [ "_wi" ]
+# Name of the tilebank to use
+BankTileBankName = EcosystemName
+# Output names
+RbankRbankName = "_invalid"
+# *** LIGO OPTIONS ***
+LigoExportLand = ""
+LigoExportOnePass = 0
+# *** MAPS OPTIONS ***
+ReduceBitmapFactor = 0
+DoBuildShadowSkin = False
+ClodConfigFile = ""
+WantLandscapeColPrimPacsList = True
diff --git a/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/projects.py b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/projects.py
index e04f683f6..a83f27f3b 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/projects.py
+++ b/code/ryzom/tools/build_gamedata/workspace/projects.py
@@ -35,7 +35,10 @@ ProjectsToProcess += [ "common/sfx" ]
ProjectsToProcess += [ "common/fauna" ]
# Ecosystem projects
+ProjectsToProcess += [ "ecosystems/desert" ]
ProjectsToProcess += [ "ecosystems/jungle" ]
+ProjectsToProcess += [ "ecosystems/primes_racines" ]
+ProjectsToProcess += [ "ecosystems/lacustre" ]
# Continent projects
ProjectsToProcess += [ "continents/newbieland" ]
@@ -49,9 +52,7 @@ ProjectsToProcess += [ "common/sky" ] # Depends on jungle/newbieland due to ig_l
#ProjectsToProcess += [ "common/characters" ] # TODO
#ProjectsToProcess += [ "common/characters_maps_hr" ] # TODO
#ProjectsToProcess += [ "common/characters_maps_lr" ] # TODO
-#ProjectsToProcess += [ "ecosystems/desert" ] # TODO
-#ProjectsToProcess += [ "ecosystems/lacustre" ] # TODO
-#ProjectsToProcess += [ "ecosystems/primes_racines" ] # TODO
+#ProjectsToProcess += [ "continents/indoors" ] # TODO
# end of file