@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
#include <nel/misc/debug.h>
#include <nel/3d/tile_bank.h>
Node::Node() : m_parentItem(0)
@ -264,18 +266,230 @@ void TileTypeNode::reindex()
NL3D::CTile::TBitmap channelToTBitmap( TileModel::TTileChannel channel )
NL3D::CTile::TBitmap bm;
switch( channel )
case TileModel::TileDiffuse: bm = NL3D::CTile::diffuse; break;
case TileModel::TileAdditive: bm = NL3D::CTile::additive; break;
case TileModel::TileAlpha: bm = NL3D::CTile::alpha; break;
return bm;
class TileItemNodePvt
for( int i = 0; i < TileModel::TileChannelCount; i++ )
m_borderFirst[ i ] = false;
m_id = -1;
bool pixmapToCBGRA( QPixmap &pixmap, std::vector< NLMISC::CBGRA >& pixels )
QImage img = pixmap.toImage();
if( img.format() != QImage::Format_ARGB32 )
img = img.convertToFormat( QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
if( img.format() != QImage::Format_ARGB32 )
return false;
int c = img.width() * img.height();
const unsigned char *data = img.bits();
const unsigned int *idata = reinterpret_cast< const unsigned int* >( data );
int i = 0;
while( i < c )
bgra.A = ( idata[ i ] & 0xFF000000 ) >> 24;
bgra.R = ( idata[ i ] & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16;
bgra.G = ( idata[ i ] & 0x0000FF00 ) >> 8;
bgra.B = ( idata[ i ] & 0x000000FF );
pixels.push_back( bgra );
return true;
int getWidthForType( TileModel::TNodeTileType type, TileModel::TTileChannel channel )
int width = -1;
switch( type )
case TileModel::Tile128: width = 128; break;
case TileModel::Tile256: width = 256; break;
case TileModel::TileTransition:
if( channel != TileModel::TileAlpha )
width = 128;
case TileModel::TileDisplacement: width = 32; break;
return width;
NL3D::CTileSet::TError checkTile( TileModel::TTileChannel channel )
if( m_type == TileModel::TileDisplacement )
return NL3D::CTileSet::ok;
if( channel == TileModel::TileAdditive )
return NL3D::CTileSet::ok;
int pixel;
int component;
int index;
NL3D::CTileSet set;
NL3D::CTile::TBitmap bm = channelToTBitmap( channel );
NL3D::CTileSet::TError error = NL3D::CTileSet::ok;
switch( m_type )
case TileModel::Tile128:
error = set.checkTile128( bm, m_border[ channel ], pixel, component );
case TileModel::Tile256:
error = set.checkTile256( bm, m_border[ channel ], pixel, component );
case TileModel::TileTransition:
if( channel != TileModel::TileAlpha )
error = set.checkTile128( bm, m_border[ channel ], pixel, component );
error = set.checkTileTransition( NL3D::CTileSet::TTransition( m_id ), bm, m_border[ channel ], index, pixel, component );
if( error == NL3D::CTileSet::ok )
return NL3D::CTileSet::ok;
if( error == NL3D::CTileSet::addFirstA128128 )
return NL3D::CTileSet::addFirstA128128;
enum TError { ok=0, topInterfaceProblem, bottomInterfaceProblem, leftInterfaceProblem,
rightInterfaceProblem, addFirstA128128, topBottomNotTheSame, rightLeftNotTheSame,
sizeInvalide, errorCount };
static const char* comp[]={"Red", "Green", "Blue", "Alpha", ""};
if( error != NL3D::CTileSet::ok )
m_lastError = "ERROR: ";
m_lastError += NL3D::CTileSet::getErrorMessage( error );
m_lastError += "\n";
switch( m_type )
case TileModel::Tile128:
case TileModel::Tile256:
m_lastError += QString( "pixel: %1 component: %2" ).arg( pixel ).arg( comp[ component ] );
case TileModel::TileTransition:
if( channel != TileModel::TileAlpha )
m_lastError += QString( "pixel: %1 component: %2" ).arg( pixel ).arg( comp[ component ] );
if ((error==NL3D::CTileSet::topInterfaceProblem)||(error==NL3D::CTileSet::bottomInterfaceProblem)||
if( index != -1 )
m_lastError += QString( "tile: %1 pixel: %2 component: %3" ).arg( index ).arg( pixel ).arg( comp[ component ] );
m_lastError += QString( "incompatible with a 128 tile, pixel: %1 component: %2" ).arg( pixel ).arg( comp[ component ] );
return error;
bool checkPixmap( TileModel::TTileChannel channel, QPixmap &pixmap )
int w = pixmap.width();
int h = pixmap.height();
if( w != h )
m_lastError = QObject::tr( "Not a square texture." );
return false;
int width = getWidthForType( m_type, channel );
if( width != -1 )
if( width != w )
m_lastError = QObject::tr( "Not the proper size." );
return false;
std::vector< NLMISC::CBGRA > pixels;
pixmapToCBGRA( pixmap, pixels );
m_border[ channel ].set( w, h, pixels );
NL3D::CTileSet::TError error = checkTile( channel );
if( error == NL3D::CTileSet::addFirstA128128 )
m_borderFirst[ channel ] = true;
return true;
if( error != NL3D::CTileSet::ok )
return false;
return true;
bool loadImage( TileModel::TTileChannel channel, const QString &fn )
bool loadImage( TileModel::TTileChannel channel, const QString &fn, bool empty = false )
QPixmap temp;
bool b = temp.load( fn );
if( !b )
m_lastError = QObject::tr( "Cannot open file %1" ).arg( fn );
return false;
if( !empty )
if( !checkPixmap( channel, temp ) )
return false;
pixmaps[ channel ] = temp;
@ -291,19 +505,34 @@ public:
return pixmaps[ channel ];
void setType( TileModel::TNodeTileType type ){ m_type = type; }
void setId( int id ){ m_id = id; }
int id() const{ return m_id; }
QString getLastError() const{ return m_lastError; }
bool borderFirst( TileModel::TTileChannel channel ) const{ return m_borderFirst[ channel ]; }
QPixmap pixmaps[ TileModel::TileChannelCount ];
TileModel::TNodeTileType m_type;
NL3D::CTileBorder m_border[ TileModel::TileChannelCount ];
int m_id;
QString m_lastError;
bool m_borderFirst[ TileModel::TileChannelCount ];
TileModel::TTileChannel TileItemNode::s_displayChannel = TileModel::TileDiffuse;
TileItemNode::TileItemNode(int tileId, TileModel::TTileChannel channel, QString filename, Node *parent) : m_tileId(tileId)
TileItemNode::TileItemNode( TileModel::TNodeTileType type, int tileId, TileModel::TTileChannel channel, QString filename, Node *parent)
m_parentItem = parent;
//nlinfo("dispalying tile %d - %s", m_tileId, m_tileFilename[TileModel::TileDiffuse].toAscii().data());
pvt = new TileItemNodePvt();
pvt->setType( type );
pvt->setId( tileId );
m_hasError = false;
setTileFilename( channel, filename );
@ -319,11 +548,16 @@ TileItemNode::~TileItemNode()
bool TileItemNode::setTileFilename(TileModel::TTileChannel channel, QString filename)
QString fn = filename;
bool empty = false;
if( filename.isEmpty() || ( filename == "empty" ) )
fn = ":/placeHolder/images/empty_image.png";
empty = true;
bool b = pvt->loadImage( channel, fn );
bool b = pvt->loadImage( channel, fn, empty );
m_hasError = !b;
if( !b )
return false;
@ -341,6 +575,26 @@ QString TileItemNode::getTileFilename(TileModel::TTileChannel channel)
return itr.value();
void TileItemNode::setId( int id )
pvt->setId( id );
int TileItemNode::id() const
return pvt->id();
QString TileItemNode::getLastError() const
return pvt->getLastError();
bool TileItemNode::borderFirst() const
return false;
QVariant TileItemNode::data(int column, int role) const
QString tileFilename = m_tileFilename[ TileItemNode::s_displayChannel ];
@ -375,11 +629,11 @@ QVariant TileItemNode::data(int column, int role) const
else if(role == TileModel::TileIndexRole)
return QVariant("("+QString::number(m_tileId)+")");
return QVariant("("+QString::number(pvt->id())+")");
else if(role == TileModel::TileFilenameIndexRole)
return QVariant(tileFilename + " ("+QString::number(m_tileId)+")");
return QVariant(tileFilename + " ("+QString::number(pvt->id())+")");
return QVariant();