// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This source file has been modified by the following contributors:
// Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Jan BOON (Kaetemi) <jan.boon@kaetemi.be>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include "stdmisc.h"
# include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
# ifndef NL_OS_WINDOWS
# define IsDebuggerPresent() false
# endif
# include <io.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <sys / types.h>
# include <sys / stat.h>
# else
# include <cerrno>
# endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS
# include "nel/misc/path.h"
# include "nel/misc/mutex.h"
# include "nel/misc/report.h"
# include "nel/misc/system_utils.h"
# include "nel/misc/variable.h"
# include "nel/misc/debug.h"
# include "nel/misc/displayer.h"
using namespace std ;
# ifdef DEBUG_NEW
# define new DEBUG_NEW
# endif
namespace NLMISC
CVariable < bool > StdDisplayerColor ( " nel " , " StdDisplayerColor " , " Enable colors in std displayer " , true , 0 , true ) ;
static const char * LogTypeToString [ ] [ 8 ] = {
{ " " , " ERR " , " WRN " , " INF " , " DBG " , " STT " , " AST " , " UKN " } ,
{ " " , " Error " , " Warning " , " Information " , " Debug " , " Statistic " , " Assert " , " Unknown " } ,
{ " " , " A fatal error occurs. The program must quit " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " A failed assertion occurs " , " " } ,
} ;
const char * IDisplayer : : logTypeToString ( CLog : : TLogType logType , bool longFormat )
if ( logType < CLog : : LOG_NO | | logType > CLog : : LOG_UNKNOWN )
return " <NotDefined> " ;
return LogTypeToString [ longFormat ? 1 : 0 ] [ logType ] ;
const char * IDisplayer : : dateToHumanString ( )
time_t date ;
time ( & date ) ;
return dateToHumanString ( date ) ;
const char * IDisplayer : : dateToHumanString ( time_t date )
static char cstime [ 25 ] ;
struct tm * tms = localtime ( & date ) ;
if ( tms )
strftime ( cstime , 25 , " %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S " , tms ) ;
sprintf ( cstime , " bad date %d " , ( uint32 ) date ) ;
return cstime ;
const char * IDisplayer : : dateToComputerString ( time_t date )
static char cstime [ 25 ] ;
smprintf ( cstime , 25 , " %ld " , & date ) ;
return cstime ;
const char * IDisplayer : : HeaderString ( )
static char header [ 1024 ] ;
smprintf ( header , 1024 , " \n Log Starting [%s] \n " , dateToHumanString ( ) ) ;
return header ;
IDisplayer : : IDisplayer ( const char * displayerName )
_Mutex = new CMutex ( string ( displayerName ) + " DISP " ) ;
DisplayerName = displayerName ;
IDisplayer : : ~ IDisplayer ( )
delete _Mutex ;
* Display the string where it does .
void IDisplayer : : display ( const CLog : : TDisplayInfo & args , const char * message )
_Mutex - > enter ( ) ;
doDisplay ( args , message ) ;
catch ( const Exception & )
// silence
_Mutex - > leave ( ) ;
// Log format : "<LogType> <ThreadNo> <FileName> <Line> <ProcessName> : <Msg>"
void CStdDisplayer : : doDisplay ( const CLog : : TDisplayInfo & args , const char * message )
bool needSpace = false ;
//stringstream ss;
string str ;
# ifdef NL_OS_UNIX
bool colorSet = false ;
# endif
if ( args . LogType ! = CLog : : LOG_NO )
# ifdef NL_OS_UNIX
if ( StdDisplayerColor . get ( ) )
if ( args . LogType = = CLog : : LOG_ERROR | | args . LogType = = CLog : : LOG_ASSERT ) { str + = " \ e[0;30m \ e[41m " ; colorSet = true ; } // black text, red background
else if ( args . LogType = = CLog : : LOG_WARNING ) { str + = " \ e[0;91m " ; colorSet = true ; } // bright red text
else if ( args . LogType = = CLog : : LOG_DEBUG ) { str + = " \ e[0;34m " ; colorSet = true ; } // blue text
# endif
//ss << logTypeToString(args.LogType);
str + = logTypeToString ( args . LogType ) ;
needSpace = true ;
// Write thread identifier
if ( args . ThreadId ! = 0 )
//ss << setw(5) << args.ThreadId;
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
str + = NLMISC : : toString ( " %5x " , args . ThreadId ) ;
# else
str + = NLMISC : : toString ( " %08x " , args . ThreadId ) ;
# endif
needSpace = true ;
if ( args . FileName ! = NULL )
//if (needSpace) { ss << " "; needSpace = false; }
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
//ss << CFile::getFilename(args.FileName);
str + = CFile : : getFilename ( args . FileName ) ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( args . Line ! = - 1 )
//if (needSpace) { ss << " "; needSpace = false; }
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
//ss << args.Line;
str + = NLMISC : : toString ( args . Line ) ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( args . FuncName ! = NULL )
//if (needSpace) { ss << " "; needSpace = false; }
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
//ss << args.FuncName;
str + = args . FuncName ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( ! args . ProcessName . empty ( ) )
//if (needSpace) { ss << " "; needSpace = false; }
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
//ss << args.ProcessName;
str + = args . ProcessName ;
needSpace = true ;
//if (needSpace) { ss << " : "; needSpace = false; }
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " : " ; needSpace = false ; }
//ss << message;
str + = message ;
// string s = ss.str();
static bool consoleMode = true ;
# if defined(NL_OS_WINDOWS)
static bool consoleModeTest = false ;
if ( ! consoleModeTest )
consoleMode = handle ! = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ;
if ( consoleMode )
CloseHandle ( handle ) ;
consoleModeTest = true ;
# endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS
# ifdef NL_OS_UNIX
if ( colorSet )
str + = " \ e[0m " ;
# endif
// Printf ?
if ( consoleMode )
// we don't use cout because sometimes, it crashs because cout isn't already init, printf doesn t crash.
if ( ! str . empty ( ) )
printf ( " %s " , str . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( ! args . CallstackAndLog . empty ( ) )
printf ( " %s " , args . CallstackAndLog . c_str ( ) ) ;
fflush ( stdout ) ;
// display the string in the debugger is the application is started with the debugger
if ( IsDebuggerPresent ( ) )
//stringstream ss2;
string str2 ;
needSpace = false ;
if ( args . FileName ! = NULL ) str2 + = args . FileName ;
if ( args . Line ! = - 1 )
str2 + = " ( " + NLMISC : : toString ( args . Line ) + " ) " ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( needSpace ) { str2 + = " : " ; needSpace = false ; }
if ( args . FuncName ! = NULL ) str2 + = string ( args . FuncName ) + " " ;
if ( args . LogType ! = CLog : : LOG_NO )
str2 + = logTypeToString ( args . LogType ) ;
needSpace = true ;
// Write thread identifier
if ( args . ThreadId ! = 0 )
str2 + = NLMISC : : toString ( " %5x: " , args . ThreadId ) ;
str2 + = message ;
const sint maxOutString = 2 * 1024 ;
if ( str2 . size ( ) < maxOutString )
// WARNING: READ THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ///////////////////////////
// If at the release time, it freezes here, it's a microsoft bug:
// http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q173/2/60.asp
OutputDebugStringW ( nlUtf8ToWide ( str2 ) ) ;
sint count = 0 ;
uint n = ( uint ) strlen ( message ) ;
std : : string s ( & str2 . c_str ( ) [ 0 ] , ( str2 . size ( ) - n ) ) ;
OutputDebugStringW ( nlUtf8ToWide ( s ) ) ;
for ( ; ; )
if ( ( n - count ) < maxOutString )
s = std : : string ( & message [ count ] , ( n - count ) ) ;
OutputDebugStringW ( nlUtf8ToWide ( s ) ) ;
OutputDebugStringW ( L " \n " ) ;
break ;
s = std : : string ( & message [ count ] , count + maxOutString ) ;
OutputDebugStringW ( nlUtf8ToWide ( s ) ) ;
OutputDebugStringW ( L " \n \t \t \t " ) ;
count + = maxOutString ;
// OutputDebugString is a big shit, we can't display big string in one time, we need to split
uint32 pos = 0 ;
string splited ;
for ( ; ; )
if ( pos + 1000 < args . CallstackAndLog . size ( ) )
splited = args . CallstackAndLog . substr ( pos , 1000 ) ;
OutputDebugStringW ( nlUtf8ToWide ( splited ) ) ;
pos + = 1000 ;
splited = args . CallstackAndLog . substr ( pos ) ;
OutputDebugStringW ( nlUtf8ToWide ( splited ) ) ;
break ;
# endif
CFileDisplayer : : CFileDisplayer ( const std : : string & filename , bool eraseLastLog , const char * displayerName , bool raw ) :
IDisplayer ( displayerName ) , _NeedHeader ( true ) , _LastLogSizeChecked ( 0 ) , _Raw ( raw )
_FilePointer = ( FILE * ) 1 ;
setParam ( filename , eraseLastLog ) ;
CFileDisplayer : : CFileDisplayer ( ) :
IDisplayer ( " " ) , _NeedHeader ( true ) , _LastLogSizeChecked ( 0 ) , _Raw ( false )
_FilePointer = ( FILE * ) 1 ;
CFileDisplayer : : ~ CFileDisplayer ( )
if ( _FilePointer > ( FILE * ) 1 )
fclose ( _FilePointer ) ;
_FilePointer = NULL ;
void CFileDisplayer : : setParam ( const std : : string & filename , bool eraseLastLog )
_FileName = filename ;
if ( filename . empty ( ) )
// can't do nlwarning or infinite recurs
printf ( " CFileDisplayer::setParam(): Can't create file with empty filename \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( eraseLastLog )
/* ofstream ofs (filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::trunc);
if ( ! ofs . is_open ( ) )
// can't do nlwarning or infinite recurs
printf ( " CFileDisplayer::setParam(): Can't open and clear the log file '%s' \n " , filename . c_str ( ) ) ;
} */
// Erase all the derived log files
int i = 0 ;
bool fileExist = true ;
while ( fileExist )
string fileToDelete = CFile : : getPath ( filename ) + CFile : : getFilenameWithoutExtension ( filename ) +
toString ( " %03d. " , i ) + CFile : : getExtension ( filename ) ;
fileExist = CFile : : isExists ( fileToDelete ) ;
if ( fileExist )
CFile : : deleteFile ( fileToDelete ) ;
i + + ;
if ( _FilePointer > ( FILE * ) 1 )
fclose ( _FilePointer ) ;
_FilePointer = ( FILE * ) 1 ;
// Log format: "2000/01/15 12:05:30 <ProcessName> <LogType> <ThreadId> <FileName> <Line> : <Msg>"
void CFileDisplayer : : doDisplay ( const CLog : : TDisplayInfo & args , const char * message )
bool needSpace = false ;
//stringstream ss;
string str ;
// if the filename is not set, don't log
if ( _FileName . empty ( ) ) return ;
if ( args . Date ! = 0 & & ! _Raw )
str + = dateToHumanString ( args . Date ) ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( args . LogType ! = CLog : : LOG_NO & & ! _Raw )
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
str + = logTypeToString ( args . LogType ) ;
needSpace = true ;
// Write thread identifier
if ( args . ThreadId ! = 0 & & ! _Raw )
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
str + = NLMISC : : toString ( " %4x " , args . ThreadId ) ;
# else
str + = NLMISC : : toString ( " %4u " , args . ThreadId ) ;
# endif
needSpace = true ;
if ( ! args . ProcessName . empty ( ) & & ! _Raw )
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
str + = args . ProcessName ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( args . FileName ! = NULL & & ! _Raw )
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
str + = CFile : : getFilename ( args . FileName ) ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( args . Line ! = - 1 & & ! _Raw )
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
str + = NLMISC : : toString ( args . Line ) ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( args . FuncName ! = NULL & & ! _Raw )
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
str + = args . FuncName ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " : " ; needSpace = false ; }
str + = message ;
if ( _FilePointer > ( FILE * ) 1 )
// if the file is too big (>5mb), rename it and create another one (check only after 20 lines to speed up)
if ( _LastLogSizeChecked + + > 20 )
int res = ftell ( _FilePointer ) ;
if ( res > 5 * 1024 * 1024 )
fclose ( _FilePointer ) ;
rename ( _FileName . c_str ( ) , CFile : : findNewFile ( _FileName ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
_FilePointer = ( FILE * ) 1 ;
_LastLogSizeChecked = 0 ;
if ( _FilePointer = = ( FILE * ) 1 )
_FilePointer = nlfopen ( _FileName , " at " ) ;
if ( _FilePointer = = NULL )
printf ( " Can't open log file '%s': %s \n " , _FileName . c_str ( ) , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
if ( _FilePointer ! = 0 )
if ( _NeedHeader )
const char * hs = HeaderString ( ) ;
if ( fwrite ( hs , strlen ( hs ) , 1 , _FilePointer ) ! = 1 )
printf ( " Unable to write header: %s \n " , hs ) ;
_NeedHeader = false ;
if ( ! str . empty ( ) )
if ( fwrite ( str . c_str ( ) , str . size ( ) , 1 , _FilePointer ) ! = 1 )
printf ( " Unable to write string: %s \n " , str . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( ! args . CallstackAndLog . empty ( ) )
if ( fwrite ( args . CallstackAndLog . c_str ( ) , args . CallstackAndLog . size ( ) , 1 , _FilePointer ) ! = 1 )
printf ( " Unable to write call stack: %s \n " , args . CallstackAndLog . c_str ( ) ) ;
fflush ( _FilePointer ) ;
// Log format in clipboard: "2000/01/15 12:05:30 <LogType> <ProcessName> <FileName> <Line>: <Msg>"
// Log format on the screen: in debug "<ProcessName> <FileName> <Line>: <Msg>"
// in release "<Msg>"
void CMsgBoxDisplayer : : doDisplay ( const CLog : : TDisplayInfo & args , const char * message )
bool needSpace = false ;
string str ;
// create the string for the clipboard
if ( args . Date ! = 0 )
str + = dateToHumanString ( args . Date ) ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( args . LogType ! = CLog : : LOG_NO )
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
str + = logTypeToString ( args . LogType ) ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( ! args . ProcessName . empty ( ) )
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
str + = args . ProcessName ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( args . FileName ! = NULL )
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
str + = CFile : : getFilename ( args . FileName ) ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( args . Line ! = - 1 )
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
str + = NLMISC : : toString ( args . Line ) ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( args . FuncName ! = NULL )
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
str + = args . FuncName ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( needSpace ) { str + = " : " ; needSpace = false ; }
str + = message ;
CSystemUtils : : copyTextToClipboard ( str ) ;
// create the string on the screen
needSpace = false ;
string str2 ;
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
if ( ! args . ProcessName . empty ( ) )
if ( needSpace ) { str2 + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
str2 + = args . ProcessName ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( args . FileName ! = NULL )
if ( needSpace ) { str2 + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
str2 + = CFile : : getFilename ( args . FileName ) ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( args . Line ! = - 1 )
if ( needSpace ) { str2 + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
str2 + = NLMISC : : toString ( args . Line ) ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( args . FuncName ! = NULL )
if ( needSpace ) { str2 + = " " ; needSpace = false ; }
str2 + = args . FuncName ;
needSpace = true ;
if ( needSpace ) { str2 + = " : " ; needSpace = false ; }
# endif // NL_DEBUG
str2 + = message ;
str2 + = " \n \n (this message was copied in the clipboard) " ;
/* if (IsDebuggerPresent ())
// Must break in assert call
DebugNeedAssert = true ;
*/ {
// Display the report
string body ;
body + = toString ( LogTypeToString [ 2 ] [ args . LogType ] ) + " \n " ;
body + = " ProcName: " + args . ProcessName + " \n " ;
body + = " Date: " + string ( dateToHumanString ( args . Date ) ) + " \n " ;
if ( args . FileName = = NULL )
body + = " File: <Unknown> \n " ;
body + = " File: " + string ( args . FileName ) + " \n " ;
body + = " Line: " + toString ( args . Line ) + " \n " ;
if ( args . FuncName = = NULL )
body + = " FuncName: <Unknown> \n " ;
body + = " FuncName: " + string ( args . FuncName ) + " \n " ;
body + = " Reason: " + toString ( message ) ;
body + = args . CallstackAndLog ;
string subject ;
// procname is host/service_name-sid we only want the service_name to avoid redondant mail
string procname ;
string : : size_type pos = args . ProcessName . find ( " / " ) ;
if ( pos = = string : : npos )
procname = args . ProcessName ;
string : : size_type pos2 = args . ProcessName . find ( " - " , pos + 1 ) ;
if ( pos2 = = string : : npos )
procname = args . ProcessName . substr ( pos + 1 ) ;
procname = args . ProcessName . substr ( pos + 1 , pos2 - pos - 1 ) ;
subject + = procname + " NeL " + toString ( LogTypeToString [ 0 ] [ args . LogType ] ) + " " + ( args . FileName ? string ( args . FileName ) : " " ) + " " + toString ( args . Line ) + " " + ( args . FuncName ? string ( args . FuncName ) : " " ) ;
// Check the envvar NEL_IGNORE_ASSERT
if ( getenv ( " NEL_IGNORE_ASSERT " ) = = NULL )
// yoyo: allow only to send the crash report once. Because users usually click ignore,
// which create noise into list of bugs (once a player crash, it will surely continues to do it).
std : : string filename = getLogDirectory ( ) + NL_CRASH_DUMP_FILE ;
TReportResult reportResult = report ( args . ProcessName + " NeL " + toString ( logTypeToString ( args . LogType , true ) ) ,
subject , body , filename , NL_REPORT_SYNCHRONOUS , ! isCrashAlreadyReported ( ) , NL_REPORT_DEFAULT ) ;
switch ( reportResult )
case ReportAlwaysIgnore :
IgnoreNextTime = true ;
break ;
case ReportBreak :
INelContext : : getInstance ( ) . setDebugNeedAssert ( true ) ;
break ;
case ReportAbort :
# ifndef NL_COMP_MINGW
// disable the Windows popup telling that the application aborted and disable the dr watson report.
_set_abort_behavior ( 0 , _WRITE_ABORT_MSG | _CALL_REPORTFAULT ) ;
# endif
# endif
abort ( ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
// no more sent mail for crash
setCrashAlreadyReported ( true ) ;