@ -1972,54 +1972,42 @@ void CClientConfig::release ()
// Do we have to save the cfg file ?
if (ClientCfg.SaveConfig)
// Driver still alive ?
if (Driver && Driver->isActive ())
// Save values
sint32 x, y;
uint32 width, height;
CConfigFile::CVar *varPtr = NULL;
Driver->getWindowPos(x, y);
Driver->getWindowSize(width, height);
// Save values
// Driver still alive ?
if (Driver && Driver->isActive ())
CConfigFile::CVar *varPtr = NULL;
sint32 x, y;
uint32 width, height;
Driver->getWindowPos(x, y);
Driver->getWindowSize(width, height);
// Are we in window mode ?
if (ClientCfg.Windowed /* && !isWindowMaximized() */)
// Save windows position
varPtr = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVarPtr ("PositionX");
if (varPtr)
varPtr->forceAsInt (x);
varPtr = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVarPtr ("PositionY");
if (varPtr)
varPtr->forceAsInt (y);
writeInt("PositionX", x);
writeInt("PositionY", y);
// Save windows size
varPtr = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVarPtr ("Width");
if (varPtr)
varPtr->forceAsInt (std::max((int)width, 800));
varPtr = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVarPtr ("Height");
if (varPtr)
varPtr->forceAsInt (std::max((int)height, 600));
writeInt("Width", std::max((sint)width, 800));
writeInt("Height", std::max((sint)height, 600));
// Save if in FPV or TPV.
varPtr = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVarPtr("FPV");
// Save if in FPV or TPV.
writeBool("FPV", ClientCfg.FPV);
// Save the camera distance
varPtr = ClientCfg.ConfigFile.getVarPtr("CameraDistance");
catch (Exception &e)
nlwarning ("Error while set config file variables : %s", e.what ());
// Save the camera distance
writeDouble("CameraDistance", ClientCfg.CameraDistance);
catch (Exception &e)
nlwarning ("Error while set config file variables : %s", e.what ());
// Save it