diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/CMakeLists.txt b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/CMakeLists.txt
index ce85c682e..827db7487 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ SOURCE_GROUP("OVQT Extension System" FILES ${OVQT_EXT_SYS_SRC})
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(ovqt_plugin_translation_manager ovqt_plugin_core nelmisc nel3d ${QT_LIBRARIES} ${QT_QTOPENGL_LIBRARY})
+TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(ovqt_plugin_translation_manager ovqt_plugin_core nelmisc nel3d nelligo nelgeorges ${QT_LIBRARIES} ${QT_QTOPENGL_LIBRARY})
NL_DEFAULT_PROPS(ovqt_plugin_translation_manager "NeL, Tools, 3D: Object Viewer Qt Plugin: Translation Manager")
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/extract_bot_names.cpp b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/extract_bot_names.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..75a97d3bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/extract_bot_names.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
+// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
+#include "nel/misc/config_file.h"
+#include "nel/misc/sheet_id.h"
+#include "nel/misc/path.h"
+#include "nel/misc/diff_tool.h"
+#include "nel/georges/u_form.h"
+#include "nel/georges/u_form_elm.h"
+#include "nel/georges/load_form.h"
+#include "nel/ligo/ligo_config.h"
+#include "nel/ligo/primitive.h"
+#include "nel/ligo/primitive_utils.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace NLMISC;
+using namespace NLLIGO;
+using namespace STRING_MANAGER;
+vector Filters;
+static CLigoConfig LigoConfig;
+static bool RemoveOlds = false;
+struct TCreatureInfo
+ CSheetId SheetId;
+ bool ForceSheetName;
+ bool DisplayName;
+ void readGeorges (const NLMISC::CSmartPtr &form, const NLMISC::CSheetId &sheetId)
+ {
+ const NLGEORGES::UFormElm &item=form->getRootNode();
+ SheetId=sheetId;
+ item.getValueByName(ForceSheetName, "3d data.ForceDisplayCreatureName");
+ item.getValueByName(DisplayName, "3d data.DisplayName");
+ }
+ void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f)
+ {
+ f.serial(SheetId);
+ f.serial(ForceSheetName);
+ f.serial(DisplayName);
+ }
+ static uint getVersion ()
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ void removed()
+ {
+ }
+std::map Creatures;
+TCreatureInfo *getCreature(const std::string &sheetName)
+ CSheetId id(sheetName+".creature");
+ if (Creatures.find(id) != Creatures.end())
+ return &(Creatures.find(id)->second);
+ else
+ return NULL;
+string cleanupName(const std::string &name)
+ string ret;
+ for (uint i=0; i= 2)
+ {
+ if ( *ret.begin() == ucchar('$'))
+ {
+ ret=ret.substr(1);
+ }
+ if ( *ret.rbegin() == ucchar('$'))
+ {
+ ret = ret.substr(0, ret.size()-1);
+ }
+ }
+ ret = cleanupUcName(ret);
+ return ret;
+struct TEntryInfo
+ string SheetName;
+set GenericNames;
+map SimpleNames;
+set Functions;
+string removeAndStoreFunction(const std::string &fullName)
+ string::size_type pos = fullName.find("$");
+ if (pos == string::npos)
+ return fullName;
+ else
+ {
+ // extract and store the function name
+ string ret;
+ ret = fullName.substr(0, pos);
+ string::size_type pos2 = fullName.find("$", pos+1);
+ string fct = fullName.substr(pos+1, pos2-(pos+1));
+ ret += fullName.substr(pos2+1);
+ if (Functions.find(fct) == Functions.end())
+ {
+ nldebug("Adding function '%s'", fct.c_str());
+ Functions.insert(fct);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+void addGenericName(const std::string &name, const std::string &sheetName)
+ TCreatureInfo *c = getCreature(sheetName);
+ if (!c || c->ForceSheetName || !c->DisplayName)
+ return;
+ if (SimpleNames.find(name) != SimpleNames.end())
+ {
+ nldebug("Name '%s' is now a generic name", name.c_str());
+ GenericNames.insert(name);
+ SimpleNames.erase(name);
+ }
+ else if (GenericNames.find(name) == GenericNames.end())
+ {
+ nldebug("Adding generic name '%s'", name.c_str());
+ GenericNames.insert(name);
+ }
+void addSimpleName(const std::string &name, const std::string &sheetName)
+ TCreatureInfo *c = getCreature(sheetName);
+ if (!c || c->ForceSheetName || !c->DisplayName)
+ return;
+ if (SimpleNames.find(name) != SimpleNames.end())
+ {
+ addGenericName(name, sheetName);
+ }
+ else if (GenericNames.find(name) != GenericNames.end())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nldebug("Adding simple name '%s'", name.c_str());
+ TEntryInfo ei;
+ ei.SheetName = sheetName;
+ SimpleNames.insert(make_pair(name, ei));
+ }
+int extractBotNamesAll(map > config_paths, string ligo_class_file, string trans_path, string work_path)
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // read the parameters
+ /*for (int i=2; i::iterator it = config_paths["paths"].begin(); it != config_paths["paths"].end(); ++it)
+ {
+ CPath::addSearchPath(*it, true, false);
+ }
+ for (std::list::iterator it = config_paths["pathsR"].begin(); it != config_paths["pathsR"].end(); ++it)
+ {
+ CPath::addSearchPath(*it, false, false);
+ }
+ for (std::list::iterator it = config_paths["filters"].begin(); it != config_paths["filters"].end(); ++it)
+ {
+ Filters.push_back(*it);
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // init the sheets
+ CSheetId::init(false);
+ const string PACKED_SHEETS_NAME = "bin/translation_tools_creature.packed_sheets";
+ loadForm("creature", PACKED_SHEETS_NAME, Creatures, false, false);
+ if (Creatures.empty())
+ {
+ for (std::list::iterator it = config_paths["georges"].begin(); it != config_paths["georges"].end(); ++it)
+ CPath::addSearchPath((*it).c_str(), true, false);
+ loadForm("creature", PACKED_SHEETS_NAME, Creatures, true);
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // init ligo config
+ string ligoPath = CPath::lookup(ligo_class_file, true, true);
+ LigoConfig.readPrimitiveClass(ligoPath.c_str(), false);
+ NLLIGO::Register();
+ CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentLigoConfig = &LigoConfig;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ok, ready for the real work,
+ // first, read the primitives files and parse the primitives
+ vector files;
+ CPath::getFileList("primitive", files);
+ for (uint i=0; i ps;
+ ps.buildSet(primDoc.RootNode, pred, result);
+ for (uint i=0; igetPropertyByName("name", name);
+ result[i]->getPropertyByName("count", countStr);
+ result[i]->getPropertyByName("bot_sheet_look", sheetStr);
+ uint32 count;
+ NLMISC::fromString(countStr, count);
+ if (count != 0)
+ {
+ if (sheetStr.empty())
+ {
+ nlwarning("In '%s', empty sheet !", buildPrimPath(result[i]).c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addGenericName(removeAndStoreFunction(name), sheetStr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // look for bot template
+ {
+ TPrimitiveClassPredicate pred("bot_template_npc");
+ TPrimitiveSet result;
+ CPrimitiveSet ps;
+ ps.buildSet(primDoc.RootNode, pred, result);
+ for (uint i=0; igetPropertyByName("name", name);
+ result[i]->getPropertyByName("sheet_look", sheetStr);
+ if (sheetStr.empty())
+ {
+ // take the sheet in the parent
+ result[i]->getParent()->getPropertyByName("bot_sheet_look", sheetStr);
+ }
+ if (sheetStr.empty())
+ {
+ nlwarning("In '%s', empty sheet !", buildPrimPath(result[i]).c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addGenericName(removeAndStoreFunction(name), sheetStr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // look for npc_group
+ {
+ TPrimitiveClassPredicate pred("npc_group");
+ TPrimitiveSet result;
+ CPrimitiveSet ps;
+ ps.buildSet(primDoc.RootNode, pred, result);
+ for (uint i=0; igetPropertyByName("name", name);
+ result[i]->getPropertyByName("count", countStr);
+ result[i]->getPropertyByName("bot_sheet_client", sheetStr);
+ uint32 count;
+ NLMISC::fromString(countStr, count);
+ if (count > 0 && sheetStr.empty())
+ {
+ nlwarning("In '%s', empty sheet !", buildPrimPath(result[i]).c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (count == 1)
+ {
+ addSimpleName(removeAndStoreFunction(name), sheetStr);
+ }
+ else if (count > 1)
+ {
+ addGenericName(removeAndStoreFunction(name), sheetStr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // look for bot
+ {
+ TPrimitiveClassPredicate pred("npc_bot");
+ TPrimitiveSet result;
+ CPrimitiveSet ps;
+ ps.buildSet(primDoc.RootNode, pred, result);
+ for (uint i=0; igetPropertyByName("name", name);
+ result[i]->getPropertyByName("sheet_client", sheetStr);
+ if (sheetStr.empty())
+ {
+ // take the sheet in the parent
+ result[i]->getParent()->getPropertyByName("bot_sheet_client", sheetStr);
+ }
+ if (sheetStr.empty())
+ {
+ nlwarning("In '%s', empty sheet !", buildPrimPath(result[i]).c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TEntryInfo ei;
+ addSimpleName(removeAndStoreFunction(name), sheetStr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // step 2 : load the reference file
+ nlinfo("Looking for missing translation:");
+ TWorksheet botNames;
+ loadExcelSheet(work_path, botNames, true);
+ TWorksheet transBotNames;
+ loadExcelSheet(trans_path, transBotNames, true);
+ TWorksheet fcts;
+ loadExcelSheet(work_path, fcts, true);
+ // add missing element
+ uint nbAddSimpleName = 0;
+ uint nbAddFunction = 0;
+ uint nbAddGenericName = 0;
+ uint botIdCol;
+ nlverify(botNames.findId(botIdCol));
+ uint transIdCol;
+ nlverify(transBotNames.findId(transIdCol));
+ uint fctsIdCol;
+ nlverify(fcts.findId(fctsIdCol));
+ // special treatment to add the sheet_name col
+ {
+ uint sheetCol;
+ if (!botNames.findCol(ucstring("sheet_name"), sheetCol))
+ {
+ botNames.insertColumn(botNames.ColCount);
+ botNames.setData(0, botNames.ColCount-1, ucstring("sheet_name"));
+ }
+ if (!transBotNames.findCol(ucstring("sheet_name"), sheetCol))
+ {
+ transBotNames.insertColumn(transBotNames.ColCount);
+ transBotNames.setData(0, transBotNames.ColCount-1, ucstring("sheet_name"));
+ }
+ }
+ // 1 - simple names
+ {
+ nlinfo(" Simple names...");
+ map::iterator first(SimpleNames.begin()), last(SimpleNames.end());
+ for (; first != last; ++first)
+ {
+ uint rowIdx;
+ if (!botNames.findRow(botIdCol, first->first, rowIdx))
+ {
+ // we need to add the entry
+ rowIdx = botNames.size();
+ botNames.resize(botNames.size()+1);
+ botNames.setData(rowIdx, ucstring("bot name"), first->first);
+ botNames.setData(rowIdx, ucstring("translated name"), first->first);
+ botNames.setData(rowIdx, ucstring("sheet_name"), first->second.SheetName);
+ nbAddSimpleName++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // set/update the sheet name info
+ // try to restore the existing translation
+ uint transRowIdx;
+ if (transBotNames.findRow(transIdCol, first->first, transRowIdx))
+ {
+ ucstring wkBotName = botNames.getData(rowIdx, ucstring("bot name"));
+ ucstring wkSheetName = botNames.getData(rowIdx, ucstring("sheet_name"));
+ ucstring wkTranslationName = botNames.getData(rowIdx, ucstring("translated name"));
+ ucstring ucWkHash;
+ uint64 hash = CI18N::makeHash(wkBotName + wkTranslationName +wkSheetName);
+ CI18N::hashToUCString(hash, ucWkHash);
+ ucstring trUcHash = transBotNames[transRowIdx][0];
+ bool isWkTranslationNameAGroupName = wkTranslationName.find(ucstring("$")) != ucstring::npos;
+ bool hashIsValide = std::equal(ucWkHash.begin(), ucWkHash.end(), trUcHash.begin()+1);
+ // Hash is equal get the translation
+ if (hashIsValide && !isWkTranslationNameAGroupName)
+ {
+ wkTranslationName = transBotNames.getData(transRowIdx, ucstring("translated name"));
+ wkSheetName = transBotNames.getData(transRowIdx, ucstring("sheet_name"));
+ botNames.setData(rowIdx, ucstring("translated name"), wkTranslationName);
+ botNames.setData(rowIdx, ucstring("sheet_name"), wkSheetName);
+ hash = CI18N::makeHash(wkBotName + wkTranslationName + wkSheetName);
+ // update the hash code
+ CI18N::hashToUCString(hash, transBotNames[transRowIdx][0]);
+ }
+ // bots_name.txt has been manually changed. We trust what the Level Designer has done. We don't destroy is work.
+ // or it is a simple
+ else
+ {
+ //use the "translated name" of the manually changed work/bot_name.txt
+ botNames.setData(rowIdx, ucstring("translated name"), wkTranslationName);
+ botNames.setData(rowIdx, ucstring("sheet_name"), wkSheetName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 2 - generic names
+ {
+ nlinfo(" Generic names...");
+ set::iterator first(GenericNames.begin()), last(GenericNames.end());
+ for (; first != last; ++first)
+ {
+ string gnName = "gn_" + cleanupName(*first);
+ ucstring fctsTitleId;
+ ucstring fctsName;
+ // add or modify the bot names
+ uint rowIdx;
+ if (!botNames.findRow(botIdCol, *first, rowIdx))
+ {
+ // we need to add the entry
+ rowIdx = botNames.size();
+ botNames.resize(botNames.size()+1);
+ botNames.setData(rowIdx, ucstring("bot name"), *first);
+ botNames.setData(rowIdx, ucstring("translated name"), ucstring("$") + gnName + "$");
+ botNames.setData(rowIdx, ucstring("sheet_name"), ucstring());
+ fctsTitleId = gnName;
+ fctsName = *first;
+ nbAddSimpleName++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // look in the translated table to remember the translated name to write it in the string file
+ ucstring wkBotName = botNames.getData(rowIdx, ucstring("bot name"));
+ ucstring wkTranslationName = botNames.getData(rowIdx, ucstring("translated name"));
+ ucstring wkSheetName = botNames.getData(rowIdx, ucstring("sheet_name"));
+ nlinfo("Bot name:%s\n",wkBotName.toString().c_str());
+ bool isWkTranslationNameAGroupName = wkTranslationName.find(ucstring("$")) != ucstring::npos;
+ if ( isWkTranslationNameAGroupName ) //work name looks like "$gn_***$: do not modify
+ {
+ //Do not change work/bot_name.txt
+ // update work/world_title.txt
+ ucstring transName;
+ fctsTitleId = makeGroupName(wkTranslationName);
+ uint transRowIdx;
+ if (transBotNames.findRow(transIdCol, *first, transRowIdx))
+ {
+ transName = transBotNames.getData(transRowIdx, ucstring("translated name"));
+ if (transName.find(ucstring("$")) != ucstring::npos)
+ {
+ transName = fctsTitleId;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ transName = fctsTitleId;
+ }
+ //Do not touch anything
+ botNames.setData(rowIdx, ucstring("translated name"), wkTranslationName);
+ botNames.setData(rowIdx, ucstring("sheet_name"), wkSheetName);
+ // fctsTitleId = makeGroupName(wkTranslationName);
+ fctsName = transName;
+ }
+ else // WkTranslationName != "$gn*$"
+ {
+ uint transRowIdx;
+ ucstring transName;
+ ucstring wkSheetName;
+ // Get the translation as a simple name.
+ if (transBotNames.findRow(transIdCol, *first, transRowIdx))
+ {
+ transName = transBotNames.getData(transRowIdx, ucstring("translated name"));
+ ucstring trSheetName = transBotNames.getData(transRowIdx, ucstring("sheet_name"));
+ //tr."translation name" is
+ if (transName.find(ucstring("$")) != ucstring::npos)
+ {
+ //get Translation, update hash
+ botNames[rowIdx][1] = transName;
+ botNames[rowIdx][2] = trSheetName;
+ fctsTitleId = makeGroupName(transName);
+ fctsName = makeGroupName(transName);
+ ucstring trNewUcHash;
+ uint64 hash = CI18N::makeHash(wkBotName + transName +trSheetName);
+ CI18N::hashToUCString(hash, trNewUcHash);
+ transBotNames[transRowIdx][0] = ucstring("_") + trNewUcHash;
+ }
+ else //botNames."translated name" != $gn_$ && tansName."translated name" != $gn_$
+ {
+ // get the translation back
+ //update work/bot_name.txt
+ wkTranslationName = ucstring("$")+gnName+"$";
+ botNames[rowIdx][0] = wkBotName;
+ botNames[rowIdx][1] = wkTranslationName;
+ botNames[rowIdx][2] = wkSheetName;
+ //update translated/bot_name.txt
+ fctsName = transName; //transName
+ fctsTitleId = gnName;
+ ucstring trNewUcHash;
+ uint64 hash = CI18N::makeHash(botNames[rowIdx][0] + botNames[rowIdx][1] +botNames[rowIdx][2]);
+ CI18N::hashToUCString(hash, trNewUcHash);
+ transBotNames[transRowIdx][0] = ucstring("_") + trNewUcHash;
+ }
+ }
+ else //There is no translation yet
+ {
+ fctsName = wkTranslationName;
+ wkTranslationName = ucstring("$")+gnName+"$";
+ botNames[rowIdx][0] = wkBotName;
+ botNames[rowIdx][1] = wkTranslationName;
+ botNames[rowIdx][2] = wkSheetName;
+ fctsTitleId = gnName;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // look for a corresponding entry
+ uint gnNameRow;
+ if (!fcts.findRow(fctsIdCol, fctsTitleId, gnNameRow))
+ {
+ // not found, add it
+ gnNameRow = fcts.size();
+ fcts.resize(fcts.size()+1);
+ fcts.setData(gnNameRow, ucstring("title_id"), fctsTitleId);
+ fcts.setData(gnNameRow, ucstring("name"), fctsName);
+ nbAddGenericName++;
+ }
+ else //Update
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 3 - functions
+ {
+ nlinfo(" Functions...");
+ set::iterator first(Functions.begin()), last(Functions.end());
+ for (; first != last; ++first)
+ {
+ string fctName = *first;
+ // look for a corresponding entry
+ uint functionRow;
+ if (!fcts.findRow(fctsIdCol, fctName, functionRow))
+ {
+ // not found, add it
+ functionRow = fcts.size();
+ fcts.resize(fcts.size()+1);
+ fcts.setData(functionRow, ucstring("title_id"), fctName);
+ fcts.setData(functionRow, ucstring("name"), *first);
+ nbAddFunction++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // display resum\E9
+ nlinfo("Adding %u new simple name", nbAddSimpleName);
+ nlinfo("Adding %u new generic name", nbAddGenericName);
+ nlinfo("Adding %u new function name", nbAddFunction);
+ // saving the modified files
+ ucstring s = prepareExcelSheet(botNames);
+ CI18N::writeTextFile(work_path, s, false);
+ s = prepareExcelSheet(transBotNames);
+ CI18N::writeTextFile(trans_path, s, false);
+ s = prepareExcelSheet(fcts);
+ CI18N::writeTextFile(work_path, s, false);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_plugin.cpp b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_plugin.cpp
index 6140a3985..233780ca5 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_plugin.cpp
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_plugin.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
+int extractBotNamesAll(map > config_paths, string ligo_class_file, string trans_path, string work_path);
namespace Plugin
@@ -54,7 +56,39 @@ void TranslationManagerPlugin::extensionsInitialized()
QAction *aboutQtAction = menuManager->action(Core::Constants::ABOUT_QT);
helpMenu->insertAction(aboutQtAction, aboutTManPlugin);
- menuManager->menuBar()->addMenu("Translation Manager");
+ QMenu *transMenu = menuManager->menuBar()->addMenu("Translation Manager");
+ /* Words extraction*/
+ QAction *botnamesAct = new QAction("Extract bot_names", this);
+ connect(botnamesAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(extractBotNames()));
+ transMenu->addAction(botnamesAct);
+void TranslationManagerPlugin::extractBotNames()
+ // prepare the config paths
+ list paths,pathsR, georges, filters, languages;
+ string ligo, translation, work;
+ map > config_paths;
+ QSettings *settings = Core::ICore::instance()->settings();
+ settings->beginGroup("translationmanager");
+ paths = ConvertQStringList(settings->value("paths").toStringList()); /* paths */
+ config_paths["paths"] = paths;
+ pathsR = ConvertQStringList(settings->value("pathsR").toStringList()); /* pathsR */
+ config_paths["pathsR"] = pathsR;
+ georges = ConvertQStringList(settings->value("georges").toStringList()); /* georges */
+ config_paths["georges"] = georges;
+ filters = ConvertQStringList(settings->value("filters").toStringList()); /* filters */
+ config_paths["filters"] = filters;
+ languages = ConvertQStringList(settings->value("languages").toStringList()); /* languages */
+ ligo = settings->value("ligo").toString().toStdString();
+ translation = settings->value("translation").toString().toStdString();
+ work = settings->value("work").toString().toStdString();
+ settings->endGroup();
+ extractBotNamesAll(config_paths, ligo, translation, work);
void TranslationManagerPlugin::setNelContext(NLMISC::INelContext *nelContext)
@@ -67,6 +101,17 @@ void TranslationManagerPlugin::setNelContext(NLMISC::INelContext *nelContext)
_LibContext = new NLMISC::CLibraryContext(*nelContext);
+list TranslationManagerPlugin::ConvertQStringList(QStringList listq)
+ std::list stdlist;
+ Q_FOREACH(QString text, listq)
+ {
+ stdlist.push_back(text.toStdString());
+ }
+ return stdlist;
QString TranslationManagerPlugin::name() const
return "Translation Manager";
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_plugin.h b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_plugin.h
index c1bfc2548..07bf0d434 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_plugin.h
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_plugin.h
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
+using namespace std;
namespace NLMISC
class CLibraryContext;
@@ -56,6 +58,11 @@ protected:
ExtensionSystem::IPluginManager *_plugMan;
QList _autoReleaseObjects;
+ list ConvertQStringList(QStringList list);
+private Q_SLOTS:
+ void extractBotNames();
class CTranslationManagerContext: public Core::IContext
@@ -87,6 +94,7 @@ public:
CSimpleViewer *m_simpleViewer;
} // namespace Plugin
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_settings_page.cpp b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_settings_page.cpp
index c3e4883d4..b3a731ae5 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_settings_page.cpp
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_settings_page.cpp
@@ -18,15 +18,21 @@
#include "translation_manager_settings_page.h"
// Qt includes
// NeL includes
// Project includes
+#include "../core/icore.h"
namespace Plugin
+QString lastDir = ".";
CTranslationManagerSettingsPage::CTranslationManagerSettingsPage(QObject *parent)
: IOptionsPage(parent),
@@ -57,11 +63,248 @@ QWidget *CTranslationManagerSettingsPage::createPage(QWidget *parent)
_currentPage = new QWidget(parent);
+ readSettings();
+ connect(_ui.paths_add, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(pathAdd()));
+ connect(_ui.paths_del, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(pathDel()));
+ connect(_ui.pathsR_add, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(pathRAdd()));
+ connect(_ui.pathsR_del, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(pathRDel()));
+ connect(_ui.georges_add, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(georgeAdd()));
+ connect(_ui.georges_del, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(georgeDel()));
+ connect(_ui.filter_add, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(filterAdd()));
+ connect(_ui.filter_del, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(filterDel()));
+ connect(_ui.lang_add, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(languageAdd()));
+ connect(_ui.lang_del, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(languageDel()));
+ connect(_ui.translation_add, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(translationAdd()));
+ connect(_ui.work_add, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(workAdd()));
return _currentPage;
+void CTranslationManagerSettingsPage::pathAdd()
+ QString newPath = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(_currentPage, "", lastDir);
+ if (!newPath.isEmpty())
+ {
+ QListWidgetItem *newItem = new QListWidgetItem;
+ newItem->setText(newPath);
+ newItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);
+ _ui.paths_list->addItem(newItem);
+ lastDir = newPath;
+ }
+void CTranslationManagerSettingsPage::pathDel()
+ QListWidgetItem *removeItem = _ui.paths_list->takeItem(_ui.paths_list->currentRow());
+ if (!removeItem)
+ delete removeItem;
+void CTranslationManagerSettingsPage::pathRAdd()
+ QString newPath = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(_currentPage, "", lastDir);
+ if (!newPath.isEmpty())
+ {
+ QListWidgetItem *newItem = new QListWidgetItem;
+ newItem->setText(newPath);
+ newItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);
+ _ui.pathsR_list->addItem(newItem);
+ lastDir = newPath;
+ }
+void CTranslationManagerSettingsPage::pathRDel()
+ QListWidgetItem *removeItem = _ui.pathsR_list->takeItem(_ui.pathsR_list->currentRow());
+ if (!removeItem)
+ delete removeItem;
+void CTranslationManagerSettingsPage::georgeAdd()
+ QString newPath = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(_currentPage, "", lastDir);
+ if (!newPath.isEmpty())
+ {
+ QListWidgetItem *newItem = new QListWidgetItem;
+ newItem->setText(newPath);
+ newItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);
+ _ui.georges_list->addItem(newItem);
+ lastDir = newPath;
+ }
+void CTranslationManagerSettingsPage::georgeDel()
+ QListWidgetItem *removeItem = _ui.georges_list->takeItem(_ui.georges_list->currentRow());
+ if (!removeItem)
+ delete removeItem;
+void CTranslationManagerSettingsPage::filterAdd()
+ QString newValue = _ui.filter_edit->text();
+ if (!newValue.isEmpty())
+ {
+ QListWidgetItem *newItem = new QListWidgetItem;
+ newItem->setText(newValue);
+ newItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);
+ _ui.filter_list->addItem(newItem);
+ }
+void CTranslationManagerSettingsPage::filterDel()
+ QListWidgetItem *removeItem = _ui.filter_list->takeItem(_ui.filter_list->currentRow());
+ if (!removeItem)
+ delete removeItem;
+void CTranslationManagerSettingsPage::languageAdd()
+ QString newValue = _ui.lang_edit->text();
+ if (!newValue.isEmpty())
+ {
+ QListWidgetItem *newItem = new QListWidgetItem;
+ newItem->setText(newValue);
+ newItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);
+ _ui.lang_list->addItem(newItem);
+ }
+void CTranslationManagerSettingsPage::languageDel()
+ QListWidgetItem *removeItem = _ui.lang_list->takeItem(_ui.lang_list->currentRow());
+ if (!removeItem)
+ delete removeItem;
+void CTranslationManagerSettingsPage::translationAdd()
+ QString newPath = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(_currentPage, "");
+ if (!newPath.isEmpty())
+ {
+ _ui.translation_edit->setText(newPath);
+ }
+void CTranslationManagerSettingsPage::workAdd()
+ QString newPath = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(_currentPage, "");
+ if (!newPath.isEmpty())
+ {
+ _ui.work_edit->setText(newPath);
+ }
void CTranslationManagerSettingsPage::apply()
+ writeSettings();
+void CTranslationManagerSettingsPage::readSettings()
+ QStringList paths, pathsR, georges, filters, languages;
+ QString ligo, translation, work;
+ QSettings *settings = Core::ICore::instance()->settings();
+ settings->beginGroup("translationmanager");
+ paths = settings->value("paths").toStringList(); /* paths */
+ pathsR = settings->value("pathsR").toStringList(); /* pathsR */
+ georges = settings->value("georges").toStringList(); /* georges */
+ filters = settings->value("filters").toStringList(); /* filters */
+ languages = settings->value("languages").toStringList(); /* languages */
+ ligo = settings->value("ligo").toString();
+ translation = settings->value("translation").toString();
+ work = settings->value("work").toString();
+ settings->endGroup();
+ /* paths */
+ Q_FOREACH(QString path, paths)
+ {
+ QListWidgetItem *newItem = new QListWidgetItem;
+ newItem->setText(path);
+ newItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);
+ _ui.paths_list->addItem(newItem);
+ }
+ /* pathsR */
+ Q_FOREACH(QString pathR, pathsR)
+ {
+ QListWidgetItem *newItem = new QListWidgetItem;
+ newItem->setText(pathR);
+ newItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);
+ _ui.pathsR_list->addItem(newItem);
+ }
+ /* georges */
+ Q_FOREACH(QString george, georges)
+ {
+ QListWidgetItem *newItem = new QListWidgetItem;
+ newItem->setText(george);
+ newItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);
+ _ui.georges_list->addItem(newItem);
+ }
+ /* filter */
+ Q_FOREACH(QString filter, filters)
+ {
+ QListWidgetItem *newItem = new QListWidgetItem;
+ newItem->setText(filter);
+ newItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);
+ _ui.filter_list->addItem(newItem);
+ }
+ /* languages */
+ Q_FOREACH(QString lang, languages)
+ {
+ QListWidgetItem *newItem = new QListWidgetItem;
+ newItem->setText(lang);
+ newItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable);
+ _ui.lang_list->addItem(newItem);
+ }
+ /* ligo */
+ _ui.ligo_edit->setText(ligo);
+ /* translation */
+ _ui.translation_edit->setText(translation);
+ /* work */
+ _ui.work_edit->setText(work);
+void CTranslationManagerSettingsPage::writeSettings()
+ QStringList paths, pathsR, georges, filters, languages;
+ QString ligo, translation, work;
+ /* paths */
+ for (int i = 0; i < _ui.paths_list->count(); ++i)
+ paths << _ui.paths_list->item(i)->text();
+ /* pathsR */
+ for (int i = 0; i < _ui.pathsR_list->count(); ++i)
+ pathsR << _ui.pathsR_list->item(i)->text();
+ /* georges */
+ for (int i = 0; i < _ui.georges_list->count(); ++i)
+ georges << _ui.georges_list->item(i)->text();
+ /* filters */
+ for (int i = 0; i < _ui.filter_list->count(); ++i)
+ filters << _ui.filter_list->item(i)->text();
+ /* languages */
+ for (int i = 0; i < _ui.lang_list->count(); ++i)
+ languages << _ui.lang_list->item(i)->text();
+ /* ligo path */
+ ligo = _ui.ligo_edit->text();
+ /* translations path*/
+ translation = _ui.translation_edit->text();
+ work = _ui.work_edit->text();
+ QSettings *settings = Core::ICore::instance()->settings();
+ settings->beginGroup("translationmanager");
+ settings->setValue("paths", paths);
+ settings->setValue("pathsR", pathsR);
+ settings->setValue("georges", georges);
+ settings->setValue("filters", filters);
+ settings->setValue("languages", languages);
+ settings->setValue("ligo", ligo);
+ settings->setValue("translation", translation);
+ settings->setValue("work", work);
+ settings->endGroup();
} /* namespace Plugin */
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_settings_page.h b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_settings_page.h
index 53f9068e1..4fec51fb6 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_settings_page.h
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_settings_page.h
@@ -47,10 +47,24 @@ public:
virtual void apply();
virtual void finish() {}
+private Q_SLOTS:
+ void pathAdd();
+ void pathDel();
+ void pathRAdd();
+ void pathRDel();
+ void georgeAdd();
+ void georgeDel();
+ void filterAdd();
+ void filterDel();
+ void languageAdd();
+ void languageDel();
+ void translationAdd();
+ void workAdd();
QWidget *_currentPage;
Ui::CTranslationManagerSettingsPage _ui;
+ void writeSettings();
+ void readSettings();
} // namespace Plugin
diff --git a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_settings_page.ui b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_settings_page.ui
index 951be0615..c58533185 100644
--- a/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_settings_page.ui
+++ b/code/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer_qt/src/plugins/translation_manager/translation_manager_settings_page.ui
@@ -1,92 +1,393 @@
- CTranslationManagerSettingsPage
- 0
- 0
- 458
- 479
- Form
- 0
- -
- GroupBox
- PushButton
- -
- -
- PushButton
- -
- RadioButton
- -
- RadioButton
- -
- CheckBox
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- 20
- 40
- -
- -
+ CTranslationManagerSettingsPage
+ 0
+ 0
+ 490
+ 495
+ Form
+ -
+ 1
+ Core paths
+ Paths
+ -
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ 318
+ 20
+ -
+ dwadwadwa
+ :/icons/ic_nel_add_item.png:/icons/ic_nel_add_item.png
+ Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly
+ true
+ -
+ ...
+ :/icons/ic_nel_delete_item.png:/icons/ic_nel_delete_item.png
+ true
+ -
+ -
+ Paths non recursives
+ -
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ 218
+ 20
+ -
+ :/icons/ic_nel_add_item.png:/icons/ic_nel_add_item.png
+ true
+ -
+ ...
+ :/icons/ic_nel_delete_item.png:/icons/ic_nel_delete_item.png
+ true
+ -
+ -
+ Georges Paths
+ -
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ 258
+ 20
+ -
+ :/icons/ic_nel_add_item.png:/icons/ic_nel_add_item.png
+ true
+ -
+ :/icons/ic_nel_delete_item.png:/icons/ic_nel_delete_item.png
+ true
+ -
+ Translation files paths
+ 9
+ 230
+ 450
+ 201
+ -
+ Ligo class file - This is the name of the world_editor_classes.xml file.
+ -
+ -
+ Work directory
+ -
+ -
+ ...
+ -
+ Translation directory
+ -
+ -
+ ...
+ 9
+ 10
+ 211
+ 221
+ -
+ Filters
+ -
+ -
+ :/icons/ic_nel_add_item.png:/icons/ic_nel_add_item.png
+ true
+ -
+ :/icons/ic_nel_delete_item.png:/icons/ic_nel_delete_item.png
+ true
+ -
+ 240
+ 10
+ 221
+ 221
+ -
+ Languages
+ -
+ -
+ :/icons/ic_nel_add_item.png:/icons/ic_nel_add_item.png
+ true
+ -
+ :/icons/ic_nel_delete_item.png:/icons/ic_nel_delete_item.png
+ true
+ -