// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include "std3d.h"
# include "nel/misc/hierarchical_timer.h"
# include "nel/3d/skeleton_model.h"
# include "nel/3d/hrc_trav.h"
# include "nel/3d/clip_trav.h"
# include "nel/3d/anim_detail_trav.h"
# include "nel/3d/render_trav.h"
# include "nel/3d/skeleton_shape.h"
# include "nel/3d/scene.h"
# include "nel/3d/lod_character_manager.h"
# include "nel/3d/lod_character_shape.h"
# include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
# include "nel/misc/aabbox.h"
# include "nel/3d/vertex_stream_manager.h"
# include "nel/3d/mesh_base_instance.h"
# include "nel/3d/async_texture_manager.h"
using namespace std ;
using namespace NLMISC ;
# ifdef DEBUG_NEW
# define new DEBUG_NEW
# endif
namespace NL3D
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : registerBasic ( )
CScene : : registerModel ( SkeletonModelId , TransformShapeId , CSkeletonModel : : creator ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
CTrackDefaultString CSkeletonModel : : _DefaultSpawnScript ;
// ***************************************************************************
IAnimatedValue * CSkeletonModel : : getValue ( uint valueId )
// what value ?
switch ( valueId )
case SpawnScriptValue : return & _SpawnScript ;
return CTransformShape : : getValue ( valueId ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
const char * CSkeletonModel : : getValueName ( uint valueId ) const
// what value ?
switch ( valueId )
case SpawnScriptValue : return getSpawnScriptValueName ( ) ;
return CTransformShape : : getValueName ( valueId ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
ITrack * CSkeletonModel : : getDefaultTrack ( uint valueId )
// what value ?
switch ( valueId )
case SpawnScriptValue : return & _DefaultSpawnScript ;
return CTransformShape : : getDefaultTrack ( valueId ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : registerToChannelMixer ( CChannelMixer * chanMixer , const std : : string & prefix )
/* add the Spawn Script value. The animation is evaluated at detail time, as the script evaluation.
This seems dangerous ( create and delete models at evalDetail time ) but works because :
- deletedModels ( ) in a current CScene : : render ( ) are delayed to end of render ( )
and are " temp removed " from the render trav
- createdModels ( ) in CSkeletonSpawnScript are delayed to the end of CScene : : render ( )
- if a skeleton is not visible , or in LOD form , then its sticked SpawnedModels are not visible too ,
whether or not they are too old regarding the animation time
_SpawnScriptChannelId = addValue ( chanMixer , SpawnScriptValue , OwnerBit , prefix , true ) ;
// add standard
CTransformShape : : registerToChannelMixer ( chanMixer , prefix ) ;
// Add any bones.
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < Bones . size ( ) ; i + + )
// append bonename.
Bones [ i ] . registerToChannelMixer ( chanMixer , prefix + Bones [ i ] . getBoneName ( ) + " . " ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
CSkeletonModel : : CSkeletonModel ( )
IAnimatable : : resize ( AnimValueLast ) ;
_DisplayedAsLodCharacter = false ;
_LodCharacterDistance = 0 ;
_OOLodCharacterDistance = 0 ;
_IsEnableLOD = true ;
_DefaultMRMSetup = true ;
_SkinToRenderDirty = false ;
_CLodVertexAlphaDirty = true ;
_LodEmit = CRGBA : : Black ;
// Inform the transform that I am a skeleton
CTransform : : setIsSkeleton ( true ) ;
// By default, no skins, hence, impossible to have transparent pass. But opaque pass is always possible
// because of CLod rendering
setOpacity ( true ) ;
setTransparency ( false ) ;
// AnimDetail behavior: Must be traversed in AnimDetail, even if no channel mixer registered
CTransform : : setIsForceAnimDetail ( true ) ;
// LoadBalancing behavior. true because directly act on skins to draw all their MRM level
CTransform : : setIsLoadbalancable ( true ) ;
// Lighting behavior. Lightable because skins/stickedObjects may surely need its LightContribution
CTransform : : setIsLightable ( true ) ;
// Render behavior. Always renderable, because either render the skeleton as a CLod, or render skins
CTransform : : setIsRenderable ( true ) ;
// build a bug-free level detail
buildDefaultLevelDetail ( ) ;
// RenderFilter: We are a skeleton
_RenderFilterType = UScene : : FilterSkeleton ;
_AnimCtrlUsage = 0 ;
// ShadowMap
CTransform : : setIsShadowMapCaster ( true ) ;
_ShadowMap = NULL ;
// SpawnScript
_SSSWOPos = CVector : : Null ;
_SSSWODir = CVector : : J ;
_SpawnScriptChannelId = - 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
CSkeletonModel : : ~ CSkeletonModel ( )
// if initModel() called
if ( getOwnerScene ( ) )
// release the _SpawnScriptEvaluator (delete any instance sticked)
_SpawnScriptEvaluator . release ( getOwnerScene ( ) ) ;
// remove from scene
getOwnerScene ( ) - > eraseSkeletonModelToList ( _ItSkeletonInScene ) ;
// detach skeleton sons from skins.
while ( _Skins . begin ( ) ! = _Skins . end ( ) )
detachSkeletonSon ( * _Skins . begin ( ) ) ;
// detach skeleton sons from sticked objects.
while ( _StickedObjects . begin ( ) ! = _StickedObjects . end ( ) )
detachSkeletonSon ( * _StickedObjects . begin ( ) ) ;
// Free Lod instance
setLodCharacterShape ( - 1 ) ;
// delete the shadowMap
deleteShadowMap ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : initModel ( )
// Link this skeleton to the CScene.
_ItSkeletonInScene = getOwnerScene ( ) - > appendSkeletonModelToList ( this ) ;
// Call base class
CTransformShape : : initModel ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : initBoneUsages ( )
// reset all to 0.
_BoneUsage . resize ( Bones . size ( ) ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < _BoneUsage . size ( ) ; i + + )
_BoneUsage [ i ] . Usage = 0 ;
_BoneUsage [ i ] . ForcedUsage = 0 ;
_BoneUsage [ i ] . CLodForcedUsage = 0 ;
_BoneUsage [ i ] . MustCompute = 0 ;
_BoneUsage [ i ] . ValidBoneSkinMatrix = 0 ;
// reserve space for bone to compute
_BoneToCompute . reserve ( Bones . size ( ) ) ;
_BoneToComputeDirty = false ;
_CurLod = 0 ;
_CurLodInterp = 1.f ;
// Default is 0.5 meters.
_LodInterpMultiplier = 1.f / 0.5f ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : incBoneUsage ( uint i , TBoneUsageType boneUsageType )
nlassert ( i < _BoneUsage . size ( ) ) ;
// Get ptr on according refCount
uint16 * usagePtr ;
if ( boneUsageType = = UsageNormal )
usagePtr = & _BoneUsage [ i ] . Usage ;
else if ( boneUsageType = = UsageForced )
usagePtr = & _BoneUsage [ i ] . ForcedUsage ;
usagePtr = & _BoneUsage [ i ] . CLodForcedUsage ;
// If the bone was not used before, must update MustCompute.
if ( * usagePtr = = 0 )
_BoneToComputeDirty = true ;
// Inc the refCount of the bone.
nlassert ( * usagePtr < 65535 ) ;
( * usagePtr ) + + ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : decBoneUsage ( uint i , TBoneUsageType boneUsageType )
nlassert ( i < _BoneUsage . size ( ) ) ;
// Get ptr on according refCount
uint16 * usagePtr ;
if ( boneUsageType = = UsageNormal )
usagePtr = & _BoneUsage [ i ] . Usage ;
else if ( boneUsageType = = UsageForced )
usagePtr = & _BoneUsage [ i ] . ForcedUsage ;
usagePtr = & _BoneUsage [ i ] . CLodForcedUsage ;
// If the bone was used before (and now won't be more), must update MustCompute.
if ( * usagePtr = = 1 )
_BoneToComputeDirty = true ;
// Inc the refCount of the bone.
nlassert ( * usagePtr > 0 ) ;
( * usagePtr ) - - ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : flagBoneAndParents ( uint32 boneId , std : : vector < bool > & boneUsage ) const
nlassert ( boneUsage . size ( ) = = Bones . size ( ) ) ;
nlassert ( boneId < Bones . size ( ) ) ;
// Flag this bone.
boneUsage [ boneId ] = true ;
// if has father, flag it (recurs).
sint fatherId = Bones [ boneId ] . getFatherId ( ) ;
if ( fatherId > = 0 )
flagBoneAndParents ( fatherId , boneUsage ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : incForcedBoneUsageAndParents ( uint i , bool forceCLod )
// inc forced.
incBoneUsage ( i , forceCLod ? UsageCLodForced : UsageForced ) ;
// recurs to father
sint fatherId = Bones [ i ] . getFatherId ( ) ;
// if not a root bone...
if ( fatherId > = 0 )
incForcedBoneUsageAndParents ( fatherId , forceCLod ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : decForcedBoneUsageAndParents ( uint i , bool forceCLod )
// dec forced
decBoneUsage ( i , forceCLod ? UsageCLodForced : UsageForced ) ;
// recurs to father
sint fatherId = Bones [ i ] . getFatherId ( ) ;
// if not a root bone...
if ( fatherId > = 0 )
decForcedBoneUsageAndParents ( fatherId , forceCLod ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : updateBoneToCompute ( )
// If already computed, skip
if ( ! _BoneToComputeDirty )
return ;
// get the channelMixer owned by CTransform.
CChannelMixer * chanMixer = getChannelMixer ( ) ;
// Get Lod infos from skeletonShape
CSkeletonShape * skeShape = ( CSkeletonShape * ) ( IShape * ) Shape ;
const CSkeletonShape : : CLod & lod = skeShape - > getLod ( _CurLod ) ;
// reset _BoneToCompute
_BoneToCompute . clear ( ) ;
// For all bones
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < _BoneUsage . size ( ) ; i + + )
// If we are in CLod mode
if ( isDisplayedAsLodCharacter ( ) )
// don't compute the bone
_BoneUsage [ i ] . MustCompute = 0 ;
// set MustCompute to non 0 if (Usage && Lod) || ForcedUsage;
_BoneUsage [ i ] . MustCompute = ( _BoneUsage [ i ] . Usage & lod . ActiveBones [ i ] ) | _BoneUsage [ i ] . ForcedUsage ;
// if CLodForcedUsage for the bone, it must be computed, whatever _DisplayedAsLodCharacter state
_BoneUsage [ i ] . MustCompute | = _BoneUsage [ i ] . CLodForcedUsage ;
// If the bone must be computed (if !0)
if ( _BoneUsage [ i ] . MustCompute )
// lodEnable the channels of this bone
if ( chanMixer )
Bones [ i ] . lodEnableChannels ( chanMixer , true ) ;
// This bone is computed => take his valid boneSkinMatrix.
_BoneUsage [ i ] . ValidBoneSkinMatrix = i ;
// Append to the list to compute.
CBoneCompute bc ;
bc . Bone = & Bones [ i ] ;
sint fatherId = Bones [ i ] . getFatherId ( ) ;
// if a root bone...
if ( fatherId = = - 1 )
bc . Father = NULL ;
bc . Father = & Bones [ fatherId ] ;
// MustInterpolate??
bc . MustInterpolate = false ;
const CSkeletonShape : : CLod * lodNext = NULL ;
// if a lod exist after current lod, and if lod interpolation enabled
if ( _CurLod < skeShape - > getNumLods ( ) - 1 & & _LodInterpMultiplier > 0 )
// get next lod.
lodNext = & skeShape - > getLod ( _CurLod + 1 ) ;
// Lod interpolation on this bone ?? only if at next lod, the bone is disabled.
// And only if it is not enabed because of a "Forced reason"
// Must also have a father, esle can't interpolate.
if ( lodNext - > ActiveBones [ i ] = = 0 & & _BoneUsage [ i ] . ForcedUsage = = 0 & & _BoneUsage [ i ] . CLodForcedUsage = = 0
& & bc . Father )
bc . MustInterpolate = true ;
// append
_BoneToCompute . push_back ( bc ) ;
// lodDisable the channels of this bone
if ( chanMixer )
Bones [ i ] . lodEnableChannels ( chanMixer , false ) ;
// This bone is not computed => take the valid boneSkinMatrix of his father
sint fatherId = Bones [ i ] . getFatherId ( ) ;
if ( fatherId < 0 )
// just take me, even if not computed.
_BoneUsage [ i ] . ValidBoneSkinMatrix = i ;
// NB: father ValidBoneSkinMatrix already computed because of the hierarchy order of Bones array.
_BoneUsage [ i ] . ValidBoneSkinMatrix = _BoneUsage [ fatherId ] . ValidBoneSkinMatrix ;
// Enable SpawnScript animation only if we are not in CLod
if ( _SpawnScriptChannelId > = 0 & & chanMixer )
chanMixer - > lodEnableChannel ( _SpawnScriptChannelId , ! isDisplayedAsLodCharacter ( ) ) ;
// computed
_BoneToComputeDirty = false ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CSkeletonModel : : isBoneComputed ( uint boneId ) const
if ( boneId > = _BoneUsage . size ( ) )
return false ;
return _BoneUsage [ boneId ] . MustCompute ! = 0 & & isClipVisible ( ) ;
// struct used by CSkeletonModel::forceComputeBone only
struct CForceComputeBoneInfo
CTransform * Transform ;
uint StickBoneID ; // if the transform is a skeleton, gives the bone to which child of interest is sticked
} ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CSkeletonModel : : forceComputeBone ( uint boneId )
if ( boneId > = _BoneUsage . size ( ) ) return false ;
// build list of ancestor, then must build
std : : vector < CForceComputeBoneInfo > ancestors ;
// count the number of ancestors (to avoid unwanted alloc with vector)
uint numAncestors = 1 ;
CTransform * currTransform = this ;
for ( ; ; )
currTransform = currTransform - > _HrcParent ? currTransform - > _HrcParent : currTransform - > _FatherSkeletonModel ; // find father transform (maybe a skeleton or a std transform)
if ( ! currTransform ) break ; // root reached ?
+ + numAncestors ;
ancestors . reserve ( numAncestors ) ;
// build list of ancestor
currTransform = this ;
uint currStickBone = boneId ;
for ( ; ; )
// if curr transform is a skeleton, animate all bone from stick bone to the root bone
if ( currTransform - > isSkeleton ( ) )
if ( _ChannelMixer )
CSkeletonModel * skel = static_cast < CSkeletonModel * > ( currTransform ) ;
nlassert ( boneId < skel - > _BoneUsage . size ( ) ) ;
nlassert ( currStickBone < skel - > Bones . size ( ) ) ;
sint currBoneIndex = currStickBone ;
// force channel mixer to eval for that bone
while ( currBoneIndex ! = - 1 )
nlassert ( ( uint ) currBoneIndex < skel - > Bones . size ( ) ) ;
skel - > Bones [ currBoneIndex ] . forceAnimate ( * _ChannelMixer ) ;
currBoneIndex = skel - > Bones [ currBoneIndex ] . getFatherId ( ) ;
// update stickBone ID (if father is a skeleton)
currStickBone = _FatherBoneId ;
CForceComputeBoneInfo fcbi ;
fcbi . StickBoneID = currStickBone ;
fcbi . Transform = currTransform ;
ancestors . push_back ( fcbi ) ;
currTransform = currTransform - > _HrcParent ? currTransform - > _HrcParent : currTransform - > _FatherSkeletonModel ; // find father transform (maybe a skeleton or a std transform)
if ( ! currTransform ) break ; // root reached ?
// bones must be recomputed from father bone to sons, so must traverse bones until root is reached to retrieve correct ordering
CBone * OrderedBone [ MaxNumBones ] ;
const CMatrix * parentWorldMatrix = & CMatrix : : Identity ;
for ( std : : vector < CForceComputeBoneInfo > : : reverse_iterator it = ancestors . rbegin ( ) ; it ! = ancestors . rend ( ) ; + + it )
// update world matrix (NB : the call to getmatrix will update the local matrix)
it - > Transform - > setWorldMatrix ( * parentWorldMatrix * it - > Transform - > getMatrix ( ) ) ;
if ( it - > Transform - > isSkeleton ( ) )
CSkeletonModel * skel = static_cast < CSkeletonModel * > ( it - > Transform ) ;
// reorder bones
uint numBones = 0 ;
nlassert ( it - > StickBoneID < skel - > Bones . size ( ) ) ;
sint currBoneIndex = it - > StickBoneID ;
nlassert ( currBoneIndex ! = - 1 ) ;
nlassert ( numBones < MaxNumBones ) ;
nlassert ( ( uint ) currBoneIndex < skel - > Bones . size ( ) ) ;
OrderedBone [ numBones ] = & skel - > Bones [ currBoneIndex ] ;
currBoneIndex = OrderedBone [ numBones ] - > getFatherId ( ) ;
+ + numBones ;
while ( currBoneIndex ! = - 1 ) ;
const CMatrix & modelWorldMatrix = it - > Transform - > getWorldMatrix ( ) ;
// recompute bones
CBone * fatherBone = NULL ;
while ( numBones - - )
OrderedBone [ numBones ] - > compute ( fatherBone , modelWorldMatrix , NULL ) ;
fatherBone = OrderedBone [ numBones ] ;
parentWorldMatrix = & ( OrderedBone [ 0 ] - > getWorldMatrix ( ) ) ;
parentWorldMatrix = & it - > Transform - > getWorldMatrix ( ) ;
return true ;
// ***************************************************************************
const NLMISC : : CMatrix & CSkeletonModel : : getActiveBoneSkinMatrix ( uint boneId ) const
// Get me or first father with MustCompute==true.
uint validBoneId = _BoneUsage [ boneId ] . ValidBoneSkinMatrix ;
// return his WorldMatrix.
return Bones [ validBoneId ] . getBoneSkinMatrix ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CSkeletonModel : : bindSkin ( CTransform * mi )
nlassert ( mi ) ;
if ( ! mi - > isSkinnable ( ) )
return false ;
// try to detach this object from any skeleton first (possibly me).
if ( mi - > _FatherSkeletonModel )
mi - > _FatherSkeletonModel - > detachSkeletonSon ( mi ) ;
// Then Add me.
_Skins . insert ( mi ) ;
// advert skin transform it is skinned.
mi - > _FatherSkeletonModel = this ;
// setApplySkin() use _FatherSkeletonModel to computeBonesId() and to update current skeleton bone usage.
mi - > setApplySkin ( true ) ;
// Unlink the Skin from Hrc and clip, because SkeletonModel now does the job for him.
// First ensure that the transform is not frozen (unlink from some quadGrids etc...)
mi - > unfreezeHRC ( ) ;
// then never re-parse in validateList/Hrc/Clip
mi - > unlinkFromUpdateList ( ) ;
mi - > hrcUnlink ( ) ;
// ClipTrav is a graph, so must unlink from ALL olds models.
mi - > clipUnlinkFromAll ( ) ;
// Ensure flag is correct
mi - > _ClipLinkedInSonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup = false ;
// must recompute lod vertex alpha when LodCharacter used
dirtLodVertexAlpha ( ) ;
// must recompute list of skins.
dirtSkinRenderLists ( ) ;
// Ok, skinned
return true ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : stickObject ( CTransform * mi , uint boneId )
// by default don't force display of "mi" if the skeleton become in CLod state
stickObjectEx ( mi , boneId , false ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : stickObjectEx ( CTransform * mi , uint boneId , bool forceCLod )
nlassert ( mi ) ;
// if "mi" is a skeleton, forceCLod must be true, for correct animation purpose
if ( dynamic_cast < CSkeletonModel * > ( mi ) )
forceCLod = true ;
// try to detach this object from any skeleton first (possibly me).
if ( mi - > _FatherSkeletonModel )
mi - > _FatherSkeletonModel - > detachSkeletonSon ( mi ) ;
// Then Add me.
_StickedObjects . insert ( mi ) ;
// increment the refCount usage of the bone
incForcedBoneUsageAndParents ( boneId , forceCLod ) ;
// advert transform of its sticked state.
mi - > _FatherSkeletonModel = this ;
mi - > _FatherBoneId = boneId ;
// advert him if it is "ForceCLod" sticked
mi - > _ForceCLodSticked = forceCLod ;
// link correctly Hrc only. ClipTrav grah updated in Hrc traversal.
hrcLinkSon ( mi ) ;
// must recompute lod vertex alpha when LodCharacter used
dirtLodVertexAlpha ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : detachSkeletonSon ( CTransform * tr )
nlassert ( tr ) ;
// If the instance is not binded/sticked to the skeleton, exit.
if ( tr - > _FatherSkeletonModel ! = this )
return ;
// try to erase from StickObject.
_StickedObjects . erase ( tr ) ;
// try to erase from Skins.
_Skins . erase ( tr ) ;
// If the instance is not skinned, then it is sticked
bool wasSkinned = tr - > isSkinned ( ) ! = 0 ;
if ( ! wasSkinned )
// Then decrement Bone Usage RefCount. Decrement from CLodForcedUsage if was sticked with forceCLod==true
decForcedBoneUsageAndParents ( tr - > _FatherBoneId , tr - > _ForceCLodSticked ) ;
// it is skinned, advert the skinning is no more OK.
// setApplySkin() use _FatherSkeletonModel to update current skeleton bone usage.
tr - > setApplySkin ( false ) ;
// advert transform it is no more sticked/skinned.
tr - > _FatherSkeletonModel = NULL ;
tr - > _ForceCLodSticked = false ;
// link correctly Hrc / Clip / UpdateList...
getOwnerScene ( ) - > getRoot ( ) - > hrcLinkSon ( tr ) ;
if ( ! wasSkinned )
// No-op. ClipTrav graph/UpdateList updated in Hrc traversal.
// Skin case: must do the Job here.
// Update ClipTrav here.
getOwnerScene ( ) - > getRoot ( ) - > clipAddChild ( tr ) ;
// Must re-add to the update list.
tr - > linkToUpdateList ( ) ;
// must recompute lod vertex alpha when LodCharacter used
dirtLodVertexAlpha ( ) ;
// must recompute list of skins if was skinned
if ( wasSkinned )
dirtSkinRenderLists ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CSkeletonModel : : getBoneIdByName ( const std : : string & name ) const
CSkeletonShape * shp = safe_cast < CSkeletonShape * > ( ( IShape * ) Shape ) ;
return shp - > getBoneIdByName ( name ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : setInterpolationDistance ( float dist )
dist = std : : max ( 0.f , dist ) ;
// disable interpolation?
if ( dist = = 0 )
_LodInterpMultiplier = 0.f ;
_LodInterpMultiplier = 1.f / dist ;
// ***************************************************************************
float CSkeletonModel : : getInterpolationDistance ( ) const
if ( _LodInterpMultiplier = = 0 )
return 0.f ;
return 1.f / _LodInterpMultiplier ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : traverseAnimDetail ( )
CSkeletonShape * skeShape = ( ( CSkeletonShape * ) ( IShape * ) Shape ) ;
/* NB: If "this" skeleton has an AncestorSkeletonModel displayed but "this" skeleton is clipped,
it will be still animDetailed .
So its possible sticked sons will be displayed with correct WorldMatrix ( if not themselves clipped ) .
/* If the Root Skeleton Model (ie me or my AncestorSM) is asked to render a ShadowMap, BUT I am
in CLod Form ( and visible in HRC else won ' t be rendered in shadowMap . . . ) , then temporarly
Avoid CLod ! ! To really compute the bones for this frame only .
bool tempAvoidCLod = false ;
bool genShadow ;
if ( _AncestorSkeletonModel )
genShadow = _AncestorSkeletonModel - > isGeneratingShadowMap ( ) ;
genShadow = isGeneratingShadowMap ( ) ;
// do the test.
if ( genShadow & & isDisplayedAsLodCharacter ( ) & & isHrcVisible ( ) )
tempAvoidCLod = true ;
// Disable it just the time of this AnimDetail
setDisplayLodCharacterFlag ( false ) ;
// Update Lod, and animate.
CTransformShape : : traverseAnimDetail ( ) is torn in 2 here because
channels may be enabled / disabled by updateBoneToCompute ( )
// First update Skeleton WorldMatrix (case where the skeleton is sticked).
CTransform : : updateWorldMatrixFromFather ( ) ;
// get dist from camera.
float dist = ( getWorldMatrix ( ) . getPos ( ) - getOwnerScene ( ) - > getClipTrav ( ) . CamPos ) . norm ( ) ;
// Use dist to get current lod to use for this skeleton
uint newLod = skeShape - > getLodForDistance ( dist ) ;
if ( ! _IsEnableLOD ) newLod = 0 ;
if ( newLod ! = _CurLod )
// set new lod to use.
_CurLod = newLod ;
// dirt the skeleton.
_BoneToComputeDirty = true ;
// If needed, let's know which bone has to be computed, and enable / disable (lod) channels in channelMixer.
updateBoneToCompute ( ) ;
// Animate skeleton.
CTransformShape : : traverseAnimDetailWithoutUpdateWorldMatrix ( ) ;
// If in normal mode, must update the SpawnScript
if ( ! isDisplayedAsLodCharacter ( ) )
_SpawnScriptEvaluator . evaluate ( this ) ;
// Prepare Lod Bone interpolation.
float lodBoneInterp ;
const CSkeletonShape : : CLod * lodNext = NULL ;
// if a lod exist after current lod, and if lod interpolation enabled
if ( _CurLod < skeShape - > getNumLods ( ) - 1 & & _LodInterpMultiplier > 0 & & _IsEnableLOD )
// get next lod.
lodNext = & skeShape - > getLod ( _CurLod + 1 ) ;
// get interp value to next.
lodBoneInterp = ( lodNext - > Distance - dist ) * _LodInterpMultiplier ;
NLMISC : : clamp ( lodBoneInterp , 0.f , 1.f ) ;
// if still 1, keep cur matrix => disable interpolation
if ( lodBoneInterp = = 1.f )
lodNext = NULL ;
// else, no interpolation
lodBoneInterp = 1.f ;
_CurLodInterp = lodBoneInterp ;
// Compute bones
// test if bones must be updated. either if animation change or if BoneUsage change.
// Retrieve the WorldMatrix of the current CTransformShape.
const CMatrix & modelWorldMatrix = getWorldMatrix ( ) ;
// must test / update the hierarchy of Bones.
// Since they are orderd in depth-first order, we are sure that parent are computed before sons.
uint numBoneToCompute = ( uint ) _BoneToCompute . size ( ) ;
CSkeletonModel : : CBoneCompute * pBoneCompute = numBoneToCompute ? & _BoneToCompute [ 0 ] : NULL ;
// traverse only bones which need to be computed
for ( ; numBoneToCompute > 0 ; numBoneToCompute - - , pBoneCompute + + )
// compute the bone with his father, if any
pBoneCompute - > Bone - > compute ( pBoneCompute - > Father , modelWorldMatrix , this ) ;
// Lod interpolation on this bone .. only if interp is enabled now, and if bone wants it
if ( lodNext & & pBoneCompute - > MustInterpolate )
// interpolate with my father matrix.
const CMatrix & fatherMatrix = pBoneCompute - > Father - > getBoneSkinMatrix ( ) ;
pBoneCompute - > Bone - > interpolateBoneSkinMatrix ( fatherMatrix , lodBoneInterp ) ;
IAnimatable : : clearFlag ( CSkeletonModel : : OwnerBit ) ;
// Sticked Objects:
// they will update their WorldMatrix after, because of the AnimDetail traverse scheme:
// traverse visible Clip models, and if skeleton, traverse Hrc sons.
// Restore the Initial CLod flag if needed (see above)
if ( tempAvoidCLod )
setDisplayLodCharacterFlag ( true ) ;
// Update Animated Skins.
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < _AnimDetailSkins . size ( ) ; i + + )
// traverse it. NB: updateWorldMatrixFromFather() is called but no-op because isSkinned()
_AnimDetailSkins [ i ] - > traverseAnimDetail ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : computeAllBones ( const CMatrix & modelWorldMatrix )
// must test / update the hierarchy of Bones.
// Since they are orderd in depth-first order, we are sure that parent are computed before sons.
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < Bones . size ( ) ; i + + )
sint fatherId = Bones [ i ] . getFatherId ( ) ;
// if a root bone...
if ( fatherId = = - 1 )
// Compute root bone worldMatrix. Do not allow special AnimCtrl
Bones [ i ] . compute ( NULL , modelWorldMatrix , NULL ) ;
// Compute bone worldMatrix. Do not allow special AnimCtrl
Bones [ i ] . compute ( & Bones [ fatherId ] , modelWorldMatrix , NULL ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : setLodCharacterDistance ( float dist )
_LodCharacterDistance = max ( dist , 0.f ) ;
if ( _LodCharacterDistance > 0 )
_OOLodCharacterDistance = 1.0f / _LodCharacterDistance ;
_OOLodCharacterDistance = 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : setLodCharacterShape ( sint shapeId )
// get a ptr on the scene which owns us, and so on the lodManager.
CScene * scene = getOwnerScene ( ) ;
CLodCharacterManager * mngr = scene - > getLodCharacterManager ( ) ;
// if mngr not setuped, noop (lod not possible).
if ( ! mngr )
return ;
// If a shape was setup, free the instance
if ( _CLodInstance . ShapeId > = 0 )
mngr - > releaseInstance ( _CLodInstance ) ;
_CLodInstance . ShapeId = - 1 ;
// assign
_CLodInstance . ShapeId = shapeId ;
// if a real shape is setuped, alloc an instance
if ( _CLodInstance . ShapeId > = 0 )
mngr - > initInstance ( _CLodInstance ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : computeLodTexture ( )
// is lod setuped
if ( _CLodInstance . ShapeId < 0 )
return ;
// get a ptr on the scene which owns us, and so on the lodManager.
CScene * scene = getOwnerScene ( ) ;
CLodCharacterManager * mngr = scene - > getLodCharacterManager ( ) ;
// mngr must be setuped since shape Id is >-1
nlassert ( mngr ) ;
/* Get the asyncTextureManager. This is a Hack. We use the AsyncTextureManager to store very low version of Textures
( kept in DXTC1 format for minimum memory overhead ) .
HENCE Lod Texture can work only with Async Textured instances ! !
CAsyncTextureManager * asyncMngr = scene - > getAsyncTextureManager ( ) ;
// if not setuped, cancel
if ( ! asyncMngr )
return ;
// **** start process. If cannot (TextureId==no more texture space), just quit.
if ( ! mngr - > startTextureCompute ( _CLodInstance ) )
return ;
uint maxNumBmpToReset = 0 ;
// **** For all skins which have a LodTexture setuped
ItTransformSet it = _Skins . begin ( ) ;
for ( ; it ! = _Skins . end ( ) ; it + + )
// the skin should be a meshBaseInstance setuped to asyncTexturing
CMeshBaseInstance * mbi = dynamic_cast < CMeshBaseInstance * > ( * it ) ;
if ( mbi & & mbi - > getAsyncTextureMode ( ) & & mbi - > Shape )
CMeshBase * mb = ( CMeshBase * ) ( IShape * ) ( mbi - > Shape ) ;
// get the LodTexture info of this shape.
const CLodCharacterTexture * lodText = mb - > getLodCharacterTexture ( ) ;
// if setuped
if ( lodText )
// Ok, compute influence of this instance on the Lod.
// ---- Build all bmps of the instance with help of the asyncTextureManager
uint numMats = ( uint ) mbi - > Materials . size ( ) ;
// 256 materials possibles for the lod Manager
numMats = min ( numMats , 256U ) ;
// for endTexturecompute
maxNumBmpToReset = max ( maxNumBmpToReset , numMats ) ;
// process each materials
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < numMats ; i + + )
// get the manager bitmap to write to
CLodCharacterTmpBitmap & dstBmp = mngr - > getTmpBitmap ( uint8 ( i ) ) ;
// if the material stage 0 is not textured, or has not a valid async id, build the bitmap with a color.
sint asyncTextId = mbi - > getAsyncTextureId ( i , 0 ) ;
const CBitmap * coarseBitmap = NULL ;
if ( asyncTextId ! = - 1 )
// get it from async manager
coarseBitmap = asyncMngr - > getCoarseBitmap ( asyncTextId ) ;
// So if we have no bmp here, build with material color, else build a texture
if ( ! coarseBitmap )
dstBmp . build ( mbi - > Materials [ i ] . getDiffuse ( ) ) ;
dstBmp . build ( * coarseBitmap ) ;
// ---- add the lodTextureInfo to the current texture computed
mngr - > addTextureCompute ( _CLodInstance , * lodText ) ;
// **** compile the process
mngr - > endTextureCompute ( _CLodInstance , maxNumBmpToReset ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : setLodCharacterAnimId ( uint animId )
_CLodInstance . AnimId = animId ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : setLodCharacterAnimTime ( TGlobalAnimationTime time )
_CLodInstance . AnimTime = time ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : setLodCharacterWrapMode ( bool wrapMode )
_CLodInstance . WrapMode = wrapMode ;
// ***************************************************************************
float CSkeletonModel : : computeDisplayLodCharacterPriority ( ) const
// if enabled
if ( _LodCharacterDistance > 0 & & _CLodInstance . ShapeId > = 0 )
CVector globalPos ;
// Get object position, test visibility;
// If has a skeleton ancestor, take his world position instead, because ours is invalid.
if ( _AncestorSkeletonModel ! = NULL )
// if the ancestore is clipped, quit
if ( ! _AncestorSkeletonModel - > isClipVisible ( ) )
return 0 ;
// take ancestor world position
globalPos = _AncestorSkeletonModel - > getWorldMatrix ( ) . getPos ( ) ;
// if the skeleton is clipped, quit
if ( ! isClipVisible ( ) )
return 0 ;
// take our world position
globalPos = getWorldMatrix ( ) . getPos ( ) ;
// compute distance from camera.
float dist = ( getOwnerScene ( ) - > getClipTrav ( ) . CamPos - globalPos ) . norm ( ) ;
// compute priority
return dist * _OOLodCharacterDistance ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : setDisplayLodCharacterFlag ( bool displayCLod )
// if enabled
if ( _LodCharacterDistance > 0 & & _CLodInstance . ShapeId > = 0 )
// If the flag has changed since last frame, must recompute bone Usage.
if ( _DisplayedAsLodCharacter ! = displayCLod )
_BoneToComputeDirty = true ;
// set new state
_DisplayedAsLodCharacter = displayCLod ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : traverseRender ( )
H_AUTO ( NL3D_Skeleton_Render ) ;
// render as CLod, or render Skins.
if ( isDisplayedAsLodCharacter ( ) )
renderCLod ( ) ;
renderSkins ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : computeCLodVertexAlpha ( CLodCharacterManager * mngr )
// if shape id set.
if ( _CLodInstance . ShapeId < 0 )
return ;
// get the lod shape,a nd check exist in the manager
const CLodCharacterShape * lodShape = mngr - > getShape ( _CLodInstance . ShapeId ) ;
if ( lodShape )
// start process.
lodShape - > startBoneAlpha ( _CLodInstance . VertexAlphas ) ;
// build an Id map, from Skeleton Ids to the lodShapes ids. (because may be differents)
static vector < sint > boneMap ;
// reset to -1 (ie not found)
boneMap . clear ( ) ;
boneMap . resize ( Bones . size ( ) , - 1 ) ;
uint i ;
// for all skeletons bones.
for ( i = 0 ; i < boneMap . size ( ) ; i + + )
boneMap [ i ] = lodShape - > getBoneIdByName ( Bones [ i ] . getBoneName ( ) ) ; ;
// Parse all skins
ItTransformSet it ;
for ( it = _Skins . begin ( ) ; it ! = _Skins . end ( ) ; it + + )
CTransform * skin = * it ;
// get array of bone used for this skin.
const vector < sint32 > * skinUsage = skin - > getSkinBoneUsage ( ) ;
// check correct skin
if ( skinUsage )
// For all bones used
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < skinUsage - > size ( ) ; i + + )
// the id in the vector point to a bone in the skeleton. Hence use the boneMap to translate it
// in the lodShape ids.
sint idInLod = boneMap [ ( * skinUsage ) [ i ] ] ;
// only if id found in the lod shape
if ( idInLod > = 0 )
// add color to this bone.
lodShape - > addBoneAlpha ( idInLod , _CLodInstance . VertexAlphas ) ;
// Parse all sticked objects
for ( it = _StickedObjects . begin ( ) ; it ! = _StickedObjects . end ( ) ; it + + )
CTransform * object = * it ;
// get on which bone this object is linked.
// use the boneMap to translate id to lodShape id.
sint idInLod = boneMap [ object - > _FatherBoneId ] ;
// only if id found in the lod shape
if ( idInLod > = 0 )
// add color to this bone.
lodShape - > addBoneAlpha ( idInLod , _CLodInstance . VertexAlphas ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : updateSkinRenderLists ( )
// If need to update array of skins to compute
if ( _SkinToRenderDirty )
uint i ;
_SkinToRenderDirty = false ;
// Reset the LevelDetail.
_LevelDetail . MinFaceUsed = 0 ;
_LevelDetail . MaxFaceUsed = 0 ;
// If must follow default MRM setup from skins.
if ( _DefaultMRMSetup )
_LevelDetail . DistanceCoarsest = 0 ;
_LevelDetail . DistanceMiddle = 0 ;
_LevelDetail . DistanceFinest = 0 ;
// reset Bone Sphere of skeleton.
static std : : vector < bool > sphereEmpty ;
sphereEmpty . clear ( ) ;
sphereEmpty . resize ( Bones . size ( ) , true ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < Bones . size ( ) ; i + + )
// Default sphere is centered on the bone pos, and has 0 radius.
Bones [ i ] . _MaxSphere . Center = CVector : : Null ;
Bones [ i ] . _MaxSphere . Radius = 0 ;
// Parse to count new size of the arrays, and to build MRM info, and bone Max sphere
uint opaqueSize = 0 ;
uint transparentSize = 0 ;
uint animDetailSize = 0 ;
ItTransformSet it ;
// also test if can support fast intersection
_SupportFastIntersect = ! _Skins . empty ( ) ;
for ( it = _Skins . begin ( ) ; it ! = _Skins . end ( ) ; it + + )
CTransform * skin = * it ;
// If the skin is hidden, don't add it to any list!
if ( skin - > getVisibility ( ) = = CHrcTrav : : Hide )
continue ;
// if transparent, then must fill in transparent list.
if ( skin - > isTransparent ( ) )
transparentSize + + ;
// else may fill in opaquelist. NB: for optimisation, don't add in opaqueList
// if added to the transperent list (all materials are rendered)
else if ( skin - > isOpaque ( ) )
opaqueSize + + ;
// if animDetailable, then must fill list
if ( skin - > isAnimDetailable ( ) )
animDetailSize + + ;
// if the skin support MRM, then must update levelDetal number of faces
CTransformShape * trShape = dynamic_cast < CTransformShape * > ( skin ) ;
if ( trShape )
const CMRMLevelDetail * skinLevelDetail = trShape - > getMRMLevelDetail ( ) ;
if ( skinLevelDetail )
// Add Faces to the Skeleton level detail
_LevelDetail . MinFaceUsed + = skinLevelDetail - > MinFaceUsed ;
_LevelDetail . MaxFaceUsed + = skinLevelDetail - > MaxFaceUsed ;
// MRM Max skin setup.
if ( _DefaultMRMSetup )
// Get the maximum distance setup (ie the one which degrades the less)
_LevelDetail . DistanceCoarsest = max ( _LevelDetail . DistanceCoarsest , skinLevelDetail - > DistanceCoarsest ) ;
_LevelDetail . DistanceMiddle = max ( _LevelDetail . DistanceMiddle , skinLevelDetail - > DistanceMiddle ) ;
_LevelDetail . DistanceFinest = max ( _LevelDetail . DistanceFinest , skinLevelDetail - > DistanceFinest ) ;
// Enlarge Bone BBox
const std : : vector < sint32 > * boneUsage = skin - > getSkinBoneUsage ( ) ;
const std : : vector < NLMISC : : CBSphere > * boneSphere = skin - > getSkinBoneSphere ( ) ;
if ( boneUsage & & boneSphere )
nlassert ( boneUsage - > size ( ) = = boneSphere - > size ( ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < boneUsage - > size ( ) ; i + + )
const CBSphere & sphere = ( * boneSphere ) [ i ] ;
sint boneId = ( * boneUsage ) [ i ] ;
nlassert ( boneId < ( sint ) Bones . size ( ) ) ;
// if valid boneId, and sphere not empty (ie not -1 radius)
if ( boneId > - 1 & & sphere . Radius > = 0 )
if ( sphereEmpty [ boneId ] )
sphereEmpty [ boneId ] = false ;
Bones [ boneId ] . _MaxSphere = sphere ;
Bones [ boneId ] . _MaxSphere . setUnion ( Bones [ boneId ] . _MaxSphere , sphere ) ;
// Whole skeleton model Support Fast intersection only if all
// displayed skins support skin intersection
_SupportFastIntersect = _SupportFastIntersect & & skin - > supportIntersectSkin ( ) ;
// MRM Max skin setup.
if ( _DefaultMRMSetup )
// compile LevelDetail.
if ( _LevelDetail . MaxFaceUsed = = 0 )
// build a bug-free level detail
buildDefaultLevelDetail ( ) ;
_LevelDetail . compileDistanceSetup ( ) ;
// alloc array.
_OpaqueSkins . clear ( ) ;
_TransparentSkins . clear ( ) ;
_AnimDetailSkins . clear ( ) ;
_OpaqueSkins . resize ( opaqueSize ) ;
_TransparentSkins . resize ( transparentSize ) ;
_AnimDetailSkins . resize ( animDetailSize ) ;
// ReParse, to fill array.
uint opaqueId = 0 ;
uint transparentId = 0 ;
uint animDetailId = 0 ;
for ( it = _Skins . begin ( ) ; it ! = _Skins . end ( ) ; it + + )
CTransform * skin = * it ;
// If the skin is hidden, don't add it to any list!
if ( skin - > getVisibility ( ) = = CHrcTrav : : Hide )
continue ;
// if transparent, then must fill in transparent list.
if ( skin - > isTransparent ( ) )
nlassert ( transparentId < transparentSize ) ;
_TransparentSkins [ transparentId + + ] = skin ;
// else may fill in opaquelist. NB: for optimisation, don't add in opaqueList
// if added to the transperent list (all materials are rendered)
else if ( skin - > isOpaque ( ) )
nlassert ( opaqueId < opaqueSize ) ;
_OpaqueSkins [ opaqueId + + ] = skin ;
// if animDetailable, then must fill list
if ( skin - > isAnimDetailable ( ) )
nlassert ( animDetailId < animDetailSize ) ;
_AnimDetailSkins [ animDetailId + + ] = skin ;
// set the Transparency to the skeleton only if has at least one transparent skin
setTransparency ( transparentSize > 0 ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : buildDefaultLevelDetail ( )
// Avoid divide by zero.
_LevelDetail . MinFaceUsed = 0 ;
_LevelDetail . MaxFaceUsed = 0 ;
_LevelDetail . DistanceFinest = 1 ;
_LevelDetail . DistanceMiddle = 2 ;
_LevelDetail . DistanceCoarsest = 3 ;
_LevelDetail . compileDistanceSetup ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : renderCLod ( )
CRenderTrav & renderTrav = getOwnerScene ( ) - > getRenderTrav ( ) ;
IDriver * drv = renderTrav . getDriver ( ) ;
CScene * scene = getOwnerScene ( ) ;
// Transparent pass? quit
if ( ! renderTrav . isCurrentPassOpaque ( ) )
return ;
// the lod manager. no op if not here
CLodCharacterManager * mngr = scene - > getLodCharacterManager ( ) ;
if ( ! mngr )
return ;
// Get global lighting on the instance. Suppose SunAmbient only.
const CLightContribution * lightContrib ;
// the std case is to take my model lightContribution
if ( _AncestorSkeletonModel = = NULL )
lightContrib = & getSkeletonLightContribution ( ) ;
// but if skinned/sticked (directly or not) to a skeleton, take its.
lightContrib = & _AncestorSkeletonModel - > getSkeletonLightContribution ( ) ;
// compute his main light contribution result. Try first with sun
CRGBA mainAmbient = scene - > getSunAmbient ( ) ;
CRGBA mainDiffuse = scene - > getSunDiffuse ( ) ;
// modulate sun contribution
mainDiffuse . modulateFromuiRGBOnly ( mainDiffuse , lightContrib - > SunContribution ) ;
CVector mainLightDir = scene - > getSunDirection ( ) ;
// Add ambient with Lod Emit
mainAmbient . addRGBOnly ( mainAmbient , _LodEmit ) ;
/* During night, and in the buildings, it may be better to use one of the other Points lights
Test only with the first pointLight , for faster compute , even if It may fail in some cases .
CPointLight * mainPL = lightContrib - > PointLight [ 0 ] ;
if ( mainPL )
CRGBA plDiffuse ;
// get the diffuse of the pointLight, attenuated from distance and importance.
plDiffuse . modulateFromuiRGBOnly ( mainPL - > getDiffuse ( ) , lightContrib - > AttFactor [ 0 ] ) ;
plDiffuse . A = 255 ;
// compare the 2 diffuse
uint d0 = mainDiffuse . R + mainDiffuse . G + mainDiffuse . B ;
uint d1 = plDiffuse . R + plDiffuse . G + plDiffuse . B ;
// if the pointLight is lighter, take it.
if ( d1 > d0 )
// leave ambient, but take diffuse and pointLight fake Direction
mainDiffuse = plDiffuse ;
mainLightDir = getWorldMatrix ( ) . getPos ( ) - mainPL - > getPosition ( ) ;
mainLightDir . normalize ( ) ;
// compute colors of the lods.
// NB: even if texturing is sufficient, still important for AlphaTest.
// If must recompute alpha because of change of skin added/deleted
if ( _CLodVertexAlphaDirty )
// recompute vertex alpha
computeCLodVertexAlpha ( mngr ) ;
// set _CLodVertexAlphaDirty to false.
_CLodVertexAlphaDirty = false ;
// render the Lod in the LodManager.
// render must have been intialized
nlassert ( mngr - > isRendering ( ) ) ;
// add the instance to the manager.
if ( ! mngr - > addRenderCharacterKey ( _CLodInstance , getWorldMatrix ( ) ,
mainAmbient , mainDiffuse , mainLightDir ) )
// If failed to add it because no more vertex space in the manager, retry.
// close vertexBlock, compile render
mngr - > endRender ( ) ;
// and restart.
mngr - > beginRender ( drv , renderTrav . CamPos ) ;
// retry. but no-op if refail.
mngr - > addRenderCharacterKey ( _CLodInstance , getWorldMatrix ( ) ,
mainAmbient , mainDiffuse , mainLightDir ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : renderSkins ( )
// Render skins according to the pass.
CRenderTrav & rdrTrav = getOwnerScene ( ) - > getRenderTrav ( ) ;
// get a ptr on the driver
IDriver * drv = rdrTrav . getDriver ( ) ;
nlassert ( drv ) ;
// Compute the levelOfDetail
float alphaMRM = _LevelDetail . getLevelDetailFromPolyCount ( getNumTrianglesAfterLoadBalancing ( ) ) ;
// force normalisation of normals..
bool bkupNorm = drv - > isForceNormalize ( ) ;
drv - > forceNormalize ( true ) ;
// rdr good pass
if ( rdrTrav . isCurrentPassOpaque ( ) )
// Compute in Pass Opaque only the light contribution.
// Easier for skeleton: suppose lightable, no local attenuation
// the std case is to take my model lightContribution
if ( _AncestorSkeletonModel = = NULL )
setupCurrentLightContribution ( & _LightContribution , false ) ;
// but if sticked (directly or not) to a skeleton, take its.
setupCurrentLightContribution ( & _AncestorSkeletonModel - > _LightContribution , false ) ;
// Activate Driver setup: light and modelMatrix
changeLightSetup ( & rdrTrav ) ;
rdrTrav . getDriver ( ) - > setupModelMatrix ( getWorldMatrix ( ) ) ;
// Render all totaly opaque skins.
renderSkinList ( _OpaqueSkins , alphaMRM ) ;
// NB: must have some transparent skins, since thee skeletonModel is traversed in the transparent pass.
// Activate Driver setup: light and modelMatrix
changeLightSetup ( & rdrTrav ) ;
rdrTrav . getDriver ( ) - > setupModelMatrix ( getWorldMatrix ( ) ) ;
// render all opaque/transparent skins
renderSkinList ( _TransparentSkins , alphaMRM ) ;
// bkup force normalisation.
drv - > forceNormalize ( bkupNorm ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : renderSkinList ( NLMISC : : CObjectVector < CTransform * , false > & skinList , float alphaMRM )
CRenderTrav & rdrTrav = getOwnerScene ( ) - > getRenderTrav ( ) ;
// if the SkinManager is not possible at all, just rendered the std way.
if ( ! rdrTrav . getMeshSkinManager ( ) )
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < skinList . size ( ) ; i + + )
skinList [ i ] - > renderSkin ( alphaMRM ) ;
// get the meshSkinManager
CVertexStreamManager & meshSkinManager = * rdrTrav . getMeshSkinManager ( ) ;
// array (rarely allocated) of skins with grouping support
static std : : vector < CTransform * > skinsToGroup ;
static std : : vector < uint > baseVertices ;
skinsToGroup . clear ( ) ;
baseVertices . clear ( ) ;
// get the maxVertices the manager support
uint maxVertices = meshSkinManager . getMaxVertices ( ) ;
uint vertexSize = meshSkinManager . getVertexSize ( ) ;
// render any skins which do not support SkinGrouping, and fill array of skins to group
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < skinList . size ( ) ; i + + )
// If don't support, or if too big to fit in the manager, just renderSkin()
if ( ! skinList [ i ] - > supportSkinGrouping ( ) )
H_AUTO ( NL3D_Skin_NotGrouped ) ;
skinList [ i ] - > renderSkin ( alphaMRM ) ;
skinsToGroup . push_back ( skinList [ i ] ) ;
H_AUTO ( NL3D_Skin_Grouped ) ;
// For each skin, have an index which gives the decal of the vertices in the buffer
baseVertices . resize ( skinsToGroup . size ( ) ) ;
// while there is skin to render in group
uint skinId = 0 ;
while ( skinId < skinsToGroup . size ( ) )
// space left in the manager
uint remainingVertices = maxVertices ;
uint currentBaseVertex = 0 ;
// First pass, fill The VB.
// lock buffer
uint8 * vbDest = meshSkinManager . lock ( ) ;
// For all skins until the buffer is full
uint startSkinId = skinId ;
while ( skinId < skinsToGroup . size ( ) )
// if success to fill the AGP
sint numVerticesAdded = skinsToGroup [ skinId ] - > renderSkinGroupGeom ( alphaMRM , remainingVertices ,
vbDest + vertexSize * currentBaseVertex ) ;
// -1 means that this skin can't render because no space left for her. Then stop for this block
if ( numVerticesAdded = = - 1 )
break ;
// Else ok, get the currentBaseVertex for this skin
baseVertices [ skinId ] = currentBaseVertex ;
// and jump to the next place
currentBaseVertex + = numVerticesAdded ;
remainingVertices - = numVerticesAdded ;
// go to the next skin
skinId + + ;
// release buffer. ATI: release only vertices used.
meshSkinManager . unlock ( currentBaseVertex ) ;
// Second pass, render the primitives.
meshSkinManager . activate ( ) ;
/* Render any primitives that are not specular. Group specular ones into specularRdrPasses.
NB : this speed a lot ( specular setup is heavy ) !
static std : : vector < CSkinSpecularRdrPass > specularRdrPasses ;
specularRdrPasses . clear ( ) ;
for ( uint i = startSkinId ; i < skinId ; i + + )
// render the skin in the current buffer
skinsToGroup [ i ] - > renderSkinGroupPrimitives ( baseVertices [ i ] , specularRdrPasses , i ) ;
// If any skin Specular rdrPass to render
if ( ! specularRdrPasses . empty ( ) )
// Sort by Specular Map. HTimerInfo: take 0.0% time
sort ( specularRdrPasses . begin ( ) , specularRdrPasses . end ( ) ) ;
// Batch Specular! HTimerInfo: take 0.2%
rdrTrav . getDriver ( ) - > startSpecularBatch ( ) ;
// Render all of them
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < specularRdrPasses . size ( ) ; i + + )
CSkinSpecularRdrPass & specRdrPass = specularRdrPasses [ i ] ;
// render the associated skin in the current buffer
skinsToGroup [ specRdrPass . SkinIndex ] - > renderSkinGroupSpecularRdrPass ( specRdrPass . RdrPassIndex ) ;
// End Batch Specular! HTimerInfo: take 0.0%
rdrTrav . getDriver ( ) - > endSpecularBatch ( ) ;
// End of this block, swap to the next buffer. HTimerInfo: take 0.0%
meshSkinManager . swapVBHard ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
float CSkeletonModel : : getNumTriangles ( float distance )
// If the skeleton is displayed as a CLod suppose 0 triangles.
if ( isDisplayedAsLodCharacter ( ) )
return 0 ;
// NB: this is an approximation, but this is continious.
return _LevelDetail . getNumTriangles ( distance ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : changeMRMDistanceSetup ( float distanceFinest , float distanceMiddle , float distanceCoarsest )
// check input.
if ( distanceFinest < 0 ) return ;
if ( distanceMiddle < = distanceFinest ) return ;
if ( distanceCoarsest < = distanceMiddle ) return ;
// Change.
_LevelDetail . DistanceFinest = distanceFinest ;
_LevelDetail . DistanceMiddle = distanceMiddle ;
_LevelDetail . DistanceCoarsest = distanceCoarsest ;
// compile
_LevelDetail . compileDistanceSetup ( ) ;
// Never more use MAX skin setup.
_DefaultMRMSetup = false ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : resetDefaultMRMDistanceSetup ( )
_DefaultMRMSetup = true ;
// Must use Skins linked to know the MRM setup.
dirtSkinRenderLists ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CSkeletonModel : : computeRenderedBBox ( NLMISC : : CAABBox & bbox , bool computeInWorld )
// reset bbox
CAABBox tmpBBox ;
tmpBBox . setCenter ( CVector : : Null ) ;
tmpBBox . setHalfSize ( CVector : : Null ) ;
bool empty = true ;
// Not visible => empty bbox
if ( ! isClipVisible ( ) )
return false ;
// For all bones
uint i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < Bones . size ( ) ; i + + )
if ( isBoneComputed ( i ) )
CVector pos ;
if ( computeInWorld )
pos = Bones [ i ] . getWorldMatrix ( ) . getPos ( ) ;
pos = Bones [ i ] . getLocalSkeletonMatrix ( ) . getPos ( ) ;
if ( empty )
empty = false ;
tmpBBox . setCenter ( pos ) ;
tmpBBox . extend ( pos ) ;
// End!
if ( ! empty )
bbox = tmpBBox ;
return true ;
return false ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : getWorldMaxBoneSpheres ( std : : vector < NLMISC : : CBSphere > & dest ) const
dest . clear ( ) ;
// Not visible => empty bbox
if ( ! isClipVisible ( ) )
return ;
dest . resize ( _BoneToCompute . size ( ) ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < _BoneToCompute . size ( ) ; i + + )
CBone * bone = _BoneToCompute [ i ] . Bone ;
bone - > _MaxSphere . applyTransform ( bone - > getWorldMatrix ( ) , dest [ i ] ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CSkeletonModel : : computeRenderedBBoxWithBoneSphere ( NLMISC : : CAABBox & bbox , bool computeInWorld )
// Not visible => empty bbox
if ( ! isClipVisible ( ) )
return false ;
if ( _BoneToCompute . empty ( ) )
return false ;
if ( _Skins . empty ( ) )
return false ;
updateSkinRenderLists ( ) ;
// **** Compute The BBox with Bones of the skeleton
CVector minBB ( 0.f , 0.f , 0.f ) , maxBB ( 0.f , 0.f , 0.f ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < _BoneToCompute . size ( ) ; i + + )
CBone * bone = _BoneToCompute [ i ] . Bone ;
// compute the world / local sphere
const CMatrix & boneMat = computeInWorld ? bone - > getWorldMatrix ( ) : bone - > getLocalSkeletonMatrix ( ) ;
CBSphere sphere ;
bone - > _MaxSphere . applyTransform ( boneMat , sphere ) ;
// compute bone min max bounding cube.
CVector minBone , maxBone ;
minBone = maxBone = sphere . Center ;
float r = sphere . Radius ;
minBone . x - = r ;
minBone . y - = r ;
minBone . z - = r ;
maxBone . x + = r ;
maxBone . y + = r ;
maxBone . z + = r ;
// set or extend
if ( i = = 0 )
minBB = minBone ;
maxBB = maxBone ;
minBB . minof ( minBB , minBone ) ;
maxBB . maxof ( maxBB , maxBone ) ;
// build the bbox
bbox . setMinMax ( minBB , maxBB ) ;
return true ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CSkeletonModel : : computeCurrentBBox ( NLMISC : : CAABBox & bbox , bool forceCompute /* = false*/ , bool computeInWorld )
// animate all bones channels (detail only channels). don't bother cur lod state.
CChannelMixer * chanmix = getChannelMixer ( ) ;
if ( chanmix )
// Force detail evaluation.
chanmix - > resetEvalDetailDate ( ) ;
chanmix - > eval ( true , 0 ) ;
chanmix - > resetEvalDetailDate ( ) ;
// compute all skeleton bones
computeAllBones ( CMatrix : : Identity ) ;
// reset bbox
CAABBox tmpBBox ;
tmpBBox . setCenter ( CVector : : Null ) ;
tmpBBox . setHalfSize ( CVector : : Null ) ;
bool empty = true ;
// For all bones
uint i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < Bones . size ( ) ; i + + )
// Is the bone used ?? (whatever bone lod, or CLod state)
uint16 mustCompute = forceCompute ? 1 : _BoneUsage [ i ] . Usage | _BoneUsage [ i ] . ForcedUsage | _BoneUsage [ i ] . CLodForcedUsage ;
// If the bone is used.
if ( mustCompute )
CVector pos ;
if ( computeInWorld )
pos = Bones [ i ] . getWorldMatrix ( ) . getPos ( ) ;
pos = Bones [ i ] . getLocalSkeletonMatrix ( ) . getPos ( ) ;
if ( empty )
empty = false ;
tmpBBox . setCenter ( pos ) ;
tmpBBox . extend ( pos ) ;
// End!
if ( ! empty )
bbox = tmpBBox ;
return true ;
return false ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : getLightHotSpotInWorld ( CVector & modelPos , float & modelRadius ) const
// If the bone 0 is computed (pelvis), then return its worldMatrix
if ( isBoneComputed ( 0 ) )
modelPos = Bones [ 0 ] . getWorldMatrix ( ) . getPos ( ) ;
/* Else return the skeleton pos. NB: this seems useless since bone 0 not computed means no Skins.
But lighting computation is still done and may use a VisualCollisionEntity .
This system cache some infos according to position . This is why we must return a position
near the skeleton ( else cache crash each frame = > slowdown . . . )
modelPos = _WorldMatrix . getPos ( ) ;
// Consider Skeletons as not big lightable
modelRadius = 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : setBoneAnimCtrl ( uint boneId , IAnimCtrl * ctrl )
if ( boneId > = Bones . size ( ) )
return ;
CBone & bone = Bones [ boneId ] ;
// Update refCount
if ( ctrl & & ! bone . _AnimCtrl )
_AnimCtrlUsage + + ;
else if ( ! ctrl & & bone . _AnimCtrl )
_AnimCtrlUsage - - ;
// set
bone . _AnimCtrl = ctrl ;
// ***************************************************************************
IAnimCtrl * CSkeletonModel : : getBoneAnimCtrl ( uint boneId ) const
if ( boneId > = Bones . size ( ) )
return NULL ;
return Bones [ boneId ] . _AnimCtrl ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CSkeletonModel : : fastIntersect ( const NLMISC : : CVector & p0 , const NLMISC : : CVector & dir , float & dist2D , float & distZ , bool computeDist2D )
if ( ! _SupportFastIntersect )
return false ;
// no intersection by default
dist2D = FLT_MAX ;
distZ = FLT_MAX ;
// The skinning must be done in final RaySpace.
CMatrix toRaySpace ;
// compute the ray matrix
CVector dirn = dir ;
if ( dirn . isNull ( ) )
dirn = CVector : : K ;
dirn . normalize ( ) ;
toRaySpace . setArbitraryRotK ( dirn ) ;
toRaySpace . setPos ( p0 ) ;
// The skinning must be done in ray space: (RayMat-1)*skelWorldMatrix;
toRaySpace . invert ( ) ;
toRaySpace * = getWorldMatrix ( ) ;
// displayed as a CLod?
if ( isDisplayedAsLodCharacter ( ) )
// must do the test with the CLod, because Bones are not animated at all (hence skinning would be false)
CLodCharacterManager * mngr = getOwnerScene ( ) - > getLodCharacterManager ( ) ;
if ( ! mngr )
return false ;
// test the instance
if ( ! mngr - > fastIntersect ( _CLodInstance , toRaySpace , dist2D , distZ , computeDist2D ) )
return false ;
// For all skins
ItTransformSet it ;
for ( it = _Skins . begin ( ) ; it ! = _Skins . end ( ) ; it + + )
CTransform * skin = * it ;
// If the skin is hidden, don't test intersection!
if ( skin - > getVisibility ( ) = = CHrcTrav : : Hide )
continue ;
if ( ! skin - > supportIntersectSkin ( ) )
continue ;
// compute intersection with this skin
float skinDist2D , skinDistZ ;
if ( skin - > intersectSkin ( toRaySpace , skinDist2D , skinDistZ , computeDist2D ) )
// true intersection found?
if ( skinDist2D = = 0 )
dist2D = 0 ;
distZ = min ( distZ , skinDistZ ) ;
// else lower the distance to the skins?
else if ( dist2D > 0 )
dist2D = min ( dist2D , skinDist2D ) ;
// no intersection found? set Z to 0 (to be clean)
if ( dist2D > 0 )
distZ = 0 ;
return true ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : remapSkinBones ( const std : : vector < string > & bonesName , std : : vector < sint32 > & bonesId , std : : vector < uint > & remap )
// Resize boneId to the good size.
bonesId . resize ( bonesName . size ( ) ) ;
remap . resize ( bonesName . size ( ) ) ;
// **** For each bones, compute remap
for ( uint bone = 0 ; bone < remap . size ( ) ; bone + + )
// Look for the bone
sint32 boneId = getBoneIdByName ( bonesName [ bone ] ) ;
// Setup the _BoneId.
bonesId [ bone ] = boneId ;
// Bones found ?
if ( boneId ! = - 1 )
// Set the bone id
remap [ bone ] = ( uint32 ) boneId ;
// Put id 0
remap [ bone ] = 0 ;
// Error
nlwarning ( " Bone %s not found in the skeleton. " , bonesName [ bone ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ShadowMap
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : generateShadowMap ( const CVector & lightDir )
H_AUTO ( NL3D_Skeleton_GenerateShadow ) ;
// get the driver for Texture Render
CScene * scene = getOwnerScene ( ) ;
CRenderTrav & renderTrav = scene - > getRenderTrav ( ) ;
IDriver * driver = renderTrav . getAuxDriver ( ) ;
if ( ! Shape )
return ;
// update ShadowMap data if needed.
// ****
updateShadowMap ( driver ) ;
// compute the ProjectionMatrix.
// ****
// Compute the BBox in World, with bounding Box of Bones, and with BoundingBox of sticked Objects
CAABBox bbWorld ;
computeWorldBBoxForShadow ( bbWorld ) ;
// Here the bbox is defined in world, hence must remove the World Pos.
CMatrix localPosMatrix ;
localPosMatrix . setPos ( - getWorldMatrix ( ) . getPos ( ) ) ;
// setup cameraMatrix with BBox and Enlarge For 1 pixel
CMatrix cameraMatrix ;
_ShadowMap - > buildCasterCameraMatrix ( lightDir , localPosMatrix , bbWorld , cameraMatrix ) ;
// Render.
// ****
// setup the orhtogonal frustum and viewMatrix to include all the object.
driver - > setFrustum ( 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , false ) ;
driver - > setupViewMatrix ( cameraMatrix . inverted ( ) ) ;
// render the Skinned meshs, and also the Sticked Objects/Skeletons
CMaterial & castMat = renderTrav . getShadowMapManager ( ) . getCasterShadowMaterial ( ) ;
renderIntoSkeletonShadowMap ( this , castMat ) ;
// Infos.
// ****
// Compute the BackPoint: the first point to be shadowed.
CVector backPoint = bbWorld . getCenter ( ) ;
// get the 3/4 bottom of the shape
backPoint . z - = bbWorld . getHalfSize ( ) . z / 2 ;
// Use the 3/4 bottom of the BBox minus the light direction in XY.
CVector ldir = lightDir ;
ldir . z = 0 ;
ldir . normalize ( ) ;
// NB: This way seems to works quite well, even if the worldBBox is changing every frame.
float lenXY = ( CVector ( bbWorld . getHalfSize ( ) . x , bbWorld . getHalfSize ( ) . y , 0 ) ) . norm ( ) ;
backPoint - = ldir * lenXY ;
// localPos.
backPoint - = getWorldMatrix ( ) . getPos ( ) ;
// Compute LocalProjectionMatrix and other infos from cameraMatrix and backPoint?
_ShadowMap - > buildProjectionInfos ( cameraMatrix , backPoint , getShadowMapMaxDepth ( ) ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
CShadowMap * CSkeletonModel : : getShadowMap ( )
return _ShadowMap ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : createShadowMap ( )
// create the shadowMap
if ( ! _ShadowMap )
_ShadowMap = new CShadowMap ( & getOwnerScene ( ) - > getRenderTrav ( ) . getShadowMapManager ( ) ) ;
getOwnerScene ( ) - > registerShadowCasterToList ( this ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : deleteShadowMap ( )
if ( _ShadowMap )
delete _ShadowMap ;
_ShadowMap = NULL ;
getOwnerScene ( ) - > unregisterShadowCasterToList ( this ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : updateShadowMap ( IDriver * /* driver */ )
nlassert ( _ShadowMap ) ;
// create/update texture
if ( _ShadowMap - > getTextureSize ( ) ! = getOwnerScene ( ) - > getShadowMapTextureSize ( ) )
_ShadowMap - > initTexture ( getOwnerScene ( ) - > getShadowMapTextureSize ( ) ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : renderShadowSkins ( CMaterial & castMat )
H_AUTO ( NL3D_Skin_RenderShadow ) ;
CRenderTrav & rdrTrav = getOwnerScene ( ) - > getRenderTrav ( ) ;
// Render Shadow in auxiliary driver.
IDriver * driver = rdrTrav . getAuxDriver ( ) ;
// if the SkinManager is not possible at all, just rendered the std way
if ( ! rdrTrav . getShadowMeshSkinManager ( ) )
// can occurs?????
// ABORT!! ... avoid Mesh Shadowing (free shadowMap)? Replace with a dummy Shadow?
// For now, no-op...
uint i ;
// get the meshSkinManager
CVertexStreamManager & meshSkinManager = * rdrTrav . getShadowMeshSkinManager ( ) ;
// array (rarely allocated) of skins with grouping support
static std : : vector < CTransform * > skinsToGroup ;
static std : : vector < uint > baseVertices ;
skinsToGroup . clear ( ) ;
baseVertices . clear ( ) ;
// get the maxVertices the manager support
uint maxVertices = meshSkinManager . getMaxVertices ( ) ;
uint vertexSize = meshSkinManager . getVertexSize ( ) ;
// fill array of skins to group (suppose all support else won't be rendered)
for ( i = 0 ; i < _OpaqueSkins . size ( ) ; i + + )
if ( _OpaqueSkins [ i ] - > supportShadowSkinGrouping ( ) )
skinsToGroup . push_back ( _OpaqueSkins [ i ] ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < _TransparentSkins . size ( ) ; i + + )
if ( _TransparentSkins [ i ] - > supportShadowSkinGrouping ( ) )
skinsToGroup . push_back ( _TransparentSkins [ i ] ) ;
// For each skin, have an index which gives the decal of the vertices in the buffer
baseVertices . resize ( skinsToGroup . size ( ) ) ;
// while there is skin to render in group
uint skinId = 0 ;
while ( skinId < skinsToGroup . size ( ) )
// space left in the manager
uint remainingVertices = maxVertices ;
uint currentBaseVertex = 0 ;
// First pass, fill The VB.
// lock buffer
uint8 * vbDest = meshSkinManager . lock ( ) ;
// For all skins until the buffer is full
uint startSkinId = skinId ;
while ( skinId < skinsToGroup . size ( ) )
// if success to fill the AGP
sint numVerticesAdded = skinsToGroup [ skinId ] - > renderShadowSkinGeom ( remainingVertices ,
vbDest + vertexSize * currentBaseVertex ) ;
// -1 means that this skin can't render because no space left for her. Then stop for this block
if ( numVerticesAdded = = - 1 )
break ;
// Else ok, get the currentBaseVertex for this skin
baseVertices [ skinId ] = currentBaseVertex ;
// and jump to the next place
currentBaseVertex + = numVerticesAdded ;
remainingVertices - = numVerticesAdded ;
// go to the next skin
skinId + + ;
// release buffer. ATI: release only vertices used.
meshSkinManager . unlock ( currentBaseVertex ) ;
// Second pass, render the primitives.
meshSkinManager . activate ( ) ;
// Render any primitives
for ( uint i = startSkinId ; i < skinId ; i + + )
// render the skin in the current buffer
skinsToGroup [ i ] - > renderShadowSkinPrimitives ( castMat , driver , baseVertices [ i ] ) ;
// End of this block, swap to the next buffer
meshSkinManager . swapVBHard ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CSkeletonModel : : computeWorldBBoxForShadow ( NLMISC : : CAABBox & worldBB )
uint i ;
// If even not visible, no-op
if ( ! isHrcVisible ( ) | | ! Shape )
return false ;
// **** Compute The BBox with Bones of the skeleton
CVector minBB ( 0.f , 0.f , 0.f ) , maxBB ( 0.f , 0.f , 0.f ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < _BoneToCompute . size ( ) ; i + + )
CBone * bone = _BoneToCompute [ i ] . Bone ;
// compute the world sphere
const CMatrix & worldMat = bone - > getWorldMatrix ( ) ;
CBSphere worldSphere ;
bone - > _MaxSphere . applyTransform ( worldMat , worldSphere ) ;
// compute bone min max bounding cube.
CVector minBone , maxBone ;
minBone = maxBone = worldSphere . Center ;
float r = worldSphere . Radius ;
minBone . x - = r ;
minBone . y - = r ;
minBone . z - = r ;
maxBone . x + = r ;
maxBone . y + = r ;
maxBone . z + = r ;
// set or extend
if ( i = = 0 )
minBB = minBone ;
maxBB = maxBone ;
minBB . minof ( minBB , minBone ) ;
maxBB . maxof ( maxBB , maxBone ) ;
// build the bbox
worldBB . setMinMax ( minBB , maxBB ) ;
// Fake Version. Faster (-0.2 ms for 8 compute each frame) but false.
for ( i = 0 ; i < _BoneToCompute . size ( ) ; i + + )
CBone * bone = _BoneToCompute [ i ] . Bone ;
const CMatrix & worldMat = bone - > getWorldMatrix ( ) ;
if ( i = = 0 )
worldBB . setCenter ( worldMat . getPos ( ) ) ;
worldBB . extend ( worldMat . getPos ( ) ) ;
worldBB . setHalfSize ( worldBB . getHalfSize ( ) * 1.5f ) ;
// **** Add to this bbox the ones of the Sticked objects.
ItTransformSet it ;
for ( it = _StickedObjects . begin ( ) ; it ! = _StickedObjects . end ( ) ; it + + )
CTransform * stickModel = * it ;
// Do the same for this son (NB: recurs, may be a skeleton too!!)
CAABBox stickBB ;
if ( stickModel - > computeWorldBBoxForShadow ( stickBB ) )
// Make union of the 2
worldBB = CAABBox : : computeAABBoxUnion ( worldBB , stickBB ) ;
// Done!
return true ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSkeletonModel : : renderIntoSkeletonShadowMap ( CSkeletonModel * rootSkeleton , CMaterial & castMat )
// If even not visible, no-op
if ( ! isHrcVisible ( ) | | ! Shape )
return ;
// render into aux Driver
IDriver * driver = getOwnerScene ( ) - > getRenderTrav ( ) . getAuxDriver ( ) ;
// **** Render the Skeleton Skins
// The model Matrix is special here. It must be the Skeleton World Matrix, minus The Root Skeleton pos.
CMatrix localPosMatrix ;
localPosMatrix . setRot ( getWorldMatrix ( ) ) ;
// NB: if this==rootSkeleton, then the final pos will be CVector::Null
localPosMatrix . setPos ( getWorldMatrix ( ) . getPos ( ) - rootSkeleton - > getWorldMatrix ( ) . getPos ( ) ) ;
driver - > setupModelMatrix ( localPosMatrix ) ;
// render the skins.
renderShadowSkins ( castMat ) ;
// **** Render The Sticked Objects.
ItTransformSet it ;
for ( it = _StickedObjects . begin ( ) ; it ! = _StickedObjects . end ( ) ; it + + )
CTransform * stickModel = * it ;
stickModel - > renderIntoSkeletonShadowMap ( rootSkeleton , castMat ) ;
} // NL3D