@ -5,13 +5,6 @@ meleeSpec = [ "slashing", "piercing", "blunt" ]
curseSpec = [ "blind", "fear", "madness", "root", "sleep", "slow", "snare", "stun" ]
magicSpec = [ "acid", "cold", "rot", "fire", "poison", "electricity", "shockwave" ]
#specialSpec = [ "_weak", "", "_strong" ]
# Cannon fodder invasion kitins and newbie creatures use the "a" variant
# Most creatures use "b" and "c". The "d", "e", and "f" variants are for bosses
# Goo infected creatures should use "c" and "d"
#variantSpec = [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" ] # Newbie, Basic, Fine, Choice, Excellent, Supreme
aiActionFolder = "R:\\leveldesign\\game_elem\\creature\\npc\\bestiary\\aiaction\\generic"
if not os.path.isdir(aiActionFolder):
@ -38,40 +31,29 @@ base = {
# },
# Damage
# ------
# Total Magic Damage = DamageValue + (SpellPowerFactor * creature.AttackLevel)
# Let's say 10k average total HP for homins and creatures at lvl 250
# Linear increase of 40 HP per level, so 400 HP per 10 levels, or 200 HP every 5 levels
maxLevel = 250.0
# averageMaxHP = 10000.0
minCharacteristic = 10.0
maxCharacteristic = minCharacteristic + maxLevel
minScore = minCharacteristic * 60.0
maxScore = maxCharacteristic * 60.0
# Settle a fight in 10 seconds, that's an attack of 1000 at lvl 250 for a 1 second attack
# Add a base boost of 10 levels, that's 40 base attack
# Time to settle a fight, for base damage and HP, assuming all hits are perfectly successful
combatTime = 8.0 # 10
# Magic may do double the damage of melee
# Range is most powerful but requires ammo of course.
# Perhaps allow range without ammo at melee damage levels. Or hybrid range and magic for ammo-less range
# For NPCs, range should have melee-like damage
meleeDamageBoost = 1.0
magicDamageBoost = 2.0
rangeDamageBoost = 1.0 # 4
# Boosts for special attack variants
#meleeSpecialBoost = [ 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 ]
#rangeSpecialBoost = [ 0.5, 0.25, 1.0 ]
# For NPCs, range should have melee-like damage, since there is no special protection...
# Can we turn melee/magic/range into a rock/paper/scissors?
boosts = {
"fauna": 1.0,
"melee": 1.0,
"magic": 2.0,
"range": 1.0, # 4.0?
# Different boosts for each variant
#variantBoost = { "a": 0.1, "b": 1.0, "c": 1.25, "d": 1.75, "e": 2.5, "f": 4.0 }
#variantBaseLevel = { "a": 5, "b": 5, "c": 10, "d": 15, "e": 20, "f": 25 }
# variantBaseLevel = { "a": 25, "b": 25, "c": 30, "d": 35, "e": 40, "f": 45 }
randomVariance = 0.1 # Random variance on the generated sheets
# Random variance on the generated sheets
randomVariance = 0.1
# Spell time
spellBaseTime = 1.0
@ -81,13 +63,16 @@ spellRandomPostTime = 1.0
# magic_damage
# egs_static_ai_action.cpp
# Total Magic Damage = DamageValue + (SpellPowerFactor * creature.AttackLevel)
for spec in magicSpec:
# for variant in variantSpec:
name = "magic_damage_" + spec
randBoostFactor = zlib.crc32("SpellPowerFactor" + name) & 0xffffffff
randBoostFactor = (((randBoostFactor % 2000) - 1000) * randomVariance) / 1000.0
randBoostAdd = zlib.crc32("DamageValue" + name) & 0xffffffff
randBoostAdd = (((randBoostAdd % 2000) - 1000) * randomVariance) / 1000.0
# randBoostFactor = zlib.crc32("SpellPowerFactor" + name) & 0xffffffff
# randBoostFactor = (((randBoostFactor % 2000) - 1000) * randomVariance) / 1000.0
randBoostFactor = 0.0
# randBoostAdd = zlib.crc32("DamageValue" + name) & 0xffffffff
# randBoostAdd = (((randBoostAdd % 2000) - 1000) * randomVariance) / 1000.0
randBoostAdd = 0.0
randBaseTime = zlib.crc32("CastingTime" + name) & 0xffffffff
randBaseTime = ((randBaseTime % 1000) * spellRandomBaseTime) / 1000.0
randPostTime = zlib.crc32("PostActionTime" + name) & 0xffffffff
@ -95,7 +80,7 @@ for spec in magicSpec:
baseTime = int((spellBaseTime + randBaseTime) * 10.0) * 0.1
postTime = int((spellPostTime + randPostTime) * 10.0) * 0.1
totalTime = baseTime + postTime
maxLevelDamage = (maxScore * totalTime * magicDamageBoost) / combatTime
maxLevelDamage = (maxScore * totalTime * boosts["magic"]) / combatTime
damagePerLevel = maxLevelDamage / maxCharacteristic
damagePerLevelFactor = (damagePerLevel + (damagePerLevel * randBoostFactor)) # * variantBoost[variant]
damageAdd = (damagePerLevel + (damagePerLevel * randBoostAdd)) * minCharacteristic # * variantBaseLevel[variant]
@ -144,7 +129,7 @@ egsMinDamage = None
egsDamageStep = None
def printEgsConfiguration():
totalTime = 1.0 / (meleeReferenceHitRate / 10.0)
maxLevelDamage = (maxScore * totalTime * meleeDamageBoost) / combatTime
maxLevelDamage = (maxScore * totalTime * boosts["melee"]) / combatTime
damagePerLevel = (maxLevelDamage / maxCharacteristic)
damagePerLevelFactor = damagePerLevel # * variantBoost["b"]
damageAdd = damagePerLevel * minCharacteristic
@ -173,6 +158,32 @@ printEgsConfiguration()
# combat_melee
# egs_static_ai_action.cpp
# CWeaponDamageTable::getInstance().getRefenceDamage(itemQuality, attackerLevel)
for skill in base["combat"]:
for spec in base["combat"][skill]:
name = "combat_" + skill + "_" + spec
type = "Melee"
if skill == "range":
type = "Range"
combatDamageType = spec.upper()
if skill == "fauna":
behaviour = "CREATURE_ATTACK_0"
with open(aiActionFolder + "\\" + name + ".aiaction", "w") as f:
f.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n")
f.write("<FORM Version=\"4.0\" State=\"modified\">\n")
f.write(" <STRUCT>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"type\" Value=\"" + type + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"SpeedFactor\" Value=\"0\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"DamageFactor\" Value=\"0\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"DamageAdd\" Value=\"0\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"ArmorAbsorptionFactor\" Value=\"1.0\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"CombatDamageType\" Value=\"" + combatDamageType + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Critic\" Value=\"0.1\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"AimingType\" Value=\"Random\"/>\n")
f.write(" <ATOM Name=\"Behaviour\" Value=\"" + behaviour + "\"/>\n")
f.write(" </STRUCT>\n")
#for spec in meleeSpec:
# for variant in variantSpec: