Merge with develop

branch : compatibility-develop
Nimetu 6 years ago
commit 117dc37a33

@ -287,18 +287,7 @@ bool CAudioDecoderFfmpeg::getInfo(NLMISC::IStream *stream, std::string &artist,
if (ffmpeg._FormatContext->duration != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
length = ffmpeg._FormatContext->duration * av_q2d(AV_TIME_BASE_Q);
else if (ffmpeg._FormatContext->streams[ffmpeg._AudioStreamIndex]->duration != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
length = ffmpeg._FormatContext->streams[ffmpeg._AudioStreamIndex]->duration * av_q2d(ffmpeg._FormatContext->streams[ffmpeg._AudioStreamIndex]->time_base);
length = 0.f;
length = ffmpeg.getLength();
return true;
@ -420,9 +409,16 @@ bool CAudioDecoderFfmpeg::isMusicEnded()
float CAudioDecoderFfmpeg::getLength()
printf(">> CAudioDecoderFfmpeg::getLength\n");
// TODO: return (float)ov_time_total(&_OggVorbisFile, -1);
return 0.f;
float length = 0.f;
if (_FormatContext->duration != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
length = _FormatContext->duration * av_q2d(AV_TIME_BASE_Q);
else if (_FormatContext->streams[_AudioStreamIndex]->duration != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
length = _FormatContext->streams[_AudioStreamIndex]->duration * av_q2d(_FormatContext->streams[_AudioStreamIndex]->time_base);
return length;
void CAudioDecoderFfmpeg::setLooping(bool loop)

@ -2334,7 +2334,63 @@ CEntityCL *CEntityManager::getEntityByName (uint32 stringId) const
CEntityCL *CEntityManager::getEntityByKeywords (const std::vector<ucstring> &keywords, bool onlySelectable) const
if (keywords.empty()) return NULL;
std::vector<ucstring> lcKeywords;
for(uint k = 0; k < keywords.size(); k++)
lcKeywords[k] = toLower(keywords[k]);
const NLMISC::CVectorD &userPosD = UserEntity->pos();
const uint count = (uint)_Entities.size();
uint selectedEntityId = 0;
float selectedEntityDist = FLT_MAX;
for(uint i = 0; i < count; ++i)
if (!_Entities[i]) continue;
if (onlySelectable && !_Entities[i]->properties().selectable()) continue;
ucstring lcName;
lcName = toLower(_Entities[i]->getDisplayName());
if (lcName.empty()) continue;
bool match = true;
for (uint k = 0; k < lcKeywords.size(); ++k)
if (lcName.find(lcKeywords[k]) == ucstring::npos)
match = false;
if (match)
const NLMISC::CVectorD &targetPosD = _Entities[i]->pos();
float deltaX = (float) targetPosD.x - (float) userPosD.x;
float deltaY = (float) targetPosD.y - (float) userPosD.y;
float dist = (float)sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
if (dist < selectedEntityDist)
selectedEntityDist = dist;
selectedEntityId = i;
if (selectedEntityDist != FLT_MAX)
return _Entities[selectedEntityId];
return NULL;
CEntityCL *CEntityManager::getEntityByName (const ucstring &name, bool caseSensitive, bool complete) const
ucstring source = name;

@ -302,6 +302,12 @@ public:
* \param complete : if true, the name must match the full name of the entity.
CEntityCL *getEntityByName (const ucstring &name, bool caseSensitive, bool complete) const;
* Case insensitive match against entity name. All listed keywords must match.
* \param keywords to match
* \param onlySelectable : if true, match only entity that can be selected
CEntityCL *getEntityByKeywords (const std::vector<ucstring> &keywords, bool onlySelectable) const;
CEntityCL *getEntityBySheetName (const std::string &sheet) const;
/// Get an entity by dataset index. Returns NULL if the entity is not found.
CEntityCL *getEntityByCompressedIndex(TDataSetIndex compressedIndex) const;

@ -2417,70 +2417,66 @@ class CAHTarget : public IActionHandler
virtual void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &Params)
// Get the entity name to target
ucstring entityName;
entityName.fromUtf8 (getParam (Params, "entity"));
bool preferCompleteMatch = (getParam (Params, "prefer_complete_match") != "0");
entityName.fromUtf8(getParam(Params, "entity"));
if (entityName.empty()) return;
string completeMatch = getParam(Params, "prefer_complete_match");
bool quiet = (getParam (Params, "quiet") == "true");
if (!entityName.empty())
vector<ucstring> keywords;
NLMISC::splitUCString(entityName, ucstring(" "), keywords);
if (!keywords.empty() && keywords[0].size() > 0 && keywords[0][0] == (ucchar)'"')
CEntityCL *entity = NULL;
if (preferCompleteMatch)
// Try to get the entity with complete match first
entity = EntitiesMngr.getEntityByName (entityName, false, true);
if (entity == NULL)
// Get the entity with a partial match
entity = EntitiesMngr.getEntityByName (entityName, false, false);
// entity name is in quotes, do old style match with 'starts with' filter
// search for optional second parameter from old command for prefer_complete_match param
if (entity == NULL)
//Get the entity with a sheetName
entity = EntitiesMngr.getEntityBySheetName(entityName.toUtf8());
if (entity)
CCharacterCL *character = dynamic_cast<CCharacterCL*>(entity);
if (character != NULL)
nldebug("is not isSelectableBySpace");
nldebug("is prop selectable");
// to avoid campfire selection exploit #316
nldebug("is not prop selectable");
CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
ucstring::size_type lastOf = entityName.rfind(ucstring("\""));
if (lastOf == 0)
lastOf = ucstring::npos;
// Select the entity
CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance();
// override the value only when there is no 'prefer_complete_match' parameter set
if (completeMatch.empty() && lastOf < entityName.size())
completeMatch = trim(entityName.substr(lastOf+1).toUtf8());
entityName = entityName.substr(1, lastOf-1);
// late check because only possible if doing 'starts-with' search
bool preferCompleteMatch = (completeMatch != "0");
CEntityCL *entity = NULL;
if (preferCompleteMatch)
// Try to get the entity with complete match first
entity = EntitiesMngr.getEntityByName (entityName, false, true);
if (entity == NULL && !keywords.empty())
entity = EntitiesMngr.getEntityByKeywords(keywords, true);
if (entity == NULL)
// Get the entity with a partial match using 'starts with' search
entity = EntitiesMngr.getEntityByName(entityName, false, false);
if (entity == NULL)
//Get the entity with a sheetName
entity = EntitiesMngr.getEntityBySheetName(entityName.toUtf8());
if (entity && entity->properties().selectable() && !entity->getDisplayName().empty())
else if (!quiet)
