Fix an issue where item in groups could not be moved

Multiple group move would result in some item beeing incorrectly marked as equipped

branch : fix_item_group
Guillaume Dupuy 8 years ago
parent 6c01ded28d
commit 7e1556520f

@ -488,8 +488,9 @@ bool CItemGroupManager::moveGroup(std::string name, INVENTORIES::TInventory dst)
for(int i=0;i<items.size();i++)
CInventoryItem item = items[i];
//If an item is currently equipped, don't move it (or else crash !!)
if(pIM->isBagItemWeared(item.indexInBag)) continue;
//Workaround: sometimes item are marked as equipped by pIM->isBagItemWeared() even tho they aren't really
//Because of a synchronisation error between client and server
if(isItemReallyEquipped(item.pCS)) continue;
CAHManager::getInstance()->runActionHandler("move_item", item.pCS, moveParams);
@ -709,6 +710,33 @@ std::string CItemGroupManager::toDbPath(INVENTORIES::TInventory inventory)
bool CItemGroupManager::isItemReallyEquipped(CDBCtrlSheet* item)
CDBCtrlSheet* pCS;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < MAX_EQUIPINV_ENTRIES; ++i)
SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment slot = (SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment)i;
//Instead of doing two separate for, just be a bit tricky for hand equipment
pCS = CInventoryManager::getInstance()->getHandSheet(0);
else if(slot == SLOT_EQUIPMENT::HANDL)
pCS = CInventoryManager::getInstance()->getHandSheet(1);
pCS = CInventoryManager::getInstance()->getEquipSheet(i);
if(!pCS) continue;
//Can't directly compare ID (as pCS is like "ui:interface:inv_equip:content:equip:armors:feet" and item is like "ui:interface:inv_pa3:content:iil:bag_list:list:sheet57")
//Instead check inventory + slot
if((pCS->getInventoryIndex() == item->getInventoryIndex())
&& (pCS->getIndexInDB() == item->getIndexInDB()))
return true;
return false;
std::vector<CInventoryItem> CItemGroupManager::matchingItems(CItemGroup *group, INVENTORIES::TInventory inventory)
//Not very clean, but no choice, it's ugly time

@ -115,6 +115,10 @@ private:
void validActions();
NLMISC::TGameCycle _EndInvalidAction;
NLMISC::TGameCycle _StartInvalidAction;
//Workaround: sometimes item are marked as equipped by pIM->isBagItemWeared() even tho they aren't really
//Because of a synchronisation error between client and server
bool isItemReallyEquipped(CDBCtrlSheet *item);
//Used to migrate old groups ; keep for compatibility purpose
bool migrateGroups();
