@ -144,8 +144,25 @@ CConfigFile::CConfigFile(QObject *parent):QObject(parent), m_defaultServerIndex(
s_instance = this;
m_language = QLocale::system().name().left(2); // only keep language ISO 639 code
m_defaultConfigPath = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/installer.ini";
// only keep language ISO 639 code
m_language = QLocale::system().name().left(2);
// it won't be found if run with uninstall flag, but since we already have a local installer.ini...
QString configFile = getCurrentDirectory() + "/installer.ini";
if (!QFile::exists(configFile))
configFile = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/installer.ini";
if (!QFile::exists(configFile))
m_defaultConfigPath = configFile;
// the config file we'll write
m_configPath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation) + "/installer.ini";