Added: Required files for client

branch : compatibility-develop
kervala 7 years ago
parent 3b9550ca2a
commit 37f5f6ef5b

@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
// If you set this variable to 1, your client.cfg will be overwritten when you quit the client.
// You will loose all the comments and identation in this file.
SaveConfig = 1;
Driver3D="Auto"; // Valid values are "Auto" or "0", "OpengGL" or "1" & "Direct3D" or "2"
// "Auto" will choose the best suited driver depending on hardware
FullScreen = 1;
Width = 0;
Height = 0;
PositionX = 0;
PositionY = 0;
Frequency = 0;
Depth = 32;
Sleep = -1;
ProcessPriority = 0; // -2 = idle, -1 = below normal, 0 = normal, 1 = above normal, 2 = high, 3 = real time
Contrast = 0.0; // -1.0 ~ 1.0
Luminosity = 0.0; // -1.0 ~ 1.0
Gamma = 0.0; // -1.0 ~ 1.0
Contrast_min = -1.0;
Luminosity_min = -1.0;
Gamma_min = -1.0;
Contrast_max = 1.0;
Luminosity_max = 1.0;
Gamma_max = 1.0;
Application = { "ryzom_live", "./client_ryzom_r.exe", "./" };
BackgroundDownloader = 0;
StartupHost = "";
StartupPage = "/login/r2_login.php";
ConditionsTermsURL = "";
LoginSupportURL = "";
NamingPolicyURL = "";
// Full path and filename where cURL can find certificate bundle file
// cacert.pem file can be downloaded from
// and added to client data path or system specific bundle can be used
// Ubuntu has "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
// % = defaultConfigFilePath
CurlCABundle = "%cacert.pem";
// the language to use as in ISO 639-2
LanguageCode = "en"; // english
XMLInputFile = "input_config_v3.xml";
XMLLoginInterfaceFiles = {
XMLOutGameInterfaceFiles = {
// The ligo primitive class file
LigoPrimitiveClass = "world_editor_classes.xml";
VerboseLog = 1;
// MOUSE //
HardwareCursor = 1;
CursorSpeed = 1.0; // In pixels per mickey
CursorSpeed_min = 0.5;
CursorSpeed_max = 2.0;
CursorAcceleration = 40; // Threshold in mickey
CursorAcceleration_min = 20;
CursorAcceleration_max = 80;
FreeLookSpeed = 0.004; // In radian per mickey
FreeLookSpeed_min = 0.0001;
FreeLookSpeed_max = 0.01;
FreeLookAcceleration = 40; // Threshold in mickey
FreeLookAcceleration_min = 20;
FreeLookAcceleration_max = 80;
FreeLookInverted = 0;
FreeLookTablet = 0;
AutomaticCamera = 0;
DblClickMode = 1;
AutoEquipTool = 1;
// NB: thoses variables configure also the InGameConfigurator:
// _min and _max define the bounds
// _step defines the step (NB: take care of _min and _max!!)
// _ps0 is the LOW preset, _ps1 is the MEDIUM preset, _ps2 is the NORMAL Preset, and _ps3 is the HIGH one
LandscapeTileNear = 50.000000;
LandscapeTileNear_min = 20.000000;
LandscapeTileNear_max = 100.000000;
LandscapeTileNear_step = 10.0;
LandscapeTileNear_ps0 = 20.0;
LandscapeTileNear_ps1 = 40.0;
LandscapeTileNear_ps2 = 50.0;
LandscapeTileNear_ps3 = 80.0;
// NB: threshold is inverted ULandscape::setThreshold(), to be more intelligible
LandscapeThreshold = 1000.0;
LandscapeThreshold_min = 100.0; // Low quality => 0.01 threshold
LandscapeThreshold_max = 2000.0; // High quality => 0.0005 threshold
LandscapeThreshold_step = 100.0;
LandscapeThreshold_ps0 = 100.0;
LandscapeThreshold_ps1 = 500.0;
LandscapeThreshold_ps2 = 1000.0;
LandscapeThreshold_ps3 = 2000.0;
Vision = 500.000000;
Vision_min = 200.000000;
Vision_max = 800.000000;
Vision_step = 100.000000;
Vision_ps0 = 200.0;
Vision_ps1 = 400.0;
Vision_ps2 = 500.0;
Vision_ps3 = 800.0;
MicroVeget = 1; // Enable/Disable MicroVeget.
MicroVeget_ps0 = 0;
MicroVeget_ps1 = 1;
MicroVeget_ps2 = 1;
MicroVeget_ps3 = 1;
MicroVegetDensity = 80.0;
MicroVegetDensity_min = 10.0;
MicroVegetDensity_max = 100.0;
MicroVegetDensity_step = 10.0;
MicroVegetDensity_ps0 = 10.0; // not used since disabled!
MicroVegetDensity_ps1 = 30.0;
MicroVegetDensity_ps2 = 80.0;
MicroVegetDensity_ps3 = 100.0;
// *** FX
FxNbMaxPoly = 20000;
FxNbMaxPoly_min = 2000;
FxNbMaxPoly_max = 50000;
FxNbMaxPoly_step= 2000;
FxNbMaxPoly_ps0 = 2000;
FxNbMaxPoly_ps1 = 10000;
FxNbMaxPoly_ps2 = 20000;
FxNbMaxPoly_ps3 = 50000;
Cloud = 1;
Cloud_ps0 = 0 ;
Cloud_ps1 = 1 ;
Cloud_ps2 = 1 ;
Cloud_ps3 = 1 ;
CloudQuality = 160.0;
CloudQuality_min = 80.0;
CloudQuality_max = 320.0;
CloudQuality_step = 20.0;
CloudQuality_ps0 = 80.0; // not used since disabled!
CloudQuality_ps1 = 80.0;
CloudQuality_ps2 = 160.0;
CloudQuality_ps3 = 320.0;
CloudUpdate = 1;
CloudUpdate_min = 1;
CloudUpdate_max = 8;
CloudUpdate_step= 1;
CloudUpdate_ps0 = 1; // not used since disabled!
CloudUpdate_ps1 = 1;
CloudUpdate_ps2 = 1;
CloudUpdate_ps3 = 3;
Shadows = 1;
Shadows_ps0 = 0;
Shadows_ps1 = 1;
Shadows_ps2 = 1;
Shadows_ps3 = 1;
FXAA = 1;
FXAA_ps0 = 0;
FXAA_ps1 = 1;
FXAA_ps2 = 1;
FXAA_ps3 = 1;
AnisotropicFilter = 0;
Bloom = 1;
Bloom_ps0 = 0;
Bloom_ps1 = 1;
Bloom_ps2 = 1;
Bloom_ps3 = 1;
SquareBloom = 1;
SquareBloom_ps0 = 0;
SquareBloom_ps1 = 1;
SquareBloom_ps2 = 1;
SquareBloom_ps3 = 1;
DensityBloom = 255.0;
DensityBloom_min = 0.0;
DensityBloom_max = 255.0;
DensityBloom_step = 1.0;
DensityBloom_ps0 = 255.0;
DensityBloom_ps1 = 255.0;
DensityBloom_ps2 = 255.0;
DensityBloom_ps3 = 255.0;
SkinNbMaxPoly = 100000;
SkinNbMaxPoly_min = 5000;
SkinNbMaxPoly_max = 250000;
SkinNbMaxPoly_step = 5000;
SkinNbMaxPoly_ps0 = 10000;
SkinNbMaxPoly_ps1 = 70000;
SkinNbMaxPoly_ps2 = 100000;
SkinNbMaxPoly_ps3 = 200000;
NbMaxSkeletonNotCLod = 125;
NbMaxSkeletonNotCLod_min = 5;
NbMaxSkeletonNotCLod_max = 255;
NbMaxSkeletonNotCLod_step = 5;
NbMaxSkeletonNotCLod_ps0 = 10;
NbMaxSkeletonNotCLod_ps1 = 50;
NbMaxSkeletonNotCLod_ps2 = 125;
NbMaxSkeletonNotCLod_ps3 = 255;
CharacterFarClip = 200.0;
CharacterFarClip_min = 50.0;
CharacterFarClip_max = 500.0;
CharacterFarClip_step = 10.0;
CharacterFarClip_ps0 = 50.0;
CharacterFarClip_ps1 = 100.0;
CharacterFarClip_ps2 = 200.0;
CharacterFarClip_ps3 = 500.0;
EnableRacialAnimation = 1;
// *** MISC
// This is the actual aspect ratio of your screen (no relation with the resolution!!). Set 1.7777 if you got a 16/9 screen for instance
ScreenAspectRatio = 0.0;
ForceDXTC = 1; // Enable/Disable DXTC.
DivideTextureSizeBy2= 0; // Divide texture size
DisableVtxProgram = 0; // Disable Hardware Vertex Program.
DisableVtxAGP = 0; // Disable Hardware Vertex AGP.
DisableTextureShdr = 0; // Disable Hardware Texture Shader.
HDEntityTexture = 1;
HDTextureInstalled = 1;
WaitVBL = 0; // 0 or 1 to wait Vertical Sync.
SelectWithRClick = 1;
DisplayWeapons = 1;
RotKeySpeedMax = 2.0;
RotKeySpeedMax_min = 1.0;
RotKeySpeedMax_max = 4.0;
RotKeySpeedMin = 1.0;
RotKeySpeedMin_min = 0.5;
RotKeySpeedMin_max = 2.0;
RotAccel = 3.0;
FollowOnAtk = 0;
AtkOnSelect = 0;
ZCPacsPrim = "gen_bt_col_ext.pacs_prim";
FPV = 0; // FPV(First Person View) : default is false (Third Person View).
CameraHeight = 2.2; // Camera Height (in meter) from the ground (for the Third Person View).
CameraDistance = 3.0; // Camera Distance(in meter) from the user (for the Third Person View).
CameraDistStep = 1.0;
CameraDistMin = 1.0;
CameraDistMax = 25.0;
CameraAccel = 5.0;
CameraSpeedMin = 2.0;
CameraSpeedMax = 100.0;
CameraResetSpeed = 10.0; // Speed in radian/s
// Default values for map
MaxMapScale = 2.0;
R2EDMaxMapScale = 8.0;
SoundForceSoftwareBuffer= 1;
SoundOn = 1;
UseEax = 0;
MaxTrack = 32;
MaxTrack_min = 4;
MaxTrack_max = 32;
MaxTrack_step = 4;
// This is the volume for "InGame" sound FXs
SoundSFXVolume = 1.0;
SoundSFXVolume_min = 0.0;
SoundSFXVolume_max = 1.0;
SoundSFXVolume_step = 0.001;
// This is volume for "InGame" music. Does not affect the MP3 player
SoundGameMusicVolume = 0.5;
SoundGameMusicVolume_min = 0.0;
SoundGameMusicVolume_max = 1.0;
SoundGameMusicVolume_step = 0.001;
PreDataPath = { "user", "patch", "data", "examples" };
NeedComputeVS = 0;
NegFiltersDebug = {"Update DB", "Reading:", "Read Value :", "impulseCallBack", "CLIMPD:", "LNET" };
NegFiltersInfo = { "CLIMPD:", "CPath::lookup" , "LNET" };
NegFiltersWarning = { "'basics.Equipment Slot'.", "_usercolor.tga", "PACS" };
// Big screen shot
ScreenShotWidth = 0;
ScreenShotHeight = 0;
ScreenShotFullDetail = 1; // 1 to switch full detail mode for characters (both standard & big screenshots)
// Read : "ID", "R G B A MODE [FX]"
SystemInfoColors =
// OLD STUFF Here for compatibility
"RG", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error
"BC", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error
"JA", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error
"BL", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error
"VE", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error
"VI", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error
// NEW System Info Categories
"SYS", "255 255 255 255 normal", // Default system messages
"BC", "255 255 255 255 centeraround", // Broadcast messages
"TAGBC", "255 255 255 255 centeraround", // Taged broadcast messages : color should remain white as some word are tagged
"XP", "255 255 64 255 over", // XP Gain
"SP", "255 255 64 255 over", // SP Gain
"TTL", "255 255 64 255 over", // Title
"TSK", "255 255 255 255 over", // Task
"ZON", "255 255 255 255 center", // Zone
"DG", "255 0 0 255 normal", // Damage to me
"DMG", "255 0 0 255 normal", // Damage to me
"DGP", "200 0 0 255 normal", // Damage to me from player
"DGM", "255 128 64 255 normal", // Damage from me
"MIS", "150 150 150 255 normal", // The opponent misses
"MISM", "255 255 255 255 normal", // I miss
"ITM", "0 200 0 255 over", // Item
"ITMO", "170 170 255 255 overonly", // Item other in group
"ITMF", "220 0 220 255 over", // Item failed
"SPL", "50 50 250 255 normal", // Spell to me
"SPLM", "50 150 250 255 normal", // Spell from me
"EMT", "255 150 150 255 normal", // Emote
"MTD", "255 255 0 255 over", // Message Of The Day
"FORLD","64 255 64 255 overonly", // Forage Locate Deposit
"CHK", "255 120 60 255 center", // Tous ce qui ne remplit pas une condition
"CHKCB","255 255 0 255 center", // Tous ce qui ne remplit pas une condition en combat (trop loin, cible invalide, pas assez de mana, etc.)
"PVPTM","255 120 60 255 overonly", // PVP timer
"THM", "255 255 64 255 over", // Thema finished
"AMB", "255 255 64 255 center", // Ambiance
"ISE", "192 208 255 255 normal", // Item special effect
"ISE2", "192 208 255 255 center", // Item special effect with center text (for effects without flying text)
"OSM", "128 160 255 255 center", // Outpost state message
"AROUND","255 255 0 255 around", // Only in around channel
"R2_INVITE","0 255 0 255 around", // Ring invitation
PrintfCommands = {
"52", "15", "55 55 0 255", "28", "uiChapterV", "624",
"428", "0 0 0 255", "18", "", "624", "378",
"0 0 0 255", "14", "", "644", "278", "0 0 0 255",
"18", "", "52", "17", "255 255 255 255", "28",
"uiChapterV", "622", "430", "255 255 255 255", "18", "",
"622", "380", "255 255 255 255", "14", "", "642",
"280", "255 255 255 255", "18", ""
PrintfCommandsFreeTrial = {
"52", "15", "55 55 0 255", "28", "uiChapterV", "624",
"428", "0 0 0 255", "18", "", "624", "378",
"0 0 0 255", "14", "", "644", "278", "0 0 0 255",
"18", "", "52", "17", "255 255 255 255", "28",
"uiChapterV", "622", "430", "255 255 255 255", "18", "",
"622", "380", "255 255 255 255", "14", "", "642",
"280", "255 255 255 255", "18", ""
DisplayMissingAnimFile = 0;
LoadingStringCount = 54;
// Some R2 parameters ...
R2Mode = 1;
R2EDEnabled = 1;
R2EDExtendedDebug = 0;
R2EDLightPalette = 0;
R2ClientGw = "r2linux01";
LoadLuaDebugger = 0;
CheckR2ScenarioMD5 = 1;
LevelDesignEnabled = 0;
DmCameraDistMax = 25;
DmRun = 20;
DmWalk = 6;
R2EDReloadFiles = {
XMLInterfaceFiles = {
XMLR2EDInterfaceFiles =
FogDistAndDepthLookupBias = 20; // bias for lookup of fog distance and depth
// Hardware cursor textures
// These will be extracted from the corresponding packed ui .tga files when they are loaded
// *
// * individual .tga files for hardware cursor bitmap not looked for, and not supported yet
HardwareCursors =
Loading_BG = "new_loading_bg.tga"; // Default name for the loading background file.
Launch_BG = "new_launcher_bg.tga"; // Default name for the launch background file.
TeleportKami_BG = "new_teleport_kami_bg.tga";
TeleportKaravan_BG = "new_teleport_caravan_bg.tga";
Elevator_BG = "new_elevator_bg.tga"; // Default name for the loading background file.
ResurectKami_BG = "new_resurect_kami_bg.tga";
ResurectKaravan_BG = "new_resurect_caravane_bg.tga";
End_BG = "end_bg.tga"; // Default name for the last background file.
ScenarioSavePath = "./my_scenarios/";
// list ofpredefined keyset
// name will be looked up in the translation file by searching 'uiCP_KeysetName_" + id
// tooltip will be looked up in the translation file by searching 'uiCP_KeysetTooltip_" + id
// 'bi.' stands for built-in
// note : we add a dot in the name to be sure that there cannot be a conflict with character keyset name
BuiltInKeySets =
"", // default ryzom keyboard layout
"bi.zqsd", // european keyboard fps displacement style (NB : don't change this layout name, ryzom will automatically select it if keyboard is french or belgian)
"bi.wasd", // english keyboard fps displacement style (NB : don't change this layout name, ryzom will automatically select it if keyboard is not french nor belgian)
"bi.wow_alike" // 'world of warcraft' like keyboard style. (NB : not available for ring)
// "Newbie Training", "Story Telling", "Mistery", "Hack & Slash", "Guild Training", "Other"
ScenarioTypes = {"so_newbie_training","so_story_telling","so_mistery","so_hack_slash","so_guild_training","so_other"};
ScenarioLanguages = {"fr","de","en","other_lang"};
// Map each language to a forum help page
HelpPages =
WebIgMainDomain = "";
WebIgTrustedDomains = {
"", ""
PatchletUrl = "";
SelectedSlot = 0;
BuildName = "RELEASE_HEAD";

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
INSTALL(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ryzom_client.desktop" DESTINATION share/applications)
INSTALL(FILES ryzom_client.png DESTINATION share/pixmaps)
INSTALL(FILES ryzom_client.xpm DESTINATION share/pixmaps)
INSTALL(FILES ryzom_16x16.png DESTINATION share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps RENAME ${RYZOM_CLIENT_ICON}.png)
INSTALL(FILES ryzom_22x22.png DESTINATION share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps RENAME ${RYZOM_CLIENT_ICON}.png)
INSTALL(FILES ryzom_24x24.png DESTINATION share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps RENAME ${RYZOM_CLIENT_ICON}.png)
INSTALL(FILES ryzom_32x32.png DESTINATION share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps RENAME ${RYZOM_CLIENT_ICON}.png)
INSTALL(FILES ryzom_48x48.png DESTINATION share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps RENAME ${RYZOM_CLIENT_ICON}.png)
INSTALL(FILES ryzom_128x128.png DESTINATION share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps RENAME ${RYZOM_CLIENT_ICON}.png)
# in case of local client, only copy 48x48 icon

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 37 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.4 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.8 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.1 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 133 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.3 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 6.5 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 11 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Game client
Comment=Ryzom client
Comment[fr_FR]=Client Ryzom

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 6.5 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
/* XPM */
static char *ryzom[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"32 32 227 2 ",
" c #281C09",
". c #1D250B",
"X c #2A360B",
"o c #39360D",
"O c #2A2C17",
"+ c #332A10",
"@ c #2D3411",
"# c #333312",
"$ c #373817",
"% c #30290F",
"& c #2C3523",
"* c #3B3E2B",
"= c #343826",
"- c #3B2F3F",
"; c #383A38",
": c #252B2B",
"> c #483818",
", c #523A19",
"< c #402D0E",
"1 c #443A21",
"2 c #483F31",
"3 c #3C4C15",
"4 c #384717",
"5 c #3C5415",
"6 c #3B5315",
"7 c #3B4426",
"8 c #3D5029",
"9 c #384435",
"0 c #344934",
"q c #47491A",
"w c #52461C",
"e c #42541B",
"r c #455719",
"t c #51581D",
"y c #67421B",
"u c #63531F",
"i c #4C6519",
"p c #58661E",
"a c #5B761F",
"s c #4C781A",
"d c #6E6E1E",
"f c #4B4224",
"g c #444A23",
"h c #464728",
"j c #594222",
"k c #564C23",
"l c #564A28",
"z c #495A28",
"x c #535423",
"c c #585728",
"v c #464333",
"b c #494934",
"n c #454738",
"m c #564C31",
"M c #4C513D",
"N c #555334",
"B c #55533B",
"V c #585935",
"C c #6A4D26",
"Z c #714F22",
"A c #695629",
"S c #785724",
"D c #63563B",
"F c #695838",
"G c #4C6327",
"H c #566727",
"J c #557521",
"K c #5A7D24",
"L c #587728",
"P c #526334",
"I c #56613A",
"U c #5A7633",
"Y c #4B6E33",
"T c #626826",
"R c #756A27",
"E c #667E28",
"W c #72772A",
"Q c #6C643C",
"! c #75663A",
"~ c #64753A",
"^ c #7E7535",
"/ c #2E3B4A",
"( c #353445",
") c #353649",
"_ c #373849",
"` c #3C4B4C",
"' c #384949",
"] c #2D4459",
"[ c #334B5B",
"{ c #394455",
"} c #3E5455",
"| c #2E4B64",
" . c #374E64",
".. c #3C5464",
"X. c #335269",
"o. c #385567",
"O. c #3F677A",
"+. c #454E45",
"@. c #495746",
"#. c #535443",
"$. c #5C5A4B",
"%. c #575848",
"&. c #45545A",
"*. c #495D5B",
"=. c #465656",
"-. c #515C54",
";. c #675C48",
":. c #625D53",
">. c #536349",
",. c #576D4A",
"<. c #576959",
"1. c #4E6244",
"2. c #6C634B",
"3. c #656649",
"4. c #766E4E",
"5. c #69774A",
"6. c #6B6452",
"7. c #6B6A56",
"8. c #66695B",
"9. c #736D56",
"0. c #687A56",
"q. c #7C795C",
"w. c #7C754E",
"e. c #445C63",
"r. c #455B68",
"t. c #4E6766",
"y. c #556867",
"u. c #597764",
"i. c #436274",
"p. c #4C6672",
"a. c #4D6B7A",
"s. c #5B7271",
"d. c #4A7661",
"f. c #666C66",
"g. c #67756B",
"h. c #7B7A62",
"j. c #787868",
"k. c #6B7877",
"l. c #7A7E77",
"z. c #805D3A",
"x. c #84652C",
"c. c #876A38",
"v. c #837536",
"b. c #957530",
"n. c #A47E33",
"m. c #80684D",
"M. c #827255",
"N. c #847051",
"B. c #A0764C",
"V. c #837B64",
"C. c #877865",
"Z. c #817675",
"A. c #5A8622",
"S. c #648627",
"D. c #668833",
"F. c #65834A",
"G. c #708046",
"H. c #7C885D",
"J. c #6F8E4F",
"K. c #7E916F",
"L. c #768679",
"P. c #738571",
"I. c #87882C",
"U. c #979237",
"Y. c #A68B3C",
"T. c #A79035",
"R. c #928E52",
"E. c #89A556",
"W. c #878469",
"Q. c #928A6D",
"!. c #898677",
"~. c #958674",
"^. c #94987D",
"/. c #8E9A70",
"(. c #AA926F",
"). c #94A57F",
"_. c #AEA278",
"`. c #CCB055",
"'. c #C9A453",
"]. c #D4B874",
"[. c #C6A166",
"{. c #4B6D83",
"}. c #4A7787",
"|. c #587789",
" X c #627A84",
".X c #617780",
"XX c #518395",
"oX c #688089",
"OX c #758887",
"+X c #688798",
"@X c #7B8F95",
"#X c #7A959E",
"$X c #6E8EA0",
"%X c #6E90A3",
"&X c #868887",
"*X c #889487",
"=X c #969589",
"-X c #8A9695",
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