// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This source file has been modified by the following contributors:
// Copyright (C) 2015 Jan BOON (Kaetemi) <jan.boon@kaetemi.be>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# ifndef CL_MISC_H
# define CL_MISC_H
// Misc
# include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
# include "nel/misc/quat.h"
# include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_instance.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_driver.h"
# include "game_share/slot_types.h"
# include "game_share/mode_and_behaviour.h"
// DEFINE //
# define _MOVIE_SHOOTER_ON_ //
// They want profile functions in final version
# define _PROFILE_ON_
// CLASS //
namespace NL3D
class UInstance ;
class UScene ;
namespace NLMISC
class CNoiseValue ;
class CVector ;
class CBitmap ;
struct SPropVisualA ;
struct SPropVisualB ;
class CPlayerSheet ;
enum TLightGroup
LightGroupAlways = 0 ,
LightGroupLandscapeDiffuse = 1 ,
LightGroupNightCycle = 2 ,
LightGroupDayCycle = 3 ,
LightGroupLandscapeAmbient = 4 ,
} ;
class CSeeds ;
double keepIn_NegPi_Pi ( double angle ) ;
double angleBetween2Vect ( const NLMISC : : CVectorD & from , const NLMISC : : CVectorD & to ) ;
* \ param face : pointer on the face to make up ( must not be null ) .
* \ param idMakeUp : index of the make - up to apply .
* \ warning This function does not check if ' face ' is valid .
void makeUp ( NL3D : : UInstance face , sint idMakeUp ) ;
* qStart is the quaterion at t = 0 ,
* qEnd is the quaterion at t = TAnimEnd ,
* time is between 0 and 1. ( 1 = > TAnimEnd )
NLMISC : : CQuat applyRotationFactor ( NLMISC : : CQuat in , float rotFactor , NLMISC : : CQuat qStart , NLMISC : : CQuat qEnd , float time ) ;
/** Compute the angle between a source and a destination using the shortest way.
* \ param from : angle between - Pi and Pi ;
* \ param to : angle between - Pi and Pi ;
double computeShortestAngle ( double from , double to ) ;
/** Return the animset base name corresponding to the mode.
* \ param mode : the mode to convert .
* \ param result : this will be filed with the mode animset name .
* \ return bool : ' true ' if ' result ' is filled , ' false ' if left untouched .
bool mode2Anim ( MBEHAV : : EMode mode , std : : string & result ) ;
/** Compute the animation set to use according to weapons, mode and race.
* \ param animSet : result pointer .
* \ param mode : the mode .
* \ param animSetBaseName : basic name to construc the complet name of the animSet .
* \ param leftHand : animSet name for the left hand .
* \ param rightHand : animSet name for the right hand .
* \ param lookAtItemsInHands : compute animset according to items in hands or not .
* \ return bool : ' true ' if the new animation set is the right one . ' false ' if the one choosen is not the right one .
bool computeAnimSet ( const class CAnimationSet * & animSet , MBEHAV : : EMode mode , const std : : string & animSetBaseName , const class CItemSheet * itemLeftHand , const CItemSheet * itemRightHand , bool lookAtItemsInHands ) ;
/** Create a file with the current state of the client (good to report a bug).
void dump ( const std : : string & name ) ;
/** Create a file with the current state of the client (good to report a bug).
void loadDump ( const std : : string & name ) ;
/** Get the lod character id from the scene, according to LodCharacterName. Cached.
* - 1 if id not found .
sint getLodCharacterId ( NL3D : : UScene & scene , const std : : string & lodCharacterName ) ;
CItemSheet * getItem ( const struct CGenderInfo & genderInfo , SLOTTYPE : : EVisualSlot slot ) ;
sint getColorIndex ( const CGenderInfo & genderInfo , SLOTTYPE : : EVisualSlot slot ) ;
SPropVisualA buildPropVisualA ( const CGenderInfo & genderInfo ) ;
SPropVisualB buildPropVisualB ( const CGenderInfo & genderInfo ) ;
// Test whether user color is supported for a given visual slot
bool isUserColorSupported ( const CPlayerSheet & playerSheet , SLOTTYPE : : EVisualSlot vs ) ;
SPropVisualA buildPropVisualA ( const CPlayerSheet & playerSheet ) ;
SPropVisualB buildPropVisualB ( const CPlayerSheet & playerSheet ) ;
// Draw a Box from 2 vectors.
void drawBox ( const NLMISC : : CVector & vMin , const NLMISC : : CVector & vMax , const NLMISC : : CRGBA & color ) ;
// Draw a Wired Sphere
void drawSphere ( const NLMISC : : CVector & center , float radius , const NLMISC : : CRGBA & color ) ;
void getSeedsFromDB ( CSeeds & dest ) ;
/** Change a 'direction' vector.
* \ param vectToChange : the vector to change .
* \ param vect : new vector to use .
* \ param compute : adjust the param ' vect ' to be valid or leave the old one unchanged if impossible .
* \ param check : warning if the param ' vect ' is not valid ( vector Null ) even with compute = true .
* \ return bool : ' true ' if the vectToChange has been filled , else ' false ' .
bool setVect ( NLMISC : : CVector & vectToChange , const NLMISC : : CVector & vect , bool compute , bool check ) ;
// read color from client cfg system info colors
NLMISC : : CRGBA interpClientCfgColor ( const std : : string & src , std : : string & dest ) ;
// Get the category from the string (src="&SYS&Who are you?" and dest="Who are you?" and return "SYS"), if no category, return "SYS"
std : : string getStringCategory ( const std : : string & src , std : : string & dest , bool alwaysAddSysByDefault = true ) ;
// Get the category from the string (src="&SYS&Who are you?" and dest="Who are you?" and return "SYS"), if no category, return ""
std : : string getStringCategoryIfAny ( const std : : string & src , std : : string & dest ) ;
bool getRelativeFloatFromString ( const std : : string src , float & dst ) ;
void updateVector ( const std : : string part , NLMISC : : CVector & dst , float value , bool add = false ) ;
// Number of shortcut
// Number of render filters
enum TFilter3d
FilterMeshNoVP = 0 ,
FilterMeshVP ,
FilterFXs ,
FilterLandscape ,
FilterVegetable ,
FilterSkeleton ,
FilterWater ,
FilterCloud ,
FilterCoarseMesh ,
FilterSky ,
} ;
// compare 2 ucstring s0 and s1, without regard to case. give start and size for sequence p0 // OLD
sint ucstrnicmp ( const ucstring & s0 , uint p0 , uint n0 , const ucstring & s1 ) ; // OLD
/** Compute a non-continuous noise with uniform repartition in [0, 1], with the given noise object
* By default repartition is not uniform for noise
float computeUniformNoise ( const NLMISC : : CNoiseValue & nv , const NLMISC : : CVector & pos ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void computeCurrentFovAspectRatio ( float & fov , float & ar ) ;
/** draw a disc in a bitmap
* \ TODO : find a place for this in NLMISC
void drawDisc ( NLMISC : : CBitmap & dest , float x , float y , float radius , const NLMISC : : CRGBA & color , bool additif = false , uint numSegs = 127 ) ;
// helper : get pointer to the current sky scene (new sky code, or fallback on old sky scene for continent that do not use the new system)
NL3D : : UScene * getSkyScene ( ) ;
// set emissive on all material of an instance (alpha is left unmodified)
void setEmissive ( NL3D : : UInstance instance , const NLMISC : : CRGBA & color ) ;
// set diffuse on all material of an instance (not including alpha)
void setDiffuse ( NL3D : : UInstance instance , bool onOff , const NLMISC : : CRGBA & color ) ;
// make an instance transparent (uses values from the shape material as a reference)
void makeInstanceTransparent ( NL3D : : UInstance & inst , uint8 opacity , bool disableZWrite ) ;
// change the video mode, possibly centering the software mouse cursor if going to fullscreen
void setVideoMode ( const NL3D : : UDriver : : CMode & mode ) ;
// Get the current color depth (8, 16, or 32). In windowed mode, this will be the desktop color depth, in fullscreen mode, the color depth of the framebuffer.
uint getCurrentColorDepth ( ) ;
// get maximized
bool isWindowMaximized ( ) ;
// get all supported video modes
bool getRyzomModes ( std : : vector < NL3D : : UDriver : : CMode > & videoModes , std : : vector < std : : string > & stringModeList , std : : vector < std : : string > & stringFreqList , sint & nFoundMode , sint & nFoundFreq ) ;
# endif // CL_MISC_H
/* End of misc.h */