taking away the functions checkUser, checkEmail, checkpassword out of the module, the webuser/user handles this!

branch : quitta-gsoc-2013
Quitta 12 years ago
parent 609d2cf252
commit 502cb9fadc

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class Users{
* @takes $username
* @return string Info: Returns a string based on if the username is valid, if valid then "success" is returned
private function checkUser( $username )
public function checkUser( $username )
if ( isset( $username ) ){
if ( strlen( $username ) > 12 ){
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class Users{
* @takes $pass
* @return string Info: Returns a string based on if the password is valid, if valid then "success" is returned
private function checkPassword( $pass )
public function checkPassword( $pass )
if ( isset( $pass ) ){
if ( strlen( $pass ) > 20 ){

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
class WebUsers extends Users{
private $uId;
private $login;
private $email;
private $firstname;
private $lastname;
private $gender;
private $country;
private $receiveMail;
private $language;
function __construct($UId = 0) {
$this->uId = $UId;
public function set($values){
$this->uId = $values['UId'];
$this->login = $values['Login'];
$this->email = $values['Email'];
$this->firstname = $values['FirstName'];
$this->lastname = $values['LastName'];
$this->gender = $values['Gender'];
$this->country = $values['Country'];
$this->receiveMail = $values['ReceiveMail'];
$this->language = $values['Language'];
* Function checkUserNameExists
* @takes $username
* @return string Info: Returns true or false if the user is in the web db.
protected function checkUserNameExists($username){
return db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {users} WHERE name = :name", array(':name' => $username))->fetchField();
* Function checkEmailExists
* @takes $username
* @return string Info: Returns true or false if the user is in the www db.
protected function checkEmailExists($email){
return db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {users} WHERE mail = :mail", array(':mail' => $email))->fetchField();
* Function checkUserPassMatch
* @takes $username,$password
* @return string Info: Returns true or false if a login match is found in the web db
public function checkLoginMatch($username,$password){
$dbw = new DBLayer("web");
$statement = $dbw->execute("SELECT * FROM ams_user WHERE Login=:user", array('user' => $username));
$row = $statement->fetch();
$salt = substr($row['Password'],0,2);
$hashed_input_pass = crypt($password, $salt);
if($hashed_input_pass == $row['Password']){
return $row;
return "fail";
//returns te id for a given username
public static function getId($username){
$dbw = new DBLayer("web");
$statement = $dbw->execute("SELECT * FROM ams_user WHERE Login=:username", array('username' => $username));
$row = $statement->fetch();
return $row['UId'];
//returns te id for a given username
public static function getIdFromEmail($email){
$dbw = new DBLayer("web");
$statement = $dbw->execute("SELECT * FROM ams_user WHERE Email=:email", array('email' => $email));
$row = $statement->fetch();
return $row['UId'];
return "FALSE";
public function getUId(){
return $this->uId;
public function getUsername(){
$dbw = new DBLayer("web");
if(! isset($this->login) || $this->login == ""){
$statement = $dbw->execute("SELECT * FROM ams_user WHERE UId=:id", array('id' => $this->uId));
$row = $statement->fetch();
return $this->login;
public function getEmail(){
$dbw = new DBLayer("web");
if(! isset($this->email) || $this->email == ""){
$statement = $dbw->execute("SELECT * FROM ams_user WHERE UId=:id", array('id' => $this->uId));
$row = $statement->fetch();
return $this->email;
public function getInfo(){
$dbw = new DBLayer("web");
if(! (isset($this->firstname) && isset($this->lastname) && isset($this->gender) && isset($this->country) && isset($this->receiveMail) ) ||
$this->firstname == "" || $this->lastname == "" || $this->gender == "" || $this->country == "" || $this->receiveMail == ""){
$statement = $dbw->execute("SELECT * FROM ams_user WHERE UId=:id", array('id' => $this->uId));
$row = $statement->fetch();
$result = Array('FirstName' => $this->firstname, 'LastName' => $this->lastname, 'Gender' => $this->gender, 'Country' => $this->country, 'ReceiveMail' => $this->receiveMail);
return $result;
public function getReceiveMail(){
$dbw = new DBLayer("web");
if(! isset($this->receiveMail) || $this->receiveMail == ""){
$statement = $dbw->execute("SELECT * FROM ams_user WHERE UId=:id", array('id' => $this->uId));
$row = $statement->fetch();
return $this->receiveMail;
public function getLanguage(){
$dbw = new DBLayer("web");
if(! isset($this->language) || $this->language == ""){
$statement = $dbw->execute("SELECT * FROM ams_user WHERE UId=:id", array('id' => $this->uId));
$row = $statement->fetch();
return $this->language;
public function isLoggedIn(){
return true;
return false;
public function setPassword($user, $pass){
$reply = WebUsers::setAmsPassword($user, $pass);
$values = Array('user' => $user, 'pass' => $pass);
try {
//make connection with and put into shard db
$dbw = new DBLayer("web");
$dbw->execute("UPDATE ams_user SET Password = :pass WHERE Login = :user ",$values);
catch (PDOException $e) {
//ERROR: the web DB is offline
return $reply;
public function setEmail($user, $mail){
$reply = WebUsers::setAmsEmail($user, $mail);
$values = Array('user' => $user, 'mail' => $mail);
try {
//make connection with and put into shard db
$dbw = new DBLayer("web");
$dbw->execute("UPDATE ams_user SET Email = :mail WHERE Login = :user ",$values);
catch (PDOException $e) {
//ERROR: the web DB is offline
return $reply;
public static function setReceiveMail($user, $receivemail){
$values = Array('user' => $user, 'receivemail' => $receivemail);
try {
//make connection with and put into shard db
$dbw = new DBLayer("web");
$dbw->execute("UPDATE ams_user SET ReceiveMail = :receivemail WHERE UId = :user ",$values);
catch (PDOException $e) {
//ERROR: the web DB is offline
public static function setLanguage($user, $language){
$values = Array('user' => $user, 'language' => $language);
try {
//make connection with and put into shard db
$dbw = new DBLayer("web");
$dbw->execute("UPDATE ams_user SET Language = :language WHERE UId = :user ",$values);
catch (PDOException $e) {
//ERROR: the web DB is offline
public function getUsers(){
$dbl = new DBLayer("web");
$data = $dbl->executeWithoutParams("SELECT * FROM ams_user");
return $data;
public static function getAllUsersQuery(){
return "SELECT * FROM ams_user";
public static function createWebuser($name, $pass, $mail){
//register account with the correct language (check if cookie is already set)!
if ( isset( $_COOKIE['Language'] ) ) {
$lang = $_COOKIE['Language'];
$values = Array('name' => $name, 'pass' => $pass, 'mail' => $mail, 'lang' => $lang);
try {
$dbw = new DBLayer("web");
return $dbw->executeReturnId("INSERT INTO ams_user (Login, Password, Email, Language) VALUES (:name, :pass, :mail, :lang)",$values);
catch (PDOException $e) {
//ERROR: the web DB is offline

@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ function ryzommanage_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id)
function _webpage_registration(&$form_state)
$user = checkUser($form_state['account']['name']['#value']);
$email = validEmail($form_state['account']['mail']['#value']);
$webUser = new WebUsers();
$user = $webUser->checkUser($form_state['account']['name']['#value']);
$email = $webUser->validEmail($form_state['account']['mail']['#value']);
if ($user != "success") {
form_set_error('name', t($user));
@ -71,12 +71,13 @@ function _webpage_registration(&$form_state)
function _webpage_profile(&$form_state)
$email = validEmail($form_state['account']['mail']['#value']);
$webUser = new WebUsers();
$email = $webUser->validEmail($form_state['account']['mail']['#value']);
if ($email != "success") {
form_set_error('mail', t('Not a valid email address, please check it and try again.'));
if ((checkPassword($form_state['account']['pass']['#value']['pass1']) == "success" ) and ( $form_state['account']['pass']['#value']['pass1'] ==
if (($webUser->checkPassword($form_state['account']['pass']['#value']['pass1']) == "success" ) and ( $form_state['account']['pass']['#value']['pass1'] ==
$form_state['account']['pass']['#value']['pass2'] )) {
@ -329,7 +330,7 @@ function return_client_httpdata()
* Info: Returns a string based on if the username is valid, if valid then "success" is returned
function checkUser($username)
/*function checkUser($username)
if (isset($username)) {
if (strlen($username) > 12) {
@ -349,7 +350,7 @@ function checkUser($username)
return "success";
return "fail";
* Function checkPassword
@ -360,7 +361,7 @@ function checkUser($username)
* Info: Returns a string based on if the password is valid, if valid then "success" is returned
function checkPassword($pass)
/*function checkPassword($pass)
if (isset($pass)) {
if (strlen($pass) > 20) {
@ -372,7 +373,7 @@ function checkPassword($pass)
return "fail";
* Function confirmPassword
@ -402,7 +403,7 @@ function confirmPassword()
function checkEmail($email)
/*function checkEmail($email)
if (isset($email)) {
if (!validEmail($email)) {
@ -461,7 +462,7 @@ function validEmail($email)
return $isValid;
@ -503,7 +504,6 @@ function createUser($values, $user_id)
//Create the user on the shard + in case shard is offline put copy of query in query db
//returns: ok, shardoffline or liboffline
$result = WebUsers::createUser($params, $user_id);
echo $result;
