diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/georges_editor/expandable_headerview.h b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/georges_editor/expandable_headerview.h
index f7f26eafc..4071b4637 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/georges_editor/expandable_headerview.h
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/georges_editor/expandable_headerview.h
@@ -15,35 +15,35 @@
// along with this program. If not, see .
-// Qt includes
-namespace GeorgesQt
- class ExpandableHeaderView : public QHeaderView
- {
- public:
- ExpandableHeaderView(Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent = 0);
- bool* expanded() { return &m_expanded; }
- protected:
- void paintSection(QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, int logicalIndex) const;
- bool isPointInDecoration(int section, QPoint pos)const;
- void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
- void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
- private:
- bool m_expanded;
- bool m_inDecoration;
- void headerClicked(int);
- };
-} /* namespace NLQT */
+// Qt includes
+namespace GeorgesQt
+ class ExpandableHeaderView : public QHeaderView
+ {
+ public:
+ ExpandableHeaderView(Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent = 0);
+ bool* expanded() { return &m_expanded; }
+ protected:
+ void paintSection(QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, int logicalIndex) const;
+ bool isPointInDecoration(int section, QPoint pos)const;
+ void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
+ void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
+ private:
+ bool m_expanded;
+ bool m_inDecoration;
+ void headerClicked(int);
+ };
+} /* namespace NLQT */
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/log/log_plugin.cpp b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/log/log_plugin.cpp
index 5a8c64f93..0f86ab90c 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/log/log_plugin.cpp
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/log/log_plugin.cpp
@@ -1,191 +1,191 @@
-// Object Viewer Qt - Log Plugin - MMORPG Framework
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Adrian Jaekel
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-// License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see .
-// Project includes
-#include "log_plugin.h"
-#include "log_settings_page.h"
-#include "qt_displayer.h"
-#include "../core/icore.h"
-#include "../core/core_constants.h"
-#include "../core/menu_manager.h"
-#include "../../extension_system/iplugin_spec.h"
-// Qt includes
-// NeL includes
-namespace Plugin
- CLogPlugin::CLogPlugin(QWidget *parent): QDockWidget(parent)
- {
- m_ui.setupUi(this);
- }
- CLogPlugin::~CLogPlugin()
- {
- Q_FOREACH(QObject *obj, m_autoReleaseObjects)
- {
- m_plugMan->removeObject(obj);
- }
- qDeleteAll(m_autoReleaseObjects);
- m_autoReleaseObjects.clear();
- NLMISC::ErrorLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
- NLMISC::WarningLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
- NLMISC::DebugLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
- NLMISC::AssertLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
- NLMISC::InfoLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
- delete m_displayer;
- }
- bool CLogPlugin::initialize(ExtensionSystem::IPluginManager *pluginManager, QString *errorString)
- {
- Q_UNUSED(errorString);
- m_plugMan = pluginManager;
- m_logSettingsPage = new CLogSettingsPage(this, this);
- addAutoReleasedObject(m_logSettingsPage);
- return true;
- }
- void CLogPlugin::extensionsInitialized()
- {
- setDisplayers();
- Core::ICore *core = Core::ICore::instance();
- Core::MenuManager *menuManager = core->menuManager();
- QMenu *viewMenu = menuManager->menu(Core::Constants::M_VIEW);
- QMainWindow *wnd = Core::ICore::instance()->mainWindow();
- wnd->addDockWidget(Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, this);
- hide();
- viewMenu->addAction(this->toggleViewAction());
- }
- void CLogPlugin::setNelContext(NLMISC::INelContext *nelContext)
- {
- // Ensure that a context doesn't exist yet.
- // This only applies to platforms without PIC, e.g. Windows.
- nlassert(!NLMISC::INelContext::isContextInitialised());
-#endif // fdef NL_OS_WINDOWS^M
- m_libContext = new NLMISC::CLibraryContext(*nelContext);
- m_displayer = new NLQT::CQtDisplayer(m_ui.plainTextEdit);
- }
- QString CLogPlugin::name() const
- {
- return "LogPlugin";
- }
- QString CLogPlugin::version() const
- {
- return "1.1";
- }
- QString CLogPlugin::vendor() const
- {
- return "aquiles";
- }
- QString CLogPlugin::description() const
- {
- return tr("DockWidget to display all log messages from NeL.");
- }
- QStringList CLogPlugin::dependencies() const
- {
- QStringList list;
- list.append(Core::Constants::OVQT_CORE_PLUGIN);
- return list;
- }
- void CLogPlugin::addAutoReleasedObject(QObject *obj)
- {
- m_plugMan->addObject(obj);
- m_autoReleaseObjects.prepend(obj);
- }
- void CLogPlugin::setDisplayers()
- {
- QSettings *settings = Core::ICore::instance()->settings();
- settings->beginGroup(Core::Constants::LOG_SECTION);
+// Object Viewer Qt - Log Plugin - MMORPG Framework
+// Copyright (C) 2011 Adrian Jaekel
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+// Project includes
+#include "log_plugin.h"
+#include "log_settings_page.h"
+#include "qt_displayer.h"
+#include "../core/icore.h"
+#include "../core/core_constants.h"
+#include "../core/menu_manager.h"
+#include "../../extension_system/iplugin_spec.h"
+// Qt includes
+// NeL includes
+namespace Plugin
+ CLogPlugin::CLogPlugin(QWidget *parent): QDockWidget(parent)
+ {
+ m_ui.setupUi(this);
+ }
+ CLogPlugin::~CLogPlugin()
+ {
+ Q_FOREACH(QObject *obj, m_autoReleaseObjects)
+ {
+ m_plugMan->removeObject(obj);
+ }
+ qDeleteAll(m_autoReleaseObjects);
+ m_autoReleaseObjects.clear();
+ NLMISC::ErrorLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
+ NLMISC::WarningLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
+ NLMISC::DebugLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
+ NLMISC::AssertLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
+ NLMISC::InfoLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
+ delete m_displayer;
+ }
+ bool CLogPlugin::initialize(ExtensionSystem::IPluginManager *pluginManager, QString *errorString)
+ {
+ Q_UNUSED(errorString);
+ m_plugMan = pluginManager;
+ m_logSettingsPage = new CLogSettingsPage(this, this);
+ addAutoReleasedObject(m_logSettingsPage);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void CLogPlugin::extensionsInitialized()
+ {
+ setDisplayers();
+ Core::ICore *core = Core::ICore::instance();
+ Core::MenuManager *menuManager = core->menuManager();
+ QMenu *viewMenu = menuManager->menu(Core::Constants::M_VIEW);
+ QMainWindow *wnd = Core::ICore::instance()->mainWindow();
+ wnd->addDockWidget(Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, this);
+ hide();
+ viewMenu->addAction(this->toggleViewAction());
+ }
+ void CLogPlugin::setNelContext(NLMISC::INelContext *nelContext)
+ {
+ // Ensure that a context doesn't exist yet.
+ // This only applies to platforms without PIC, e.g. Windows.
+ nlassert(!NLMISC::INelContext::isContextInitialised());
+#endif // fdef NL_OS_WINDOWS^M
+ m_libContext = new NLMISC::CLibraryContext(*nelContext);
+ m_displayer = new NLQT::CQtDisplayer(m_ui.plainTextEdit);
+ }
+ QString CLogPlugin::name() const
+ {
+ return "LogPlugin";
+ }
+ QString CLogPlugin::version() const
+ {
+ return "1.1";
+ }
+ QString CLogPlugin::vendor() const
+ {
+ return "aquiles";
+ }
+ QString CLogPlugin::description() const
+ {
+ return tr("DockWidget to display all log messages from NeL.");
+ }
+ QStringList CLogPlugin::dependencies() const
+ {
+ QStringList list;
+ list.append(Core::Constants::OVQT_CORE_PLUGIN);
+ return list;
+ }
+ void CLogPlugin::addAutoReleasedObject(QObject *obj)
+ {
+ m_plugMan->addObject(obj);
+ m_autoReleaseObjects.prepend(obj);
+ }
+ void CLogPlugin::setDisplayers()
+ {
+ QSettings *settings = Core::ICore::instance()->settings();
+ settings->beginGroup(Core::Constants::LOG_SECTION);
bool error = settings->value(Core::Constants::LOG_ERROR, true).toBool();
bool warning = settings->value(Core::Constants::LOG_WARNING, true).toBool();
bool debug = settings->value(Core::Constants::LOG_DEBUG, true).toBool();
bool assert = settings->value(Core::Constants::LOG_ASSERT, true).toBool();
- bool info = settings->value(Core::Constants::LOG_INFO, true).toBool();
- settings->endGroup();
- if (error) {
- if (!NLMISC::ErrorLog->attached(m_displayer))
- NLMISC::ErrorLog->addDisplayer(m_displayer);
- } else {
- if (m_displayer) {
- NLMISC::ErrorLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
- }
- }
- if (warning) {
- if (!NLMISC::WarningLog->attached(m_displayer))
- NLMISC::WarningLog->addDisplayer(m_displayer);
- } else {
- if (m_displayer) {
- NLMISC::WarningLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
- }
- }
- if (debug) {
- if (!NLMISC::DebugLog->attached(m_displayer))
- NLMISC::DebugLog->addDisplayer(m_displayer);
- } else {
- if (m_displayer) {
- NLMISC::DebugLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
- }
- }
- if (assert) {
- if (!NLMISC::AssertLog->attached(m_displayer))
- NLMISC::AssertLog->addDisplayer(m_displayer);
- } else {
- if (m_displayer) {
- NLMISC::AssertLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
- }
- }
- if (info) {
- if (!NLMISC::InfoLog->attached(m_displayer))
- NLMISC::InfoLog->addDisplayer(m_displayer);
- } else {
- if (m_displayer) {
- NLMISC::InfoLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
- }
- }
- }
+ bool info = settings->value(Core::Constants::LOG_INFO, true).toBool();
+ settings->endGroup();
+ if (error) {
+ if (!NLMISC::ErrorLog->attached(m_displayer))
+ NLMISC::ErrorLog->addDisplayer(m_displayer);
+ } else {
+ if (m_displayer) {
+ NLMISC::ErrorLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
+ }
+ }
+ if (warning) {
+ if (!NLMISC::WarningLog->attached(m_displayer))
+ NLMISC::WarningLog->addDisplayer(m_displayer);
+ } else {
+ if (m_displayer) {
+ NLMISC::WarningLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
+ }
+ }
+ if (debug) {
+ if (!NLMISC::DebugLog->attached(m_displayer))
+ NLMISC::DebugLog->addDisplayer(m_displayer);
+ } else {
+ if (m_displayer) {
+ NLMISC::DebugLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
+ }
+ }
+ if (assert) {
+ if (!NLMISC::AssertLog->attached(m_displayer))
+ NLMISC::AssertLog->addDisplayer(m_displayer);
+ } else {
+ if (m_displayer) {
+ NLMISC::AssertLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
+ }
+ }
+ if (info) {
+ if (!NLMISC::InfoLog->attached(m_displayer))
+ NLMISC::InfoLog->addDisplayer(m_displayer);
+ } else {
+ if (m_displayer) {
+ NLMISC::InfoLog->removeDisplayer(m_displayer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/log/log_plugin.h b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/log/log_plugin.h
index 6a2d78f79..2221195a8 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/log/log_plugin.h
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/log/log_plugin.h
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-Log Plugin Qt
-Copyright (C) 2011 Adrian Jaekel
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
+Log Plugin Qt
+Copyright (C) 2011 Adrian Jaekel
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see .
#ifndef LOG_PLUGIN_H
#define LOG_PLUGIN_H
-// Project includes
+// Project includes
#include "ui_log_form.h"
#include "../../extension_system/iplugin.h"
// NeL includes
#include "nel/misc/app_context.h"
-// Qt includes
+// Qt includes
namespace NLMISC
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ namespace Plugin
- CLogPlugin(QWidget *parent = 0);
+ CLogPlugin(QWidget *parent = 0);
bool initialize(ExtensionSystem::IPluginManager *pluginManager, QString *errorString);
@@ -63,26 +63,26 @@ namespace Plugin
void setNelContext(NLMISC::INelContext *nelContext);
NLQT::CQtDisplayer* displayer() { return m_displayer; }
- QString name() const;
- QString version() const;
- QString vendor() const;
+ QString name() const;
+ QString version() const;
+ QString vendor() const;
QString description() const;
- QStringList dependencies() const;
- void addAutoReleasedObject(QObject *obj);
- void setDisplayers();
- protected:
- NLMISC::CLibraryContext *m_libContext;
+ QStringList dependencies() const;
+ void addAutoReleasedObject(QObject *obj);
+ void setDisplayers();
+ protected:
+ NLMISC::CLibraryContext *m_libContext;
ExtensionSystem::IPluginManager *m_plugMan;
QList m_autoReleaseObjects;
CLogSettingsPage *m_logSettingsPage;
- Ui::CLogPlugin m_ui;
+ Ui::CLogPlugin m_ui;
NLQT::CQtDisplayer *m_displayer;
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/log/log_settings_page.cpp b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/log/log_settings_page.cpp
index 3aba359a5..4b3fa1ebb 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/log/log_settings_page.cpp
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/log/log_settings_page.cpp
@@ -1,133 +1,133 @@
-// Object Viewer Qt - MMORPG Framework
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Adrian Jaekel
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-// License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see .
-// Project includes
-#include "log_settings_page.h"
-#include "log_plugin.h"
-#include "../core/core_constants.h"
-#include "../core/icore.h"
-#include "../../extension_system/plugin_manager.h"
-// NeL includes
-// Qt includes
+// Object Viewer Qt - MMORPG Framework
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+// Copyright (C) 2011 Adrian Jaekel
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+// Project includes
+#include "log_settings_page.h"
+#include "log_plugin.h"
+#include "../core/core_constants.h"
+#include "../core/icore.h"
+#include "../../extension_system/plugin_manager.h"
+// NeL includes
+// Qt includes
namespace ExtensionSystem
- class IPluginManager;
-namespace Plugin
- class CLogPlugin;
- CLogSettingsPage::CLogSettingsPage(CLogPlugin *logPlugin, QObject *parent)
- : IOptionsPage(parent),
- m_logPlugin(logPlugin),
- m_currentPage(NULL),
+ class IPluginManager;
+namespace Plugin
+ class CLogPlugin;
+ CLogSettingsPage::CLogSettingsPage(CLogPlugin *logPlugin, QObject *parent)
+ : IOptionsPage(parent),
+ m_logPlugin(logPlugin),
+ m_currentPage(NULL),
- m_info(true)
- {
- }
- QString CLogSettingsPage::id() const
- {
- return QLatin1String("log");
- }
- QString CLogSettingsPage::trName() const
- {
- return tr("Log");
- }
- QString CLogSettingsPage::category() const
- {
- return QLatin1String(Core::Constants::SETTINGS_CATEGORY_GENERAL);
- }
- QString CLogSettingsPage::trCategory() const
- {
- return tr(Core::Constants::SETTINGS_TR_CATEGORY_GENERAL);
- }
- QIcon CLogSettingsPage::categoryIcon() const
- {
- return QIcon();
- }
- QWidget *CLogSettingsPage::createPage(QWidget *parent)
- {
- m_currentPage = new QWidget(parent);
- m_ui.setupUi(m_currentPage);
- readSettings();
- m_ui.errorCheck->setChecked(m_error);
- m_ui.warningCheck->setChecked(m_warning);
- m_ui.debugCheck->setChecked(m_debug);
- m_ui.assertCheck->setChecked(m_assert);
- m_ui.infoCheck->setChecked(m_info);
- return m_currentPage;
- }
- void CLogSettingsPage::apply()
- {
- m_error = m_ui.errorCheck->isChecked();
- m_warning = m_ui.warningCheck->isChecked();
- m_debug = m_ui.debugCheck->isChecked();
- m_assert = m_ui.assertCheck->isChecked();
- m_info = m_ui.infoCheck->isChecked();
- writeSettings();
- m_logPlugin->setDisplayers();
- }
- void CLogSettingsPage::readSettings()
- {
- QSettings *settings = Core::ICore::instance()->settings();
- settings->beginGroup(Core::Constants::LOG_SECTION);
+ m_info(true)
+ {
+ }
+ QString CLogSettingsPage::id() const
+ {
+ return QLatin1String("log");
+ }
+ QString CLogSettingsPage::trName() const
+ {
+ return tr("Log");
+ }
+ QString CLogSettingsPage::category() const
+ {
+ return QLatin1String(Core::Constants::SETTINGS_CATEGORY_GENERAL);
+ }
+ QString CLogSettingsPage::trCategory() const
+ {
+ return tr(Core::Constants::SETTINGS_TR_CATEGORY_GENERAL);
+ }
+ QIcon CLogSettingsPage::categoryIcon() const
+ {
+ return QIcon();
+ }
+ QWidget *CLogSettingsPage::createPage(QWidget *parent)
+ {
+ m_currentPage = new QWidget(parent);
+ m_ui.setupUi(m_currentPage);
+ readSettings();
+ m_ui.errorCheck->setChecked(m_error);
+ m_ui.warningCheck->setChecked(m_warning);
+ m_ui.debugCheck->setChecked(m_debug);
+ m_ui.assertCheck->setChecked(m_assert);
+ m_ui.infoCheck->setChecked(m_info);
+ return m_currentPage;
+ }
+ void CLogSettingsPage::apply()
+ {
+ m_error = m_ui.errorCheck->isChecked();
+ m_warning = m_ui.warningCheck->isChecked();
+ m_debug = m_ui.debugCheck->isChecked();
+ m_assert = m_ui.assertCheck->isChecked();
+ m_info = m_ui.infoCheck->isChecked();
+ writeSettings();
+ m_logPlugin->setDisplayers();
+ }
+ void CLogSettingsPage::readSettings()
+ {
+ QSettings *settings = Core::ICore::instance()->settings();
+ settings->beginGroup(Core::Constants::LOG_SECTION);
m_error = settings->value(Core::Constants::LOG_ERROR, true).toBool();
m_warning = settings->value(Core::Constants::LOG_WARNING, true).toBool();
m_debug = settings->value(Core::Constants::LOG_DEBUG, true).toBool();
m_assert = settings->value(Core::Constants::LOG_ASSERT, true).toBool();
- m_info = settings->value(Core::Constants::LOG_INFO, true).toBool();
- settings->endGroup();
- }
- void CLogSettingsPage::writeSettings()
- {
- QSettings *settings = Core::ICore::instance()->settings();
- settings->beginGroup(Core::Constants::LOG_SECTION);
- settings->setValue(Core::Constants::LOG_ERROR, m_error);
- settings->setValue(Core::Constants::LOG_WARNING, m_warning);
- settings->setValue(Core::Constants::LOG_DEBUG, m_debug);
- settings->setValue(Core::Constants::LOG_ASSERT, m_assert);
- settings->setValue(Core::Constants::LOG_INFO, m_info);
- settings->endGroup();
- settings->sync();
- }
+ m_info = settings->value(Core::Constants::LOG_INFO, true).toBool();
+ settings->endGroup();
+ }
+ void CLogSettingsPage::writeSettings()
+ {
+ QSettings *settings = Core::ICore::instance()->settings();
+ settings->beginGroup(Core::Constants::LOG_SECTION);
+ settings->setValue(Core::Constants::LOG_ERROR, m_error);
+ settings->setValue(Core::Constants::LOG_WARNING, m_warning);
+ settings->setValue(Core::Constants::LOG_DEBUG, m_debug);
+ settings->setValue(Core::Constants::LOG_ASSERT, m_assert);
+ settings->setValue(Core::Constants::LOG_INFO, m_info);
+ settings->endGroup();
+ settings->sync();
+ }
} /* namespace Plugin */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/mission_compiler/mission_compiler_main_window.h b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/mission_compiler/mission_compiler_main_window.h
index 1dffea313..dc19db1c6 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/mission_compiler/mission_compiler_main_window.h
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/mission_compiler/mission_compiler_main_window.h
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
-namespace Ui {
- class MissionCompilerMainWindow;
-struct CMission;
-class MissionCompilerMainWindow : public QMainWindow
- explicit MissionCompilerMainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
- ~MissionCompilerMainWindow();
- void loadConfig();
- void saveConfig();
- QUndoStack *getUndoStack() { return m_undoStack; }
- typedef std::map TMissionContainer;
-public Q_SLOTS:
- void handleFilterChanged(const QString &text);
- void handleValidation();
- void handleCompile();
- void handlePublish();
- void handleAllDoubleClick(const QModelIndex &index);
- void handleSelDoubleClick(const QModelIndex &index);
- void handleMoveSelectedRight();
- void handleMoveSelectedLeft();
- void handleMoveAllRight();
- void handleMoveAllLeft();
- void handleDataDirButton();
- void handleDataDirChanged(const QString &text);
- void handleResetFiltersButton();
- void handleChangedSettings();
- Ui::MissionCompilerMainWindow *ui;
+namespace Ui {
+ class MissionCompilerMainWindow;
+struct CMission;
+class MissionCompilerMainWindow : public QMainWindow
+ explicit MissionCompilerMainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
+ ~MissionCompilerMainWindow();
+ void loadConfig();
+ void saveConfig();
+ QUndoStack *getUndoStack() { return m_undoStack; }
+ typedef std::map TMissionContainer;
+public Q_SLOTS:
+ void handleFilterChanged(const QString &text);
+ void handleValidation();
+ void handleCompile();
+ void handlePublish();
+ void handleAllDoubleClick(const QModelIndex &index);
+ void handleSelDoubleClick(const QModelIndex &index);
+ void handleMoveSelectedRight();
+ void handleMoveSelectedLeft();
+ void handleMoveAllRight();
+ void handleMoveAllLeft();
+ void handleDataDirButton();
+ void handleDataDirChanged(const QString &text);
+ void handleResetFiltersButton();
+ void handleChangedSettings();
+ Ui::MissionCompilerMainWindow *ui;
void updateCompileLog();
void populateAllPrimitives(const QString &dataDir = QString());
@@ -60,16 +60,16 @@ private:
void applyCheckboxes(const QStringList &servers);
- QMenu *_toolModeMenu;
- QUndoStack *m_undoStack;
- QStringListModel *m_allPrimitivesModel;
- QStringListModel *m_selectedPrimitivesModel;
- QSortFilterProxyModel *m_filteredProxyModel;
- QRegExp *m_regexpFilter;
- QString m_compileLog;
- QString m_lastDir;
- NLLIGO::CLigoConfig m_ligoConfig;
+ QMenu *_toolModeMenu;
+ QUndoStack *m_undoStack;
+ QStringListModel *m_allPrimitivesModel;
+ QStringListModel *m_selectedPrimitivesModel;
+ QSortFilterProxyModel *m_filteredProxyModel;
+ QRegExp *m_regexpFilter;
+ QString m_compileLog;
+ QString m_lastDir;
+ NLLIGO::CLigoConfig m_ligoConfig;
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/mission_compiler/server_entry_dialog.cpp b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/mission_compiler/server_entry_dialog.cpp
index a9ef08f50..206f0db77 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/mission_compiler/server_entry_dialog.cpp
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/mission_compiler/server_entry_dialog.cpp
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-// Object Viewer Qt - MMORPG Framework
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
-// Copyright (C) 2011 Dzmitry Kamiahin
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-// License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see .
-// Project includes
-#include "server_entry_dialog.h"
-#include "ui_server_entry_dialog.h"
-// NeL includes
-// Qt includes
-namespace MissionCompiler
-ServerEntryDialog::ServerEntryDialog(QWidget *parent)
- : QDialog(parent),
- m_ui(new Ui::ServerEntryDialog)
- m_ui->setupUi(this);
- connect(m_ui->serverTextPathButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(lookupTextPath()));
- connect(m_ui->serverPrimPathButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(lookupPrimPath()));
- delete m_ui;
+// Object Viewer Qt - MMORPG Framework
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+// Copyright (C) 2011 Dzmitry Kamiahin
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+// Project includes
+#include "server_entry_dialog.h"
+#include "ui_server_entry_dialog.h"
+// NeL includes
+// Qt includes
+namespace MissionCompiler
+ServerEntryDialog::ServerEntryDialog(QWidget *parent)
+ : QDialog(parent),
+ m_ui(new Ui::ServerEntryDialog)
+ m_ui->setupUi(this);
+ connect(m_ui->serverTextPathButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(lookupTextPath()));
+ connect(m_ui->serverPrimPathButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(lookupPrimPath()));
+ delete m_ui;
QString ServerEntryDialog::getServerName()
return m_ui->serverNameEdit->text();
-QString ServerEntryDialog::getTextPath()
- return m_ui->serverTextPathEdit->text();
-QString ServerEntryDialog::getPrimPath()
- return m_ui->serverPrimPathEdit->text();
+QString ServerEntryDialog::getTextPath()
+ return m_ui->serverTextPathEdit->text();
+QString ServerEntryDialog::getPrimPath()
+ return m_ui->serverPrimPathEdit->text();
void ServerEntryDialog::setServerName(QString name)
@@ -68,22 +68,22 @@ void ServerEntryDialog::setTextPath(QString path)
-void ServerEntryDialog::setPrimPath(QString path)
- m_ui->serverPrimPathEdit->setText(path);
-void ServerEntryDialog::lookupTextPath()
- QString curPath = m_ui->serverTextPathEdit->text();
- QString path = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, "", curPath);
- m_ui->serverTextPathEdit->setText(path);
-void ServerEntryDialog::lookupPrimPath()
- QString curPath = m_ui->serverPrimPathEdit->text();
- QString path = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, "", curPath);
- m_ui->serverPrimPathEdit->setText(path);
+void ServerEntryDialog::setPrimPath(QString path)
+ m_ui->serverPrimPathEdit->setText(path);
+void ServerEntryDialog::lookupTextPath()
+ QString curPath = m_ui->serverTextPathEdit->text();
+ QString path = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, "", curPath);
+ m_ui->serverTextPathEdit->setText(path);
+void ServerEntryDialog::lookupPrimPath()
+ QString curPath = m_ui->serverPrimPathEdit->text();
+ QString path = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, "", curPath);
+ m_ui->serverPrimPathEdit->setText(path);
} /* namespace MissionCompiler */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/mission_compiler/server_entry_dialog.h b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/mission_compiler/server_entry_dialog.h
index 98a086cd0..6dd560876 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/mission_compiler/server_entry_dialog.h
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/mission_compiler/server_entry_dialog.h
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
-namespace Ui {
- class ServerEntryDialog;
+namespace Ui {
+ class ServerEntryDialog;
namespace MissionCompiler
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/zone_painter/zone_painter_main_window.cpp b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/zone_painter/zone_painter_main_window.cpp
index e0c2dab0c..8cbc89200 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/zone_painter/zone_painter_main_window.cpp
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/zone_painter/zone_painter_main_window.cpp
@@ -1,155 +1,155 @@
-#include "zone_painter_main_window.h"
-#include "ui_zone_painter_main_window.h"
-#include "qnel_widget.h"
-#include "painter_dock_widget.h"
-#include "../core/icore.h"
-#include "../core/menu_manager.h"
-#include "../core/core_constants.h"
-ZonePainterMainWindow::ZonePainterMainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
- QMainWindow(parent),
- ui(new Ui::ZonePainterMainWindow)
- ui->setupUi(this);
- m_nelWidget = new NLQT::QNLWidget(this);
- setCentralWidget(m_nelWidget);
- // Load the settings.
- loadConfig();
- // Set up dock widget(s) and toolbar.
- m_painterDockWidget = new PainterDockWidget(this);
- addDockWidget(Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, m_painterDockWidget);
- m_painterDockWidget->setVisible(true);
- // Insert tool modes
- _toolModeMenu = new QMenu(tr("Tool Mode"), ui->painterToolBar);
- _toolModeMenu->setIcon(QIcon(":/painterTools/images/draw-brush.png"));
- ui->painterToolBar->addAction(_toolModeMenu->menuAction());
- //connect(_renderModeMenu->menuAction(), SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setRenderMode()));
- QSignalMapper *modeMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
- _toolPaintModeAction = _toolModeMenu->addAction(tr("Paint Mode"));
- _toolPaintModeAction->setIcon(QIcon(":/painterTools/images/draw-brush.png"));
- _toolPaintModeAction->setStatusTip(tr("Set paint mode"));
- connect(_toolPaintModeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), modeMapper, SLOT(map()));
- modeMapper->setMapping(_toolPaintModeAction, 0);
- _toolFillModeAction = _toolModeMenu->addAction(tr("Fill Mode"));
- _toolFillModeAction->setStatusTip(tr("Set fill mode"));
- _toolFillModeAction->setIcon(QIcon(":/painterTools/images/color-fill.png"));
- connect(_toolFillModeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), modeMapper, SLOT(map()));
- modeMapper->setMapping(_toolFillModeAction, 1);
- _toolSelectModeAction = _toolModeMenu->addAction(tr("Select mode"));
- _toolSelectModeAction->setIcon(QIcon(":/painterTools/images/go-jump-4.png"));
- _toolSelectModeAction->setStatusTip(tr("Set select mode"));
- connect(_toolSelectModeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), modeMapper, SLOT(map()));
- modeMapper->setMapping(_toolSelectModeAction, 2);
- _toolPickModeAction = _toolModeMenu->addAction(tr("Pick mode"));
- _toolPickModeAction->setIcon(QIcon(":/painterTools/images/color-picker-black.png"));
- _toolPickModeAction->setStatusTip(tr("Set color picking mode"));
- connect(_toolPickModeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), modeMapper, SLOT(map()));
- modeMapper->setMapping(_toolPickModeAction, 2);
- connect(modeMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(setToolMode(int)));
- m_statusBarTimer = new QTimer(this);
- connect(m_statusBarTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateStatusBar()));
- m_statusInfo = new QLabel(this);
- m_statusInfo->hide();
- // Set Background Color Toolbar
- connect(ui->actionBackground_Dlg, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setBackgroundColor()));
- Core::ICore::instance()->mainWindow()->statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(m_statusInfo);
- m_undoStack = new QUndoStack(this);
-void ZonePainterMainWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent *showEvent)
- QMainWindow::showEvent(showEvent);
- m_statusBarTimer->start(1000);
- m_statusInfo->show();
-void ZonePainterMainWindow::hideEvent(QHideEvent *hideEvent)
- m_statusBarTimer->stop();
- m_statusInfo->hide();
- QMainWindow::hideEvent(hideEvent);
-void ZonePainterMainWindow::updateStatusBar()
- m_statusInfo->setText(QString("Tool Mode: Paint Mode"));
-void ZonePainterMainWindow::setToolMode(int value)
- switch (value)
- {
- case 0:
- //Modules::objView().getDriver()->setPolygonMode (NL3D::UDriver::Point);
- break;
- case 1:
- //Modules::objView().getDriver()->setPolygonMode (NL3D::UDriver::Line);
- break;
- case 2:
- //Modules::objView().getDriver()->setPolygonMode (NL3D::UDriver::Filled);
- break;
- }
-void ZonePainterMainWindow::setToolMode()
- //switch (Modules::objView().getDriver()->getPolygonMode())
- //{
- //case NL3D::UDriver::Filled:
- // Modules::objView().getDriver()->setPolygonMode (NL3D::UDriver::Line);
- // break;
- //case NL3D::UDriver::Line:
- // Modules::objView().getDriver()->setPolygonMode (NL3D::UDriver::Point);
- // break;
- //case NL3D::UDriver::Point:
- // Modules::objView().getDriver()->setPolygonMode (NL3D::UDriver::Filled);
- // break;
- //}
-void ZonePainterMainWindow::setBackgroundColor() {
- QColor color = QColorDialog::getColor(QColor(m_nelWidget->backgroundColor().R,
- m_nelWidget->backgroundColor().G,
- m_nelWidget->backgroundColor().B));
- if (color.isValid())
- m_nelWidget->setBackgroundColor(NLMISC::CRGBA(color.red(), color.green(), color.blue()));
-void ZonePainterMainWindow::loadConfig() {
+#include "zone_painter_main_window.h"
+#include "ui_zone_painter_main_window.h"
+#include "qnel_widget.h"
+#include "painter_dock_widget.h"
+#include "../core/icore.h"
+#include "../core/menu_manager.h"
+#include "../core/core_constants.h"
+ZonePainterMainWindow::ZonePainterMainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
+ QMainWindow(parent),
+ ui(new Ui::ZonePainterMainWindow)
+ ui->setupUi(this);
+ m_nelWidget = new NLQT::QNLWidget(this);
+ setCentralWidget(m_nelWidget);
+ // Load the settings.
+ loadConfig();
+ // Set up dock widget(s) and toolbar.
+ m_painterDockWidget = new PainterDockWidget(this);
+ addDockWidget(Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, m_painterDockWidget);
+ m_painterDockWidget->setVisible(true);
+ // Insert tool modes
+ _toolModeMenu = new QMenu(tr("Tool Mode"), ui->painterToolBar);
+ _toolModeMenu->setIcon(QIcon(":/painterTools/images/draw-brush.png"));
+ ui->painterToolBar->addAction(_toolModeMenu->menuAction());
+ //connect(_renderModeMenu->menuAction(), SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setRenderMode()));
+ QSignalMapper *modeMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
+ _toolPaintModeAction = _toolModeMenu->addAction(tr("Paint Mode"));
+ _toolPaintModeAction->setIcon(QIcon(":/painterTools/images/draw-brush.png"));
+ _toolPaintModeAction->setStatusTip(tr("Set paint mode"));
+ connect(_toolPaintModeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), modeMapper, SLOT(map()));
+ modeMapper->setMapping(_toolPaintModeAction, 0);
+ _toolFillModeAction = _toolModeMenu->addAction(tr("Fill Mode"));
+ _toolFillModeAction->setStatusTip(tr("Set fill mode"));
+ _toolFillModeAction->setIcon(QIcon(":/painterTools/images/color-fill.png"));
+ connect(_toolFillModeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), modeMapper, SLOT(map()));
+ modeMapper->setMapping(_toolFillModeAction, 1);
+ _toolSelectModeAction = _toolModeMenu->addAction(tr("Select mode"));
+ _toolSelectModeAction->setIcon(QIcon(":/painterTools/images/go-jump-4.png"));
+ _toolSelectModeAction->setStatusTip(tr("Set select mode"));
+ connect(_toolSelectModeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), modeMapper, SLOT(map()));
+ modeMapper->setMapping(_toolSelectModeAction, 2);
+ _toolPickModeAction = _toolModeMenu->addAction(tr("Pick mode"));
+ _toolPickModeAction->setIcon(QIcon(":/painterTools/images/color-picker-black.png"));
+ _toolPickModeAction->setStatusTip(tr("Set color picking mode"));
+ connect(_toolPickModeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), modeMapper, SLOT(map()));
+ modeMapper->setMapping(_toolPickModeAction, 2);
+ connect(modeMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(setToolMode(int)));
+ m_statusBarTimer = new QTimer(this);
+ connect(m_statusBarTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateStatusBar()));
+ m_statusInfo = new QLabel(this);
+ m_statusInfo->hide();
+ // Set Background Color Toolbar
+ connect(ui->actionBackground_Dlg, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setBackgroundColor()));
+ Core::ICore::instance()->mainWindow()->statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(m_statusInfo);
+ m_undoStack = new QUndoStack(this);
+void ZonePainterMainWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent *showEvent)
+ QMainWindow::showEvent(showEvent);
+ m_statusBarTimer->start(1000);
+ m_statusInfo->show();
+void ZonePainterMainWindow::hideEvent(QHideEvent *hideEvent)
+ m_statusBarTimer->stop();
+ m_statusInfo->hide();
+ QMainWindow::hideEvent(hideEvent);
+void ZonePainterMainWindow::updateStatusBar()
+ m_statusInfo->setText(QString("Tool Mode: Paint Mode"));
+void ZonePainterMainWindow::setToolMode(int value)
+ switch (value)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ //Modules::objView().getDriver()->setPolygonMode (NL3D::UDriver::Point);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ //Modules::objView().getDriver()->setPolygonMode (NL3D::UDriver::Line);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ //Modules::objView().getDriver()->setPolygonMode (NL3D::UDriver::Filled);
+ break;
+ }
+void ZonePainterMainWindow::setToolMode()
+ //switch (Modules::objView().getDriver()->getPolygonMode())
+ //{
+ //case NL3D::UDriver::Filled:
+ // Modules::objView().getDriver()->setPolygonMode (NL3D::UDriver::Line);
+ // break;
+ //case NL3D::UDriver::Line:
+ // Modules::objView().getDriver()->setPolygonMode (NL3D::UDriver::Point);
+ // break;
+ //case NL3D::UDriver::Point:
+ // Modules::objView().getDriver()->setPolygonMode (NL3D::UDriver::Filled);
+ // break;
+ //}
+void ZonePainterMainWindow::setBackgroundColor() {
+ QColor color = QColorDialog::getColor(QColor(m_nelWidget->backgroundColor().R,
+ m_nelWidget->backgroundColor().G,
+ m_nelWidget->backgroundColor().B));
+ if (color.isValid())
+ m_nelWidget->setBackgroundColor(NLMISC::CRGBA(color.red(), color.green(), color.blue()));
+void ZonePainterMainWindow::loadConfig() {
QSettings *settings = Core::ICore::instance()->settings();
QColor color;
color = settings->value("BackgroundColor", QColor(80, 80, 80)).value();
- m_nelWidget->setBackgroundColor(NLMISC::CRGBA(color.red(), color.green(), color.blue(), color.alpha()));
-void ZonePainterMainWindow::saveConfig() {
+ m_nelWidget->setBackgroundColor(NLMISC::CRGBA(color.red(), color.green(), color.blue(), color.alpha()));
+void ZonePainterMainWindow::saveConfig() {
QSettings *settings = Core::ICore::instance()->settings();
settings->beginGroup("ZonePainter" );
@@ -157,12 +157,12 @@ void ZonePainterMainWindow::saveConfig() {
settings->setValue("BackgroundColor", color);
- settings->sync();
- delete ui;
- delete m_nelWidget;
- delete m_painterDockWidget;
+ settings->sync();
+ delete ui;
+ delete m_nelWidget;
+ delete m_painterDockWidget;
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/zone_painter/zone_painter_main_window.h b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/zone_painter/zone_painter_main_window.h
index 0dbfd9948..caa4433e4 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/zone_painter/zone_painter_main_window.h
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/zone_painter/zone_painter_main_window.h
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-namespace NLQT {
- class QNLWidget;
-namespace Ui {
- class ZonePainterMainWindow;
-class PainterDockWidget;
-class ZonePainterMainWindow : public QMainWindow
- explicit ZonePainterMainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
- ~ZonePainterMainWindow();
- void loadConfig();
- void saveConfig();
- QUndoStack *getUndoStack() { return m_undoStack; }
-public Q_SLOTS:
+namespace NLQT {
+ class QNLWidget;
+namespace Ui {
+ class ZonePainterMainWindow;
+class PainterDockWidget;
+class ZonePainterMainWindow : public QMainWindow
+ explicit ZonePainterMainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
+ ~ZonePainterMainWindow();
+ void loadConfig();
+ void saveConfig();
+ QUndoStack *getUndoStack() { return m_undoStack; }
+public Q_SLOTS:
void setToolMode(int value);
- void setToolMode();
- void updateStatusBar();
- void setBackgroundColor();
- virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent *showEvent);
- virtual void hideEvent(QHideEvent *hideEvent);
- Ui::ZonePainterMainWindow *ui;
- NLQT::QNLWidget *m_nelWidget;
- PainterDockWidget *m_painterDockWidget;
- QTimer *m_statusBarTimer;
- QLabel *m_statusInfo;
+ void setToolMode();
+ void updateStatusBar();
+ void setBackgroundColor();
+ virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent *showEvent);
+ virtual void hideEvent(QHideEvent *hideEvent);
+ Ui::ZonePainterMainWindow *ui;
+ NLQT::QNLWidget *m_nelWidget;
+ PainterDockWidget *m_painterDockWidget;
+ QTimer *m_statusBarTimer;
+ QLabel *m_statusInfo;
QAction *_toolPaintModeAction;
QAction *_toolFillModeAction;
QAction *_toolSelectModeAction;
QAction *_toolPickModeAction;
- QMenu *_toolModeMenu;
- QUndoStack *m_undoStack;
- //QAction *m_setBackColorAction;
+ QMenu *_toolModeMenu;
+ QUndoStack *m_undoStack;
+ //QAction *m_setBackColorAction;
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_widget/src/object_viewer_widget.cpp b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_widget/src/object_viewer_widget.cpp
index 70bf51f81..af026b3df 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_widget/src/object_viewer_widget.cpp
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_widget/src/object_viewer_widget.cpp
@@ -1,724 +1,724 @@
-Object Viewer Qt Widget
-Copyright (C) 2010 Adrian Jaekel
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
-#include "object_viewer_widget.h"
-// STL includes
-// NeL includes
-// Qt includes
-// Project includes
-Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(object_viewer_widget_qt, NLQT::CObjectViewerWidget)
-using namespace NLMISC;
-using namespace NL3D;
-using namespace std;
-namespace NLQT
- CObjectViewerWidget *CObjectViewerWidget::_objectViewerWidget = NULL;
- CObjectViewerWidget::CObjectViewerWidget(QWidget *parent)
- : _isGraphicsInitialized(false), _isGraphicsEnabled(false),
- _Driver(NULL), _Light(0), _phi(0), _psi(0),_dist(2),
- _CameraFocal(75), _CurrentInstance(""), _BloomEffect(false),
- _Scene(0), QWidget(parent)
- {
+Object Viewer Qt Widget
+Copyright (C) 2010 Adrian Jaekel
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see .
+#include "object_viewer_widget.h"
+// STL includes
+// NeL includes
+// Qt includes
+// Project includes
+Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(object_viewer_widget_qt, NLQT::CObjectViewerWidget)
+using namespace NLMISC;
+using namespace NL3D;
+using namespace std;
+namespace NLQT
+ CObjectViewerWidget *CObjectViewerWidget::_objectViewerWidget = NULL;
+ CObjectViewerWidget::CObjectViewerWidget(QWidget *parent)
+ : _isGraphicsInitialized(false), _isGraphicsEnabled(false),
+ _Driver(NULL), _Light(0), _phi(0), _psi(0),_dist(2),
+ _CameraFocal(75), _CurrentInstance(""), _BloomEffect(false),
+ _Scene(0), QWidget(parent)
+ {
+ setMouseTracking(true);
+ setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);
+ _objectViewerWidget = this;
+ _isGraphicsEnabled = true;
+ // As a special case, a QTimer with a timeout of 0 will time out as soon as all the events in the window system's event queue have been processed.
+ // This can be used to do heavy work while providing a snappy user interface.
+ _mainTimer = new QTimer(this);
+ connect(_mainTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateRender()));
+ // timer->start(); // <- timeout 0
+ // it's heavy on cpu, though, when no 3d driver initialized :)
+ _mainTimer->start(25); // 25fps
+ }
+ CObjectViewerWidget::~CObjectViewerWidget()
+ {
+ release();
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::showEvent ( QShowEvent * event )
+ {
+ if (!_mainTimer->isActive())
+ {
+ _mainTimer->start(25);
+ }
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::setNelContext(NLMISC::INelContext &nelContext)
+ {
+ _LibContext = new CLibraryContext(nelContext);
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::init()
+ {
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(topLevelChanged(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(topLevelChanged(bool)));
+ //H_AUTO2
+ //nldebug("%d %d %d",_nlw->winId(), width(), height());
+#if defined(NL_OS_UNIX) && !defined(NL_OS_MAC)
+ //dynamic_cast(widget())->makeCurrent();
+#endif // defined(NL_OS_UNIX) && !defined(NL_OS_MAC)
+ nlWindow wnd = (nlWindow)winId();
+ uint16 w = width();
+ uint16 h = height();
- setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);
- _objectViewerWidget = this;
- _isGraphicsEnabled = true;
- // As a special case, a QTimer with a timeout of 0 will time out as soon as all the events in the window system's event queue have been processed.
- // This can be used to do heavy work while providing a snappy user interface.
- _mainTimer = new QTimer(this);
- connect(_mainTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateRender()));
- // timer->start(); // <- timeout 0
- // it's heavy on cpu, though, when no 3d driver initialized :)
- _mainTimer->start(25); // 25fps
- }
- CObjectViewerWidget::~CObjectViewerWidget()
- {
- release();
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::showEvent ( QShowEvent * event )
- {
- if (!_mainTimer->isActive())
- {
- _mainTimer->start(25);
- }
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::setNelContext(NLMISC::INelContext &nelContext)
- {
- _LibContext = new CLibraryContext(nelContext);
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::init()
- {
- connect(this, SIGNAL(topLevelChanged(bool)),
- this, SLOT(topLevelChanged(bool)));
- //H_AUTO2
- //nldebug("%d %d %d",_nlw->winId(), width(), height());
-#if defined(NL_OS_UNIX) && !defined(NL_OS_MAC)
- //dynamic_cast(widget())->makeCurrent();
-#endif // defined(NL_OS_UNIX) && !defined(NL_OS_MAC)
- nlWindow wnd = (nlWindow)winId();
- uint16 w = width();
- uint16 h = height();
- setMouseTracking(true);
- // set background color from config
- //NLMISC::CConfigFile::CVar v = Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("BackgroundColor");
- //_BackgroundColor = CRGBA(v.asInt(0), v.asInt(1), v.asInt(2));
- _BackgroundColor = CRGBA(255, 255, 255);
- // set graphics driver from config
- //NLMISC::CConfigFile::CVar v2 = Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("GraphicsDriver");
- // Choose driver opengl to work correctly under Linux example
- _Direct3D = false; //_Driver = OpenGL;
- //std::string driver = v2.asString();
- //if (driver == "Direct3D") _Direct3D = true; //m_Driver = Direct3D;
- //else if (driver == "OpenGL") _Direct3D = false; //m_Driver = OpenGL;
- //else nlwarning("Invalid driver specified, defaulting to OpenGL");
- //Modules::config().setAndCallback("CameraFocal",CConfigCallback(this,&CObjectViewer::cfcbCameraFocal));
- //Modules::config().setAndCallback("BloomEffect",CConfigCallback(this,&CObjectViewer::cfcbBloomEffect));
- // create the driver
- nlassert(!_Driver);
- _Driver = UDriver::createDriver(0, _Direct3D, 0);
- nlassert(_Driver);
- // initialize the window with config file values
- _Driver->setDisplay(wnd, NL3D::UDriver::CMode(w, h, 32));
- //_Light = ULight::createLight();
- //// set mode of the light
- //_Light->setMode(ULight::DirectionalLight);
- //// set position of the light
- //_Light->setPosition(CVector(-20.f, 30.f, 10.f));
- //// white light
- //_Light->setAmbiant(CRGBA(255, 255, 255));
- //// set and enable the light
- //_Driver->setLight(0, *_Light);
- //_Driver->enableLight(0);
- // Create a scene
- _Scene = _Driver->createScene(true);
- _PlayListManager = _Scene->createPlayListManager();
- //_Scene->enableLightingSystem(true);
- // create the camera
- UCamera camera = _Scene->getCam();
- camera.setTransformMode (UTransformable::DirectMatrix);
- setSizeViewport(w, h);
- // camera will look at entities
- camera.lookAt(NLMISC::CVector(_dist,0,1), NLMISC::CVector(0,0,0.5));
- NLMISC::CVector hotSpot=NLMISC::CVector(0,0,0);
- _MouseListener = _Driver->create3dMouseListener();
- _MouseListener->setMatrix(_Scene->getCam().getMatrix());
- _MouseListener->setFrustrum(_Scene->getCam().getFrustum());
- _MouseListener->setHotSpot(hotSpot);
- _MouseListener->setMouseMode(U3dMouseListener::edit3d);
- NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().setDriver(_Driver);
- NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().setScene(_Scene);
- NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().init(!_Direct3D);
- //NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().setDensityBloom(Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("BloomDensity").asInt());
- //NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().setSquareBloom(Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("BloomSquare").asBool());
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::release()
- {
- //H_AUTO2
- nldebug("");
- _Driver->delete3dMouseListener(_MouseListener);
- // delete all entities
- deleteEntities();
- _Scene->deletePlayListManager(_PlayListManager);
- // delete the scene
- _Driver->deleteScene(_Scene);
- // delete the light
- delete _Light;
- // release driver
- nlassert(_Driver);
- _Driver->release();
- delete _Driver;
- _Driver = NULL;
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::updateRender()
- {
- //nldebug("CMainWindow::updateRender");
- updateInitialization(isVisible());
- //QModelIndex index = _dirModel->setRootPath("D:/Dev/Ryzom/code/ryzom/common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign");
- //_dirTree->setRootIndex(index);
- if (isVisible())
- {
- // call all update functions
- // 01. Update Utilities (configuration etc)
- // 02. Update Time (deltas)
- // ...
- // 03. Update Receive (network, servertime, receive messages)
- // ...
- // 04. Update Input (keyboard controls, etc)
- if (_isGraphicsInitialized)
- updateInput();
- // 05. Update Weather (sky, snow, wind, fog, sun)
- // ...
- // 06. Update Entities (movement, do after possible tp from incoming messages etc)
- // - Move other entities
- // - Update self entity
- // - Move bullets
- // ...
- // 07. Update Landscape (async zone loading near entity)
- // ...
- // 08. Update Collisions (entities)
- // - Update entities
- // - Update move container (swap with Update entities? todo: check code!)
- // - Update bullets
- // ...
- // 09. Update Animations (playlists)
- // - Needs to be either before or after entities, not sure,
- // there was a problem with wrong order a while ago!!!
- //updateAnimation(_AnimationDialog->getTime());
- updateAnimatePS();
- // 10. Update Camera (depends on entities)
- // ...
- // 11. Update Interface (login, ui, etc)
- // ...
- // 12. Update Sound (sound driver)
- // ...
- // 13. Update Send (network, send new position etc)
- // ...
- // 14. Update Debug (stuff for dev)
- // ...
- if (_isGraphicsInitialized && !getDriver()->isLost())
- {
- // 01. Render Driver (background color)
- renderDriver(); // clear all buffers
- // 02. Render Sky (sky scene)
- // ...
- // 04. Render Scene (entity scene)
- renderScene();
- // 05. Render Effects (flare)
- // ...
- // 06. Render Interface 3D (player names)
- // ...
- // 07. Render Debug 3D
- // ...
- // 08. Render Interface 2D (chatboxes etc, optionally does have 3d)
- // ...
- // 09. Render Debug 2D (stuff for dev)
- renderDebug2D();
- // swap 3d buffers
- getDriver()->swapBuffers();
- }
- }
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::updateInitialization(bool visible)
- {
- //nldebug("CMainWindow::updateInitialization");
- bool done;
- do
- {
- done = true; // set false whenever change
- bool wantGraphics = _isGraphicsEnabled && visible;
- // bool wantLandscape = wantGraphics && m_IsGraphicsInitialized && isLandscapeEnabled;
- // .. stuff that depends on other stuff goes on top to prioritize deinitialization
- // Landscape
- // ...
- // Graphics (Driver)
- if (_isGraphicsInitialized)
- {
- if (!wantGraphics)
- {
- //_isGraphicsInitialized = false;
- //release();
- _mainTimer->stop();
- //done = false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (wantGraphics)
- {
- init();
- _isGraphicsInitialized = true;
- _mainTimer->start(25);
- //done = false;
- }
- }
- }
- while (!done);
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::updateInput()
- {
- _Driver->EventServer.pump();
- // New matrix from camera
- _Scene->getCam().setTransformMode(NL3D::UTransformable::DirectMatrix);
- _Scene->getCam().setMatrix (_MouseListener->getViewMatrix());
- //nldebug("%s",_Scene->getCam().getMatrix().getPos().asString().c_str());
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::renderDriver()
- {
- // Render the scene.
- if((NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().getDriver() != NULL) && (_BloomEffect))
- {
- NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().initBloom();
- }
- _Driver->clearBuffers(_BackgroundColor);
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::renderScene()
- {
- // render the scene
- _Scene->render();
- if((NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().getDriver() != NULL) && (_BloomEffect))
- {
- NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().endBloom();
- NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().endInterfacesDisplayBloom();
- }
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::renderDebug2D()
- {
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::saveScreenshot(const std::string &nameFile, bool jpg, bool png, bool tga)
- {
- //H_AUTO2
- // FIXME: create screenshot path if it doesn't exist!
- // empty bitmap
- CBitmap bitmap;
- // copy the driver buffer to the bitmap
- _Driver->getBuffer(bitmap);
- // create the file name
- string filename = std::string("./") + nameFile;
- // write the bitmap as a jpg, png or tga to the file
- if (jpg)
- {
- string newfilename = CFile::findNewFile(filename + ".jpg");
- COFile outputFile(newfilename);
- bitmap.writeJPG(outputFile, 100);
- nlinfo("Screenshot '%s' saved", newfilename.c_str());
- }
- if (png)
- {
- string newfilename = CFile::findNewFile(filename + ".png");
- COFile outputFile(newfilename);
- bitmap.writePNG(outputFile, 24);
- nlinfo("Screenshot '%s' saved", newfilename.c_str());
- }
- if (tga)
- {
- string newfilename = CFile::findNewFile(filename + ".tga");
- COFile outputFile(newfilename);
- bitmap.writeTGA(outputFile, 24, false);
- nlinfo("Screenshot '%s' saved", newfilename.c_str());
- }
- }
- bool CObjectViewerWidget::loadMesh(const std::string &meshFileName, const std::string &skelFileName)
- {
- std::string fileName = CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(meshFileName);
- if ( _Entities.count(fileName) != 0)
- return false;
- CPath::addSearchPath(CFile::getPath(meshFileName), false, false);
- // create instance of the mesh character
- UInstance Entity = _Scene->createInstance(meshFileName);
- CAABBox bbox;
- Entity.getShapeAABBox(bbox);
- setCamera(_Scene, bbox , Entity, true);
- _MouseListener->setMatrix(_Scene->getCam().getMatrix());
- USkeleton Skeleton = _Scene->createSkeleton(skelFileName);
- // if we can't create entity, skip it
- if (Entity.empty()) return false;
- // create a new entity
- EIT eit = (_Entities.insert (make_pair (fileName, CEntity()))).first;
- CEntity &entity = (*eit).second;
- // set the entity up
- entity._Name = fileName;
- entity._FileNameShape = meshFileName;
- entity._FileNameSkeleton = skelFileName;
- entity._Instance = Entity;
- if (!Skeleton.empty())
- {
- entity._Skeleton = Skeleton;
- entity._Skeleton.bindSkin (entity._Instance);
- }
- entity._AnimationSet = _Driver->createAnimationSet(false);
- entity._PlayList = _PlayListManager->createPlayList(entity._AnimationSet);
- return true;
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::setVisible(bool visible)
- {
- // called by show()
- // code assuming visible window needed to init the 3d driver
- nldebug("%d", visible);
- if (visible)
- {
- QWidget::setVisible(true);
- }
- else
- {
- QWidget::setVisible(false);
- }
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::resetScene()
- {
- deleteEntities();
- // Reset camera.
- //..
- // to load files with the same name but located in different directories
- //CPath::clearMap();
- // load and set search paths from config
- //Modules::config().configSearchPaths();
- _CurrentInstance = "";
- nlinfo("Scene cleared");
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::setBackgroundColor(NLMISC::CRGBA backgroundColor)
- {
- _BackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
- // config file variable changes
- //Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("BackgroundColor").setAsInt(_BackgroundColor.R, 0);
- //Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("BackgroundColor").setAsInt(_BackgroundColor.G, 1);
- //Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("BackgroundColor").setAsInt(_BackgroundColor.B, 2);
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::setGraphicsDriver(bool Direct3D)
- {
- //_Direct3D = Direct3D;
- //if (_Direct3D) Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("GraphicsDriver").setAsString("Direct3D");
- //else Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("GraphicsDriver").setAsString("OpenGL");
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::setSizeViewport(uint16 w, uint16 h)
- {
- _Scene->getCam().setPerspective(_CameraFocal * (float)Pi/180.f, (float)w/h, 0.1f, 1000);
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::setCurrentObject(const std::string &name)
- {
- if ((_Entities.count(name) != 0) || ( name.empty() )) _CurrentInstance = name;
- else nlerror ("Entity %s not found", name.c_str());
- nlinfo("set current entity %s", _CurrentInstance.c_str());
- }
- CEntity& CObjectViewerWidget::getEntity(const std::string &name)
- {
- if ( _Entities.count(name) == 0) nlerror("Entity %s not found", name.c_str());
- EIT eit = _Entities.find (name);
- return (*eit).second;
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::getListObjects(std::vector &listObj)
- {
- listObj.clear();
- for (EIT eit = _Entities.begin(); eit != _Entities.end(); ++eit)
- listObj.push_back((*eit).second._Name);
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::deleteEntity(CEntity &entity)
- {
- if (entity._PlayList != NULL)
- {
- _PlayListManager->deletePlayList (entity._PlayList);
- entity._PlayList = NULL;
- }
- if (entity._AnimationSet != NULL)
- {
- _Driver->deleteAnimationSet(entity._AnimationSet);
- entity._AnimationSet = NULL;
- }
- if (!entity._Skeleton.empty())
- {
- entity._Skeleton.detachSkeletonSon(entity._Instance);
- _Scene->deleteSkeleton(entity._Skeleton);
- entity._Skeleton = NULL;
- }
- if (!entity._Instance.empty())
- {
- _Scene->deleteInstance(entity._Instance);
- entity._Instance = NULL;
- }
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::deleteEntities()
- {
- for (EIT eit = _Entities.begin(); eit != _Entities.end(); ++eit)
- {
- CEntity &entity = (*eit).second;
- deleteEntity(entity);
- }
- _Entities.clear();
- }
- void CObjectViewerWidget::setCamera(NL3D::UScene *scene, CAABBox &bbox, UTransform &entity, bool high_z)
- {
- CVector pos(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
- CQuat quat(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
- NL3D::UInstance inst;
- inst.cast(entity);
- if (!inst.empty())
- {
- inst.getDefaultPos(pos);
- inst.getDefaultRotQuat(quat);
- }
- // fix scale (some shapes have a different value)
- entity.setScale(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
- UCamera Camera = scene->getCam();
- CVector max_radius = bbox.getHalfSize();
- CVector center = bbox.getCenter();
- entity.setPivot(center);
- center += pos;
- //scene->getCam().setPerspective(_CameraFocal * (float)Pi/180.f, (float)w/h, 0.1f, 1000);
- float fov = float(_CameraFocal * (float)Pi/180.0);
- //Camera.setPerspective (fov, 1.0f, 0.1f, 1000.0f);
- float radius = max(max(max_radius.x, max_radius.y), max_radius.z);
- if (radius == 0.f) radius = 1.f;
- float left, right, bottom, top, znear, zfar;
- Camera.getFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, znear, zfar);
- float dist = (radius / (tan(fov/2))) * 0.2;
- CVector eye(center);
- CVector ax(quat.getAxis());
- if (ax.isNull() || ax == CVector::I)
- {
- ax = CVector::J;
- }
- else if (ax == -CVector::K)
- {
- ax = -CVector::J;
- }
- eye -= ax * (dist+radius);
- if (high_z)
- eye.z += max_radius.z/1.0f;
- Camera.lookAt(eye, center);
- setupLight(eye, center - eye);
- }
- bool CObjectViewerWidget::setupLight(const CVector &position, const CVector &direction)
- {
- if (!_Light)
- _Light = ULight::createLight();
- if (!_Light) return false;
- // set mode of the light
- _Light->setMode(ULight::DirectionalLight);
- // set position of the light
- // Light->setupDirectional(settings.light_ambiant, settings.light_diffuse, settings.light_specular, settings.light_direction);
- NLMISC::CRGBA light_ambiant = CRGBA(0,0,0);
- NLMISC::CRGBA light_diffuse = CRGBA(255,255,255);
- NLMISC::CRGBA light_specular = CRGBA(255,255,255);
- NLMISC::CVector light_direction = CVector(0.25, 0.25, 0.25);
- _Light->setupPointLight(light_ambiant, light_diffuse, light_specular, position, direction + light_direction);
- // set and enable the light
- _Driver->setLight(0, *_Light);
- _Driver->enableLight(0);
- return true;
- }
- QIcon* CObjectViewerWidget::saveOneImage(string shapename)
- {
- int output_width = 128;
- int output_height = 128;
- // Create a scene
- NL3D::UScene* Scene = _Driver->createScene(true);
- if (!Scene) return 0;
- // get scene camera
- if (Scene->getCam().empty())
- {
- nlwarning("can't get camera from scene");
- return 0;
- }
- // add an entity to the scene
- UInstance Entity = Scene->createInstance(shapename.c_str());
- // if we can't create entity, skip it
- if (Entity.empty())
- {
- nlwarning("can't create instance from %s", shapename.c_str());
- return 0;
- }
- // get AABox of Entity
- CAABBox bbox;
- Entity.getShapeAABBox(bbox);
- setCamera(Scene, bbox , Entity, true);
- Scene->getCam().setPerspective(_CameraFocal * (float)Pi/180.f, (float)output_width/output_height, 0.1f, 1000);
- string filename = CPath::standardizePath("") + toString("%s.%s", shapename.c_str(), "png");
- // the background is white
- _Driver->clearBuffers();
- // render the scene
- Scene->render();
- CBitmap btm;
- _Driver->getBuffer(btm);
- btm.resample(output_width, output_height);
- COFile fs;
- if (fs.open(filename))
- {
- if (!btm.writePNG(fs, 24))
- {
- nlwarning("can't save image to PNG");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- nlwarning("can't create %s", "test.png");
- return 0;
- }
- fs.close();
- QIcon *icon = new QIcon(QString(filename.c_str()));
- //CFile::deleteFile(filename);
- return icon;
- }
+ // set background color from config
+ //NLMISC::CConfigFile::CVar v = Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("BackgroundColor");
+ //_BackgroundColor = CRGBA(v.asInt(0), v.asInt(1), v.asInt(2));
+ _BackgroundColor = CRGBA(255, 255, 255);
+ // set graphics driver from config
+ //NLMISC::CConfigFile::CVar v2 = Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("GraphicsDriver");
+ // Choose driver opengl to work correctly under Linux example
+ _Direct3D = false; //_Driver = OpenGL;
+ //std::string driver = v2.asString();
+ //if (driver == "Direct3D") _Direct3D = true; //m_Driver = Direct3D;
+ //else if (driver == "OpenGL") _Direct3D = false; //m_Driver = OpenGL;
+ //else nlwarning("Invalid driver specified, defaulting to OpenGL");
+ //Modules::config().setAndCallback("CameraFocal",CConfigCallback(this,&CObjectViewer::cfcbCameraFocal));
+ //Modules::config().setAndCallback("BloomEffect",CConfigCallback(this,&CObjectViewer::cfcbBloomEffect));
+ // create the driver
+ nlassert(!_Driver);
+ _Driver = UDriver::createDriver(0, _Direct3D, 0);
+ nlassert(_Driver);
+ // initialize the window with config file values
+ _Driver->setDisplay(wnd, NL3D::UDriver::CMode(w, h, 32));
+ //_Light = ULight::createLight();
+ //// set mode of the light
+ //_Light->setMode(ULight::DirectionalLight);
+ //// set position of the light
+ //_Light->setPosition(CVector(-20.f, 30.f, 10.f));
+ //// white light
+ //_Light->setAmbiant(CRGBA(255, 255, 255));
+ //// set and enable the light
+ //_Driver->setLight(0, *_Light);
+ //_Driver->enableLight(0);
+ // Create a scene
+ _Scene = _Driver->createScene(true);
+ _PlayListManager = _Scene->createPlayListManager();
+ //_Scene->enableLightingSystem(true);
+ // create the camera
+ UCamera camera = _Scene->getCam();
+ camera.setTransformMode (UTransformable::DirectMatrix);
+ setSizeViewport(w, h);
+ // camera will look at entities
+ camera.lookAt(NLMISC::CVector(_dist,0,1), NLMISC::CVector(0,0,0.5));
+ NLMISC::CVector hotSpot=NLMISC::CVector(0,0,0);
+ _MouseListener = _Driver->create3dMouseListener();
+ _MouseListener->setMatrix(_Scene->getCam().getMatrix());
+ _MouseListener->setFrustrum(_Scene->getCam().getFrustum());
+ _MouseListener->setHotSpot(hotSpot);
+ _MouseListener->setMouseMode(U3dMouseListener::edit3d);
+ NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().setDriver(_Driver);
+ NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().setScene(_Scene);
+ NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().init(!_Direct3D);
+ //NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().setDensityBloom(Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("BloomDensity").asInt());
+ //NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().setSquareBloom(Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("BloomSquare").asBool());
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::release()
+ {
+ //H_AUTO2
+ nldebug("");
+ _Driver->delete3dMouseListener(_MouseListener);
+ // delete all entities
+ deleteEntities();
+ _Scene->deletePlayListManager(_PlayListManager);
+ // delete the scene
+ _Driver->deleteScene(_Scene);
+ // delete the light
+ delete _Light;
+ // release driver
+ nlassert(_Driver);
+ _Driver->release();
+ delete _Driver;
+ _Driver = NULL;
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::updateRender()
+ {
+ //nldebug("CMainWindow::updateRender");
+ updateInitialization(isVisible());
+ //QModelIndex index = _dirModel->setRootPath("D:/Dev/Ryzom/code/ryzom/common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign");
+ //_dirTree->setRootIndex(index);
+ if (isVisible())
+ {
+ // call all update functions
+ // 01. Update Utilities (configuration etc)
+ // 02. Update Time (deltas)
+ // ...
+ // 03. Update Receive (network, servertime, receive messages)
+ // ...
+ // 04. Update Input (keyboard controls, etc)
+ if (_isGraphicsInitialized)
+ updateInput();
+ // 05. Update Weather (sky, snow, wind, fog, sun)
+ // ...
+ // 06. Update Entities (movement, do after possible tp from incoming messages etc)
+ // - Move other entities
+ // - Update self entity
+ // - Move bullets
+ // ...
+ // 07. Update Landscape (async zone loading near entity)
+ // ...
+ // 08. Update Collisions (entities)
+ // - Update entities
+ // - Update move container (swap with Update entities? todo: check code!)
+ // - Update bullets
+ // ...
+ // 09. Update Animations (playlists)
+ // - Needs to be either before or after entities, not sure,
+ // there was a problem with wrong order a while ago!!!
+ //updateAnimation(_AnimationDialog->getTime());
+ updateAnimatePS();
+ // 10. Update Camera (depends on entities)
+ // ...
+ // 11. Update Interface (login, ui, etc)
+ // ...
+ // 12. Update Sound (sound driver)
+ // ...
+ // 13. Update Send (network, send new position etc)
+ // ...
+ // 14. Update Debug (stuff for dev)
+ // ...
+ if (_isGraphicsInitialized && !getDriver()->isLost())
+ {
+ // 01. Render Driver (background color)
+ renderDriver(); // clear all buffers
+ // 02. Render Sky (sky scene)
+ // ...
+ // 04. Render Scene (entity scene)
+ renderScene();
+ // 05. Render Effects (flare)
+ // ...
+ // 06. Render Interface 3D (player names)
+ // ...
+ // 07. Render Debug 3D
+ // ...
+ // 08. Render Interface 2D (chatboxes etc, optionally does have 3d)
+ // ...
+ // 09. Render Debug 2D (stuff for dev)
+ renderDebug2D();
+ // swap 3d buffers
+ getDriver()->swapBuffers();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::updateInitialization(bool visible)
+ {
+ //nldebug("CMainWindow::updateInitialization");
+ bool done;
+ do
+ {
+ done = true; // set false whenever change
+ bool wantGraphics = _isGraphicsEnabled && visible;
+ // bool wantLandscape = wantGraphics && m_IsGraphicsInitialized && isLandscapeEnabled;
+ // .. stuff that depends on other stuff goes on top to prioritize deinitialization
+ // Landscape
+ // ...
+ // Graphics (Driver)
+ if (_isGraphicsInitialized)
+ {
+ if (!wantGraphics)
+ {
+ //_isGraphicsInitialized = false;
+ //release();
+ _mainTimer->stop();
+ //done = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (wantGraphics)
+ {
+ init();
+ _isGraphicsInitialized = true;
+ _mainTimer->start(25);
+ //done = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (!done);
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::updateInput()
+ {
+ _Driver->EventServer.pump();
+ // New matrix from camera
+ _Scene->getCam().setTransformMode(NL3D::UTransformable::DirectMatrix);
+ _Scene->getCam().setMatrix (_MouseListener->getViewMatrix());
+ //nldebug("%s",_Scene->getCam().getMatrix().getPos().asString().c_str());
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::renderDriver()
+ {
+ // Render the scene.
+ if((NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().getDriver() != NULL) && (_BloomEffect))
+ {
+ NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().initBloom();
+ }
+ _Driver->clearBuffers(_BackgroundColor);
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::renderScene()
+ {
+ // render the scene
+ _Scene->render();
+ if((NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().getDriver() != NULL) && (_BloomEffect))
+ {
+ NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().endBloom();
+ NL3D::CBloomEffect::instance().endInterfacesDisplayBloom();
+ }
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::renderDebug2D()
+ {
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::saveScreenshot(const std::string &nameFile, bool jpg, bool png, bool tga)
+ {
+ //H_AUTO2
+ // FIXME: create screenshot path if it doesn't exist!
+ // empty bitmap
+ CBitmap bitmap;
+ // copy the driver buffer to the bitmap
+ _Driver->getBuffer(bitmap);
+ // create the file name
+ string filename = std::string("./") + nameFile;
+ // write the bitmap as a jpg, png or tga to the file
+ if (jpg)
+ {
+ string newfilename = CFile::findNewFile(filename + ".jpg");
+ COFile outputFile(newfilename);
+ bitmap.writeJPG(outputFile, 100);
+ nlinfo("Screenshot '%s' saved", newfilename.c_str());
+ }
+ if (png)
+ {
+ string newfilename = CFile::findNewFile(filename + ".png");
+ COFile outputFile(newfilename);
+ bitmap.writePNG(outputFile, 24);
+ nlinfo("Screenshot '%s' saved", newfilename.c_str());
+ }
+ if (tga)
+ {
+ string newfilename = CFile::findNewFile(filename + ".tga");
+ COFile outputFile(newfilename);
+ bitmap.writeTGA(outputFile, 24, false);
+ nlinfo("Screenshot '%s' saved", newfilename.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ bool CObjectViewerWidget::loadMesh(const std::string &meshFileName, const std::string &skelFileName)
+ {
+ std::string fileName = CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(meshFileName);
+ if ( _Entities.count(fileName) != 0)
+ return false;
+ CPath::addSearchPath(CFile::getPath(meshFileName), false, false);
+ // create instance of the mesh character
+ UInstance Entity = _Scene->createInstance(meshFileName);
+ CAABBox bbox;
+ Entity.getShapeAABBox(bbox);
+ setCamera(_Scene, bbox , Entity, true);
+ _MouseListener->setMatrix(_Scene->getCam().getMatrix());
+ USkeleton Skeleton = _Scene->createSkeleton(skelFileName);
+ // if we can't create entity, skip it
+ if (Entity.empty()) return false;
+ // create a new entity
+ EIT eit = (_Entities.insert (make_pair (fileName, CEntity()))).first;
+ CEntity &entity = (*eit).second;
+ // set the entity up
+ entity._Name = fileName;
+ entity._FileNameShape = meshFileName;
+ entity._FileNameSkeleton = skelFileName;
+ entity._Instance = Entity;
+ if (!Skeleton.empty())
+ {
+ entity._Skeleton = Skeleton;
+ entity._Skeleton.bindSkin (entity._Instance);
+ }
+ entity._AnimationSet = _Driver->createAnimationSet(false);
+ entity._PlayList = _PlayListManager->createPlayList(entity._AnimationSet);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::setVisible(bool visible)
+ {
+ // called by show()
+ // code assuming visible window needed to init the 3d driver
+ nldebug("%d", visible);
+ if (visible)
+ {
+ QWidget::setVisible(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QWidget::setVisible(false);
+ }
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::resetScene()
+ {
+ deleteEntities();
+ // Reset camera.
+ //..
+ // to load files with the same name but located in different directories
+ //CPath::clearMap();
+ // load and set search paths from config
+ //Modules::config().configSearchPaths();
+ _CurrentInstance = "";
+ nlinfo("Scene cleared");
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::setBackgroundColor(NLMISC::CRGBA backgroundColor)
+ {
+ _BackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
+ // config file variable changes
+ //Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("BackgroundColor").setAsInt(_BackgroundColor.R, 0);
+ //Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("BackgroundColor").setAsInt(_BackgroundColor.G, 1);
+ //Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("BackgroundColor").setAsInt(_BackgroundColor.B, 2);
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::setGraphicsDriver(bool Direct3D)
+ {
+ //_Direct3D = Direct3D;
+ //if (_Direct3D) Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("GraphicsDriver").setAsString("Direct3D");
+ //else Modules::config().getConfigFile().getVar("GraphicsDriver").setAsString("OpenGL");
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::setSizeViewport(uint16 w, uint16 h)
+ {
+ _Scene->getCam().setPerspective(_CameraFocal * (float)Pi/180.f, (float)w/h, 0.1f, 1000);
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::setCurrentObject(const std::string &name)
+ {
+ if ((_Entities.count(name) != 0) || ( name.empty() )) _CurrentInstance = name;
+ else nlerror ("Entity %s not found", name.c_str());
+ nlinfo("set current entity %s", _CurrentInstance.c_str());
+ }
+ CEntity& CObjectViewerWidget::getEntity(const std::string &name)
+ {
+ if ( _Entities.count(name) == 0) nlerror("Entity %s not found", name.c_str());
+ EIT eit = _Entities.find (name);
+ return (*eit).second;
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::getListObjects(std::vector &listObj)
+ {
+ listObj.clear();
+ for (EIT eit = _Entities.begin(); eit != _Entities.end(); ++eit)
+ listObj.push_back((*eit).second._Name);
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::deleteEntity(CEntity &entity)
+ {
+ if (entity._PlayList != NULL)
+ {
+ _PlayListManager->deletePlayList (entity._PlayList);
+ entity._PlayList = NULL;
+ }
+ if (entity._AnimationSet != NULL)
+ {
+ _Driver->deleteAnimationSet(entity._AnimationSet);
+ entity._AnimationSet = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!entity._Skeleton.empty())
+ {
+ entity._Skeleton.detachSkeletonSon(entity._Instance);
+ _Scene->deleteSkeleton(entity._Skeleton);
+ entity._Skeleton = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!entity._Instance.empty())
+ {
+ _Scene->deleteInstance(entity._Instance);
+ entity._Instance = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::deleteEntities()
+ {
+ for (EIT eit = _Entities.begin(); eit != _Entities.end(); ++eit)
+ {
+ CEntity &entity = (*eit).second;
+ deleteEntity(entity);
+ }
+ _Entities.clear();
+ }
+ void CObjectViewerWidget::setCamera(NL3D::UScene *scene, CAABBox &bbox, UTransform &entity, bool high_z)
+ {
+ CVector pos(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
+ CQuat quat(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
+ NL3D::UInstance inst;
+ inst.cast(entity);
+ if (!inst.empty())
+ {
+ inst.getDefaultPos(pos);
+ inst.getDefaultRotQuat(quat);
+ }
+ // fix scale (some shapes have a different value)
+ entity.setScale(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
+ UCamera Camera = scene->getCam();
+ CVector max_radius = bbox.getHalfSize();
+ CVector center = bbox.getCenter();
+ entity.setPivot(center);
+ center += pos;
+ //scene->getCam().setPerspective(_CameraFocal * (float)Pi/180.f, (float)w/h, 0.1f, 1000);
+ float fov = float(_CameraFocal * (float)Pi/180.0);
+ //Camera.setPerspective (fov, 1.0f, 0.1f, 1000.0f);
+ float radius = max(max(max_radius.x, max_radius.y), max_radius.z);
+ if (radius == 0.f) radius = 1.f;
+ float left, right, bottom, top, znear, zfar;
+ Camera.getFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, znear, zfar);
+ float dist = (radius / (tan(fov/2))) * 0.2;
+ CVector eye(center);
+ CVector ax(quat.getAxis());
+ if (ax.isNull() || ax == CVector::I)
+ {
+ ax = CVector::J;
+ }
+ else if (ax == -CVector::K)
+ {
+ ax = -CVector::J;
+ }
+ eye -= ax * (dist+radius);
+ if (high_z)
+ eye.z += max_radius.z/1.0f;
+ Camera.lookAt(eye, center);
+ setupLight(eye, center - eye);
+ }
+ bool CObjectViewerWidget::setupLight(const CVector &position, const CVector &direction)
+ {
+ if (!_Light)
+ _Light = ULight::createLight();
+ if (!_Light) return false;
+ // set mode of the light
+ _Light->setMode(ULight::DirectionalLight);
+ // set position of the light
+ // Light->setupDirectional(settings.light_ambiant, settings.light_diffuse, settings.light_specular, settings.light_direction);
+ NLMISC::CRGBA light_ambiant = CRGBA(0,0,0);
+ NLMISC::CRGBA light_diffuse = CRGBA(255,255,255);
+ NLMISC::CRGBA light_specular = CRGBA(255,255,255);
+ NLMISC::CVector light_direction = CVector(0.25, 0.25, 0.25);
+ _Light->setupPointLight(light_ambiant, light_diffuse, light_specular, position, direction + light_direction);
+ // set and enable the light
+ _Driver->setLight(0, *_Light);
+ _Driver->enableLight(0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ QIcon* CObjectViewerWidget::saveOneImage(string shapename)
+ {
+ int output_width = 128;
+ int output_height = 128;
+ // Create a scene
+ NL3D::UScene* Scene = _Driver->createScene(true);
+ if (!Scene) return 0;
+ // get scene camera
+ if (Scene->getCam().empty())
+ {
+ nlwarning("can't get camera from scene");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // add an entity to the scene
+ UInstance Entity = Scene->createInstance(shapename.c_str());
+ // if we can't create entity, skip it
+ if (Entity.empty())
+ {
+ nlwarning("can't create instance from %s", shapename.c_str());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // get AABox of Entity
+ CAABBox bbox;
+ Entity.getShapeAABBox(bbox);
+ setCamera(Scene, bbox , Entity, true);
+ Scene->getCam().setPerspective(_CameraFocal * (float)Pi/180.f, (float)output_width/output_height, 0.1f, 1000);
+ string filename = CPath::standardizePath("") + toString("%s.%s", shapename.c_str(), "png");
+ // the background is white
+ _Driver->clearBuffers();
+ // render the scene
+ Scene->render();
+ CBitmap btm;
+ _Driver->getBuffer(btm);
+ btm.resample(output_width, output_height);
+ COFile fs;
+ if (fs.open(filename))
+ {
+ if (!btm.writePNG(fs, 24))
+ {
+ nlwarning("can't save image to PNG");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nlwarning("can't create %s", "test.png");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fs.close();
+ QIcon *icon = new QIcon(QString(filename.c_str()));
+ //CFile::deleteFile(filename);
+ return icon;
+ }
void CObjectViewerWidget::updateAnimatePS(uint64 deltaTime)
@@ -731,67 +731,67 @@ namespace NLQT
lastTime += deltaTime;
float fdelta = 0.001f * (float) (lastTime - firstTime);
_Scene->animate ( fdelta);
- }
-#if defined(NL_OS_WINDOWS)
- typedef bool (*winProc)(NL3D::IDriver *driver, HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
- bool CObjectViewerWidget::winEvent(MSG * message, long * result)
- {
- if (getDriver() && getDriver()->isActive())
- {
- NL3D::IDriver *driver = dynamic_cast(getDriver())->getDriver();
- if (driver)
- {
- winProc proc = (winProc)driver->getWindowProc();
- return proc(driver, message->hwnd, message->message, message->wParam, message->lParam);
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
-#elif defined(NL_OS_MAC)
- typedef bool (*cocoaProc)(NL3D::IDriver*, const void* e);
- bool CObjectViewerWidget::macEvent(EventHandlerCallRef caller, EventRef event)
- {
- if(caller)
- nlerror("You are using QtCarbon! Only QtCocoa supported, please upgrade Qt");
- if (getDriver() && getDriver()->isActive())
- {
- NL3D::IDriver *driver = dynamic_cast(getDriver())->getDriver();
- if (driver)
- {
- cocoaProc proc = (cocoaProc)driver->getWindowProc();
- return proc(driver, event);
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
-#elif defined(NL_OS_UNIX)
- typedef bool (*x11Proc)(NL3D::IDriver *drv, XEvent *e);
- bool CObjectViewerWidget::x11Event(XEvent *event)
- {
- if (getDriver() && getDriver()->isActive())
- {
- NL3D::IDriver *driver = dynamic_cast(getDriver())->getDriver();
- if (driver)
- {
- x11Proc proc = (x11Proc)driver->getWindowProc();
- return proc(driver, event);
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
-} /* namespace NLQT */
+ }
+#if defined(NL_OS_WINDOWS)
+ typedef bool (*winProc)(NL3D::IDriver *driver, HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+ bool CObjectViewerWidget::winEvent(MSG * message, long * result)
+ {
+ if (getDriver() && getDriver()->isActive())
+ {
+ NL3D::IDriver *driver = dynamic_cast(getDriver())->getDriver();
+ if (driver)
+ {
+ winProc proc = (winProc)driver->getWindowProc();
+ return proc(driver, message->hwnd, message->message, message->wParam, message->lParam);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+#elif defined(NL_OS_MAC)
+ typedef bool (*cocoaProc)(NL3D::IDriver*, const void* e);
+ bool CObjectViewerWidget::macEvent(EventHandlerCallRef caller, EventRef event)
+ {
+ if(caller)
+ nlerror("You are using QtCarbon! Only QtCocoa supported, please upgrade Qt");
+ if (getDriver() && getDriver()->isActive())
+ {
+ NL3D::IDriver *driver = dynamic_cast(getDriver())->getDriver();
+ if (driver)
+ {
+ cocoaProc proc = (cocoaProc)driver->getWindowProc();
+ return proc(driver, event);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+#elif defined(NL_OS_UNIX)
+ typedef bool (*x11Proc)(NL3D::IDriver *drv, XEvent *e);
+ bool CObjectViewerWidget::x11Event(XEvent *event)
+ {
+ if (getDriver() && getDriver()->isActive())
+ {
+ NL3D::IDriver *driver = dynamic_cast(getDriver())->getDriver();
+ if (driver)
+ {
+ x11Proc proc = (x11Proc)driver->getWindowProc();
+ return proc(driver, event);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+} /* namespace NLQT */
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_widget/src/object_viewer_widget.h b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_widget/src/object_viewer_widget.h
index 15c9b0fa9..fb6656679 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_widget/src/object_viewer_widget.h
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_widget/src/object_viewer_widget.h
@@ -1,229 +1,229 @@
-Object Viewer Qt Widget
-Copyright (C) 2010 Adrian Jaekel
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
-// STL includes
-// Qt includes
-// NeL includes
-// Project includes
-#include "entity.h"
-#include "interfaces.h"
-namespace NL3D
- class UDriver;
- class UScene;
- class ULight;
- class UInstance;
- class UCamera;
- class USkeleton;
- class UPlayListManager;
- class U3dMouseListener;
-class QIcon;
-namespace NLQT
-@brief namespace NLQT
-namespace NLQT
- class CObjectViewerWidget:
- public QWidget,
- public IObjectViewer
- {
- public:
- /// Default constructor.
- CObjectViewerWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);
- virtual ~CObjectViewerWidget();
- virtual QPaintEngine* paintEngine() const { return NULL; }
- virtual void showEvent ( QShowEvent * event );
- void setNelContext(NLMISC::INelContext &nelContext);
- static CObjectViewerWidget &objViewWid() { return *_objectViewerWidget; }
- /// Init a driver and create scene.
- void init();
- /// Release class.
- void release();
- /// Update mouse and keyboard events. And update camera matrix.
- void updateInput();
- /// Render Driver (clear all buffers and set background color).
- void renderDriver();
- /// Render current scene.
- void renderScene();
- /// Render Debug 2D (stuff for dev).
- void renderDebug2D();
- /// Make a screenshot of the current scene and save.
- void saveScreenshot(const std::string &nameFile, bool jpg, bool png, bool tga);
- /// Load a mesh or particle system and add to current scene.
- /// @param meshFileName - name loading shape or ps file.
- /// @param skelFileName - name loading skeletin file.
- /// @return true if file have been loaded, false if file have not been loaded.
- bool loadMesh (const std::string &meshFileName, const std::string &skelFileName);
- /// Reset current scene.
- void resetScene();
- /// Set the background color.
- /// @param backgroundColor - background color.
- void setBackgroundColor(NLMISC::CRGBA backgroundColor);
- /// Set type driver.
- /// @param Direct3D - type driver (true - Direct3D) or (false -OpenGL)
- void setGraphicsDriver(bool Direct3D);
- /// Set size viewport for correct set perspective
- /// @param w - width window.
- /// @param h - height window.
- void setSizeViewport(uint16 w, uint16 h);
- void setBloomEffect(bool enabled) { _BloomEffect = enabled; }
- /// Select instance from the scene
- /// @param name - name instance, "" if no instance edited
- void setCurrentObject(const std::string &name);
- /// Get current instance from the scene
- /// @return name current instance, "" if no instance edited
- const std::string& getCurrentObject() { return _CurrentInstance; }
- /// Get entity from the scene
- /// @return ref Entity
- CEntity& getEntity(const std::string &name);
- /// Get full list instances from the scene
- /// @param listObj - ref of return list instances
- void getListObjects(std::vector &listObj);
- /// Get value background color.
- /// @return background color.
- NLMISC::CRGBA getBackgroundColor() { return _BackgroundColor; }
- /// Get type driver.
- /// @return true if have used Direct3D driver, false OpenGL driver.
- inline bool getDirect3D() { return _Direct3D; }
- inline bool getBloomEffect() const { return _BloomEffect; }
- /// Get a pointer to the driver.
- /// @return pointer to the driver.
- inline NL3D::UDriver *getDriver() { return _Driver; }
- /// Get a pointer to the scene.
- /// @return pointer to the scene.
- inline NL3D::UScene *getScene() { return _Scene; }
- /// Get a manager of playlist
- /// @return pointer to the UPlayListManager
- inline NL3D::UPlayListManager *getPlayListManager() { return _PlayListManager; }
- void setCamera(NL3D::UScene *scene, NLMISC::CAABBox &bbox, NL3D::UTransform &entity, bool high_z=false);
- bool setupLight(const NLMISC::CVector &position, const NLMISC::CVector &direction);
- QIcon* saveOneImage(std::string shapename);
- virtual void setVisible(bool visible);
- QWidget* getWidget() {return this;}
- virtual QString name() const {return ("ObjectViewerWidget");}
- protected:
-#if defined(NL_OS_WINDOWS)
- virtual bool winEvent(MSG * message, long * result);
-#elif defined(NL_OS_MAC)
- virtual bool macEvent(EventHandlerCallRef caller, EventRef event);
-#elif defined(NL_OS_UNIX)
- virtual bool x11Event(XEvent *event);
- private Q_SLOTS:
- void updateRender();
- private:
+Object Viewer Qt Widget
+Copyright (C) 2010 Adrian Jaekel
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see .
+// STL includes
+// Qt includes
+// NeL includes
+// Project includes
+#include "entity.h"
+#include "interfaces.h"
+namespace NL3D
+ class UDriver;
+ class UScene;
+ class ULight;
+ class UInstance;
+ class UCamera;
+ class USkeleton;
+ class UPlayListManager;
+ class U3dMouseListener;
+class QIcon;
+namespace NLQT
+@brief namespace NLQT
+namespace NLQT
+ class CObjectViewerWidget:
+ public QWidget,
+ public IObjectViewer
+ {
+ public:
+ /// Default constructor.
+ CObjectViewerWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);
+ virtual ~CObjectViewerWidget();
+ virtual QPaintEngine* paintEngine() const { return NULL; }
+ virtual void showEvent ( QShowEvent * event );
+ void setNelContext(NLMISC::INelContext &nelContext);
+ static CObjectViewerWidget &objViewWid() { return *_objectViewerWidget; }
+ /// Init a driver and create scene.
+ void init();
+ /// Release class.
+ void release();
+ /// Update mouse and keyboard events. And update camera matrix.
+ void updateInput();
+ /// Render Driver (clear all buffers and set background color).
+ void renderDriver();
+ /// Render current scene.
+ void renderScene();
+ /// Render Debug 2D (stuff for dev).
+ void renderDebug2D();
+ /// Make a screenshot of the current scene and save.
+ void saveScreenshot(const std::string &nameFile, bool jpg, bool png, bool tga);
+ /// Load a mesh or particle system and add to current scene.
+ /// @param meshFileName - name loading shape or ps file.
+ /// @param skelFileName - name loading skeletin file.
+ /// @return true if file have been loaded, false if file have not been loaded.
+ bool loadMesh (const std::string &meshFileName, const std::string &skelFileName);
+ /// Reset current scene.
+ void resetScene();
+ /// Set the background color.
+ /// @param backgroundColor - background color.
+ void setBackgroundColor(NLMISC::CRGBA backgroundColor);
+ /// Set type driver.
+ /// @param Direct3D - type driver (true - Direct3D) or (false -OpenGL)
+ void setGraphicsDriver(bool Direct3D);
+ /// Set size viewport for correct set perspective
+ /// @param w - width window.
+ /// @param h - height window.
+ void setSizeViewport(uint16 w, uint16 h);
+ void setBloomEffect(bool enabled) { _BloomEffect = enabled; }
+ /// Select instance from the scene
+ /// @param name - name instance, "" if no instance edited
+ void setCurrentObject(const std::string &name);
+ /// Get current instance from the scene
+ /// @return name current instance, "" if no instance edited
+ const std::string& getCurrentObject() { return _CurrentInstance; }
+ /// Get entity from the scene
+ /// @return ref Entity
+ CEntity& getEntity(const std::string &name);
+ /// Get full list instances from the scene
+ /// @param listObj - ref of return list instances
+ void getListObjects(std::vector &listObj);
+ /// Get value background color.
+ /// @return background color.
+ NLMISC::CRGBA getBackgroundColor() { return _BackgroundColor; }
+ /// Get type driver.
+ /// @return true if have used Direct3D driver, false OpenGL driver.
+ inline bool getDirect3D() { return _Direct3D; }
+ inline bool getBloomEffect() const { return _BloomEffect; }
+ /// Get a pointer to the driver.
+ /// @return pointer to the driver.
+ inline NL3D::UDriver *getDriver() { return _Driver; }
+ /// Get a pointer to the scene.
+ /// @return pointer to the scene.
+ inline NL3D::UScene *getScene() { return _Scene; }
+ /// Get a manager of playlist
+ /// @return pointer to the UPlayListManager
+ inline NL3D::UPlayListManager *getPlayListManager() { return _PlayListManager; }
+ void setCamera(NL3D::UScene *scene, NLMISC::CAABBox &bbox, NL3D::UTransform &entity, bool high_z=false);
+ bool setupLight(const NLMISC::CVector &position, const NLMISC::CVector &direction);
+ QIcon* saveOneImage(std::string shapename);
+ virtual void setVisible(bool visible);
+ QWidget* getWidget() {return this;}
+ virtual QString name() const {return ("ObjectViewerWidget");}
+ protected:
+#if defined(NL_OS_WINDOWS)
+ virtual bool winEvent(MSG * message, long * result);
+#elif defined(NL_OS_MAC)
+ virtual bool macEvent(EventHandlerCallRef caller, EventRef event);
+#elif defined(NL_OS_UNIX)
+ virtual bool x11Event(XEvent *event);
+ private Q_SLOTS:
+ void updateRender();
+ private:
/// Update the animation time for Particle System animation.
/// @param deltaTime - set the manual animation time.
- void updateAnimatePS(uint64 deltaTime = 0);
- static CObjectViewerWidget *_objectViewerWidget;
- NLMISC::CLibraryContext *_LibContext;
- // render stuff
- QTimer *_mainTimer;
- bool _isGraphicsInitialized, _isGraphicsEnabled;
- void updateInitialization(bool visible);
- void deleteEntity (CEntity &entity);
- /// Delete all entities
- void deleteEntities();
- NLMISC::CRGBA _BackgroundColor;
- NL3D::UDriver *_Driver;
- NL3D::UScene *_Scene;
- NL3D::UPlayListManager *_PlayListManager;
- NL3D::ULight *_Light;
- NL3D::UCamera *_Camera;
- NL3D::U3dMouseListener *_MouseListener;
- // The entities storage
- CEntities _Entities;
- /// Camera parameters.
- float _phi, _psi, _dist;
- float _CameraFocal;
- bool _Direct3D;
- bool _BloomEffect;
- std::string _CurrentInstance;
- // a temporary solution, and later remove
- friend class CAnimationSetDialog;
- };/* class CObjectViewerWidget */
-} /* namespace NLQT */
+ void updateAnimatePS(uint64 deltaTime = 0);
+ static CObjectViewerWidget *_objectViewerWidget;
+ NLMISC::CLibraryContext *_LibContext;
+ // render stuff
+ QTimer *_mainTimer;
+ bool _isGraphicsInitialized, _isGraphicsEnabled;
+ void updateInitialization(bool visible);
+ void deleteEntity (CEntity &entity);
+ /// Delete all entities
+ void deleteEntities();
+ NLMISC::CRGBA _BackgroundColor;
+ NL3D::UDriver *_Driver;
+ NL3D::UScene *_Scene;
+ NL3D::UPlayListManager *_PlayListManager;
+ NL3D::ULight *_Light;
+ NL3D::UCamera *_Camera;
+ NL3D::U3dMouseListener *_MouseListener;
+ // The entities storage
+ CEntities _Entities;
+ /// Camera parameters.
+ float _phi, _psi, _dist;
+ float _CameraFocal;
+ bool _Direct3D;
+ bool _BloomEffect;
+ std::string _CurrentInstance;
+ // a temporary solution, and later remove
+ friend class CAnimationSetDialog;
+ };/* class CObjectViewerWidget */
+} /* namespace NLQT */
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_widget/src/stdpch.cpp b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_widget/src/stdpch.cpp
index e5875aca1..3dd66d085 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_widget/src/stdpch.cpp
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_widget/src/stdpch.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Object Viewer Qt Widget
+Object Viewer Qt Widget
Copyright (C) 2010 Adrian Jaekel
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
diff --git a/code/ryzom/server/src/ai_share/ai_spawn_commands.h b/code/ryzom/server/src/ai_share/ai_spawn_commands.h
index 96f2d99a0..059f08f1b 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/server/src/ai_share/ai_spawn_commands.h
+++ b/code/ryzom/server/src/ai_share/ai_spawn_commands.h
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
-// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-// License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see .
+// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
-#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
-#include "nel/misc/debug.h"
-//class CAISpawnCtrl
-// static bool spawn (const std::string &name, int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_spawn(aiInstance, name); }
-// static bool spawnMap (const std::string &name, int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_spawnMap(aiInstance, name); }
-// static bool spawnMgr (const std::string &name, int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_spawnMgr(aiInstance, name); }
-// static bool spawnGrp (const std::string &name, int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_spawnGrp(aiInstance, name); }
-// static bool spawnAll (int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_spawnAll(aiInstance); }
-// static bool despawn (const std::string &name, int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_despawn(aiInstance, name); }
-// static bool despawnMap (const std::string &name, int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_despawnMap(aiInstance, name); }
-// static bool despawnMgr (const std::string &name, int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_despawnMgr(aiInstance, name); }
-// static bool despawnGrp (const std::string &name, int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_despawnGrp(aiInstance, name); }
-// static bool despawnAll (int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_despawnAll(aiInstance); }
-// virtual bool _spawn (int aiInstance, const std::string &name)=0;
-// virtual bool _spawnMap (int aiInstance, const std::string &name)=0;
-// virtual bool _spawnMgr (int aiInstance, const std::string &name)=0;
-// virtual bool _spawnGrp (int aiInstance, const std::string &name)=0;
-// virtual bool _spawnAll (int aiInstance)=0;
-// virtual bool _despawn (int aiInstance, const std::string &name)=0;
-// virtual bool _despawnMap (int aiInstance, const std::string &name)=0;
-// virtual bool _despawnMgr (int aiInstance, const std::string &name)=0;
-// virtual bool _despawnGrp (int aiInstance, const std::string &name)=0;
-// virtual bool _despawnAll (int aiInstance)=0;
-// static CAISpawnCtrl *_instance;
+#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
+#include "nel/misc/debug.h"
+//class CAISpawnCtrl
+// static bool spawn (const std::string &name, int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_spawn(aiInstance, name); }
+// static bool spawnMap (const std::string &name, int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_spawnMap(aiInstance, name); }
+// static bool spawnMgr (const std::string &name, int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_spawnMgr(aiInstance, name); }
+// static bool spawnGrp (const std::string &name, int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_spawnGrp(aiInstance, name); }
+// static bool spawnAll (int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_spawnAll(aiInstance); }
+// static bool despawn (const std::string &name, int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_despawn(aiInstance, name); }
+// static bool despawnMap (const std::string &name, int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_despawnMap(aiInstance, name); }
+// static bool despawnMgr (const std::string &name, int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_despawnMgr(aiInstance, name); }
+// static bool despawnGrp (const std::string &name, int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_despawnGrp(aiInstance, name); }
+// static bool despawnAll (int aiInstance=-1) { nlassert(_instance!=NULL); return _instance->_despawnAll(aiInstance); }
+// virtual bool _spawn (int aiInstance, const std::string &name)=0;
+// virtual bool _spawnMap (int aiInstance, const std::string &name)=0;
+// virtual bool _spawnMgr (int aiInstance, const std::string &name)=0;
+// virtual bool _spawnGrp (int aiInstance, const std::string &name)=0;
+// virtual bool _spawnAll (int aiInstance)=0;
+// virtual bool _despawn (int aiInstance, const std::string &name)=0;
+// virtual bool _despawnMap (int aiInstance, const std::string &name)=0;
+// virtual bool _despawnMgr (int aiInstance, const std::string &name)=0;
+// virtual bool _despawnGrp (int aiInstance, const std::string &name)=0;
+// virtual bool _despawnAll (int aiInstance)=0;
+// static CAISpawnCtrl *_instance;
diff --git a/code/ryzom/tools/leveldesign/georges_editor_qt/src/formitem.h b/code/ryzom/tools/leveldesign/georges_editor_qt/src/formitem.h
index 18a0ae23e..3f4ad0c98 100644
--- a/code/ryzom/tools/leveldesign/georges_editor_qt/src/formitem.h
+++ b/code/ryzom/tools/leveldesign/georges_editor_qt/src/formitem.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Georges Editor Qt
+Georges Editor Qt
Copyright (C) 2010 Adrian Jaekel
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -14,58 +14,58 @@ GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
-#ifndef FORMITEM_H
-#define FORMITEM_H
-// NeL includes
-// Qt includes
-namespace NLQT
- class CFormItem
- {
- public:
- CFormItem(NLGEORGES::UFormElm *elm, const QList &data,
- CFormItem *parent = 0,
- NLGEORGES::UFormElm::TWhereIsValue = NLGEORGES::UFormElm::ValueForm,
- NLGEORGES::UFormElm::TWhereIsNode = NLGEORGES::UFormElm::NodeForm);
- ~CFormItem();
- void appendChild(CFormItem *child);
- CFormItem *child(int row);
- int childCount() const;
- int columnCount() const;
- QVariant data(int column) const;
- int row() const;
- CFormItem *parent();
- bool setData(int column, const QVariant &value);
- NLGEORGES::UFormElm* getFormElm() {return formElm;}
- NLGEORGES::UFormElm::TWhereIsValue valueFrom()
- {
- return whereV;
- }
- NLGEORGES::UFormElm::TWhereIsNode nodeFrom()
- {
- return whereN;
- }
- private:
- QList childItems;
- QList itemData;
- CFormItem *parentItem;
- NLGEORGES::UFormElm* formElm;
- NLGEORGES::UFormElm::TWhereIsValue whereV;
- NLGEORGES::UFormElm::TWhereIsNode whereN;
- }; // CFormItem
-#endif // FORMITEM_H
+#ifndef FORMITEM_H
+#define FORMITEM_H
+// NeL includes
+// Qt includes
+namespace NLQT
+ class CFormItem
+ {
+ public:
+ CFormItem(NLGEORGES::UFormElm *elm, const QList &data,
+ CFormItem *parent = 0,
+ NLGEORGES::UFormElm::TWhereIsValue = NLGEORGES::UFormElm::ValueForm,
+ NLGEORGES::UFormElm::TWhereIsNode = NLGEORGES::UFormElm::NodeForm);
+ ~CFormItem();
+ void appendChild(CFormItem *child);
+ CFormItem *child(int row);
+ int childCount() const;
+ int columnCount() const;
+ QVariant data(int column) const;
+ int row() const;
+ CFormItem *parent();
+ bool setData(int column, const QVariant &value);
+ NLGEORGES::UFormElm* getFormElm() {return formElm;}
+ NLGEORGES::UFormElm::TWhereIsValue valueFrom()
+ {
+ return whereV;
+ }
+ NLGEORGES::UFormElm::TWhereIsNode nodeFrom()
+ {
+ return whereN;
+ }
+ private:
+ QList childItems;
+ QList itemData;
+ CFormItem *parentItem;
+ NLGEORGES::UFormElm* formElm;
+ NLGEORGES::UFormElm::TWhereIsValue whereV;
+ NLGEORGES::UFormElm::TWhereIsNode whereN;
+ }; // CFormItem
+#endif // FORMITEM_H