@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ void vpLightFunctions(std::stringstream &ss, const CVPBuiltin &desc, int i)
ss << "}" << std::endl;
ss << std::endl;
ss << "vec4 getLight" << i << "Color()" << std::endl;
ss << "void getLight" << i << "Color(out vec4 lightDiffuse, out vec4 lightSpecular)" << std::endl;
ss << "{" << std::endl;
ss << "vec4 lightDir4 = viewMatrix * vec4(light" << i << "DirOrPos, 1.0);" << std::endl;
ss << "vec3 lightDir = lightDir4.xyz / lightDir4.w;" << std::endl;
@ -112,12 +112,8 @@ void vpLightFunctions(std::stringstream &ss, const CVPBuiltin &desc, int i)
ss << "normal3 = normalMatrix * normal3;" << std::endl;
ss << "normal3 = normalize(normal3);" << std::endl;
ss << "vec4 lc = getIntensity" << i << "(normal3, lightDir) * light" << i << "ColDiff + ";
ss << "getSpecIntensity" << i << "(normal3, lightDir) * light" << i << "ColSpec;" << std::endl;
// ss << "return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);" << std::endl; // DISABLE DIR LIGHT
ss << "return lc;" << std::endl;
ss << "lightDiffuse = getIntensity" << i << "(normal3, lightDir) * light" << i << "ColDiff;" << std::endl;
ss << "lightSpecular = getSpecIntensity" << i << "(normal3, lightDir) * light" << i << "ColSpec;" << std::endl;
ss << "}" << std::endl;
ss << std::endl;
@ -140,7 +136,7 @@ void vpLightFunctions(std::stringstream &ss, const CVPBuiltin &desc, int i)
ss << "}" << std::endl;
ss << std::endl;
ss << "vec4 getLight" << i << "Color()" << std::endl;
ss << "void getLight" << i << "Color(out vec4 lightDiffuse, out vec4 lightSpecular)" << std::endl;
ss << "{" << std::endl;
ss << "vec3 ecPos3 = ecPos4.xyz / ecPos4.w;" << std::endl;
ss << "vec4 lightPos4 = viewMatrix * vec4(light" << i << "DirOrPos, 1.0);" << std::endl;
@ -158,14 +154,9 @@ void vpLightFunctions(std::stringstream &ss, const CVPBuiltin &desc, int i)
ss << "normal3 = normalMatrix * normal3;" << std::endl;
ss << "normal3 = normalize(normal3);" << std::endl;
ss << "vec4 lc = getIntensity" << i << "(normal3, lightDirection) * light" << i << "ColDiff + ";
ss << "getSpecIntensity" << i << "(normal3, lightDirection) * light" << i << "ColSpec;" << std::endl;
ss << "lc = lc / attenuation;" << std::endl;
// ss << "return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);" << std::endl; // DISABLE POINT LIGHT
ss << "return lc;" << std::endl;
ss << "float invattn = 1.0 / attenuation;" << std::endl;
ss << "lightDiffuse = getIntensity" << i << "(normal3, lightDirection) * invattn * light" << i << "ColDiff;" << std::endl;
ss << "lightSpecular = getSpecIntensity" << i << "(normal3, lightDirection) * invattn * light" << i << "ColSpec;" << std::endl;
ss << "}" << std::endl;
ss << std::endl;
@ -195,7 +186,7 @@ void vpGenerate(std::string &result, const CVPBuiltin &desc)
ss << std::endl;
for (int i = Weight; i < NumOffsets; ++i)
if (hasFlag(desc.VertexFormat, g_VertexFlags[i]))
if (hasFlag(desc.VertexFormat, g_VertexFlags[i]) && (i != PrimaryColor) && (i != SecondaryColor))
ss << "smooth out vec4 " << g_AttribNames[i] << "; // vertex buffer" << std::endl;
ss << std::endl;
@ -221,13 +212,19 @@ void vpGenerate(std::string &result, const CVPBuiltin &desc)
ss << "smooth out vec4 ecPos;" << std::endl;
ss << std::endl;
bool vertexColor = desc.Lighting
|| desc.VertexFormat & (g_VertexFlags[PrimaryColor] | g_VertexFlags[SecondaryColor]);
if (vertexColor)
ss << "smooth out vec4 vertexColor;" << std::endl;
ss << std::endl;
if (desc.Lighting)
ss << "uniform mat3 normalMatrix;" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < NL_OPENGL3_MAX_LIGHT; ++i)
vpLightUniforms(ss, desc, i);
ss << "smooth out vec4 lightColor;" << std::endl;
ss << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < NL_OPENGL3_MAX_LIGHT; ++i)
vpLightFunctions(ss, desc, i);
@ -237,26 +234,79 @@ void vpGenerate(std::string &result, const CVPBuiltin &desc)
ss << "void main(void)" << std::endl;
ss << "{" << std::endl;
ss << "gl_Position = modelViewProjection * " << "v" << g_AttribNames[0] << ";" << std::endl;
ss << std::endl;
if (desc.Fog || desc.Lighting)
ss << "ecPos4 = modelView * v" << g_AttribNames[0] << ";" << std::endl;
if (desc.Fog)
ss << "ecPos = ecPos4;" << std::endl;
ss << std::endl;
bool diffuseColor = desc.Lighting || desc.VertexFormat & g_VertexFlags[PrimaryColor];
bool specularColor = desc.Lighting || desc.VertexFormat & g_VertexFlags[SecondaryColor];
if (diffuseColor) ss << "vec4 diffuseColor;" << std::endl;
if (specularColor) ss << "vec4 specularColor;" << std::endl;
ss << std::endl;
if (desc.Lighting)
ss << "lightColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);" << std::endl;
// Calculate lights
ss << "diffuseColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);" << std::endl;
ss << "specularColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);" << std::endl;
ss << "vec4 diffuseLight;" << std::endl;
ss << "vec4 specularLight;" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < NL_OPENGL3_MAX_LIGHT; i++)
if (desc.LightMode[i] == CLight::DirectionalLight || desc.LightMode[i] == CLight::PointLight)
ss << "lightColor = lightColor + getLight" << i << "Color();" << std::endl;
ss << "lightColor = lightColor + selfIllumination;" << std::endl;
//ss << "lightColor = selfIllumination;" << std::endl; // DEBUG
ss << "lightColor.a = 1.0;" << std::endl; // ...
ss << "getLight" << i << "Color(diffuseLight, specularLight);" << std::endl;
ss << "diffuseColor = diffuseColor + diffuseLight;" << std::endl;
ss << "specularColor = specularColor + specularLight;" << std::endl;
ss << "diffuseColor.a = 1.0;" << std::endl; // ...
ss << "specularColor.a = 1.0;" << std::endl; // ...
// Multiply with vertex colors
if (desc.VertexFormat & g_VertexFlags[PrimaryColor])
ss << "diffuseColor = diffuseColor * vprimaryColor;" << std::endl;
if (desc.VertexFormat & g_VertexFlags[SecondaryColor])
ss << "specularColor = specularColor * vsecondaryColor;" << std::endl;
if (desc.VertexFormat & g_VertexFlags[PrimaryColor])
ss << "diffuseColor = vprimaryColor;" << std::endl;
if (desc.VertexFormat & g_VertexFlags[SecondaryColor])
nlwarning("VP: Secondary color in vertex buffer without lighting");
ss << "specularColor = vsecondaryColor;" << std::endl;
// Add diffuse and specular color
if (diffuseColor)
ss << "vertexColor = diffuseColor;" << std::endl;
if (specularColor) ss << "vertexColor.rgb = vertexColor.rgb + (specularColor.rgb * specularColor.a);" << std::endl; // Verify
else if (specularColor)
nlwarning("VP: Vertex color only consists of specular color");
ss << "vertexColor = specularColor;" << std::endl;
if (desc.Lighting)
ss << "vertexColor.rgb = vertexColor.rgb + selfIllumination.rgb;" << std::endl; // Note: Alpha of self illumination is ignored
// ss << "vertexColor.r = 1.0; // DEBUG" << std::endl;
ss << std::endl;
for (int i = Weight; i < NumOffsets; i++)
if (hasFlag(desc.VertexFormat, g_VertexFlags[i]))
if (hasFlag(desc.VertexFormat, g_VertexFlags[i]) && (i != PrimaryColor) && (i != SecondaryColor))
ss << g_AttribNames[i] << " = " << "v" << g_AttribNames[i] << ";" << std::endl;